My First Love (Super Junior...

By victoriacn3210

41.3K 1.1K 178


Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Authors Note~

Chapter 1

11.2K 150 67
By victoriacn3210

The first day of school, probably the worst day of school. High school is pretty hard, especially if you're the nerdy kid in school. Everyone at school calls me Eunhyuk, who knows why. My real name is Hyukjae but you know, whatever. School starts in about 5 hours and I can't sleep. Too much stress, too much thoughts, too much of everything. Why is life so hard? I guess that's what happens when you're a nerd and you're bullied. I just hate everyone. The only love I have is my dog Choco, my pomeranian.

3 hours later~
I'm still not asleep. Disappointing really. Sigh. I guess I'll just get up and get dressed since I have 2 hours until school. I got up and went to take a shower. The warm shower that soothes anyone. Once I got out I put on a plain white tee shirt and some jeans. Pretty normal I guess. I looked in the mirror and tried to somewhat make my stupid brown hair look pleasing. I'm just going to assume my hair also hates me. I went downstairs to go eat some breakfast. Of course there's no food. I look in the fridge oh look no food.
"Great" I whispered to myself
I guess I'll just sit on the couch and do nothing until it's time to go to the bus stop
~ring~ What the hell did something just ring? Oh it's my phone I should answer that. I look at my phone and see a text that says "Have you eaten yet? Come over and lets eat!" Ah Shin Donghee, he knows me so well.
"Okay I'll be there in a bit"
"You better hurry! my mom made so much food and I'll probably eat it all if you don't come in the next 5 minutes.

Best friends are the best things ever. I grabbed my old, ugly, torn book bag and ran out the door. There's no need to rush, Shin Dong only lives about 5 houses away. Not even far.

"About time you got here! I would've eaten all the food if Nari did stop me!"

"Oh so you do listen to other people besides your parents." I replied somewhat jokingly

"Well when you have a girlfriend you should listen to her. Unlike you who never had a girlfriend because you're so..."

"So what?"


Well I guess I'll never know what I am that makes girls not like me. Maybe it's because I'm bullied so that fact embarrasses them. Or maybe I'm just too hot for them! Hahaha yeah right...

"Come on lets go already I don't want to be late on the first day of school!

Sigh. School the place with depression and crap. I wish I can skip school without Shin Dong getting all worked up about it.

"Can we at least drive to school? I don't want to take the bus" I answered back to him.

"Fine whatever. We have to take Nari's car, so she'll be driving us."

I hate car rides with those two... They never shut up about their love. it's not that I'm a hater for love or anything, it's just that it sickens me. Maybe because I've never loved anyone besides family.

Ah school, the place I love. NOT! It can go somewhere else. School work, teachers, bullies, the stupid lockers, everything about school is just terrible. I got out of the car and stood in front of the school for a second, trying to get a good look at it. Or should I say a bad look at it.

"Hey! Hyukkie~ turn around when I'm talking to you!" A familiar mocking voice said to me.
Heechul. Kim Heechul. Probably one of the worst bullies there is. If anyone else saw him they'd think
"Oh he doesn't look too bad! He's so pretty! Are you sure he's a boy?"
Well you know what, besides his orange like hair that goes to his shoulders, his thin body that every women is jealous of, and his charms, he is probably the worst person ever. He can make a straight man turn. I know because that's what he did to me. One day I was liking girls and after I talked to him I couldn't stop thinking about him, him and his beauty.

I need to run to my locker before he gets too close. I felt bad for leaving Shin Dong alone but then again he has Nari so he's fine. I ran towards my locker. I'm not sure if Heechul was following me but someone was.

"WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME?!" I turned around and I realized I just screamed at the principle. Oops...

"Young man! Do you know who you are talking to?! Yelling at your principle like that! My word child!" He turned around and walked away.

This is just fantastic. I yelled at Principle Park Jung Su. This year is going great already. I opened my locker and a piece of paper was taped to the inside of the locker
My schedule.
Block 1 - Calculus
Block 2 - Gym
Block 3 - English
Block 4 - World History
Block 5 - Science
I hope I have a class with some of my friends. I walked into my first class. As the obedient teen I am, I sat in the front. I took my supplies out and sat waiting.

"Okay is everyone here?" Said Teacher Kim Jaejoong

"Ye" the whole class answered

The door slammed open. Oh my gosh he was gorgeous. His brown hair that goes to his neck and is short in the front, how his hair also covered his eye. His button up shirt. The first 2 buttons weren't buttoned which made him look kinda sexy. His skinny jeans, man that guy can really pass off skinny jeans. As he walked pass my desk I saw how good his butt looked. Omo, why is this happening?

"Sorry I'm late sir! Lee Donghae."

"Of course... There's always that one student who's late. Go sit over there next to..." Teacher Kim Jaejoong pointed at the empty seat next to mine. Did he want me to say my name?

"Lee Hyukjae sir"

"Ah is that so? Well you guys can be friends now since you have the same last name. Sit sit I need to get started with the class introduction"

As Donghae sat down I noticed how pretty his eyes are. His beautiful brown eyes... He stuck his hand out towards me

"Lee Donghae. And you are?"

I shook his hand.

"Lee Hyukjae. But everyone calls me Eunhyuk"

"Where did Eunhyuk come from?"

"Eh people just started to call me that for some reason"

"Oh, well then we should be friends! I'm new to the area. Can you probably show me around after school?"

Gasp. He wants me to show him around? What is this feeling? This is weird.

"Yeah! Sure! Of course! When do you want me to show you around?"

"Well I was thinking after school but you probably are busy since it seems like this teachers gives out homework on the first day so tomorrow maybe?"


I couldn't help but giggle. I turned and looked at Donghae and he was smiling too, probably about to laugh also.

"Okay can someone answer this?" Said Teacher Kim.

I would usually be the first person to answer but for some reason I was stumped. All I could think of was Donghae. Even though I literally met just met the guy, I feel like I might just have feelings for this kid. Probably not, maybe I just think I like him because he's hot...

By the end of class I went to my locker to get my other supplies for English. It's surprising that I have all of my supplies on the first day of school. I gathered my binder and notebook. When I turned around and looked at the person next to me I realized something.

Donghae's locker was right next to mine.

"Oh hi! It's you again! Can you help me get to this class? I don't exactly know my way around and I'm looking for the English class."

"Oh hi, uh yeah I can help, who's your teacher?" I felt stupid asking that since there's only one English teacher.

"I thought there was only one English teacher?"

"Sorry I forget sometimes. Actually I'm heading to her class too so you can just follow me."

"Really? That's cool! I have the first 2 classes with my friend!"

He's a hyper one. It's cute... Wait I'm his friend? Did I just get friend-zoned? Its so sudden. While I was deep in my thoughts Donghae grabbed my arm and started to walk.

"So I'm guessing her class is this way right? It seems like it because the classroom number should be coming up soon..."

I wanted to reply back but I was so in dazed by how he just grabbed me and walked. I liked it. I think he was still talking but everything was moving so fast for me. Something else was on my mind. How is someone so tiny dragging me around in the hallways?

"So I was thinking if I could eat lunch with you. If that's okay, I don't have friends and so far you're my only friend. Do you have any friends? By the way when's your birthday? I need to know if I'm older or younger than you."

Woah what did I just miss? Where are these questions coming from? I feels so rude.

"Uh yeah you can sit with my friends and I. And my birthday is April 4." I think there was a sense of nervousness from the way I spoke. I don't know I felt really shaky.

"Really?! Oh then you're my hyung! Hyung hyung hyung! Am I using that word right? You see I move around a lot and this is my first time in Korea. When my mom watches dramas they usually say hyung..."

This little thing can talk for ages! We were the first people in class so we got to choose our seats. Donghae was still holding my arm and lead me to the front seat. Is he also the type of guy who sits in the front? Is he one of the smart nerdy people too? Like me? Nah that's not possible he's too...fashionable.

There were really loud foot steps, more like stomps. I turned and looked at the doorway... oh my god no no no not in this class! Heechul... Heechul is in this class.

"Oh Eunhyukkie! I didn't expect you here!" He probably wanted to embarrassed me.

"Well you know... it's school... and uh yeah..."

"Ohh who is this cutie?!" He went over to Donghae and pinched his cheeks.

"Aigoo so cute! He's like a baby! Or maybe a puppy? The name is Kim Heechul, what's your name? You're such a cute little baby! How old are you, like 10?"

"Uh no I am not 10, and I'm Donghae. Can you not touch me? Like ever!" Donghae said to him while swatting his hands away. Does Donghae feel annoyed by him too?

"We should get together sometimes! You know, I can make any straight guy gay." It's weird how Heechul could say something like that, it's like he's bragging about this.

"Uh yeah no. I don't need you turning me or anything." Okay well my chances with him dropped. I guess I can stay as his friend. What if I just hit on him? Would that effect anything?

"Can you just leave us?" I wanted to scream that to him!

"Of course of course!" He moved close to my ear and whispered
"I'll be watching you guys. He will be mine. You can't turn him, that's my job."

That whisper was really creepy. I turned and looked at him. He smiled and walked away slowly. He sat in the seat all the way across the room.

"Hello class!" Teacher Hwang Tiffany said. She said it in English. Great. English on the first day of school. The class stayed quite. No one knew what to say.

"Good morning miss!" Donghae said happily...and In English? Wait he can speak English?

"Oh someone can speak English! Are you fluent at all?" Teacher Hwang said to Donghae.

"Yes I am Fluent in English. I use to live in America."

I cannot understand a word he's saying. I turned and looked at Donghae, he turned and winked at me. Was that a flirty wink or a 'I'm so smart' wink? Oh my god I'm such a girl. Do girls act like this when they like guys?

"Uh uhm teacher I uh uhm like you?" Heechul said to the Teacher, wow his English isn't that great.

"I'm sorry can you repeat that?"

Of course Heechul didn't understand so he stayed silent.

"Okay well my name is Ms. Hwang. Everyone understand? From this day until you graduate, you will only be allowed to speak English in this class.

What? I don't speak English.

"I keullaeseu hangug malhal su eobsda" (This class can not say Korea)

Her Korean is crappy. Should I say something to her about it?

"You told the class that you cant say Korea, not that they cannot speak Korean." Donghae said.

His English is so dreamy. For the rest of class I didn't pay attention. Too attracted to Donghae's beauty. Wow I am such a girl.

~Skip to end of the day~

I didn't get to see Donghae for the rest of the day. I don't know how I felt about that. I approached my locker, trying to get it open.

5 - 47 - 0

Why isn't it working?

Someone tapped my shoulder. I turned and Donghae was there.

"Why are you trying to open my locker? Is there something you need?"

His locker? What is he talking about? I looked at the locker number


My locker is 209. Aish I guess I was trying to open his locker.

"Uhm sorry I thought this was my locker..."

I opened my real locker fast and grabbed my stuff. I wanted to get out before I get more embarrassed.

"Hyukkie hyung! Can I walk with you home? Or do you drive home? Either way can I go too?"

"Uhm uh sure. I walk so I can walk with you too."

As we were walking I realized that this kid really likes to talk. When I walk with my 'friends' we are usually silent. It was really weird to have someone actually talk to me while walking.

"So I was thinking...maybe you would like to watch a movie sometime, or maybe study together which ever floats your boat..."

"Wha? Oh yeah sure we can do whatever. What does whatever floats your boat mean? I've never heard of that."

"It's a saying back in America. Pretty much it means whatever you like or some sort. Oh I live here. Thanks for walking me home Hyukkie!"

No way. This isn't happening.Donghaes house was right next door...

"So Hyukkie, where do you live?"

Unable to say anything I pointed my finger to the house next to his. There was no way I could meet a really nice guy who is hot, become friends with him, and then we live next to each other. Something isn't right here.

"Oh really?! Cool! I guess I'll see you tomorrow then!" He went over to me and hugged me. It was a nice, firm, warm hug. I didn't want him to let go.

A/N: So this is my first story, I'm sorry if its kinda boring or not really interesting. I would like to inform you that the story takes place in Korea, so they are always speaking Korean. except in the English class when they speak only English. Thank You for reading. There will be more.

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