Sunny Southern California Girl

By Kykeller94

105 5 2

You will always be my best friend. No matter the distance. More

Sunny Southern California Girl

105 5 2
By Kykeller94

Sunny Southern California girl you will always be

That is how the world sees you and you're my best friend to me.

Your dad works for a big company so you move around a lot

Northern California was your next big stop.

I met you my Freshman year in Spanish 1

We both practically failed because we were to busy goofing off and having to much fun.

You met my good friend Zach and I knew he really liked you

Because most of the time in class he would try to bug you.

You told me of the guy back home in that Southern California sun

That you weren't aloud to date until you turned 16 and you couldn't wait to be in love.

You talked of your parents and their divorce

I've been through that and I understood of course.

We talked about boys and the things in our past

The memories and our futures and how life is going by so fast.

You and I just seemed to click

And we became best friends really quick.

Your family loved me and mine loved you

I thought it was too good to be true.

I was thinking 'Four more years with my best friend'

Then my dreams were shattered when you said you're moving again.

It took me awhile to process it all

You had just moved here couldn't you atleast stay until Fall?

You were moving back to Sunny Southern California

With the celebrities, hot guys, and I wished that I was going with you.

One day we thought of something on how to keep in touch

We took a notebook, we would write in it, and send it to eachother whenever we could.

You thought of it as 'The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants' type of thing

And I agreed it was a cool kind of way to communicate.

It was something that only we would share

That no one else would know about, process or compare.

The week before you left all we did was hang out

The last day we nearly cried when I helped carry the last box out of the house.

You promised to keep in touch and I gave you our 'notebook' to read

You said you would send it and write back to me.

Two days before you moved away a bunch of our friends got together to put on a suprise going away party

I remember hiding in the closet as you walked in as everyone yelled 'Surprise!!' and your smile soon faded away.

You realized that I wasn't there

I waited for my 'queue' to walk out and surprise you out of nowhere.

So I walked out as you turned around, your face full with glee

You hugged me and said 'I thought you weren't coming'.

I said 'I had to come, I wouldn't miss this for the world'

'Your leaving in two days', my best friend, the Southern California girl.

I remember in October of 2010

My family and I came down to L.A. to go to Disneyland.

I asked you if you wanted to go to Disneyland with me

You asked your mom and she said yes and I was so excited and happy.

The whole day spent with my best friend

A memory that I will always have.

Your birthday is on July 4 and I always text you to say happy birthday

The first time you told me that, I was jealous because you get fireworks and a party.

So this year I texted you and you're dating the guy in the Southern California sun.

We haven't really talked and our 'notebook' for sure hasn't been touched.

I haven't touched it since you sent it

Which was summer 2010.

I feel bad I really do

But we both have our separate lives that we have to live too.

The last thing we talked about was you moving away.

Your dad's job brought you South to Texas, it would be a change.

Your Senior year at new high school, new teachers and friends

You told me it would be a good thing, I know your probably right in the end.

Distance can sometimes kill the best relationships

Sometimes it can make them better.

As for me I met one of the best friends I could ever have

Never hurt or backstabbed.

For a year we grew up and learned together

We both grew up in the same California weather.

In our hearts we will always be best friends

One day I will send that notebook again.

We will laugh about it and pick up where we were

Like you never left that hot summer.

One day we will attend eachothers weddings like we always planned

They will be the best you always said.

I will plan yours and you plan mine

I can't wait for that time.

Sunny Southern California girl you will always be

But you will always be my Sunny Southern Califorina best friend to me.


Hey everyone, okay so I obviously wrote this about my best friend that moved away. She moved away the end of Freshman year and I was totally bummed. She inspired me to write this and we are still great friends even though she moved away. So yeah, hope you guys enjoy it, tell me whatcha think:) -Ky♥

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