Stars Hold Our Fate (SCOROSE)...

By live_fully

121K 3.5K 723

PG13 with some language. (Completed April 3rd 2017) {*AMAZING COVER BY @grangxr*} Rose Weasley is outraged. H... More

Studying With... Malfoy?
Almost Kiss
An Admirer
What I Want
Three Times a Charm
Out of Your Comfort Zone
The Stars
Marrying Birds
A Certain Redhead
What To Do
Thousand Years (Scorose Feels)
Dear Lily
Mermaids, Umbridge, Voldemort!
Would You Dance
Lovestruck {Chily Feels}
Drunken Nights
It's Official Now
Party Crashers
An Announcement
Thank You
Out Of Reach
Of Romance
Rescuing Potter
A New Nemisis
Awkward Moments
The Malfoy Name
The Weasley Clan
Finally The End
A Potter
Once Upon A Nightmare
The Overgenerous Boyfriend
Where Darkness Died
A Traitor
One More Day
Hell's Angel
Bride to Be
Go Green!
Property Of Scorpius
Face Off
Love Is Complicated
Never Be Alone (Feels)
Skanky Situation
Almost Dead
The Headstone Entrance
Future Fantasies
Epilogue: Night To Remember

A Plan

2.9K 90 10
By live_fully

Rose's POV

     I shoved my textbooks into my bag, getting ready to meet with Scorpius.  When I was finished, I realised there was still two hours to go.  I collapsed onto my bed in the empty dorm.

     I can't believe I RAN MY HAND through SCORPIUS MALFOY'S HAIR! I thought, smiling a little at the thought. I remembered it was soft on my touch, curls tickling my fingers ... And he called me cute!

     "You're cute when you're flushed."

     For some reason, that phrase wouldn't leave my mind.  What does it mean? Was he flirting with me?

I made a silent promise to myself never to speak of that time again. Except with Scorpius... if he brought it up.

Scorpius. My heart fluttered weirdly at the name, in a way I couldn't understand. Thinking about a set of pearly blue orbs and platinum waves —

     Shut up! My eyes flew shut, hating myself. I don't like Scorpius, I don't like Scorpius. He's an egotistical git and — and ... a Malfoy.

     Oh come on! Since when have I cared about last names? I'm not like everyone else.

     But what would they say?

     I was about to turn a page when I realised I hadn't managed to get over the first sentence.  I put the book on my bedside table and ran a hand through my hair.  My fingers got caught in knots and being too lazy to untangle them I took a hairband and tied it in a Low ponytail.

     I didn't have my hair in a ponytail that much cause it always looked a lot bushier than it was.  It was clean at the top but as soon as it hits the ponytail it bounces out in almost all directions.

I'll just go get ready now, I thought, grabbing my bag, It's early. Scorpius wouldn't be there.


     "Scorpius, why are you here?"

     Scorpius was sitting with his ankle propped onto his knee, his wand tracing the lines of his palm.

     "I could ask the same of you," He said smoothly, tucking his wand into his pocket.

     I sighed, "I left Dinner early and didn't find anything the do. Your turn."

     "No reason," he answered.

     I stared at him suspiciously.

     "I got bored, okay?" He said defensively, putting his hands up.

     "Okaaaaay," I walked up to him and sat down on the bench beneath him. "So what did we study yesterday?"


     "Right. So its Charms today," I started pulling out my textbook.

     "What did you do to your hair?" He asked, staring at it.

     "I put it up, is that a problem?" I said, not looking at him.

     "I was going to say it looked nice."

     I paused.

     Silence passed between us for a Long time. Finally I turned around to look at him, "Really?"

     "It's pretty. I like it," he said with a shrug, like it was the most normal thing on the world. Which it would be if it was another boy saying it to another girl. Which it wasn't.

     I looked for any small sign that said he was being sarcastic or joking. There wasn't even that teasing glint in his eyes, which meant he was being serious. My heart started bouncing. Scorpius Malfoy just gave me a compliment!

     I couldn't keep the shocked expression off my face. As I turned back around I started to smile, "Oh," I answered, looking down at my lap. "Um, thanks."

     A blush bloomed on my cheeks, one I was sure he caught but thankfully didn't point out.

     "So Charms," Scorpius said. Only then I saw he was blushing too, but not as much as me.

     "Right," I said, opening my Charms textbook. "We didn't have Charms today, so we'll study straight from the textbook."

     "I don't need to study Charms," Scorpius said.

     "What do you mean?" I asked.

     "I'm already charming," he gave a smug smile, which in its own way was surprisingly attractive. But not that surprising. He was Scorpius Malfoy, the guy that almost every girl drooled over. Except for me.

     Not for long, my subconscious said, freaking me out.

     "Fine, I dropped my Charms book in the toilet, okay? You don't have to look at me all weird," Scorpius said, drawing my attention out of my thoughts.

     "Huh?" I blinked.

     "I dropped my textbook in the toilet."
     "What the hell?" I said. "How on Earth did that happen?!"

     "It was a dare," he mumbled softly, but I caught it.

     "A dare?!" I repeated, standing up. "Which toilet?" I asked, planting hands on my hips.

     "The prefects one."

     "And why were you in the prefects bathroom?"

     He looked down, "It was part of the dare."

     I dragged a hand down my face, "Boys," I muttered bitterly, before sitting back down. "When do we next have Charms?"

     "Tomorrow, before Lunch."

     "Okay, then," I said, surprisingly calm after my outbreak. "We'll figure out a way to get it back, but for now just share mine."

     "We?" Scorpius repeated, incredulously.

     "You can't do it alone, can you?" I said, taking out a parchment and a quill. "You would die a lot faster if I'm not there to save your ass. Which doesn't mean we'll live."

     "You do realize how much trouble we'll get in if we're caught," Scorpius said, starting to smirk.      "It's against the rules to abuse school property."

     "I know, I'm not stupid," I said. "But before we sneak into the prefects bathroom to see if the janitor had already cleaned the toilets, we still have a study session."

     "Hey," Scorpius said, grinning at me. "Thanks."

     "It is my pleasure," I said sarcastically, but smiled in the end. "We'll finish our session at 8:00 so we can go to the prefects bathroom straight after."

     "But what about Filch?"

     "Don't worry," I assured with a devilish smile. "I have a plan."

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