Ross Is My Life (✔)


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Love <3 at first sight. Ross meets this girl and falls in love with her. She felt the same way also. What wou... More

Going to a Concert
Arriving at the Concert
Meeting R5
A Text from Ross
Hanging Out
Telling the Truth
What happened?
Who texted?
What's Going On?
The Next Day
Can you please tell me?
Please Don't be Mad at Me?
Happy Birthday
It's Her
I'm Sorry and I love You
What just happened?
At the Concert
What should I Do?
Best/Worst Day Ever
The Perfect Day/The Date
The Very Next Day
The Party
Where's Ross?
What Have You Done!?
I Want U Bad
Best Friend Day
What Can I Do & Who's that?
Thank You
What the Hell?
Authors note
New Stories

How Could You!?

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Chapter 29 - How Could You!?

(Tina's POV)

I peeked through the door and couldn't believe my eyes.

Ross and Jen were kissing each other. They heard a creek at the door and saw me. I ran out before Ross and Jen could say anything. I ran and ran. This was happening all over again. I wish I never took him back. Riker was right, he was just going to brake my heart over and over and over. He'll never stop. I ran down the hallway and down stairs with Ross falling me.

"Tina!!!!!" I heard him yell out, but kept running.

My best friend just kissed my boyfriend. Why would she do that to me? I hate her right now. I hate him right now. Why? I thought he loved me. Only me. I can't believe they did that.

(Ross' POV)

"Tina!!!!!" I yelled as I was chasing her.

I can't believe she saw that. And I can't believe Jen did that. What was she trying to do? I just wanted Tina to know what happened so she wouldn't hate me or get mad at me. Well of course she hates me. I kissed her best friend. Well she kissed me. What am I going to do? I ran and ran and ran until I caught up to her and grabbed her.

"Tina." I said trying to catch my breathe.

"Leave me alone!" she snapped as I held her tight.

"Let go of me. I hate you. I don't want to see you. You mean nothing to me. Go away!!!" she said all upset. "How could you?! How could you?!" she repeated crying.

"Please. Let me explain." I begged still holding her.

"No! You don't have to. I know what you mean by kissing my best friend. We're done. And I never want to see you again!!!!" she yelled as she yanked her hand away from my grip and ran away.

I started to run after her. I didn't want to stop. I wanted her to let me explain. I love her and only her. Why doesn't she get that? It was only her who's in my life no one else. I need her. I love her. I want her. She's mine. I finally caught up to her again.

"Leave!!!" she yelled pointing away from me.

As I came to her I caught me breath.

"No. NO. I'm not leaving you. Can you let me explain please?" I asked as my heart was racing.

"No!" she yelled and sat on the bench near us, but looked away from me.

I sat next to her. She scooted away from me, but I just kept coming closer and closer until she couldn't scoot anymore.

"Leave me alone. I don't want to see you. I hate you!" she yelled as tears were running done her eyes.

 "No. I'm not leaving you. Can you please let me explain?" I begged.

"No I don't want to talk to you." she said pissed off and angry, but more upset.

"Fine. You don't have to say anything, just listen." I said as she curled her self into a ball as her face was on her knees, looking down.

She just sat there crying her eyes out as I started to explain.

"I was about to go to you earlier in the house, but I couldn't because Jen dragged me upstairs. I didn't know why until I asked her. She said that she wanted me all to herself. She knew this day would come." I said as I was trying to continue. "I guess that meant that she doesn't like Rocky anymore or she just doesn't like you or something." I continued.

She looked up at me.

"I don't believe you." she whispered.


"Cause you have been hurting me so many times. The 4th time isn't a mistake. You meant to do it. You meant everything. Riker was right about you. You were just going to break my heart over and over and over. I'm sick of that. It's like your messing with me. I deserve a guy who treats me right. Not you." she said as she whispered the last part.

"Tina. I love you so much. I know I hurt you but I never stopped loving you. I know I made mistakes but I plan to make them up. I know I messed up, nut I'm just asking, will you lease give me another chance?" I asked begging on my knees.

"Why should I give you another chance when I know your going to kill it?" she asked as tears ran down her face.

I tried to wipe it away but she moved away from me.

"Because you love me and you'll forgive me." I said looking at her gorgeous eyes.

"I don't love you anymore." she said looking away.

"Nope. Not true. You still love me." I stated.

"How do you know!? she asked as she stressed the word 'you'. 

"Because I know you. My love. My babe. My girlfriend. My best friend. My...." I stopped when I received a hug from her.

That's all I wanted a hug from my girl.

"What was that for?" I asked as she let go.

"I do love you." she said.

"I told ya. I love you so much more and I'm so sorry for what I've done to hurt you. Will you forgive me?" I asked.

"I'm really sorry for what I said. I don't hate you. I love you." she said then hugged me.

"So is that a yes?" I asked confused.

"Yeah. I forgive you."

"Yes!" I shouted.

"But I can't be with you." she whispered the last part.

"Wait. What?! Why?"  I said grabbing on to her hand.

"'ve hurt me so much that I can't take it anymore. So I can't be with you." she said as she yanked her hand away from mine.

"No. Please don't think that. I didn't mean it. And you know it's the other person that does it. Not me. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Please Tina!" I said as I tried to change her mind.

"No!!!" she yelled and got up then ran off.

I couldn't catch up to her. My heart just freeze. I couldn't believe she didn't want to get back with me. But what hurts me the most was that she broke my heart and I broke hers. I wish I never went with Jen upstairs and ALL the other girls. Why am I such an idiot for letting that happen to me, to her?! I hate hurting her especially when it comes between our love. Our relationship. Our feelings for each other. I ruin her day. She'll never say 'I love you' to me. Never.

(Jen's POV)

I don't know what just happened. What did I do? Was I high? Or was I jealous? Maybe I am. What am I saying? Tina's my best friend, well I think. Why did I kiss Ross? Now Tina will never forgive me. She had plain this party and somehow what ruined it. She hates me. She'll never forgive me. I hate myself. Why, why Jen?! What am I going to do?

(Rocky's POV)

I can't believe what I saw. My girlfriend kissing someone else girlfriend. What the heck?! Why would she do that? She ruined everything. My heart. My life.  thought she loves me. Only me. But no, I was wrong. She never really had feelings for me. This can't be happening.

hope y'all like

tell me what I should write in the comments

thanx love y'all

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