In One's Heart of Hearts

By Wonderstuck

405 22 10


Would you watch me walk away. Without a fight?
i try to tell you no, but my body keeps on telling you yes.
Superheroes and Beer
A-a-a bug
Grocery shopping with my brother.
The Plan.
Bratz the movie
The End

it all falls apart

33 2 1
By Wonderstuck

"Go ahead and burn it down, I'm drunk and so is everyone ells in this devil town"

One and a half week later it was Sunday. Michelle woke up in Aiden's arms, again. She had convinced her parents to let her stay with ‘Demi’ for the last three days, she smiled and kissed his chest. He smiled "good morning honey" she gave him a sloppy kiss and got out of the bed. "Where are you going?" she gathered her clothes and started to get dressed. "Look at the time Aid. I have family dinner today" he looked over at the time. 1:03PM. He got up and wrapped his arms around her small body from behind, kissing her neck. She rested her head on his bare chest. "I don't have time for this, I have to get home" she said getting weaker as he found her sweet spot. He didn't stop. She had to do something to get him to stop and it had happen safe, before she lost all sense of control. She turned in his arms and pushed him backwards towards the bed. He sat down confused. She got down on her knees and pulled down his boxers. She looked up and him and smiled before her hand gently grabbed his shaft, stroking him. She leaned down and ran her tongue over his tip teasingly before she took him in her mouth and started to suck. He groaned. "Oh god Elle" her hand played with his balls as she took him all in, deep throating him. He groaned again.


Michelle's mom was in the kitchen when the doorbell rang, she smiled. She turned off the stove and walked to the door. She opened it and smiled wider. "Hi, it's so good to see you. Come on in" she said and opened the door wider. "Honey, your aunt and uncle are here. Come down, I’m sure they want a hug" Michelle's mom Caroline yelled. "Coming!" you could hear her yell from upstairs. “she was about to close the door when she saw someone ells. "Oh my god, hi" she said and hugged him. "How are you? I haven't seen you since you were a little boy" He laughed and hugged back "come in come in!" Michelle's mom said again. "Thank you" he smiled. They walked in together and sat down in the living room. "So how have you been?" Caroline asked. "I've been great. Thank you" he smiled. Michelle came down the stairs smiling, her new dress was amazing and she loved it. And she had picked today to wear it, the Lattice Cutout Bodycon Dress from Topshop, She looked at the whole family sitting in the living room. She froze, what was he going here? And she saw that his smile faded. "Michelle, this is your cousin" her mom told her. "Aiden" Michelle whispered. Aiden sat there in shock. He didn't know what to do, or think. Michelle was his cousin, She was the girl he was going to babysit. God why was he so stupid. He knew he had a cousin, but why did he never ask for her name? He hadn't met her before. The last time he saw his aunt and uncle was when his dad got married and he was six, and the little baby they had was apparently Michelle.

"What?!" Michelle blurted out, she was in total shock, and this could not be happening. Please let this be a nightmare and someone please wake me up! “okay, I thought you would be excited to know you had a cousin, but by the look on your face says otherwise, relax Mitch you’re not blood related” Her father Robert said smiling trying to lighten the mood. “you can at least introduce yourself properly, now” Michelle’s mother said and she knew that tone in her voice, the one that said not to test her limits and do as told. Michelle wasn't sure what to do. She would've jumped on him and given him a kiss. But not now. She would have if he wasn't the son of her uncle. She didn't even know she had a cousin, just an aunt and uncle and now right out of nowhere she had an twenty-one year old cousin. And he was the same guy she had been secretly dating for almost four months. "Michelle!" her mother said again more sternly. She looked at her mom and just nodded and walked slowly over to Aiden. They made eye contact and Aiden got up and walked over to her. He was going to act like he had never seen her before, like nothing the past four months had happened. "Hi Michelle, nice to meet you" he said. Michelle faked a smile. "yeah you too" she said trying not to sound bitter.

It was awkward, understatement of the century.

Aiden looked at her and slowly opened his arms for a hug. They hugged the most awkward hug ever hugged. And let go pretty fast. The rest of the evening, they ignored each other. Not talking, no looking at each other, no nothing.

All though the next week Michelle tried to call and text him but she never got any answer. She stayed at home, and not at Demi's, most of the time she was in her room, trying to figure out what to do. And then the day came. The day where Aiden was in charge of Michelle, his cousin while his parents and her's went on vacation to catch up. He had tried to get out of it. But he couldn't. He rang the doorbell and Robert opened the door "Hi Aiden, come in."  he walked inside. Let the hell begin. The parents had left, Michelle hadn't been downstairs since Aiden arrived. She had told her parent she didn't feel good and wanted to sleep. Aiden sat on the couch watching TV. He was bored and texted Zac.

"Hi man, wanna go out tonight?"

"Sure, but we need to get demi in as well. I promised her to be with her today. Why don't you bring Elle?"

Joe hadn't told Zac about the whole situation.

"She's sick and home. But I'm sure we can get Demi in. you just have to dress/undress her and put on her some high heels and. Yeah you know what I mean. Just text me when you are ready"

"Say in about an hour?"

"see you then"

Michelle came downstairs as Aiden took a jacket on and his car keys. "Where are you going?" she asked "Out" he said. "Can I come?" she said hopeful "No I’m sorry. You're not old enough" he said and left.

She tried to call Demi's cell but it were turned off. She was so mad, how could he be such a dick? She went to bed tossed and turned and fell asleep around 2:30AM. By then, he still wasn’t home. She woke up as the sunlight teased her face, “ugh, stupid light!” she said frustrated and got out of bed, she walked over to her closet and grabbed a white bra, a pair of grey sweatpants and picked up a t-shirt from the stack of clean clothes on her bedroom wooden floor. Not bothering to even glance at it as she put it on. She walked into her little bathroom that was connected to her bedroom and sat her long brown hair up in a messy bun, and washed her face, she then saw what t-shirt she had put on and groaned. She everted it of off herself so fast as, as if it was on fire and threw it in the trashcan. Hm, maybe she should set it on fire, faster all, it had been his favorite shirt, after she kidnapped it. When she come to think about it, she had a lot of his clothes, she could burn them all. She almost smiled..  She picked up a sweater from the floor before walking downstairs in a bad mood. She had a right to be just not in a bad mood, but fucking furious! She spotted Aiden sitting on the couch just staring at her annoyingly" Can't you just suck it up, I don't want to be here anymore than you do" he told her, she rolled her eyes at him as she walked past him. He grabbed her arm and pulled her down beside him, looking at her. She couldn’t help but roll her eyes at his actions before getting up fast, not wanting to be so close to him and headed towards the kitchen ignoring him.

He got up after her and pinned her against the wall, looking her deep in her eyes "Can you at least try to act like you're 15 not 5?" he said in a hard voice. Michelle tried to get out of his grip but he was to strong and he wouldn't let her get away. "Why are you mad at me" he asked in a softer tone and she looked away from him "I wanted to go as well and you just left me here" she answered looking back at him. He laughed and loosed his grip on her and took a step back. "Yeah right, like I was going to let that happen. I would never bring you to a place like that" he told her, and Michelle got even more angry "why not, I’m old enough, i can at least look like i am" he laughed again and shook his head. "No you're not, and you can't, because I'm barely old enough, honey"

Ugh! If she thought that she was mad before, well it was nothing like what she felt right now, she was beyond pissed and thought that she might actually explode. Demi had been there, she was allowed to come, and he had just left her here! She walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge "We don't have any food. You have to drive me to the grocery store." She said just loud enough for her to know he heard her. "And what do I get for that?" he said as he showed up in the door. She looked over at him confused "food?" A smirk formed and he looked right at her "That was not what I meant, I want something ells" she didn't understand "like what, candy?" the smirk on his face became a grind as he answered "No, I want something similar to Sunday morning.." her eyes sprung open in shock as she let out a gasp and smirk formed and he looked right at her. He was just joking, loving her reaction, he needed to try and make this week somewhat bearable.  "That's not going to happened" she said. "Well then I’m not driving you" he left the kitchen. "Fine, I'll just ask Zac" she yelled after him. "He's out of town with Demi" she heard him say. "Fine then I'll fucking walk!" he rolled his eyes "you go and do that"

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