Falling Daisies

By VictoriaFrances

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"Grief knits two hearts in closer bonds than happiness ever can; and common sufferings are far stronger links... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 24

541 25 16
By VictoriaFrances


I hurt.

Everything just hurts. And I’m tired. I’m so, so tired... Tell me; when this is going to end?

She doesn’t want me doing the dishes. But I need to. I need to do... something. I need to do anything I can to remind myself I’m still breathing. That there is breath coming from my lungs and I’m not gone; yet.

There’s this one pain, inside my chest and it’s different from the rest. It’s not a pain of hurt; I think... I think it’s a pain of loss. Not loved lost. I lost that a long time ago now... But loss of my life – because this isn’t my life any longer...this can’t be my life. Can it?

I can’t take it anymore. I can’t take the looks. I can’t take the judgement. I can’t take the pity. I can’t take the people staring at me, day in day out - knowing what’s running through their minds. Knowing they feel sorry for me... But no, not for me - for my condition. I’d shout back but I’m too weak to do that... I’m too weak to care... But yet I do care. I care so much.

The dish water is hot. Scalding even. I can feel it burning through my skin, ripping at the flesh. Not that there’s much flesh there anymore to rip at. But I let it. I let the water blister my hands because it’s a feeling. It’s a sensation. I feed off this pain because, even just for a moment, it’s taking away from that ache in my heart and I like it.

I reach out to pick up a glass.


The shards fall to the floor and so do I.

This is what I am.

A fragile glass: one false move and I will shatter into a million pieces. Reduces to fragments of my own self. I cut my fingers on the littered, broken glass, as I scramble to gather all the pieces.

Stupid. How could you be so stupid?

The blood runs freely like my tears and so I just... sit here.

I slide feebly across the titles and rest my head against the hard wooden draws and I sob.

I sob silent tears as I watch the pulsing blood fall from my finger tips. I’m reminded of Fairytales from my childhood like Snow White or The Goose Girl where the dripping blood on the pure white cloth was a symbol of protection; yet here it just felt like a warning.

It starts to clot and so I rub my fingers together until they open fresh, wincing at the stinging sensation running through my cracked skin. There is something relaxing in seeing the blood though. The blood tells me I still have a heartbeat. It’s weak and pitiful but it’s there. Fuck, it’s there.

But how much longer is it going to be there? How much longer do I have to do this?

I haven’t been having chemo for months. I stopped because it was useless... Everything now was useless.




Just let me go.

“JUST LET ME FUCKING DIE!” I scream at the nothingness.

My Mum runs instantly into the kitchen and sees the scene before her yet I barely register she’s here. She takes in the broken glass and my broken face and my broken heart and she breaks too.

Being a mother is another thing I remind myself I will never get to be and then I remind myself of all the things I have and will deprive her of. She never going to see my buy a car or buy a house, get a job... Get married, start a family... She’s never going to get to see me grow up.

Treading over the pieces she crumbles at my side and she holds me close, just like she did when Dad died. We sat like this and rocked because he had gone. This must mean to her, I am gone already.

“I don’t want to die, Mummy. I don’t... Please. Make it stop. Mummy, I don’t want to die... I don’t want to die, Mummy. Please. PLEASE... Get it to stop hurting me!”

My heart is aching and I feel its beat tight in my chest. It hurts to do this. It hurts to cry and it hurts more to see her cry.

Who is going to save her? She shouldn’t have to do this. Why her? Is it because she chose security over love? Is this her punishment? Are you taking us all away to show what a life without love does?

Help her please, god, help her.

“Mummy, I’m so scared... Will it all go black? Or will there be light? I have to believe there will be light because I can’t think it’s just going to stop. I need to know what happens now! I need to...”

I falter and choke on my words and she sits and soothes. She rubs my back lovingly as I cough, purging my pain. I’m coughing up blood now and I cry and scream as I see it on my hands when I wipe my mouth. I’m slowly malfunctioning from the inside out and I can’t do it anymore.

I need to stop. I need it to stop.

I think of Ben now. And Lucy. I’m glad he picked her, I’m glad he went on. And then I think of the note lying undisturbed under my pillow. Soon he would read it and everything would be ok, it had to be ok for someone. It was comforting to know that love was still going to exist even after I ceased to. I’m glad I brought them together. They both deserve love. They are broken too but I want them to mend. I am past the point of mending... but knowing they still can go on, if they have each other... it’s a comfort, even if it rips my heart in two greater than this cancer does.

I still love him, of course I do. He brought things to my life no one else ever could, but the love he has for her comes from desire, not duty. I needed him more than he needed me and it would have killed me more if this was the final way he saw me. Reduced to this. Pushing him away was the only way to save him.

Be happy. Be so, so happy.

I smile and I feel my Mum hold me tighter, gazing at my hysterical expression and maybe mistaking it for delirium. Maybe that is what it is. Maybe I am delirious. Delirious in the realisation; that this is it... It had to be it.

It had to be now.

“I love you mummy.” I whisper, not looking at her but at the tiny bottle of pain relief pills placed innocently on the table top.

Then my mum begins to sing me my lullaby, the one that had soothed me to sleep so many times when it came from the lips of my parents; both my wonderful parents. It was the lullaby that chased away the nightmares and brought about the deep, peaceful sleep I craved as a child.

The deep, peaceful sleep I crave now.

I feel the tears roll down my cheeks as I let myself be overcome by the words one last time...

Say goodbye, my own true lover

As we sing a lover's song

How it breaks my heart to leave you

Now the carnival is gone

I want this pain gone. It has to be now.

High above, the dawn is waking

And my tears are falling rain

For the carnival is over

We may never meet again

I will see you again in heaven Mummy; we’ll all be together again.

Like a drum, my heart was beating

And your kiss was sweet as wine

But the joys of love are fleeting

For Pierrot and Columbine

I know you will never stop loving. I know you will all kneel by my graveside and weep but you must be happy Mummy.

Now the harbour light is calling

This will be our last goodbye

Though the carnival is over

I will love you till I die

Though the carnival is over

I will love you till I die

I will love you always.

I will love you till I die.

...I’m going to go see my Daddy now.

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