A taste of you

By acidwasheddenim

329 4 4

The briefest glimpse of an unknown lady showing up in Mystic Falls takes Damon Salvatore, who believes he's f... More

A taste of you

Friend or foe?

71 1 3
By acidwasheddenim

I am in no way affiliated with the writers, producers or authors of the book series 'The Vampire Diaries' and am aware that the story line of acting Characters from the books and the TV series differs.

Chapter 2

-Mystic Falls; 1864(October)-

"Oh, look who still dares to step into this house!"

Stephan's low voice rang in a scoffing manner and bounced loudly through the hallway of the Salvatore boarding house. The wooden front door shut close loudly behind the slender silhouette of the older brother. Tiptoeing through the huge hall, he stumbled towards the stairs, little did he know, that Stephan had already rushed across the living room to catch a glimpse of his brother.Damon took a deep breath, let fresh air clear mind and thoughts and turned around to glance at his brother's face, creased with anger and concern.

"Dismiss yourself, Stephan!"

Parting crimson brims, his words elicited in a jerky and heavy manner and seemed to float around in the air before being formed into an actual sentence. Disgust, as well as disrespect was written across Stephan's features and let hazel hues glisten in anger and wilderness.

"That's not a question of dismissal, but of a minimum number of human comprehension!"

Anger settled upon Damon's expressions to crease finely chiselled features, forming a grimace of pain and ache.. And he could feel the adrenaline well up in the back of his throat, heat strike upon his thoughts to explode inside his eyes, Icy mirrors of his scattered in anger and guilt and shattered into glaring pieces of broken memories. His face grimaced in grief, features dampening with sadness and discontentment as if superior powers had casted a cloud over Damon's expressions. His hands clinched onto the banister's post and let his knuckles stick out a few shades lighter than his regular skin tone. White-ish petals parted in temper to let words of anger and tension barrel from his tongue:

"I've been a part of Katherine's wicked games, just as you have. It's not my fault it took the end it had to. She used me, used us and utmost used you!-As a toy to play around and carefully string together the events, this results from!"

The sound of her name let Stephan flinch in ache, knives pressed against his skin to knock ever stream of air out of his chest. He swallowed hard, shook his head in an helpless attempt to let the upcoming images fade from his mind.

"I swear to you, Damon Francesco Salvatore... "

His voice, heavy and breathless ringed from anger and blind pain and brushed into Damon's mind, bounced from temple to temple and settled down to burn into his thoughts.

",...I will make your life a living hell for what you've done!"

Damon failed in silence, let slender hands glide off the slippery surface of the banister and blinked multiple times in order to hold back his tears. The familiar eyes of his younger brother were fixed on his, glittering with anger, gleaming in pain and suffering, yet radiated coolness and cruelty that dug deeper, reaching the depths of his broken soul. Cobalt hues, framed by a curtain of tar black lashes, averted in guilt. Damon turned to leave, shoulders sank in low courage, features lovely and sad, just as smouldering orbs which spilled over. Stephan entangled slender fingers, released his fists and extended his hands not in relief, but slight guilt.

"Leave, Damon!"

He commanded gloomily, a thousand rain clouds pouring to ring his voice in sadness.

"Run as fast as you can!"

Damon headed towards the door, opened it and stumbled outside jerkily. Crimson shaded lips parted in bitterness as timid words escaped from them:

"I've lost her too!"


Damon strolled around mystic falls, the anger and disappointment still boiling inside of his mind and as mind grind against matter, the overwhelming need for blood welled up inside him, like lava inside a vulcan. He took a quiet gasp, weakened by the thought of fresh blood and pushed it away in the very next second, disgust written across his face. He knew he would need it, knew it was a part of his nature from no on and as soon as the moon had risen, evil and mercilessness would reveal within his mind.

He spotted them from afar, a small group of girls standing one by one, little umbrellas held upon perfumed hair although the sun had set already. He got a little closer, his heart pumping against his chest like it was on and about to shatter inside of his torso. He captured them giggling and joking as they were obviously waiting for someone and as soon as heavy clouds shifted across the sky to reveal silver rays of glittering moonlight, he felt the emphasising force of blood well up inside him.

Cobalt hues scanner over styled hair and pastel coloured farthingale dresses to freeze onto the delicately sculptured neck of the lady standing outwards. Ebony coloured tresses fell upon pale shoulders, shimmered in the flattering light of the moon and generated around her face to frame her features in the most charming way. He couldn't quite make out the expressions she wore, wasn't able to spot her lips or nose, neither eyes, but her fine neck was cocked in his direction as if served up on a silver plate.

And immediately his mind began to fill with the wicked thoughts, eyes casting over, resting upon the girl he had chosen. If he would be able to separate her from the group, he'd be able to.....

Taking a deep breath, he sucked his lowers lip inside his mouth, gnawing on it pensively while icy hues flickered back and forth between the girls.

He finally began to move in a rather launching manner,ambled past the group and turned halfway to shoot a light smirk at them, nodding slightly in greeting. Joyous smiles flitted across the faces of those who spotted him and several doe eyed gazes were thrown upon the same. A light chuckle escaped from his slightly parted brims as he moved to bow goofily.

"Good evening, ladies!"

The sound of light laughter filled the air as he raised his glance, gem like hues grazing upon delicate features, gleaming smoulderingly in the moonlight.

All of them nodded in greeting but only one of them parted lips, like glass pillows to speak.

"What do we owe the honour of speaking to you to, mister...."


He batted in, brims twitching upwards to form a wide smile.

"Mister Salvatore?"

The lady who spoke flicked blonde hair over her shoulder and left light blue eyes to rest upon his own delighted expressions.

"Oh, I'm just, you know, exploring the town and it's.....very advantages!"

Soft laughter barrelled from the lady's lips as his voice, deep and raspy, brushed over her skin like sandpaper to cover her arms in goosebumps.

"I'm sure, it's the greatest joy to do so, yet we have to admit that we' re all new as well!"

Raising one brow she stepped towards him, eyes like tear drops, transparent and shimmering, glided across his face.

"We're waiting for the men who belong to us to arrive!-they should be here already!"

Disappointment washed over his expressions and caught azure orbs on fire.

"I understand!"

Light anger found expression in his voice to let cobalt hues of his gleam in determination.

"I hope you'll enjoy your stay in Mystic Falls!"

Turning to head off, a bright voice called out his name, gleamed like a small light in complete darkness. She hadn't stepped out of the shadows and half of her face stayed hidden.

"I'd like to know where I can find a so called..."

She hesitated to fail in thoughtful silence before carrying on. Glittering orbs froze onto his, twinkling like wild flowers.

"...Stephan Salvatore....you must be relatives....!"

Anger was being perched upon his mind and let his thoughts spin around in wilderness and hatred. He did his best to hide it away, shot a brief smile and nodded.

"Please follow me!"

A murmur went through the small crowd as she sighed softly and followed him into the dark.

She followed him, light steps clicking on the dusty and partly cracked cobbles of the streets as the night grew darker, as if the light knew what was going to happen and faded to hide from the event's cruelty.


Her voice was small and quiet, warm and sweet, yet hot enough to melt solid steel. He could hear her lace dress rustle as she dragged the skirt across the dirty ground.

"Where we're going...." Se said, her voice ringing with fear and hesitation, "isn't quite a save place and I doubt that I'll be in good keeping..."

It was the moment he spun around, streams of cold air hit her face and cleavage and let tar black framed orbs widen in both fear and dismay. He hadn't actually or attentively studied her face, neither had she and in the whirl of hunger and need he was being soaked into, his glance fell upon her expressions only in passing. Slender hands, clinched to her waist, pulled her in aggressively, fingers digging into flushed flesh as glaring orbs of his gleamed in light blue, pearly fangs extending to sparkle in dashing light.

A shrill scream escaped from pale lips as she tried desperately to wiggle out of his firm grip, her features grimacing in horror and fear. He pulled her into his chest, tightening his grip around her waist as she flailed like a fish being caught, struggling in the air. And suddenly time slowed down to let events of the present pass like moments in time, drops in the ocean. He felt her body wiggling in his hand's grip, felt her warm, pulsing blood rush through her veins as her cause of life, drops of scarlet shaded red dropping from the small wounds the little fight caused. Holding her tight finally, he suffocated her screams by pressing one flat palm upon rosy tinted lips, her back was pressed again his chest, head cocked so that he head full access of her neck and gleamingly cobalt hues brimmed over with evilness at the sight. Her ebony lashes batted shut as one single tear ran out of the corner of her eye in both helplessness and hot anger.

Piercing orbs hit into the sensitive spot on her neck like thousand gleaming knives, pierced into flushed skin like millions of razors and let a suffocated scream bounce through the emptied streets of Mystic Falls.

So here's the second chapter....I've put so much time and effort into it but it didn't quite turn out the way I wanted it to. Nevertheless I hope you enjoy reading my story and liked the new chapter. I'd love you guys to leave me a few comments on what I can improve and maybe even a vote :)!

Thanks for reading.

-the writer

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