Knocked Up...AGAIN! ~ Book...

By HeatherJachmann

2.8M 55.2K 5.7K

**Book TWO of "The Taylor Family Series" following "Nine Months"** ... Matty and Sums Taylor are at it again... More

Happy Birthday Baby
The Vasectomy
Something's Missing
What Did You Say?
Back To The Quack!
Violent Vomiting
In Shock
Everything Is Expanding
Another Birthday
Shit! I forgot!
The Name Game
That Can't Be Good
Trouble Turns Two
The Ultimate Restriction
A Happy Taylor Christmas
Counting Down The Days
Daddy's 40th Birthday
Little Pieces Of You
Four Excited Big Brothers
Packed To The Rafters
Make A Wish
Surprise Baby
Is it Love?
In That One Moment....part one
In That One Moment....part two
The Next Taylor Story
A Little Piece of You.... info
A Family Tree

Am I Dreaming?

78.2K 2K 131
By HeatherJachmann

Am I Dreaming?

11th January 2020 (Nicholas and Isabella, now 1 day old)

Summer's POV

Why does everything look different? I woke up and I was in our room, the sun was shining brightly though the windows, the walls are now a darker shade of grey, almost like a storm cloud colour. I turned around and noticed Matty's side of the bed was made, even myside, I'm not even underneath the covers. Looking around more, I felt even more confused, this doesn't even feel or look like my room anymore.

I got off the bed and walked around a bit, trying to figure out what the hell was different about it, more like WHY? I left the bedroom, to go find someone to at least tell me what's going on. I entered the room that we had made up for Bella, and found it now looking like a young teens room, posters of boy bands over the walls and a bed covered in a pink and black quilt. What happened to the nursery? Nick's room was the same, except his was boyish, and had clothes scattered all over the floor.

There was only one bed in the twins room, with Cade's name on the door, this looks like a teenagers room, as well. What the fuck is going on here? Where's Aidan? and why is my baby Cade, lying on his bed just in a pair of boxers, he looks like he's about sixteen, . I went over to sit on the edge of his bed, and he never once noticed me sitting there, even when I waved my hand in front of him, he turned his face toward the door with a huge grin.

"Cade, honey." I said, trying to get his attention, but I didn't get any response, the next thing I see is a girl climbing on top of him, she was only wearing a g-string, and straddled his hips. He flipped her over, and before I could blink they were in a very heated make out session, which had their remaining pieces of clothes ripped off. WHAT THE FUCK? No, he is not just going to...OH MY GOD, I ran out of the room faster than lightening, and down the stairs but stopped when I saw Aidan walking out of the study. He too, was a teenager, and I just looked at him when he stopped and looked my way.

"Aidan, sweetie, it's Mummy." I said as we nearly stood toe to toe, but he towered over me, and then he walked away, WHAT THE?. Ok, this is just starting to freak me out a little, I ran down the hallway, but it actually felt like I was floating at the same time. There was no one else down here, maybe they are in their bedrooms, this feels very weird and freaky.

Oh God, what is going on with me? I entered Jace's room, and saw him being pushed up against the wall, by an even taller guy, who kissed him hard on the mouth, WHAT THE FUCK? I squeezed my eyes shut then opened them again, to see if I was hallucinating, but I wasn't. My little J-Butt is gay? not that I care, but that certainly is a surprise. Oh God, I can't watch this, I've already seen Cade and I hope that's his girlfreind, having sex up in his room.

Why the fuck can't anyone see or hear me, or why can't I hear them? I hope I'm dreaming because this all seems so fucking crazy. I looked around some more, everything is different down here too, why wasn't I so shocked when I found Brax in his room.

What in the hell? I walked into the room, to find Brax facing my way, wrapped in a blonde haired girl, I can't see her face. Brax was smiling, then he kissed the girl, before letting her go, and then she turned around. Lexi? OH MY GOD, HOLY SHIT, she looks like she's six months pregnant, WHAT THE FUCK? They're having a baby together? Brax was looking so much older, almost like he's about twenty years old, he looks just like Matty, all four of them do. 

"Come on, Baby, please." I heard Matty's sexy voice, and I ran toward his voice, but as I saw him, I stopped dead in my tracks, WHAT THE FUCK? Standing next to him is a girl, that looks just like I did at the same age, and a boy, that looks like a mixture Matty and I. 

I just stood there in a daze, what the hell? How did I miss Bella and Nick growing up, and everyone else, what is happening to me? Matty looked up and he looked straight at me, his eyes almost looking straight through me, and it sent chills down my spine.

"Baby, wake up, I need to hear that sexy voice of yours, and see your gorgeous eyes. again." he said softly, I gasped loudly when his voice sounded like it was right in my ear, his breath blowing across my skin, and a warm hand was squeezing mine. My eyes flew open and I was in a whole new room, that was bright white, and Matty was sitting beside me, his hair all over the place and he looked really tired.

"Thank God, you're awake." he said sounding very relieved and happy, what the hell is going on now? My heart was nearly beating it's way out of my chest, and my lungs felt like they were being squeezed.

"Matty?" my voice came out very dry and raspy, I tried to sit up, but I couldn't, it hurt too much to move, I looked at him with wide eyes, Oh God, what the fuck has happened to me?

"It's me Baby, just lay still or you'll hurt yourself." he said calmly, I could see that he was worrying, and that he reached over to press something behind me.

"What's going on?" I asked him, moving my hands to my belly to feel the babies, to find my stomach now smaller and softer, I looked down and noticed my bump was now gone, and I screamed.

"Where's our babies?" I cried loudly, and tried to get up again, but Matty put both his hands on my shoulders to hold me down.

"Sums, calm down, Baby, Nick and Bell are alive and well, they are up in the NICU." he said with a smile, our babies are here? Oh God, I didn't want them born for another week or so.

"What happened? The last thing I remember I was waiting for you to pick me up for your birthday." I said confused, and what the hell was in my head before I heard him talking to me? Was I dreaming that or was that me seeing into the furture? Either way, it's freaking me the fuck out, because it felt so bloody real.

"Ethan will be here in a minute, let him explain it ok, just relax." he said, I sighed and nodded, he leaned down to kiss my lips softly then sat on the edge of the bed and just looked at me.

"I thought I lost you, that you were never coming back." he whispered, sounding like he was about to cry, his eyes not once moving away from mine.

"I'm never leaving you, Baby." I whispered, my voice still crackly as my mouth was dry, there was a light tap at the door before I saw Doctor Ethan walk in with a smile on his face. Matty passed me a cup of water, which I sipped on, feeling instant relief as the water ran down my sore throat.

"It's good to see you awake, Summer, how are you feeling?" he asked as he moved to the side of the bed, that Matty wasn't sitting on. 

"Very sore and tired." I said looking over to him, Matty squeezed my hand softly. The lower half of my body feels like I've been sat on by a heard of elephants.

"You will be for a few more days yet, until the wound starts to heal more." he said, then lifted the sheet to take a look, and my eyes followed his, there was a dressing all the way along my pubic line.

"I'll get you some more pain relief in a minute, now has Matt told you what happened?" he asked as he covered me back up.

"No, he said you would." I told him, Matty shrugged and then I waited for Ethan to tell me.

"You had a large haemorrage, so I rushed you to surgery to deliver the twins, I had them out quick and fast as one of your placentas had completely seperated from your uterus, I couldn't get the bleeding under control, so I had to give you a full hysterectomy." he said now sitting on the edge of the bed. Well, that explains the pain, and lucky I wasn't planning on having anymore kids, because I can't now.

"Can I go see my babies?" I asked hopeful that he'll say yes, but he shook his head.

"I want you to rest more, Summer, you've been in an induced coma for twenty seven hours, and I need you not to move, your wound is still too fresh." he said with a sorry look on his face. I sighed heavily and closed my eyes, I just want to see them.

"And how long is that exactly?" I asked him, sadly, everyone else gets to see them, but I can't, how fair is that? They lived in side of me, I'm their Mummy.

"Just a few more hours, and then we can work something out." he said giving me a smile, I guess that is better than not seeing them at all, and that probably could've happened.

"Fine, I'm too tired to move anyways." I said letting a big yawn escape, Ethan left, leaving me with Matty, saying something about pain relief and back later, I wasn't really listening that good.

"Wanna see some photos?" Matty said grinning, while waving his phone in the air, I didn't reply, I just snatched it out of his hand, making him chuckle. I opened up the camera app, and the first photo I saw was of Nick, his eyes were open and he looks so cute and small.

"Baby, he's so cute." I grined up at Matty, and then looked through more of Nick, and then one of Bell came up and my free hand flew to my mouth, as I stared down at our tiny little girl. She was hooked to a ventilator, and had all these wires everywhere, I felt tears welling in my eyes at the sight of her.

"She's getting better, they said she's put on a little weight." Matty said softly as he looked down at the photos with me. I saw he even took a picture of the name cards I made up, my husband is so adorable.

"Thank you for showing me, now I can rest happily." I smiled up at him, and relaxed back on to the bed, and just kept my eyes on him. He looks like he needs a shave, but I love that look on him, maybe I should tell him to keep it that way.

"Get some more sleep, Babe, I'm not going anywhere." he smiled back, then leaned in to kiss my lips softly, then watched me silently as my eyes started to feel heavier. I was too scared to fall asleep, what if those images I've just seen come back to haunt me. 

the next day....

The sound of paper rustling beside me, got my opening one eye slowly, I groaned a little as I tried to move. With both eyes opened, I found I was back in the room I was in before, the one I had spent so many weeks in. Matty was still sitting near me, but in the recliner, his eyes closed and the snores letting me know he was fast alseep. 

"Hey sleepy head." Joey said as I turned to the side her voice was coming from, she was standing there with my chart, flipping through it.

"How long have I been sleeping for?" I asked her, I must've been so out of it, I didn't even feel getting moved around.

"Almost fifteen hours, but your body needs it, and so did your husband." she smiled and pointed to Matty how let out a louder snore, I chuckled, he's so cute.

"What day is it?" I asked her, feeling a little lost, the last day I remember was Friday, which was Matty's birthday, OH MY GOD, Nick and Bell share their Daddy's birthday, how cool is that.

"It's Sunday, and it's seven in the morning." she smiled, two days I was knocked out for, that's not to bad, I guess.

"Can I go see Nick and Bella soon, I really really need to see them, Matty showed me photos, but that's just not the same thing, I need to touch them, to make this all feel more real." I said to her, as I tried to push myself up a little, a slight sharp pain went through my belly, but it was bareable.

"You can, I'm sure they are waiting to meet you too," she smiled, and I grinned, finally, I'll get to see my little boy and girl, I've been waiting to see them, for months now, and now I can. Joey had helped me with a wash and a change into my nightie, before Matty even woke up from his sleep, which he had been doing for a couple more hours. He needed it, he looked like he hasn't slept in days, and I wanted him to get some, I don't need him passing out on me.

"You look happy, Babe." he smiled, and stood up from the recliner as he just sat there for a few minutes, trying to wake himself up.

"I am, guess where you're taking me." I beamed up at him, he leaned in closer to catch a light kiss from my lips.

"Alright, just let me freshen up quickly first." he said smiling, and then walked into the bathroom, as I pataiently waited for him to get out. Joey had the wheelchair ready next to the bed, for when I needed it, I just need Matty to hurry up, I want to see them. He was back out within five minutes, looking fresh and he even changed his clothes, man, he does that quickly.

"I'll shave later, Babe." he said to me as he walked to the bed, with his hand rubbing over his chin, he looks even sexier like that.

"Can you keep that for a few more days?" I asked him, I bit my bottom lip as I perved him, my forty year old hubby, scrubs up mighty fine for an old man.

"I suppose I could." he chuckled, as he watched me, then I held my arms out for him to lift me up, and to put me in the wheelchair. With the slight discomfort, i winced slightly as I sat up for the first time, it's hurts a little, but I'll suck through the pain, because I want to go see our babies.

"You can tell me if you're in pain, Babe." Matty said, he was looking at me concerned, but I waved him off, I'll be right.

"I will, but let's move it, I'm going crazy here." I said which made him chuckle, and start to push me out of the room. It took us longer to get up there than what I had planned, because we were stopped several times by people asking how I was and congrats on the twins. We made it to the NICU, but before Matty opened the door, I took a deep breath, this is so surreal and I'm just metres away from my babies.

Matty pushed me through the unit, as I looked around, he must have been up here a few times, he doesn't need directions. As we approached the two incubators, my heart started racing, this is such a different feeling, being the parent, and not the nurse. I was wheeled right up next to them, I could see them both easily, and I smiled. 

"Baby, they look so cute." I said moving my head closer, to get a better view of Nick as he lay there sleeping. He looks a lot bigger than Bella, and the mop of hair on his little head, I can see that's popping out from under the little blue beanie. 

"They said that Bell could get off the breathing machine either later today or tomorrow." he said as he looked down at her with a very proud look on his handsome face, she's going to be a daddy's girl, I can see that she already is.

"That's good, she's beautiful, I cant wait to hold them." I said looking toward my llittle girl, who was also sleeping peacefully. This is the moment I've been dying to see, our last additions to our family, and they were so worth it, every single day I spent in here, to get them as far along into the pregnancy as I could.

"We make some gorgeous babies." Matty said smiling, I nodded, that we sure do, and they will be having everyone falling at their feet. 

"I had a dream, before I woke up the first time, it freak me out a little, well, a lot actually." I said casually, as I kept my eyes on both Nick and Bell.

"Did you? What was it about?" he asked as he sat down on the chair that was beside me, and held onto my hand softly.

"Well, it was like I was really there, all the kids had aged about fourteen years, I saw some things, I wish I never did, and some very shocking things." I said looking at him, and he was frowning.

"What kind of things?" he asked with his eyebrows raised, and I sighed, at least if I tell him, he can have the same kind of images that keep floating in my head.

"Cade was having sex with some girl, Jace was pashing some guy in his room and Brax was with a pregnant Lexi, and looked really happy." I said taking a breath after I rushed all that information out.

"Wow, that's a lot to take in." he said frowning more,  I nodded, yep and for me it felt worse, because I was there.

"Then I saw Aidan, You, Nick and Bell, it felt like I was there, and it freaked me, because I couldn't hear any of you and you couldn't here me, and then you looked at me, and I could hear you, and that's when I woke up." I said, feeling a little better that I have talked about it, I still have that weird creepy feeling inside my gut.

"Baby, it was just a dream, I have ones like that all the time, doesn't mean that it will happen." he said softly, his arm wrapped around my shoulder as we both looked at our sleeping babies. He's right, it was just my mind going haywire, I haven't seen the boys in a couple of days, I was drugged up to the eyeballs, it was just a dream, just a dream.

Matty and I sat with them for about an hour, just looking at them, and taking a few more photos, you can never have too many of those. Next time I see them, I'll be able to hold Nick, and hopefully our little princess too, but for now, I have to wait a little longer, and get some more rest, after all that sleep, I'm still heaps tired.


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter! 


p.s. sorry about the extra wait for this chapter, I was super tired, and had no energy to type, and that was so I could get that last chapter out for you. I think there's about 5 or 6 chapters left in this story, but time will tell with how many more I write.

Until next time, see you soon!

Heather xxx

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