Young Justice Imagines

By Mega_Fangirl_24

232K 4.9K 1.6K

This just a book of oneshots with different YJ characters. I've made this book 'cause Young Justice is AWESOM... More

Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes)
KidFlash (Wally West), S1
Impluse (Bart Allen)
Nightwing/Robin (Dick Grayson)
Connor Kent (Superboy)
A YJ peom
Update line up
Καλδυρ'αμ/Kaldur'ahm ( Aqualad)
Roy Haper (Speedy)
Tim Drake (Robin)
One last Author note
Date Prefences
Kid Flash (Wally West)
BeastBoy/Garfield Logan
Impluse/Bart Allen
Help me, please
Dating Wally would include
Dating Dick would include
Dating Jaime would include
Dating Kaldur would include
A little Bit About Me
Dating Connor would include
Dating Bart would include
Dating Garfield would include
Dating Damian Wayne Would Include
Wow, I don't even have a title.
Dick Grayson
Jaime Reyes
Wally West
How many times have i made this post

5 Things I Love About You

2.4K 58 20
By Mega_Fangirl_24

So I just hit 135k like 135,000, you guys literally took this book that far and I'm so incredibly grateful. So to thank you I want to tell you five very important things I love about you guys. This is also for poetry Friday, even though it's Saturday. Please send stuff in.

1) So patient with slow updates, how do you guys do it? Honesty how? Because you guys are so encouraging but also patient. Thank you.

2) You always correct my spelling and are very patient with my bad grammar. I know most people don't like being corrected, but I see it more as a way to make the book much better. I'm very bad at proofreading, so if there is anyone out there who wants to be my official proofreader and see all chapters before the come out please contact me on Tumblr (@gryffindor-girl) or here.

3) I literally steel myself before I read a comment because I'm scared I'm going to get hate, but never once has anyone sent me a hateful comment, ever. You guys are so kind, it makes me smile and laugh when reading your comments.

4) After doing the 'Little bit about me' chapter I never realised how much I had in common with you guys. I think that it's so awesome, it literally doesn't matter if we're different races, or have different cultures, even different religions; just the fact that I share common ground with the people who read my book is magical. Like please talk to me more, just DM me or something. Because I'm so scared to talk to you guys, I'm so awkward. I'm sorry.

5) You are all like family. You all understand and share my love for comic book characters as well as other fandom characters and even though we don't live in the same locations, I still love you guys. Why are you so amazing!

I hope you're all doing good, and if you aren't please tell me.
Seriously please tell me, I will listen.
Again I love you guys, take care.

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