little space → yoonmin

By taetheist

1.7M 84.9K 81.3K

min yoongi had noticed that park jimin has been acting odd lately. he was perfectly fine not to question it... More

cast list
a tag (sorry)
roast urself challenge (thank u for 1k !!)
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
author's note

twenty one

41.8K 2.3K 657
By taetheist

another update bc i keep waiting like nine years between updates
also sorry this is rushed and gross

i'm writing a yoonkook fic ,,, r u guys going to let it flop like u did the namjin fic (ps its going up right after i publish this)

three more chapters, btw

"Jin, I figured it out." Yoongi said quietly to the older as he waited for Jimin to gather his things so they could leave. Jin looked over at him skeptically and raised an eyebrow, lips pursed. "Age regression - outside of BDSM - can be triggered by abuse of various sorts, I won't get into it, but Jimin's mom, to say the least, was kind of a bitch to him in high school. I assume nothing's changed."

"And? That doesn't explain the sudden age regression, Yoongi. It only gives him a reason to regress in the first place." Jin said, and Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"His mom called him, you asshole. She's visiting this weeken- hey, Jiminie! You ready to go?" Yoongi asked, holding out his arm for the younger boy to latch on to. Jimin waved to Jungkook and Namjoon, who were hovering just behind Jin. Yoongi nodded politely and led Jimin out to the car, determined to confront Jimin and ask why he didn't just tell him that his mom had called, but as soon as Yoongi got into the drivers seat, Jimin threw himself over the center console and sobbed into his shoulder. "Whoa, whoa. Jimin, are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?"

"No!" Jimin wailed, and Yoongi's heart broke as he pulled the younger into his lap. "I'm sick, hyung. I'm a sick person and I'm icky and I can't believe you even put up with me because I'm so gross-"

"What did she say to you?" Yoongi asked, jaw tightening and hands stilling on Jimin's back. Jimin pulled away from Yoongi's shoulder and wiped at the snot dripping down his face, effectively smearing it onto his tear stained cheek. "Tell me what she said, Jimin, so I can assure you it's not true."

"Y-you know?" Jimin asked, eyes wide and puffy. Yoongi nodded and Jimin sniffed, letting himself go limp in the elders lap. Yoongi rubbed his back gently with one hand while giving a vague thumbs up to Jin, who had opened to front door to see why the two of them were still in the drive way. "She's coming this weekend, hyung. I'm not - I'm not ready. I don't wanna see her."

"You have to, Jiminie. It's been four years, she probably misses you." Young said, frowning to prove his point. Jimin merely whined and burrowed himself into Yoongi's chest. "We can cuddle later, baby, but right now I need you to get out of my lap so I can drive home."

"It's five minutes." Jimin stated determinedly. "I'm staying here." Yoongi sighed and put the car in reverse, feeling distressed over the situation but letting Jimin cling to his torso nonetheless. He drove home at twenty five the whole way, paying no mind to the angry drivers speeding past him with their middle fingers held high in the air. The last thing he needed was an upset Jimin and a totaled car from stupidly agreeing to let him sit in his lap on the way home - he'd drive as slow as he wanted.

When Yoongi finally got Jimin up to their apartment without incident, the younger boy immediately pulled him into bed and curled up into his side, burying his face in the junction of Yoongi's neck. Yoongi played with the hair at the base of Jimin's neck, trying to work out what to say without upsetting him.

"Jimin," Yoongi said quietly, earning a soft hum in response. "Do you... do you go into little space because of your mom? Because she was so horrible to you when you were younger?"

"Hyung..." Jimin said quietly, stroking the side of Yoongi's face. Jimin knew that if he admitted to it being his mother's terrible parenting skills that made him feel the need to act like a child to make up for lost time, Yoongi would only blame himself. He'd blame himself for not offering Jimin a place in his apartment sooner, he'd blame himself for not realizing sooner that Jimin's home situation wasn't all rainbows and butterflies, he'd blame himself for all kinds of things that weren't his fault.

"Please don't lie to me, Jimin." Yoongi said, voice low like they were sharing a secret so classified that not even the empty apartment was allowed to hear. Jimin raised his head, only to place it back down on Yoongi's chest, chin probably digging into the older's pectoral uncomfortably.

"Yoongi hyung," Jimin whispered, reaching down to lace his fingers in between Yoongi's. He brought them up to his face and kissed Yoongi's knuckles lightly. "It's okay. I can already hear you internally blaming yourself for this and you need to stop. This is not your fault."

"I should've invited you to live with me right out of high school. I should have never let you live at home for college." Yoongi said, looking up at the ceiling. Suddenly he felt horrible, firstly because he could have stopped this, could have spent the last ten years reminding Jimin of how great he was instead of waiting for it to get to the point where Jimin had to find solace in a pacifier. Secondly he felt terrible for being upset at himself and taking the attention away from Jimin. It was Jimin's issue they needed to talk about, not Yoongi's self induced pity party.

"Hyung, please stop. This isn't your fault." Jimin begged, eyes wide as he gripped Yoongi's hand. Yoongi sighed and looked down at him, probably sporting quite the double chin. Jimin smiled at him and wiggled up just enough to give Yoongi a quick kiss on the cheek. "Smile, hyung, we get to cuddle now."

"Don't we have to prepare for the wicked witch of the southeast?" Yoongi asked, hoping Jimin would laugh at his (god awful) joke. Jimin grinned at him and looped an arm around Yoongi's shoulders.

"Nah, I'll do it tomorrow while you're at work. It'll give me something do to other than dwell." Jimin said. Yoongi nodded and wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist, nuzzling his nose against Jimin's cheek as he closed his eyes. "You're such a cuddle monster."

"Shut up," Yoongi said, voice muffled by Jimin's shirt. Jimin laughed and turned his head to kiss Yoongi's temple. Yoongi sighed, letting himself melt under Jimin's warm touch. He couldn't help but worry as to why Mrs. Park wanted to visit them so suddenly, but he tried to shoo off his worry for the sake of Jimin. Everything would be fine as long as they were together, Yoongi was sure of it.

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