Gravity fallBe stupid.

By 200180dd

20 0 1

Dipper tell Ford off for ripping a part his family. More

Dipper stand

Mable apprenticeships

4 0 0
By 200180dd

Au Mabel apprentice

Stanford pines return home he said fliping his 3rd journal to see any pages were missing look like 2nd one . He saw  a pag that grabbed very his attention because it was wirte in many different colors. It some one example the effects of love gods potions. He heard of the love gods from Bill. But never meet got the chance to meet one himself. 

Stanford finished flips the rest of the journal not paying much  attentlion. Stanford decide to look his or Stanley home now. His stomach rumble when by kitchen. I guess my eyes don't remember it but  his gut dose .Stanford felt bad about help himself to his twin food.But  it was my kitchen after all he thought to himself. 

Stanford had anything to eat in around 10 days or so. He turned to  head to the table in the liveroom after grabbing as much as food he could. Stanford froze when he saw the girl that conlamented his hands look at  them wonder and amazement. She look scared  Stanford sat next to her. Starting eating left over chicken stips he found in fridge. 

Some things wrong kid why are you up at this hour. I had nightmare she responded and I don't back to sleep because just have it again. So why are you up grunkle Ford? To be honest the same. I look through my journals to keep myself up. Then I got kind of hunger.

I can see that mabel look at her uncle mass pile of food.Have you  talked  about them with Stan or your brother. No I can't it about this guy and I thought he was my friend Dipper told me not to  trust him and he was right.I don't want listen him tell I told you so.Went right about something he hold over my head for long time. I Know that feels, One time stan was right about this girl only invited to the dance to make fun of me.

He rabb it in my face for weeks because his right.But what about stan the same no it for a different reason . Stanford finished the food and if any to that was pass it due date to dink.Try this mable said she hand stanford. A yellow  water bottle with a purple label that Mabel's Juices. 

I invest it myself would try it. How bad could it be he thought.After all the weird he force to have to drink in dimensions 52. He took a sip it really remember of a allen deserve had on travel. Do you like ? 

Ya it petty sweet he said. Really grunkle stan said it tasted like a nightmare.What it made  out? Mable light up at his question. I put Pineapple juice and Hawaii punch, stewberries gummy worms. Some honey glitter and marbles. It sounds deliciously werid.

Wow I think I could stay for a week I have so much energy right now. Me to what do you now? Would you like to see others investes? Yes love new strange device. This is my magnetic sute grunkle Ford. There was a belt with large magnet on it with a vest that had smaller magnets on it. She wear a pair fringers less gloves frigate magnets.

Do want to see my magnet gun . I used it in travels a lot sure we test them together then. Stanford took down to lab . He pulled a black case with his gold sixe fringers symbol on it. WoW that so cool Mable said. He turn it on Stanford went up to roof of lab. Mable use her magnet suite to crawl up next him.

Wow look high up we are! Aaah Mable fell to floor are you okay kid Stanford said. Yeah but that really hurt. I should know better to wear a helmet went test my inventes. So maybe we do something else then.

Mable we should take easy you got a deep cuts on leg and forehead. I'm fine grunkle my get used to.I got hurt worst than this on. My daily mysteries hunt with my brother. I go find get first aid kit . Just in case stanford dop to ground with a thad.

I think I have something that help . He pull out what look like a muster bottle . This makes small injuries heal  petty fast . Stanford squirted out a rosie pink liquid on to leg and forehead.  It warm and tingley. He got bands aid he shock to see how scars she on legs.

You maybe we should try to take it easy now Stanford said. How you we talk about you.  I have already told you my life story. Okay  well me and Dipper life in California. We came here because are parents could stand have to deal with us .

 For 3 mouth all day and night. Then they found out they could not afford to send us to summer camp. I was looking forward to going. So they sent off to go life with own mysteries uncle. But this place is better than any summer camp . 

I can't even began to tell you  all crazy we been thrown. Oh wait I can show you I will be right back. Stanford could they'er parents would sent to another state. Go life with stanley he still love his  brother .No matter how angry or how put through. But his brother was not care take material. 

Mable went to her room . She try and try to wake up her twin. Mable know that dipper look forward to talk to author as much she was. But he wouldn't buch Dipper all had havey sleep. Oh well I guess we hang tomorrow. 

Mable found her scratch book had down to her uncle. Well I guess should start the day Dipper found your journal. That was the day l got kidnapped by the gnomes. I  was on first date I ever been on . I have ask boys out before at home but they all say I to weird.

It turn out that  my boy friend was bunch of gnomes. They like me so much they want be the gnomes queen. I sure glad Dipper show up went he did. Sum how gnomes from a gaint monster and started chase us back to the shack. They us corner then I remember how I was training for the date.

I used the leaf blower to practice on. It end get face suck in it Mable started to giggle at the memory. So I act like we in wedding and got the gnomes kiss it . Then me and Dipper use the leaf below to below them away. Mable pick the journal point to the gnomes page. 

Dipper was who wrote in because he found. Woww I never would thought something like a leave belower Mable. That was  brilliant she started to turn red.  Thanks your the only one who ever said to me. Really because I was looking over some of the colorful pages. 

Since you said the bule ink is your brother. I thought the colorful ink was you well yes. You have all things. A love god and my electron carpet. I mean you in 3 mouths found the answer to things  that I was not able to discover in 10 years.

You and your brother must be petty smart kids . At least from what I have read so far. Well Dipper really smart like you. Went your brother that smart and your not books smart. People just you as a joke. 

Oh I never very though about that much. I bet Stanley felt that way people use say that was dummer version of me. I never saw him that way these. It not just that made every one at home. See as a joke they always be telling me what freaking werido I I'm. 

Stanford started fliping through the scape book. It reminded him of his journal. The  page title Fail summer romance catch his attention. Main because of the photographers of gnomes and merman. The photo of merman said mermondo he could tell it covering to others pictures. 

You meet a merman Mable? Oh yeah that mermondo he was first kiss.I'm never going to forget it! Who was your first kiss she ask cheerfully. Oh well I never had luck with that kind of thing. Stanford could over the fact that she already had her first kiss and with merman no less.

Stanford remove the big picture of merman wedding to see rest of the pictures. Let me guess are they clones he asked. Ya Mable spend the night. Tell about the time she dated a boy band of clones. 

Mable wake up the next morning. There was a note on the side of the table. You dows of went you start to tell about gabe. I love to hear the rest of the story later sincerely Stanford. Dipper came down to the table. Dipper I was talking to great uncle Ford last night.

I was thinking you been want to have some one to play your smarty pants game. Ya you DD& more D! Before I drowned off  he tell me about his college days. Grunkle Ford and mcgucket would play all time.  Dipper and Stanford play for hours.

They some got the game to come a live. The night after the game I went  to finish. Tell him the stories of weird boys meet since being here. Mable who is this guy ? That Gideon Gleeful and I don't want to talk about him.

Stanford saw the picture is crossed out with the word child psyic. Replace with the child psyo. So did you and Dipper have fun with your smarty pants game? You know before came to live and trying to kill you guy. Yeah it was stanford said but his face said no.

Wait you had fun together like I hope but you look so sad. Is there your not tell me?  Well you know the infinity side dices that cause all of this. Yeah  mable said. I thought  could Dipper with the knowledge of it.

I may sure to warn him about the danger. How it make anything happens. It turn the world into fry egg. I usely keep it lock up in the lab to keep everyone safe. Then he went behind my back and stole it from me. Then put both are life on line because of it.

Listen Mable I know you were really hopeing . We hit it off and we all buddies. But after what he pulled today after trust him. I don't know if I can trust that kid. Let a aloun hang out with him.

I see what you mean but maybe it my fault for not  tell you . When it comes to Dipper you can't warn him about things are dangerous. Because he will alway turn and do it. It how he always been. 

I don't want you to think less of him. But I think he might be use as way get over crush Wendy. Your someone different that he can up senti on. I just wanted you to know. In case his fanboying was creepy out on top this. What makes you think that?

Because to be honest he wasn't really into the super natural stuff. In tell after  he found out that he didn't have chance with Wendy.  He kinda said himself the day we found the bunker.  I mean he done before. Back home it was girl named Lucy Bolts he would freak over. 

I mean I do samething so I get it. First there was Jeff and then Gideon Glee. She stopped went she saw curious look on his face. The same face She and Dipper got went a mystery. My sorry to ask you about this.

What did he do ? I swear I wouldn't judge you. Mable told him about how she break up with him hard it was . Then he try kill me and Dipper and swore revenue on famliy. I should have listen to grunkle stan. It your fault he was using you. A sweet girl like you likely woulod thought he capable of that. 

 Stanford couldn't what was hearing. It sounds samething Bill Cipher did to him. All those years ago  just like her. He went to his twin help get out after things went south. But Dipper did try to help her.

Stanford was glad she could at trust her brother. After she found the ture about her friend. Stanford thought was interpreted. Mable started anther story about gideon. Mable could tell her grunkle seem interested. She had talk about what happened with gideon with someone. 

Man this kid must have really hate Stan. If really kept try steal the shack from him for revenge. Then thought about how he was successful at doing just that. He hadn't stopped they'er father from kick him out. He made stanley home less and just found out .

He had been try kicking him out his home again at end of summer.  What Wrong She ask his face gone somber. It nonething sweetie please go on. Gideon kept coming up new way to destroy the family.  I mean talk about a 180 one week he my best friend , then the next week he try to take over gravity falls. 

I sure know how that feel he said. Mable stood up on the table. I mean he say stuff like I'm destroy and home Stanford pines. Oops oh I'm sorry forgot for second. She reminded which stan was talking to. It alright it not frist time I've hered that before. 

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