Her Bad Boy Romeo

By Cheeeeezy

84K 1.7K 542

I looked up at him slowly and took in a deep breath. "You don't want to get involved with me." I warned him... More

Chapter 2.
Chapter .3

Her Bad Boy Romeo.

64.4K 698 115
By Cheeeeezy

Her Bad Boy Romeo.

I heaved in a big sigh while I fell back onto my bed and stared up at the white ceiling in front of me. I could hear my brother Jackson, and his friends mucking about and having a joke downstairs below me.

I was locked up in my room, again. Just as Jackson had told me whenever his friends would come over. I would always wait until they would leave and then make my way downstairs.

I looked up at the cuckoo clock hanging from my wall across from me and frowned when the numbers read 10 o'clock. I groaned loudly and fell back onto my bed again.

I was hungry and I'll be damned if I would starve any longer.

I got up from my bed and pulled on my fluffy rabbit slippers over my feet and hesitantly opened my bedroom door. My tummy was growling, needing food. I had never gone down when Jackson's friends were over. They weren't really the most...friendliest of people in the world but I didn't care anymore, the stomach wants what it wants!

As I descended down the stairs I could hear an argument going on and I slowed down, arguments almost always turned into fights and fights with my brothers friends weren't just punches thrown here or there.

It was brutal.

When I was at the bottom of the stairs, I stilled. There were two guys that held each other roughly by the collar and were throwing a bunch of threats and insults at one another. Any one of them ready to fight.

Jackson sat on the couch, slumped back not even paying attention to what was going on right in front of him.

Then he began to massage the side of his head with his fingers, seeming to get annoyed. He groaned and quickly got up from the couch, but that's not what had me stepping back.

He held a gun in his hand, pointing it towards the two guys.

"You guys better shut the fuck up before I blow your brains out!" He yelled out with clear warning in his eyes.

Both guys nodded their heads, still glaring and then sat down onto the couches without complaint.

I hated that ugly thing he was holding in his hand that he so preciously named his baby.

Jackson put the gun back in the waist of his paints and was just about to sit back down when he caught sight of me.

Oh shit...

"Gabriella!" He yelled making all eyes in the room turn towards me.

Gabriella, oh god he used my full name!

I gulped while looking at his friends, instantly feeling intimidated by their big muscled bodies, their tattoos, piercings and the same leather jacket that they all wore. "I was hun—"

"What the hell are you wearing?!" He growled between his teeth seeming even more outraged.

I looked down at my attire, I was wearing a white tank top and pyjama shorts that which mind you, went only mid thigh. Quickly a bigger blush formed on my cheeks knowing that I was getting told of infront of his friends.

"Upstairs now!" He yelled clear outrage in his voice and I didn't hesitate to get my startled self to run up the stairs as fast as I could.

I walked into my room and slammed my door close as I could feel the heat of my cheeks radiating of in waves as tears brimmed my eyes and groaned in frustration, I always cried when I was angry!

He always acted like he was my dad! He overreacts over everything! Stupid brother with his stupid friends, stupid gun and his stupid gang.

'The Big Bad Jokers'

That's what their gang was called. It's a stupid name because they were far from jokers. Instead they should be called...

'The Serious Gorilla's'. Cause they're all so big, scary and so God damn serious all the time!

Jackson has become one of the most respected members in it. He's not yet the leader but apparently when the current leader retires he'll be the next in line even though he's only 25. Now, because of this, no boy is even allowed to look at me without wanting their eyes to be ripped out.

Everyone knew who's sister I was and for that reason alone I didn't have many friends. Actually, I didn't have any friends. Even if I did Jackson would probably do a full background inspection on them and then he would have to approve of them. He was so overprotective it was driving me bananas.

I was the only person left he still called his family.

At times I wish my parents were still here. To tell Jackson off, to see what he'd become and what they've done, they turned my sweet, playful, cheeky brother into a cold, overprotective gang member.

My eyes began to water and I shook my head, willing myself to stop thinking about them.

I flipped onto the other side of my bed for what seemed like the 10th time and groaned loudly.

It was almost one o'clock at night and I was tossing and turning in my bed. I began to feel stuffy in the room and got up and opened up my window, the soft breeze instantly easing my restlessness. I had the urge to go for a walk, and I smiled, quickly getting dressed with jeans and a jacket, I needed fresh air. I used the tree to sneak out, climbing on all the branches and descended down like I'd done countless times before.

Quickly I hurried out of the front lawn and began my short journey towards the park , the wind pushing my brown hair back and the streetlamps guided me throughout the night.

I always loved it here, everything was just so peaceful. I walked over towards on of the nearby benches and sat down, just looking at the view. Up above me the stars twinkled brightly while the trees swayed with the breeze.

Then in the distance I heard grunting and groaning and insults being thrown. I furrowed my eyebrows and my ears perked up trying to hear what was going on.

More insults and threats and groans.

A fight!

As fast as I could, I ran towards the male voices and saw one huge guy with a leg on each side of a different man and punching the living shit out of him. The guy getting punched wasn't even putting a fight up anymore, probably unconscious! He was going die if the other guy didn't stop!

"YOU'RE GONNA REGRET BEING BORN YOU UGLY FUCK!" The giant yelled into his face with a powerful punch after every word.

"What the hell..." I muttered staring at the sight in front of me. "Hey!" I snapped. "Stop!" I yelled at the guy when I was arms reach in front of both of them.

"I said stop!" I put my hand on his shoulder and tried to get him away but he just shoved me off and continued to beat the guy, blood pouring out of his nose and mouth.

"You're going to kill him!" I pushed his shoulder with all my might trying to get the giant of off him but he didn't even budge.

What the hell was this guy made out of?!

I groaned and stomped my foot on the ground and pushed at his shoulder again. "YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HIM YOU IDIOT!"

Suddenly I was pushed to the ground, my eyes wide as is hands were gripped tightly onto my jacket and his legs straddled my waist. my brain went into panic mode, I could barely speak let alone breath properly! His breath blew onto my face and I gulped.


We were deeper into the park, the street lamps didn't give off as much light so I couldn't make out his features but judging by how much weight was being crushed onto me, he was huge!

"Can't....Breath..." I gasped out.

I guess he felt sorry for my tiny figure and put less of his weight on me, but didnt get of me.

"What are you doing out here?" His deep voice startled me.

I lay stunned for a moment and then looked at our position and then up at him. "G-Get of off me!" I shoved at his shoulder.

He didn't move an inch. "Tell me!"

"I said get of me!"

"Tell me!" His voice became more frustrated as his hands around my collar fisted up again.

I groaned, I could barely breath.

"You're crushing me fatass, get off!"

He huffed, heaved himself of off me and I quickly rushed to my feet, running towards the guy the giant was beating up. My eyes looked around the dark, trying to find him but he was nowhere in sight.

"Where'd he go?" I asked more to myself.

I heard him sigh. "He ran away, no thanks to you, thanks woman you have great timing!"

"You almost killed the guy!"

"I would've done him a favour." His tone sounded calm.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"And who are you again?" He snapped, clearly annoyed.

His giant form took me by surpsrise again as I looked up at him and a wash of dread came over me. He could be apart of my brothers gang! As quick as my legs could take me I turned around and began to walk back the way I came from.


"Where are you going?" He asked from behind me.

Oh, go away!

I quickened my footsteps and tried to outwalk him when he grabbed my arm and turned me around. I glared at the ground, not wanting him to see my whole face.

"I asked you a question." He persisted.

"So?" I hid my face from him with my hair, praying he didnt recognize me.

"So you answer my fucking question." He persisted. Seriously, what is it with the men and always wanting to be obeyed?

"Go away." I tugged at my arm again. Honestly, I'm so sick of being controlled and who did this giraffe even think he is?

"A girl like you shouldn't be out so late at night." He pulled me closer towards him.

"What?" I asked him completely alarmed.

"You know, the annoying and naive kind." He held such a smug voice

"Okay, you've only known me for two minutes dickbrain."

"Especially alone." He continued, his chest brushing upon mine.

"Oh just shut up, why are you following me?" I tried to ignore the butterflies that erupted in my stomach from how close we were standing.

When a few moments passed and he still hadnt answered I slowly lifted my head to look at him. We were much closer to the street lights and I could clearly see what this man looked like.

Chocolate brown hair, green eyes narrowed right at me and tanned skin. His jaw was set hard with stubble on his face which gave him an aura of danger. He was practically a giant, standing at 6'4.

"To protect you." Was his deep reply.

I was speechless for awhile as I stared up at him. My stomach doing somersaults not knowing what to say.

"Look, if you're one of those no brain dumbass's that work with my brother then you need to leave me alone!" I tried to get him to release my hand but failed.

"What?" He looked confused. "I dont—"

"Dont lie." I grit through my teeth.

"Listen, I dont work with your brother."

I rolled my eyes.

"Roll your eyes again and I'll poke your eyeballs out."

Well then...

I guess someone working with my brother would never in a million years threaten me, hell they wouldnt have the guts to touch me like this man in front of me.

"You wanted to kill that guy, why?" I questioned while looking back at the place I saw him first.

"None of your business, doll." He shrugged.

I pouted, my curious side getting the best of me. "Come on just—."

"I said no little girl."

"I'm 5'8, are you blind?

He chuckled clear amusement dancing in his beautiful green eyes. "No, I'm not blind but you definitely are short."

"I'm 5'8 Stevie Wonder, and anyone compared to a giraffe like you would be considered short." I told him with a look. "You can let go of me aswell, you know."

He looked down and quickly let go of my arm, looking as if he'd completely forgotton he was holding it in his tight grip.

I quickly turned around and began to walk back home, not yet fully registering what had happened just moments ago.

The sound of footsteps completely took me out of my thoughts as I turned around and instantly my face smacked against a chest.

"Oww," I rubbed my nose as I looked up at him and heaved out a large sigh. "What the hell are you made out of? Your chest almost broke my nose!"

"I'm pure man, darling." He smirked, and my eyes gravitated towards his dimples. Oh dear lord have mercy! Looks, height, body and dimples? "Why are you following me?" My eyebrows furrowed. Dark thoughts entering my mind as I realized how stupid I was to talk to a stranger in the first place.

"I'll walk you—"

"No, I can walk myself." I quickly interuppted.

"Oh, you're a big girl huh?" His eyes twinkled and I instantly turned into a puddle, a small smile lighting up my lips and turned back around to continue my walk home, cheeks extremely red.

"Wait!" He yelled and I looked over at him, as his features once again left me speechless. We stood no more than a ten metres from eachother. "What's your name?"

I stopped the chuckle that wanted to escape my lips, like I was gonna tell him my name. Shrugging I replied, "I don't know, I forgot."

He rolled his eyes, "I was right, you are quite annoying."

"And you're kind of ugly, but whatever." Lies.

He let out a laugh, dimples extrememly prominent. "I'll see you again soon, doll." His green eyes seemed to twinkle

I turned around again, continuing my walk back home. The heat of my cheeks radiating of in waves. Even though I didn't want to admit it. There was a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach and a smile was etched onto my face.

All because of him.


Okay, I admit it! My weakness is bad boys! So, how'd you like this?

Its something new I wanna see if people will like. Its starting of slow but it's going to get into some of the action soon and guys this story isn't going to be predictable at all!

& thanks for reading beautiful people!

Lots of love. Cheeeeezy!

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