Am I Enough? (Sequel to Perri...

By contentcreator22

15.9K 332 124

It's been 10 years since we last saw Lauren,Ella and the girls. Lauren is now 23 and Ella is 13. When Lauren... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Authors note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Authors Note Please Read
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 21

463 7 4
By contentcreator22

Lauren POV: 

Jade comes and takes baby Jayden from Amy and shields him from the unwanted visitor. "Leave now." Perrie demands suddenly getting protective, Leigh and Jesy join her at the front of my bed along with Ella. 

"Don't even try it." I hear Jesy speak a warning tone in her voice, I look at Jade who is doting on Jayden quietly next to my bed, she looks over at me. 

"Are you okay?" She asks still facing away from the other girls because I didn't want our visitor to see my baby boy. 

"Well not really but there's not a lot I can do about it, I've just given birth." I whisper in response.

"You'll be okay." She whispers back handing Jayden back to me since he started to become unsettled with her. 

"I want to see my Grandson!" I hear someone yell. 

"You don't get to call him that, just be happy you get to see your granddaughters!" Perrie responded before security came to remove Debbie.  

"That was stressful!" Perrie and I spoke in unison our geordie accents at their strongest. 

"Tell me about it." My niece laughed. 

"Ella has anyone told you that you've started to look like Jade?" I ask being observant. 

"Have them pain relief drugs made you lose your mind?" Ella shot back. 

"Why would you say that?" I smile as I fed Jayden. 

"I'm not pretty like Jade."

"Yes you are and don't you ever say you're not." Jade moved her daughters hair from her face and pulled her into a hug. 

Perrie's POV: 

After three days she's allowed to come home, Jade and I go to get her knowing she won't want a noisy or packed car journey. 

"How's my handsome nephew today then?" I ask as I see Lauren and Jayden.

"Not gonna ask about your sister then?" Lauren joked. 

"Nah I figured she was good." I joke back. "You look sleepy." 

"The joys of having a newborn." She laughs, I take Jayden whilst Jade helps Lauren into the wheelchair and then I give Jayden back to her after giving him a tender kiss. 

"Proud Aunties coming through." I say as we leave the hospital, when we get to the car I take Jayden again so that Lauren could get in the car, with Jayden already in his car seat I gently put him in next to his Mam and we drive home. 

"Don't crowd them give them space." Jade says as we walk through the door. 

"I wanna see him." Amy pouted. 

"You have to ask Lauren before you touch baby Jayden okay Amy, he's very delicate right now, you can't attempt to pick him up or touch him without Lauren or I being there." I tell my youngest child. 

"Ella doesn't have to ask." 

"Oh yes she does." Lauren says to which Ella goes to make a comment but Lauren cuts her off "I'm sorry Ells but it's not fair to Amy if I don't make you follow the same rules, the only ones that don't have to ask are the adults." 

"So not fair." Both of my children complained and spoke in unison for the first time. 

Lauren POV: 

Being a Mam is the most rewarding but stressful thing ever, I put my son down for a nap and being a decent person I text his Dad a picture of him. 

To: Grant 

Here's a picture of our son Jayden Joshua Andrews, yes I'm putting you on the birth certificate, you can come see him whenever you want. 

From: Grant 

Don't bother and I don't want anything to do with him 

To: Grant 

Okay well don't say I didn't give you a chance. 

I put my phone in my back pocket and go into the garden, Jesy looks at me and immediately comes over. "What's up with you? You just brought your little boy home, you should be happy." 

"Everything's fine." 

"Do I have to have the same discussion with you about lying as I had with Ella." 


"Well then I suggest you tell me." 

"Not here." 

"Fine, your room or mine" 

"My room." We go up to my room and shut the door. 

"Come on tell Jesy what's wrong." Jesy smiled. 

"So I texted Grant and he doesn't want to even know his son, I sent him a picture and everything, told him he could come see Jayden whenever." 

"Well you've done the right thing, we'll go register his birth tomorrow and as soon as his name is on the birth certificate we can sort out child support with the family court and you can show them the texts you sent Grant, we can't make him see Jayden but we can make him help with thee financial side." 

"Thanks Jessica." I smile knowing she hates being called Jessica. 

"Watch it." She warns hugging me, Jayden wakes up and before I can get up Jesy has him in her arms "What? Auntie Jesy wanted a cuddle." I shake my head and laugh "I'll go make a bottle up for him." 

"Jes that's my job." 

"His Aunt can help out can't she?" 

"I guess, but just this once, he's my baby." 

"Nope you live with six people, he's our baby." 

"Well I'm pretty sure you didn't go through a three hour labour." I laugh as both of us head downstairs, Jesy soon hands me a bottle and I start to feed my son, I see his big green eyes look up at me and I know immediately, I was born to be a Mam it was just unfortunate that Grant had no interest in fathering our handsome little boy. 


Hey I hope you're all liking the story, I wonder what trouble Debbie and Grant will cause next... comment with your guesses I'd love to hear what you think 

Also I'm writing a collaboration with Esba_Scuzza called I Dreamed A Dream, we only have 5 chapters right now but we're trying to update as often as possible so please check it out and vote and comment on it, your feedback would be much appreciated 

Thank you 

See you next chapter 

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