Going Viral

By vinylghosts

29.7K 1.4K 389

Meet 'Hope xo' other know as Maya Hart, yet no one except her bestfriend Riley knows that. Shes your average... More

1: My First Blog
2: Ending Early
3: Getting Settled
4: Taking a Liking
5: Fresh
6: Hoedown
8: Just A Quick One
9: Child Watch
10: Alone For A While
11: Leaving
12: Starting Over
13: Should We Go?
14: Coming Down With Something
15: Whos That
16: Tell Me About Her
17: A Different Lucas
18: What Was That
19: Talk About It
20: After
21: Choose
22: Oh Christ
23: Oh Lord
24: Losers
25: Found
26: Stay Away
27: Spotted
28: Ruined
29: Gone
30: Your My Home
Thank You All

7: Teach Me

1.2K 65 24
By vinylghosts

"Iv never been this close to a horse before." I said to Lucas, after putting it off for a week Iv decided to do what my blog readers have told me to do - ride a horse!

"They won't hurt you" Lucas said laughing at me. I just stared at the large brown creature that goes by the name of Troy.

"Are you scared?" Lucas asked raising one of his eyebrows.

"Me?" I said laughing, "obviously not..." I lied.

"They can smell fear, so I'd just admit it if I was you or I'll ask my horse"

"Go ahead and ask him, I'm fine." I said as Lucas walked over to one of his other horses that he'd be riding called Ziggy.

"Hey boy" he said patting his neck, "you see that pretty girl over there," he pointed at me. As if the horse would answer anyways. "Does she stink of fear?" Somehow the horse made a noise and according to Lucas in horse language that meant yes.

"See!" Lucas said, walking over to me. "Admit it Maya, your scared"

"Okay... Just a little."

"That's all I needed to know" he said smiling at me.

"So how do I get on this thing?" I asked, looking the horse up and down.

"First of all you call him by his name, or he won't listen. Second of all, you'll need my help."

"Okay... Troy... Can I get on you please?" I asked, unsure of what to do or say in this weird situation.

"Put your foot on that bit" Lucas said, pointing at a bit that was hanging off of the horse.

"Like this?" I asked, I was most probably doing it wrong.

"Move it forward a bit more." He said, so I did. "No, not that much." He walked over to me and held my leg with his left hand, very close to my butt and my boot with his right. He put my foot in the correct position. "There keep it like that" he said looking into my eyes, his hand was still holding my leg.

"Now what?" I asked.

"Now push yourself up and swing your leg around to the other side."

"I have no muscles. How do you expect me to get up there?" I asked sarcastically.

"Just try" he laughed as he finally took his hand off my leg.

I pushed up and failed the first time. Then I tried again and half way there I felt Lucas' hands go on my hips, pushing me up.

"Thanks" I said, biting my lip as I sat on the horse.

"Your welcome" Lucas said putting his hand on the small of my back. Then with his other hand he grabbed one of mine and pulled it to the reins. "Now hold onto this, or you'll fall!" He smiled, still not letting go of my hand.

"How do I move it?" I said, staring into his beautiful eyes.

"Once again, it's not a it... It's Troy." He said.

"Sorry" I said, "how do I move Troy."

"Copy me." He said as he took his hand off my back and walked over to the other horse. He made getting on look so easy, but it was actually a lot of effort.

"Your gonna need to pull back on the reins to let Troy know your in control, then your gonna wanna lightly kick into his side and make a clicking noise with your mouth to let him know you want him to go." Lucas said, "watch me" he done everything he just said and Ziggy began to move.

"Okay... My go." I said, repeating everything Lucas just done. Troy began to move forwards. "How do I turn him?" I asked nervously.

"Pull to your left on the reins or the right depending on what way you want him to go." Lucas said, he pulled on the left and Ziggy spun in a circle.

"Okay... I can do that." I began to pull but the horse was stubborn and didn't move. "What did I do wrong?" I asked.

Lucas jumped off of his horse and put him into a stable. "Let me try" he said, he climbed onto Troy whilst I was still sitting on him.

"Should I get off?" I said as he sat behind me, I could feel him and to be honest it was nice. I felt safe on the horse now and not so nervous.

"It's fine." Lucas said as he put his hands on top of mine and held onto the reins. He made the clicking noise with his mouth and it was really loud in my ear so I couldn't help but giggle, causing me to almost fall of the horse!

"Woah!" He said grabbing onto me. "You okay there?"

"Yeah, I just lost my balance..."  I said smiling, even though I couldn't look at Lucas because he was behind me.

"Okay" he said, resting his head on my shoulder, "shall we go for a ride?"

"Are you going on your other horse?" I asked, secretly hoping he'd stay with me.

"Do you want me too."

"Not really, I feel more confident on the horse when your with me."

"Then I'll stay with you." He said, kissing my check from behind which was really cute yet unexpected... Causing me to turn red!

"Scardy Cat" he laughed.

Doing It!!!

I know what your thinking! No, I didn't do 'it'... If you have a dirty mind then you'll know what I mean ;)

However I did do what you all told me to do - I finally rode a horse (after not wanting to do it for a week since my last post!)

It was scary, but I had Cowboy with me to help me through it all. I was riding his horse - I'm gonna call him Horsey on here, because why not? He's the cutest, yet so scary.

Cowboy was really great at teaching me today, although I wasn't a very great student. We planned to go out on separate horses but we ended up on the same one. Him sitting behind me was great lol!

Also I need your help, what does it mean when a guy kisses your cheek? Because that's what Cowboy done to me today...

I can't believe I haven't seen my bestfriend Sunshine in 3 weeks now! I miss you so much, call me bitch!

-Hope Xo

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