Dr. Styles

By daddyfknharold

29.6K 237 64

"Are you sexually active?" "No." "That'll change soon, love." More



11.1K 82 38
By daddyfknharold

  It was a lovely Monday morning. Scratch that. I hate Mondays. They suck. I'm not used to waking up early and even though it was Summer, that's what I had to do. All because of a stupid doctor's appointment.

  5:45 am. That's the time I had to wake up. You're probably wondering why I would have to wake up at such a god awful time if my appointment is only at 7:30. And the answer is this. I take forever to get ready. Just like any other 17 year old girl. Maybe.

  So anyways, here I am, in my black jeep, driving to my doctor's office, listening to The 1975. Sorry, they're really good.

  I finally reached the building and parked in a space, that wasn't that hard to find, seeing as there was only two other cars here, one of which was a matte black range rover. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't drooling.

  But I quickly composed myself and walked into the building.

"Uh, Kota Dimitrov, I have a 7:30 appointment." The snarky blonde lady at the desk, who might I say was wearing way too much blush, told me to go back in the room and wait for Dr. Styles. Funny thing is, I've never heard of Dr. Styles.

"Um Miss? Who is Dr. Styles? I usually see Dr. Black."

"Oh dear, I would have thought you knew. Uh, Dr. Black left to Mexico last month. He won't be coming back. His father is very ill."

"Oh." and that's all I said.

I waited in the small room for what felt like forever, in silence. After a couple minutes, I heard the snarky blonde lady say she was going to get some breakfast. After that, a sex god walked into the room.

Oh, uh, um. I mean doctor. Yeah. Doctor. I totally said doctor.

"Hello Ms.-" he took a glance down at his clipboard "-Dimitrov. Lovely name."

"Hi." That was all I could muster up. His deep british accent completely threw me even more off guard. Hi. Wow I'm so lame.

"Well today, I'm just gonna do a simple checkup if that's alright with you."

"Cool." I really need to work on my speaking skills.


"5 feet and 4 inches."


"135 pounds."

"When was your last menstrual cycle?"

"It just ended yesterday."

"Bra size?"

"Uh, um? Do doctor's usually ask that?..." After that sentence was said, Dr. Styles' eyes went dark and he grew an even more intimidating than he started off with. I didn't even know that was possible, considering he walked in the room looking like Zeus.

"Answer the question Ms. Dimitrov, or I'll take you over my knee right here so help me god." That scared me enough.

"38c" I felt really awkward telling him that. I'm sure it's just a medical thing. Nothing to worry about. But it did concern me that he wasn't writing on his clipboard anymore. He was just staring. Straight at me.

  To try and make the situation less awkward, I pulled a blow pop out of my bag and began to suck on it. But his intense stare didn't cease. So I looked at the ground and continued to eat my treat.

"Are you sexually active?" And that's when I died. Well, almost. I dropped my lollipop on the floor in the middle of a coughing fit caused by the question Dr. Styles had raised, so naturally I went down to the ground and got on my knees and cleaned up my mess while apologizing rather quickly to the man stood in front of me.

"I'm so so sorry Dr. Styles. I don't know what's wrong with me this morning. I can't seem to do anything right. Maybe today just isn't my day. I just have to mess everything up huh? And on top of that I have a job interview at 9. It's for this big company. It's supposed to be-" I finished cleaning up my mess and looked up to come face to face with Dr, Styles' bulge "-huge." I gulped.

That only made a smirk come to the beautiful man's face. And god did it look beautiful.

"Suck." I backed up a little only to have Dr. Styles trap me in a corner. I didn't know what to do, so I went with the option any other person would have, I simply put my head down. But then a hand filled with silver rings and tattoos used it's long fingers to bring my chin up to look at the man in front of me.

"I said suck."

I knew what he meant. I just had never done it before. But I guess there's a first time for everything. And I guess there comes a part in your life where you start thanking yourself for staying up
all night reading fan fiction. The smut
apparently does come in handy.

Just as I went to unbuckle his belt, a ding was heard from the bell of the door and a high pitched annoying voice belonging to someone whom I was not sure, was heard.

"Harry baby?" After that, Dr. Styles pulled me up, gripping my waist with his large hands.

"Your next appointment is next Sunday."

"But I'm not due for another checkup until February."

"Think of it more as a continuation. Have a nice day, love." and with that, the sex god left the room and I was left to pick my jaw up off the floor.

This doctor was going to be the death of me.


my logic : write another story before even coming close to finishing the ones i've already started lol

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