Bury Me Deep Inside Your Hear...

darkravenkat tarafından

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New surprises await Skylar and the gang Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22

Chapter 21

380 21 1
darkravenkat tarafından

The Next Day Sky's point of view

I kiss Ville's cheek and thank him for doing the dishes before heading upstairs to check on the babies. As I near the door, I hear murmuring. I quietly open the door and step inside. Bam is sitting beside Rebecca's crib talking to her. I shut the door, walk over to him and sit down. He immediately starts apologizing and starts to stand up. I grab his arm and gently pull him back down all the while telling him don't apologize.

Becca rolls over at the sound of my voice. I smile and stand up to get her out of the crib. I sit back down and glance over at Bam.

"Do you want to hold her?" I ask softly. He looks nervous but nods his head yes. I hand her over to Bam and show him how to hold her. After he has her secured in his arms, I sit back and watch him.

He smiles down at her and brushes her hair back and kisses her forehead and speaks softly to her, all the things most fathers do when they hold their baby in their arms. I know he was drinking last night, I smelled it on him when I ran into him on my way to the bathroom. I know he was drunk by the way he kept stumbling all the way to his room. I know I said I didn't want an alcoholic around my kids. But seeing the way Bam is looking at Becca, I can't help but think he needs to be around them. I think he needs them to help heal himself.

"Bam," I say softly. He looks at me and his face falls.

"I know, I'm a drunk and need to clean up my act, but please, please, don't keep me away from them. I want to be there for them and for you. I want to be in their life. I want to be the godfather they deserve. Please, Skylar, I need them," he pleads.

"I'm not going to keep you away from them, but you do need to clean up your act. If something happens to me and Ville, I need to know they are going to a good place."

"I will, I promise. I'll stop drinking starting now," he stated with tears in his eyes. I smile at him, praying to whatever god is listening that he truly sobers up.

Dorian starts crying so I get up. Becca starts crying too and I know it's time to feed them.

"Will you set Becca back in her crib and go ask Ville to make their bottles for me? If he asks about me needing help, just tell him that I said I've got it covered," I ask Bam. He nods and gently sets my baby in her crib. He smiles down at her, brushes her hair back then turns and bolts out of the room. I sigh and once again pray to whatever god is listening that Ville and Bam don't get into an argument.

Ville's point of view

Sky kisses my cheek and thanks me for doing the dishes before leaving to check on the kids. I wash the dishes and rinse them off before draining the sink. I put fresh water back in and wash the babies bottles. Then I rinse them out and set them on the counter to dry. I drain the water again then start cleaning washing the counters and tables. I'm about to head upstairs when Bam walks in.

"Skylar said to ask you to make the babies bottles, please," he says. I nod and go about making the bottles. We sit in awkward silence. I finish making the bottles and Bam starts to reach for them.

"I can get it. You should go get a shower. You smell like a bar," I say. Bam glares at me.

"I need to talk to Skylar anyways so I can take them and save you the trouble," he insisted.

"I'll take them so I can help Sky feed our children," I replied. Bam rolls his eyes and walks away, throwing a fuck you over his shoulder along the way. I blow air out my nose and grab the bottles.

Sky looks up when I walk in and her face crinkles with confusion.

"Where's Bam?" she asks. I hand her one of the bottles. She already was sitting in the rocking chair with Damian. I get Rebecca ready to feed as I answer.

"I told him to go take a shower. He smelled horrible."

"As if you've never came home smelling like that," she retorts.

"I'm sorry? Where did that come from?"

"I wanted Bam up here so he could feed Becca. And you made him leave for something that wasn't bothering me," she snaps.

"And here I thought you didn't want an alcoholic around our kids," I growl.

"No I don't want an alcoholic around our kids. But I think the only way Bam is going to heal and stop drinking all the time is to be around our children. He is the godfather to them after all. And I think that the more he interacts with them, the better he will get."

"How many times has he promised you that he will stop? That he will get better and be the godfather our children deserve? He will never stop drinking!"

"So you think that denying him the ability to be part of this family will make him realize he needs to clean up his act? Denying him will just cause him to drink more. He needs to see why he needs to become sober. He needs to see there is something more than just another shot of whiskey! He needs to see he is part of this family and that we love him!"

"Why the HELL do you still love him? He's done nothing but been a giant pain in the ass! Instead of being happy for you, he disappeared to go get drunk. He hurt you emotionally AND physically. He doesn't want to get better. He just wants to wallow in his misery until he dies! And you're too hard headed to see that!"

Rebecca's done with her bottle so I set it down and burp her. Once she's burped, I set her back in her crib. I walk over to Sky and kneel down beside her.

"Get out." There are tears running down her face. Guilt flows through me.

"Sky, I.."

"Get out now," she says more forcefully. I sigh and leave the room, shutting the door behind me.

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