Circus Monster

By DisasterBi18

183 8 0

Vocaloid X TGG/Curse of the Sun song fic More

Circus Monster

183 8 0
By DisasterBi18

Time is dead and gone, show must go on. It's time for our act. They all scream at me. They cannot see, this curtain hides me.

Ivlis stood around the Land of the Sun, enjoying his life. Siralos and Iglis Unth were both happy, as well as he. What Ivlis didn't know, however, was that the single question on his mind could cause a dramatic turn of events, and the Land of the Sun would come crashing down. He didn't know of all the screaming and pain and suffering that would happen.

An amazing gift, so quick and swift, you were amazing. By myself I can't; they start to chant "Why are you not here?"

He didn't understand at all. His dad and his sister were not there in the castle. He had an army of people, angry people, at the door. They demanded freedom, but Ivlis couldn't do that. He needed them so much right now, of all times for them to be gone! They screamed over and over:


Grinning at me, I lay on my knees.
They want to hear me, why cannot 'he' see. I want to see you, I need to see you, I have to see you. What happened to you? We get up on stage, they jump to enrage.

The people started to get more and more agitated, wanting-no needing-to see Siralos. They absolutely demanded to see him. They wanted freedom from his dictatorship!

Ivlis was afraid, he was trying his hardest to calm the crowd. He so wanted his dad or at least his sister to be here right now! He was being attacked for not letting them see the two angels!

Why are you not here? Why is 'he' so near? 'He' wants me to sing, I just cannot bring, I say 'he's' not you, what else can I do?

The crowd was fuming, they screamed the question over and over and over, until their throats grew hoarse. Until they couldn't speak. They were passionate about this, and didn't want to lose.

Ivlis just wanted peace, but this was getting uncontrollable. He flew up above the crowd and yelled a single line.

"He is not here, and I cannot do what you want him to!"

Singing it's silent song of misery. A monster lies trapped in its own nightmare. 'He' is a tyrant, it lets out a plea.

Ivlis got trampled. Kicked, punched, slapped, stabbed even, you name it. He wanted it all to end, so dearly. So much so that he muttered the question to his father once him and Iglis got back...

"Father, are they"

Siralos gave him the look of pure hatred; he hated being questioned, doubted. He had absolute power, why should anyone question him?!

Why did she have to leave it all alone? Bound to sing for us, a worthless monster, it never sees us. It despises us. Lying so useless, we start to holler.

The next day, Siralos spoke in front of the people, saying they would be free and happy. Of course, he lied. Siralos liked being in control, why should he give it up for real? Lying was much easier. Iglis, of course, took the side of Siralos. Ivlis, however, saw what they were doing was wrong. He denied the offer to lie, and that started the madness.


His dad and sister started to behave more hostile and unkind to him. Every day it grew worse, from just harsh glares to hitting him when they saw him. They hated his disobedience toward Lord Siralos.

I lay all alone. I should have known you would have left me. 'He' smiles at me, I can not see. Why 'he's' in your place. They can't tell me why you said goodbye, right before our act. Those two young lions were always fun. Why did they leave too?

Ivlis was lying on the floor of his room, thinking about it all.

What has he done wrong? What had he done to make them treat him like this?

Was he even alone with the views he held? Was Siralos brainwashing everyone?

Who knew...

Roaring at me, I lay on my knees. What is happening?
I can hear you sing; they will not obey, they've been lead astray.

Ivlis started to tear up, he didn't know why they were acting like this. He felt betrayed and hated by his family. The tears welled up more and more until he couldn't hold them back anymore. Fearing he would look weak, he tried to hide his crying.

They've been brainwashed, that's it. They've been lead into the wrong direction. 

Ivlis tried to calm himself with it, yet he couldn't shake a feeling of abandonment.

Will I still see you?
I have to see you.
I panic and flee, they both pounce on me.

He tried to run away; run out of this house, away from those two. didn't go as planned. Siralos caught him, and he wasn't the happiest. Iglis soon joined in on the taunting of how Ivlis couldn't even run away the right way.

I fall to the ground; I can't hear a sound. I look up and see, you are not with me. Am I all alone? Where could you have gone?

He was lying on the ground, being abused and kicked. Siralos and Iglis were trying to get him to see that they, in fact, were right, but all they were doing was scarring the poor demon. He felt alone and afraid, that no one cared for him. He thought back to when he was happy, and wished so hard for it to come back.

Singing its silent song of misery, a monster lies trapped in its own nightmare. 'He' is a tyrant, it lets out a plea. Why did she have to leave it all alone? Bound to sing for us, a worthless monster. It never sees us; it despises us.

They were torturing him, in any way possible. Slowly, but surely, stripping him of any love for them he had. He hated them for doing this.

Lying so useless, we start to holler.

He was on the ground, battered, bruised, and broken. He was crying and shaking in fear of being beaten again.


He sat up slowly, shaking like a leaf in the wind. He was terrified; he felt useless, worthless, and everything in between.

Singing it's silent song of misery, a monster lies trapped in its own nightmare. 'He' is a tyrant, it lets out a plea.

Siralos began to take away Ivlis' power, just sapping it, lapping it up. Lavishing the sheer terror, shock, and confusion in Ivlis' expression.

Ivlis was terrified, frozen with fear. He tried to beg, beg for mercy and forgiveness. Siralos would have none of that nonsense.

Why did she have to leave it all alone? Bound to sing for us, a worthless monster. It never sees us; it despises us. Lying so useless, we start to holler.

Begging, pleading, even going as far as to try and cut off his own horns. Redemption was what he wanted, to be forgiven for his mistake. Oh, how badly he wanted it.

Singing my silent song of misery, this monster lies trapped in my own

Again, Siralos had none of those excuses. After stealing Ivlis' power, he began slowly, slowly and surely, tearing off Ivlis' wings. He took pride in the utter pain he was in, the unbearable pain as a part of his body was being s l o w l y being torn away from him.

Ivlis tried, tried so hard. He tried not to scream out. He really did.

'He' is a tyrant, I let out a plea.

Ivlis begged. He begged and begged until he couldn't speak, his voice hoarse from the screaming he was doing. It was all far from over, as only one wing was gone...

Why did you have to leave me all alone? Bound to sing for them, a worthless monster.

Ivlis, a crying, damaged, wingless demon. He was weak from blood loss and everything he had just been put through. He was crying softly, but nonetheless sobbing. Siralos laughed and smirked at him, enjoying his son's suffering.

I never see them, I despise them so.

Siralos kicked Ivlis, kicked him off the world they lived in. Ivlis fell for a lifetime before landing on the ground, his body giving a sickening thunk and a million c r a c k noises as his body was brutally smashed. He was alive, though.

Suffering, but alive.

And he wanted revenge.

Lying so useless, they start to holler.

He heard Siralos' taunts from down there. He hadn't moved, not a single bit. He couldn't, after all. He took the verbal abuse and just sobbed until his eyes couldn't produce tears anymore. He cried out in pain until his throat became sore and wore out. He wanted to die, he was alone and torn, literally.

He just wanted to die, so very badly.


He couldn't let Siralos get away with this. He couldn't, it broke his heart to think of that.


But what could he do? He was a powerless, wingless, weak, and crying orphan of a devil who is too stupid to do anything....until he had an idea.

He wouldn't be useless anymore. He would prove it.

Though, he could still hear their taunts, it plagues him...


Maybe they are right...

He laid still and closed his eyes, blacking out into slumber from the immense pain he had been subjected to.

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