Royal Blood

Por ShhBethsReading

49.3K 6.1K 6.6K


Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter One

5.6K 474 1.2K
Por ShhBethsReading

I look around my room which must have been the billionth time I have done that in my life. I say room; it's big enough to be a small house. There are three doors, one that leads back out to the hallway, another which leads to my walk in wardrobe which is two storeys high and the final one leads to my en-suite bathroom, equipped with a Jacuzzi bath big enough to fit most of my entourage in. Not that I would ever share it with them though. With all this room you would think I would be able to escape my own thoughts but instead it makes me feel trapped.

At first being a princess sounds glamorous and it can be but it also means I am suffocated by people all of the time. I'm not even allowed into our own garden without security watching from a distance. I rarely get to leave the palace unless there is official business to attend to which normally means following my mother around as she opens a new hospital, or a new school. That leaves me stuck in the palace the rest of time and my room begins to feel like a dungeon. 

When I was growing up, I used to believe that the title of Princess Alexandria would mean that I would be able to help people and change how their lives are in a positive way. Instead I spend my days in my mother's shadow making sure I look pretty and presentable in order to win over the public. Not that this ever works, the media always reports that I look 'shallow', 'plastic' and 'disinterested' which is true because I would rather do something to help than just stand around. How am I ever supposed to win over the public by just standing there and smiling? This isn't what being a princess is about. 

Apparently, before the unspeakable disease, royal families were respected a lot more or at least more than what they are now. And then came the unspeakable disease and that changed everything, the whole perspective people had about us.

It started in some of the poorer countries to begin with back in the year 2053. People died but the countries with the money and technology to help didn't do anything. There was no media attention about it for the first few years until it began affecting what used to be known as the 'western countries'. Slowly people began to die in countries that used to be known as Australia, United Stated of America and the United Kingdom. Once this began to happen the world fell into a panic and scientists began to search for a cure. Before a cure was found, nearly one hundred years later, two thirds of the population had died and many countries began to fight against each other. And even now, in the year 2222, the general public still hate us due to this disease.

The reason though as to why the public hates us though is because we were guaranteed safety. Royal families were hidden underground until a cure was announced. My family lived in their own safe bubble.  The public think that we value our lives more than we value there's which I personally don't believe but if you were to ask my mother, you would get a different response entirely. My great grandfather was in power when a cure was announced and when this happened, he changed the way the world was forever. Instead of there being over two hundred countries around the world, he changed it so there were only two. Strongway which consists of what was known as Europe, Africa and half of Asia, and then there is also Shadowfell, which were North and South America and the other half of Asia along with Australasia. I live in Strongway, more specifically on The Island which was the United Kingdom.

Both countries are now ran by royals; Strongway by us, the Willows and Shadowfell which is run by the Maximes and neither families like the other.  There is a constant rivalry with both families trying to outdo the other with little concern for the countries that they run. It is more about who can throw the biggest balls and who wore what to each party. God forbid making a country a better place comes into mind.

I remember the first time I learnt about my family's history, I was six years old and it was my first lesson with my new tutor. I had gotten my first one fired because she told me I couldn't always get my own way. She soon found out that she was wrong. Anyway, when I first learnt everything, I was filled with hatred towards the Maximes in the way that six year olds hate, without any understanding. Now I don't understand the hate at all.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when there is a knock at my door, the one that leads to the hallway, obviously.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"Your Highness, it is just me." My butler Louis answers.

"You may come in." I tell him while rising from my bed. "May I ask why you are here?" I ask him politely but feeling confused.

"Your mother told me to inform you that the Mayor of the Cold Lands is coming to visit. There will be a big meal tonight in the banquet hall which you are expected to be at. You need to be down there in two hours so you mother advises that you start to get ready now. She will have a choice of gowns brought up to your room for you to choose from. That is all." It takes all the control I have to not roll my eyes at him though I know that none of this is Louis's fault.

"Thank you Louis, you may leave now." I dismiss him and begin to run myself a bath. I find it strange that I have known Louis since birth, he has been one of the few permanent fixtures around the palace and yet every time we speak it is so formal.

I slide into the bath once it is done and enjoy the warmth of the water and bubbles. I close my eyes and imagine myself in a world where instead of spending my evenings impressing a mayor at dinner, I'm spending time with friends. I don't have friends though, I have acquaintances.

I'm careful not to get my hair wet because it will then be easier to style it if it is dry and I don't have time to dry it as it is. My hair is probably my favourite part about myself. The length of it is down to my waist and it is raven black colour and it would kill me a little bit inside if I were to cut it. It is also the most recognisable part of me, ever since I was little the media have always commentated on my hair, the colour of it, and the length of it. Cutting it would be like betraying the media at this point.

When I get out of the bath I make my way towards my bed and notice that three gowns have been placed on my bed. I unzip the first gown from its cover bag to reveal a light pink dress with flowers embedded in the top half. It is pretty but not something I would choose to wear. The next dress has a halter top and is sparkly silver. There is a slit in the left leg and again I like the look of the dress but surely it is too much just for a dinner? The final dress is another over the top dress which is red with a deep v-neck and full sleeves.

Instead of deciding which one I should wear now I start to put my make up on and style my hair, giving myself time to think about which one to wear.  These are the problems I have to think about. I always choose to do my own makeup and hair unless it is going to be a public event which tonight is not going to be. It makes me feel like I have some control over my own life even if it is very minimal.

It irritates me that I have so many outfits in my wardrobe that I have never worn and yet every time there is a new event that I have to go to, my mother buys me three dresses to choose from. I feel like that this money could be spent elsewhere, to help people who are living on the streets or something along those lines. That's when I start thinking to myself, if I don't want to wear one of those dresses then why should I? I pick out a blue jumpsuit to wear that I got as a present for my birthday. When my mother saw it, she hated it straight away so wearing it tonight will give her a heart attack. It's blue with a cape along the back.

When I put the jumpsuit on I feel more like myself than I ever have. I add some killer heels to finish the look. Just when I have finished getting ready there is another knock on my door.

"Your Highness, are you ready yet? Your mother is waiting for you downstairs."

"Thank you Louis, I'm on my way." Louis escorts me downstairs to the banquet hall as if I don't know my own way. I'd like to think he does it as some sort of protection but he is in no fit state to fight off anyone.

"Your mother is just through here." He points to the door and I thank him again.

As soon as I walk in I see my mother's face drop.

"Alexandria what are you wearing?" she yells at me while no one else but the guards are in the room.


(This is the second dress described. The first one is the banner above)

(This is the third dress)

(And finally this is the jumpsuit)

Hi guys and welcome to the first #RoyalWednesday! I'm so excited that you finally get to read the first chapter and prologue of Royal Blood. I hope you enjoyed it. I'll be posting a new chapter every Wednesday so I hope you keep your eyes out.

Also a big thank you to @enchantedshades for making this cover. You should go check out her work!

I want to know what you think of the characters so far, so what do you think of our princess Alexandria?

I also want to know where you think the story is going to go. What do you think is going to happen?

Do you have people in mind who would play the characters? Let me know who you imagine as the characters.

Anyway, I've still got just under two weeks off until I start my first year of university (AHHHH!!) do I want to know what year/ grade you'll be starting in school/ college/ university?

I hope you join me again next week for another #RoyalWednesday and don't forget to vote and comment!

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