Kendall Stories

By kendalljennerbased

47K 1K 75

Most of these will be meeting kendall for the first time :) appreciate the views! More

Tattoos #2
Tattoos #3
Tattoos #4
Tattoos #5
Midnight Calls
Midnight Calls #2


14.8K 187 22
By kendalljennerbased

You have been living in LA now for a good 3 years. You have a successful job as a personal photographer.  You basically get paid to travel and hang with celebs, and take photos of them for their instagram & websites etc. You've mainly been hanging with YouTube stars and working for them, no one major. Until, you were hired to do a trial run for Kylie Jenner, by photographing her lowkey weekend to the Bahamas. She agreed to hire you and you're actually pretty good friends. You're second job is to attend her birthday party at 'The Nice Guy', and take some good photos of everything going on at the joint during the party. You're openly gay and your actually respected for it, and get commented on how hot you are oftenly, and Kylie is always trying to set you up.

You take a cab with Kylie, all dressed up looking stunning, to her party. You take a few photos of her in her black and nude lace jumpsuit, in the back of the cab. "Lemme see" says kylie and you turn the camera screen to her and show her the selection of photos. "They look bomb af" she says and you chuckle. You place your camera back in your bag, ready to fling it over your shoulder when you exit the cab. "Okay, so the paps are gonna be crazy. You just literally gotta cover your eyes with one hand and use the other hand to hold mine and ill guide you to the door. just concentrate on covering your face - thats the part that sells and gets these assholes money. kay?" lectures Kylie. "Okay" you nod. The cab comes to a halt and you both shift out of Kylie's side of the door. As expected, the paps were crazy, but you followed Kylie's instructions off to a T.

Once you're inside you can already feel the bass of the speakers, and you're getting more and more excited. "No setting me up with random birds tonight!" you jokingly shout at Kylie. "I have to! Its your job to take photos and mine to hook you up! We work for each other!" She responds, laughing. "Seriously though, I'm gonna be having to chat to a lot of people but just follow me around - or if you find someone you like you can chill with them, its up to you!" you knew that Kylie was probably your best client. She made you feel comfortable in every situation - not like you were a hired photographer but a friend. "Okay, thank you!" you respond. Once you leave the lobby and enter the main club you see a girl who is the same height as you, with dark eyebrows, dark hair, and bright red lips run over and hug Kylie in a very thin tube top. "Happy Birthday sister!" she yelled as she hugged Kylie. Holy shit, that's Kendall. As soon as they pulled away from each other Kendall laid her eyes on yours, still smiling. "Kendall, this is Y/N, My personal photographer, but she's more like a best friend" said Kylie. You tried on your best cute smile and reached out to shake her hand "Lovely to meet you" you say. She places her hand in yours and gently shakes, the sound of your British accent makes her eyes soften even further from the smile. "And you" she says almost in a trance with your eyes, until she finally breaks and shifts her eyes to Kylie "Finally, someone who's naturally the same height as me!" she jokes, and as we're both laughing we lock eyes again. This was weird, was i freaking her out? what have i done? why was she staring so intensely into my eyes? was she scared of me? in love with me? I had no idea. But this wasn't usual.

All three of us wandered over to the bar and ordered. Before i could process paying for the drinks, i already saw the bartender handing back Kendall's card and she slipped it back into her purse. "Hey, why'd you do that? you didn't have to pay for the drinks" you say smiling at her. "Well Kylie's the birthday girl, and you, well you have an extremely sexy accent" she says jokingly in response. "Well thank you, for the drink AND the compliment" you say winking at her. She was still smiling at you until she saw her sister Khloe walk into the club. "Oh, I'm gonna go say hi to koko, ill be back in a sec" she says and walks off, leaving just me and Kylie. Kylie turns to you and smiles. "So.. Kendall.." you say looking in kendall's direction. Kylie's face slowly goes into shock and her jaw drops "omg, you like Kendall!" You give a frown but smile through it. "No, I don't, but-" "Oh my, I'm so setting you two up!" she interrupts. "I don't even like her like that!" you defend. "Yes you do! You never give anyone more than one second of thought, but your showing interest in her!" she says laughing. "Just cause someone's interesting doesn't mean i want to fuck them" you say laughing. "In your case it does!" she responds. "Even if you aren't interested in her yet, I'm going to make you. You fit her type perfectly." you couldn't help but wander, what is her type? "And what is that exactly?" you ask curiously. "You're tall, you've got blue eyes, you've got a British accent and you have tattoos. She thinks tattoos are insanely sexy!" she says still shocked. "Ive only got a few pretty ones" you protest. "Doesn't matter what they are, you still have them" she winks at you.

Pretty soon Kendall returns, "Hey, what are you guys talking about?" she asks. "Tattoos" Kylie says quickly before you could respond, smirking. "oh yeah?" Kendall says now interested in the conversation. "Do you have any?" she says looking at you. Kylie winks and walks off slyly. "Yeah maybe about 7 or 8" you respond. A soft smile washes over her face whilst a third person joins us, it's Hailey, Kendall's friend. Kendall doesn't even acknowledge that someone was in our presence, and just kept her eyes locked with mine. "Hey! Im Hailey" you turned to see a shorter blonde girl with her hand reaching out for you, you shake it and respond: "hey, I'm Y/N" smiling. You realise Kylie has met with Tyga who she really wanted more photos with. You know you have to leave these two and go and catch up with her, but to be honest you don't really want to leave Kendall. But you have to, for your job. "Hey, i think Kylie really wanted a lot of photos with Tyga, so I'm gonna need to go follow them" you say with an apologetic smile to Kendall. "Okay," she looks disappointed. "But can you show me your tattoos first?" she jokes. "Maybe later" you smile and wink at her, before running after Kylie.
The night had almost come to an end and you had a pretty good night. You didn't speak to Kendall again since you left her with Hailey at the bar, but Kylie said she'd asked for a ride home with us, and the journey was about an hour so you'd have some good time together. You were basically everyone's personal photographer all night, as everyone was asking for photos, but you didn't mind. You got a lot of Kylie which was your main purpose, so it wasn't a waste. You were only ever so tipsy after 3 drinks, you were still very aware of everything, just slightly more laidback. "Hey, can you go find Kendall please Y/N and tell her we're leaving whilst I call our cab?" Kylie said resting a hand on your shoulder. "Yeah course" you responded as you left to find the cute girl. You saw her almost immediately, she stood out with her dark facial structure. She was sat on the sofas 0n her phone whilst Hailey was talking to some guy next to her. She was basically third wheeling so I'd be able to take her. "Hey Kendall, Kylie told me to come get you cause she's calling a cab now?" I said bending down and resting my hand on her shoulder whilst I talked in her ear. "Okay," she smiled. "Hails, I'm going now, love you!" She turned to Hailey and said. "Okay bye, love you" Hailey blandly responded whilst mid conversation with the male next to her. "Who's that guy?" I asked Kendall as we walked away. "Oh god knows. Someone who will be walking out of her hotel room tommorrow morning" Kendall mocked, making me smile. We reached the door ready to leave when Kylie stopped us. "Right who's going first?" She says to Kendall, obviously making arrangements about the paps outside. "You go first, I'll guide Y/N" demands Kendall. "Okay" Kylie responds turning to walk out. Kendall turns her head to you and grabs your hand. "You know the drill?" She says looking you in the eye. "Yeah, cover your face etc. I got it" you respond. She gives you a smile then follows Kylie pulling you along with her. Kylie yells "shotgun" and runs to the front of the cab. You know she's done this to make you sit next to Kendall, and you were thankful.
Before you know it, you're in the back of the cab plugging yourself in next to Kendall. She's ever so tipsy and this makes her a little more fun. Whilst Kendall's trying to plug herself in you receive a text from Kylie in the front.
"She likes confidence 😉" the texts reads.
You look at her in the reflection of the mirror and shake your head with a smile. She smiles back. Your smile is broken by the agitated girl next to you struggling to plug in her seatbelt. "Here let me help you" you say reaching over and pulling her seatbelt into place and plugging it in. "Thanks" Kendall chuckles looking embarrassed. "Man how many have you had?" You joke. "Only 4 drinks literally, but I'm a lightweight" she responds laughing. Silence fills the car for a while but it's not awkward. You're all enjoying the solitude. "So" Kendall breaks the silence, and turns to you. "About those tattoos?" She says smiling. "Okay, so," you say pulling up your sleeve displaying a few geometric tattoos on your fore arm. Kendall's eyes widen slightly and she smiles. "I got this one about 2 years ago, and this one was only a few months ago" you continue. She places her hand on your arm and gently strokes the tattoo with her thumb. "Wow.. These are insane" she slowly says staring at the tattoos. "This is gonna sound so weird, but can I take a photo of them? I wanna get one soon and I need some inspo" she says moving her eyes to yours. "Yeah of course" you reply. "I want to get another pretty soon" you add. "We should get them together" she says smiling whilst opening her bag and getting her phone out. You can't tell if she's joking or being dead serious. "Sure. It's a date" you joke. She places a hand on your arm again positioning it whilst she focused her phone on your tattoo. The flash goes off, then she turns your arm in the other direction to photograph your other tattoo. "Do you have anymore?" She asks already knowing that you have more than two. "Yeah on my back, wanna photograph them too?" You say smiling. "Yes" she nods laughing. You turn to face your back towards her. You act casual, and pull out your phone and start scrolling on insta. "Just pull my top down and you'll find them. They're all high up" you say whilst paying attention to your phone. "Mkay" she says just as casually. She grabs the back of the neck hole of your top, and slowly and softly pulls it down. "Woah" she says. "What?" I respond with my attention still on my phone. "You have really good taste in tattoos" she says. You know she's looking at the wolf on your back in black and white, with blue eyes. "The wolf is my favourite" you respond. "Mine too" she jokes. She strokes them with her thumb again, almost to check if they're real. You see the flash go off a few times again, before she says "okay I'm done" and you swivel back around. Your attention never left your phone in your hands. "So how many do you have in total?" You know she's asking because she knows you have more, but she's afraid she's being too pushy. "Eight" you say locking your phone and placing it on the seat beside you, and turning your head to look at her. "So where's the other three?" She says smiling again. "Well, you're going to have to really impress me before you see those, they're in areas I can't reveal in the back of a cab" you joke. There's one on your upper thigh, one small one on your V line, and one on your hip. She giggles, her eyes never leaving yours. "Okay, I'll do my best" she responds.
About 30 minutes of the hour long drive have passed, and Kylie has fallen asleep in the front. Kendall is still awake, but is ever so slowly drifting off. "Hey," you say placing a hand on her knee and gently shaking "don't fall asleep on me, I need you awake" you joke. "I'm not I swear" she replies sleepily. "Wait, why do you need me awake?" She says with more enthusiasm opening her eyes. "Because I wanna talk to you" you say smiling at her. "Okay then" she says sitting more upright and facing you. "I wanna talk too" says a sleepy voice from the front. Kylie's obviously woken from her snooze. We all chatted for about fifteen minutes but Kendall ended up dozing off again. "She's such a lightweight, she can't drink without passing out" Kylie joked. Me and Kylie just looked at a few photos and had small talk for the remainder of the trip. "Oh this is me" she said jumping out of the cab. Kylie's house was pretty far away from my apartment, but apparently Kendall's condo was round the corner from me judging by the address Kylie gave the driver for the next stop. Kylie turned to me "Okay, if she doesn't wake up, you will be dropped outside her building complex, I'll text you the number of her condo. Just go in the entrance, go to the elevator, it's floor 9. The keys are probably in her purse to unlock the door" she said. "Wait am I gonna have to carry her and put her to bed?" I said concerned. "Possibly, she should be okay. But i trust you can get her home safely" she replied then smiled at me. "Okay" I said taking in her instructions.
As predicted when we got to Kendall's condo she was completely passed out, and my attempts at waking her had failed multiple times. I got out of the cab walked around and opened her side of the door, flinging my own and her bag over my shoulder. I unplugged her seatbelt and began to pull her out of the car. "Do you want me to wait?" Said the driver from the front. "No it's okay, I'll call another cab when I'm leaving, this may take a while." I responded. He nodded and started the engine up. Kylie had already paid for the whole journey which was sneaky of her. I picked Kendall up, my left arm underneath her knees and my right around her back and under her arm. I closed the door and carried her into the lobby of the complex. Her head just happily sleeping against my chest. Luckily I was strong enough to keep this up. I carried her into the elevator and rested her against the wall as I looked through her bag for some keys. There was only 2 keys and one of them said "Range Rover" so I knew which was the condo key. I placed it in my mouth, closed her bag and threw it back over my shoulder. I picked Kendall up again before the elevator doors opened. I took her to her door and opened it wide before carrying her in and placing her on the couch. Boy, this was a mission, but I had to keep going. I walked over to the door and closed it. I put the keys back in Kendall's bag and walked around trying to find her room. I eventually did, and I placed her bag on her bedside table. I then walked to the kitchen and poured a glass of water, and placed it next to her bag on the bedside table. Now, the girl. I went back over to the couch and picked her up taking her to her room. I moved the covers and laid her down, then took off her heels. That's all I was going to do as it would be too intrusive of me to take any clothing off her, as uncomfortable as her clothes looked. I placed a blanket over her and checked her pulse like I had multiple times to check if she was even alive, but again she was just completely passed out. I left her a note with the corner tucked under the glass of water that read:

"Man, it's not easy hauling you out of a taxi and carrying you to your bed while you're completely parro, but I did it. You owe me a text in the morning ;) 07*********
- Y/N x"
You thought that leaving your number was a good thing. You could of been mysterious, but you wanted her to be able to have it. You may have taken advantage of the fact that she was passed out and gave her a kiss on the cheek before grabbing your bag to leave.
You are woken up to the sound of your phone buzzing on your bedside table. You turn over to see a text from an unknown number, that read:

- "Hey, here's your text 😉"

'Who the hell is that?' You think, whilst in a half sleep confusion.

- "Sorry.. Who is this??" You text back.

- "wow that's offensive, it's Kendall"

Holy shit. You forgot about that.

- "omg I'm so sorry I was in a half asleep, hungover confusion. I remember you don't worry😉" you reply hoping she'll understand.

- "how could you forget?😜 anyway I just wanted to thank you for getting me to bed last night. If it wasn't for you I don't know what would've happened x"

- "You would've woken up in the back of a taxi is what would've happened😳 just kidding, you're welcome😊"

- "😊 anyway, were you by any chance wearing a dark red lipstick last night?"

That was a pretty weird question of her to ask, but you will go with it anyway.

- "umm.. Yeah, why?"

- "just making sure the '💋' mark on my cheek wasn't from the cab driver😉"

Oh shit. You forgot that you were wearing lipstick that would've rubbed off on Kendall's cheek last night when you kissed her. You couldn't see it as it was dark and you'd had a few. You started to worry, she seemed to be acting pretty casual about it but what would be your excuse? Will she think it's weird that you kissed her? Will she think it's funny? Sexy? Who knows, but it was definitely embarrassing. You don't know what is going to happen from here..

To be continued...

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