
By ViciousHipster

3.2K 102 29

Kadence was a normal girl, she loved music, had good grades, and a warm loving family. Not to mention the per... More

Chapter | 1 |
Chapter | 2 |
Chapter | 3 |
Chapter | 4 |
Chapter | 5 |
Chapter | 7 |
Chapter | 8 |
Chapter | 9 |
Chapter | 10 |
Chapter | 11 |
Chapter | 12 |
Chapter | 13 |
Chapter | 14 |
Chapter | 15 |
Chapter | 16 |
Chapter | 17 |
Chapter | 18 |

Chapter | 6 |

214 8 0
By ViciousHipster

The next day, I woke up early in the morning and got ready. I had a large schedule planned for this Sunday, school started on Monday and there were a billion things I had to get done. This included getting more stuff for my room, picking up my textbook and student identification, applying for a parking space, and looking around for a campus job.

I liked working, it gave me a sense of accomplishment each time I got my pay check. Even though, I'm on a scholarship that gives me money to use, I'd still like to earn something rather than get everything handed to me. On top of that, my mom was planning on sending my car today, but it would arrive either on Tuesday or Wednesday. I was excited to get my car, because public transportation really wasn't my thing.

Eager to get my day started, I dressed fast. Putting on dark blue skinny jeans and a plain red v-neck shirt. On my feet I wore red converse sneakers. My hair was easy, I placed it in a messy bun, and quickly applied mascara, eyeliner, and a light gloss on my lips. By the time I was done, it was around eight thirty and Lillian was still sound asleep.

Finding out Lillian had an interest in girls made me slightly uncomfortable to share a room with her. I didn't know how I would work out changing clothes in front of her, would she watch me while I did? Honestly, I was hoping I wasn't her type. I didn't want to change rooms because I didn't want to be racist against het, after all she was allowed to love whoever she loved. Plus, I liked boys, so I would never go for her and she knew that. Well, I hope she knew that.

Pushing that thought from my head, I grabbed my phone and my bag. The bag was cute, it was a light brown with shrill hanging off of it; at least I thought it was called shrill. Quietly, I tiptoed out of the room and closed the door gently behind me, locking it swiftly before walking down the hall. I liked college, the feeling of freedom to do whatever I liked, whenever I liked excited me. I could go and get a tattoo right now and nobody would tell me a thing, except my family when the saw it.

My thoughts drifted to Liam and how my family would react to him. My mom would probably faint at the amount of piercings he had and where they were placed. My dad would go on and on about ink poisoning and how ugly it would look when Liam got older, scolding him for getting so many. My sister would ask him endless questions about the pictures and tell him that drawing on his skin was bad. But my brother would want one immediately, heck, he already wanted one.

I chuckled say the thought of Liam sitting with my family at dinner, he looked so different from them. To my dismay his form shifted and Max was seated at the table, a perfect fit in the scenery. He laughed and passed the lettuce to my mom, she thanked him politely and listened to his story about his soccer game. My dad praised him on the amount of goals he made that season. My brother sat bored and my sister tugged on his shirt, flooding him with random questions.

The imagination was enough to make me burst into tears, but thankfully I bumped into someone and that snapped me out. The person I'd bumped into was a boy, a tall boy with almost black hair and olive skin. His eyes were cold and so dark that you could barely even see his pupils. He was dressed in black everything, from his t-shirt to his Nikes. He was the most intimidating guy that I'd ever seen, I literally wanted to crawl away and hide from him.

"Usually when someone bumps into someone else, they apologize." He barked, his voice was like ice. It sent an unpleasant shiver throughout my body, making me feel cold even though it was hot.

"I-um-I-uh," I stuttered like a fool, flattering when his glare intensified. "I'm so sorry." I rushed the words out, feeling my face get hot as other students gave me weird looks.

The boy nodded and walked past me as if nothing happened. I watched him go, relief flooding me when he was finally gone. For some reason I didn't like that boy, I didn't even want to give him I chance. I just felt like something was wrong with him and there was a strong reason why I should steer clear of him. I would listen to the voice in my head this time- not because she was right, but because I was already terrified of this boy. I did not need another encounter with him.

After the boy, the rest of my morning went well. I'd found a rental car place, and rented a nice ford; it's only downfall was that it smelled like month old dead road kill. I fixed that by using a bottle of air purifier and a scented tree, and just like that the scent went bye-bye. My first stop was the store, and boy did I have a party in that place. I picked up a new comforter and pillows, a lamp for my desk, several framed posters, a radio, a digital clock, some towels, perfume, and a new set of make-up. Even though that was all on my shopping list, I ended up at Forever 21 buying nail polish, jewelry, two new dresses, a few new shirts, shorts, and jeans.

By the time I was done at the mall, I needed two helpers from the mall to carry them to the car. The bags took up the trunk, and half of the back seat but really it was worth it when you thinking about it. Up next, I went to the administration office and school and purchased my textbooks, they didn't turn out to be as expensive as I thought. While I was there, I rented a parking spot in front of my building and got my school ID. I know it sounds ridiculous to rent a spot, but I'd like to be able to get in and out of my door without the hassle of finding parking or locating the place I parked my car for that day.

It was getting close to sunset when I left the administration office and on top of that, I was starving. So, I got into my rental car and drove to the bar I'd gone to last time, it looked like it served good food. It only took me a few short minutes to reach the bar, the only difference in it were the people sitting on the curb outside. They looked drunk, and some of them were smoking, but it didn't bother me. They did what they did, what did I care if they drank or smoked, I just hope they know what that smoke is doing to-wait, no, I don't care if they smoke.

I walked into the bar, it looked the same as the last time I came, only the lights were dimmed and there was someone on the stage reciting a poem while playing a soft ballad on their guitar. I stopped for a second, listening to what the poet was saying, "Blood, the warm liquid running; dripping through your fingers..." She breathed into the microphone and closed her eyes, she looked like the words she was saying was weighing her down. I tuned out and walked towards a booth, when I spotted familiar curls to my right. I turned and saw Harry, Liam, and Zoe sitting at a booth.

They didn't seem interested in the poet. Zoe sat next to Harry on the side facing me, she had a ninja star made of paper in her hand, and was flicking it at Liam. Harry, moved his beer bottle from hand to hand, pursing his lips when the bottle almost fell. Liam on the other hand, he had that guitar with him, though he wasn't strumming, I could see his hand moving fast on the notebook he had. He was writing something that seemed to be very important. My curiosity took over and before I knew it I was behind him.

"Kade?" Harry looked at me with surprise. "What're you doing here?"

I ignored him, and tried to get a look at Liam's book. He was quick to close it, shoving it into the guitar case on the seat next to him. He didn't look at me, and that annoyed me, I wanted him to look at me and too like what he saw. I didn't know why I wanted that, but I just did.


I saw her before anyone else saw her, I knew she'd entered the room when the door opened. I didn't even need to turn around to acknowledge the fact that it was her, I just knew-it was like I could feel her presence. I wanted to punch the wall repeatedly until my knuckled where swollen and bloody, why was I having thoughts about her? Sure, she was beautiful in the face and seemed to know how to have a good time, but what made her different from all the other girls I'd encountered over the years. I've met tons just like her, loud with their mouths, beautiful and full of sass.

The difference with her is that she doesn't seem very vulnerable, one word doesn't look like it would make her swoon. But I wanted her, not to be my girlfriend, but I just wanted her for one night and one night only. Yes, if I get her for one night then all my problems would be solved and she would be out of my head. But first, I needed to get her over here.

The idea came to me out of the blue, I pulled my notebook from my guitar case and opened it to a clean page. Silently, I started drawing some sort of star, using quick movements. I didn't know if this would get her to come over, but it usually tugged on the girls curiosity strings. I drew the star repeatedly on the page, adding other things like swords and skulls, I found myself getting really into the picture for no reason.

"I think we should just go." I heard Zoe mumble, flicking her ninja star at me for the fourth time in a row. Just like all the other times, I ripped it up and threw it at her, but she just reached down and got another paper and created a new one.

Harry shook his head and sighed. "No, most of the parties there suck anyway. Niall and Jasmine went on ahead to see if it was worth going too, and they'll call us if it is."

"I know but, I'm so bored." She groaned.

"Well, we-Kade?" Harry said his tone changed from annoyed to surprised. "What're you doing here?"

Quickly, I grabbed my notebook and closed it; shoving it into the pocket in my guitar case. Then I fastened my gaze on my guitar, moving my hands to play a gentle ballad. In my teen years, I'd learned that moves like this added mystery, causing the girls to want to figure you out and makes them want you more.

"I-I was just getting something to eat." I heard her say. I wanted to look up at her bit forced myself to keep my eyes down.

"Oh, you wanna join us?" Harry asked her.

"Liam, scoot over." Zoe told me and I did.


I sat down next to Liam, and looked at him. He kept his eyes on his guitar, my stomach dropped. Why does he continuously ignore me, was it because of what I said at the hospital? He could at least try and talk to me, his friends seem to like me so why can't he at least give me a chance?

The waitress strolled over to the table, she was a pretty redhead with sparkling green eyes and freckles. Her hair was straightened and her uniform looked shorter than all of the other waitresses. All I could think was slut. She stopped at the table, and Liam looked up, I felt anger rush through me. He would give this slutty waitress a chance but he couldn't even give me one?

She smiled flirtatiously at him and Harry. "Are you guys ready to order?" She asked.

Liam leaned back and smiled at her. "If it isn't a problem, I'd like another beer love." He said.

"Of course," she replied and scribbled it on the pad. Her eyes quickly dropped to his guitar, her smile widening. "Are you a musician?"

"Yeah, I dabble."

"I'd like to order." I said interrupting her before she could speak.

A look of annoyance flashed on her face, and she looked at me. "Of course, what would you like?"

I picked up the menu and studied it, picking a cheeseburger with a side of fries and milkshake. She wrote it down quickly and turned back to Liam to continue their conversation, but again I cut her off before she could talk. "Does anyone else want at anything?" I asked looking around.

Zoe shrugged and ordered a beer, and Harry took nothing. He said he was trying to cut back on his drinking so he could focus on his law career. Even with all of us finished ordering the waitress still stuck around, obviously fighting to finish her conversation with Liam. But, she was really getting me mad for some reason, all I knew was that I didn't like her. "I'm kind of starving, so can you hurry along?"

I could feel Liam's eyes on me, but I ignored them keeping my eyes on the waitress, Nina, her name tag said. Nina glared at me but turned and stalked back into the kitchen. When I turned back around everyone was giving me odd stares to my annoyance. "What?" I growled.

They turned away, all except Liam.

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