In One's Heart of Hearts

By Wonderstuck

405 22 10


Would you watch me walk away. Without a fight?
i try to tell you no, but my body keeps on telling you yes.
Superheroes and Beer
A-a-a bug
Grocery shopping with my brother.
it all falls apart
Bratz the movie
The End

The Plan.

26 2 1
By Wonderstuck

Michelle sat on the steps outside Demi's house waiting for her to come. The car ride with Aiden hadn't gone good at all. They fought all the way to the bus stop, she didn’t ever realize where they were going until he stopped the car saying something similar to ' I can’t handle this right now, I'll call you tomorrow"  she got out of the car and they he drove away. She guessed he had driven home. Right now she didn't care, he was a jerk. Why couldn't he understand that being called his little sister insulted her, she was having sex with him for god's sake and they were a couple? She would later on see that he couldn’t have made the situation better with whatever lie he told. She could never be just his girlfriend. But right now she was too mad and hurt to see anything but frustration, hurt and anger. She seriously wanted to strangle that stupid whore at the grocery store for ruining everything. She also wanted to smack Aiden across the head for picking today to go food-shopping.  She saw Zac's car pull up in the driveway and she got up from where she was sitting, her butt soar from sitting on the porch for so long. As soon as Zac had stopped the car Demi jumped out and slammed the door. She walked fast up to Michelle and grabbed her arm. And Michelle recognized the look on her best friends face, Damn Demi was mad with capital M! Demi opened the front door and walked inside dragging Michelle with her before slamming the front door shut. "That fucking asshole!" Demi yelled as she put her bags down and kicked of her shoes. "What happed?" Michelle asked confused as she took of her shoes as well. "That thing! Ugh, we were talking about you, Aiden, and the whole situation, and I said that I completely understood you. And that ass said that he said I was wrong because Aiden was right. That it was risky for them to be with us because they could end up in jail and blah blah blah. So I asked if he would have called me his sister if we were in the same situation and he said 'probably" She almost yelled out. Michelle walked into the kitchen which was enormous and over to the freezer. She grabbed two boxes of Ben & Jerry’s, Cookie dough and Nordic Water Peace, found two spoons and sat down by the breakfast-bar waiting for Demi to realize she wasn’t following her. Demi came into the kitchen two seconds later “what—“ she stopped mid-sentence as Michelle handed her the cookie dough ice cream. Demi smiled and sat down next to Michelle. “Nothing can beat the feeling of comfort-food and best friends.”


He parked outside his parent's house. He was 3 when his mother had died from cancer, and he couldn’t remember much about her, other than that she was always lying in bed, sleeping. His dad had re-married when he was 6, to a woman who became his mom, even though she wasn’t his mom biologically, it was still her who had helped raising him, held him when he cried and just been mom. He got out and walked up the steps to the house and walked in. "Hello, Mom, dad? Anyone home" He said as he took of his shoes. "In here son" He heard his dad say from the living room. He walked in and sat down beside him.

"We haven't seen you in a while" his dad said as he putted down today's paper. "I know I'm sorry, I had a guest at home and well, I’m sorry" He said honestly. "A girl?" his dad raised an eyebrow and smiled. "No, just some friends" Aiden said. " Oh hi Aiden" His mom said as she came over and gave him a hug. He hugged back. "Hi." She patted his back and sat down. "Are you hungry, I can make you something. We already ate but I don't mind" She warmly smiled at him. "No thanks mom, actually I just came over to say Hi. I need to get going soon" He smiled at her.

Michelle and Demi was now sitting in Demi's bed in their Pj's watching Mr. And Mrs. Smith "I wish I had a fight like this with Aiden. That would have been so damn hot, except for I wouldn't enjoy being shot at or shoot at him." she said  "I agree with you, but I would had that fight with Zac" Demi smiled. They looked at each other and giggled. "I won't say I’m sorry first" Michelle suddenly said. "Why, I mean, I bet he won't either" Demi got more comfortable in  bed. "Because I want him to understand that being called his sister is an insult!" Demi burst out laughing. "Okay that came out wrong, what I meant was. It is an insult when you are his something, other than sister. We're not even related" Miley said nodding. "it's kind of sad" Demi looked down. "I hate fighting with Zac, I miss him" the atmosphere in the room changed, thick with sadness "I miss Aiden too, I miss him holding me. I feel so safe" Demi laid her head on Michelle's shoulder trying to call Zac for the tenth time without him picking up " I know what you mean, I’m wondering what they are doing right now" Michelle rested her head on Demi's. She smiled wide as she got an idea. "What if I texted Zac and asked if he could drive me to Aiden’s to say sorry and you did the same with Aid?" Demi smiled "that could work.

"Hi Zac, are you busy? M"

"No, not really, why?"

"Can you drive me to Aid's. I need to say sorry, please? I’ve tried calling him but he won’t pick up"

"Okay, where am I picking you up?"

"The bus stop, in 20?"

"See you then."

"Zac is in. In 20 minutes" Michelle smiled.

"Hi Aiden, can you do me a favor if you have time? Demi"

"Depends what it is :)"

"I fought with Zac today and I was wondering if you could drive me over there so I could say sorry. Pleaseeee?"

"Okay, where do I pick you up?"

"The Bus Stop in 15?"

"Okay, just be there. "

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