The Different Ones

By XoSmurfsoX

604 42 28

this is the story of children and teens finding powers beyond belief and thought. the question though is whe... More

The Different Ones
New Buddies
Unexpected Master
Understandings Riley's POV
Training Logan's POV
Dreams Suck Logan's POV
Logan's Decision

Philip's Time

16 3 0
By XoSmurfsoX

Time was running out fast, I could feel it.  He needs to be trained and fast. Jonathan must be stopped.

These were the thoughts racing through my head when Logan left the table to call his friends.  I needed to train him in wizardry and weapon fighting. He will never be as good as Riley, but I can get him to where he can hang with her so they can practice. He needs to be so good at wizardry he can teach others. What can I do I am only a doctor. There was only one thing I could do.  I needed to “homeschool” him.  I would have to pull him out of school. It is the only way to train him fast, but make sure he got everything he needed to go off on his own. I needed to think.

I yelled up stairs “I am going for a walk Logan” and walked out the door.


“Walk faster,” I command myself. I remember becoming a mage as a lad. I have spent more than 1,000 years training with weapons and magic. I have to walked through each step, I thought. I kick a small pebble across the sidewalk. I was never a fast learner. It always took me awhile to learns spells and the art of war. I was however, one of the strongest in raw power. Ever since I have met Logan, he has been able to do everything I never could.  He is stronger and more efficient than me. He learns quick. I might be able to teach him everything I know before its time to move on. I have to talk to him first. He needs to know what I am planning, he needs to know everything, but now I need to let a little bit of stress go.

When I arrive at the forest I let out a breath. I can feel the world shift and bend at my will, I can feel the tree twenty yards to my left begin to expand and grow taller. This is all due to the magic within my words. Thousands of years I have worked on the magic inside of me. It causes great pain when the world looks so mishappend. So much pain, I release the stress by shaping the world.  It helps me focus on my plan to train Logan and take down Jonathan. Through my years of living I have seen so many tragedies. Including my own, when I was five hundred years old I met a young woman. Her name was Carla. I can still smell the coconut scented perfume she used to wear. I loved her since the day I set eyes on her. I remember her face when I proposed. A year later, we had a son. His name was Caleb. He had his mother eyes and hair. But happiness never lasts. Around that time I began teaching Jonathan but he began showings signs of the dark side. I immediately stopped his training and told him to leave.  Could I have prevented what was going to happen in a couple of months? I will never know. I remember the horrid day like it was yesterday. I was coming back from my training and had stopped at the store to buy my wife some red roses. As I walked up to my house I knew something was wrong. All the protective charms I had put up were gone. As I walked up to the open door I saw Jonathan's sign, the carving of a snake with it’s fangs bared. I ran inside and everything was torn into pieces. It looked as if a bomb had gone off inside and the outside was left standing. My wife and son were gone. I had felt anger that only a man who loved his family would feel. On that day I began hunting down Jonathan. I looked through booked flights, cameras, anyway I could. I had found his little hiding place in Las Vegas, Nevada, where I confronted him a gun in my hand.

“Where is my family,” I yelled with angry tears spilling down my cheeks.

“Your wife and your child are dead,” he said with a sly smirk

I felt my heart shatter into pieces, “Why, have you done this Jonathan?”

“It gives me great pleasure to do it Teacher”

“You are no student of mine, Jonathan, my student has to know discipline, compassion, leadership, and the ability to do good,” I said pointing at him.

“After you quit teaching me Philip, I started to study on my own. I have learned everything I need to know. I have gone so far into magic Master. I have all I need to take you down.”

“Then try me, Jonathan,” I said with coldness dripping from my voice, “you were never stupid enough to mess with me, why do you want to start?”

“I am stronger than you are Philip. I now know more than you would ever know.”

“Do not underestimate me Jonathan, you have killed my family, and on top of that you do not know what I have learned and know.” I felt the world start to bend, I heard distant chanting. I fired off to stop him from using a spell if we were going to fight. I was going to win this fight. Back and forth we went. Fire, water, lightning, anything you could think we used. I had to admit he had practiced and had gotten better since the last time we had dueled. At the end he caught me off guard and froze my feet to the wooden floor. He had started to cast a spell. I do not recall what had happened but then I spoke phrase that blew the area around Jonathan stood. I felt pain all over my body. Wooden pieces were stuck inside my skin. I had heard sirens in the distance and ran, never looking back. For a while I thought Jonathan was dead. How wrong I was.

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