Accidentally Mated (Larry Sty...

By pretzelsncake

523K 17.2K 14.1K

Louis has just presented at the age of 24, becoming Omega out of nowhere. He looks completely different, he'... More

Meeting Louis
Mating Louis
Knowing Louis
Is that Louis?
Reacting to Louis
Hating Louis
Helping Louis
Smelling Louis
Caring for Louis
Possessive over Louis
Sensing Louis
Seeing Louis
Worried about Louis
Angry at Louis
Confused with Louis
Ignoring Louis
Did you just check him out, Louis?
Annoyed over Louis
Knotting Louis
Looking after Louis
In heat with Louis
Perfect Louis
Forever and Always Louis
Confused With Louis (Louis POV)

Sleepy Louis

16.2K 669 522
By pretzelsncake

"It's just a short interview," Someone behind the stage lets us know. "You'll be in and out."

Thank God. I'd had enough already. We hadn't stopped at all today, and I just wanted to chill out.

Louis was exhausted, eyes struggling to stay open, and I wonder if how he'd slept. I knew he had because he always fell asleep before I did.

We get sat down, me and Louis at opposite ends, and we start the interview. Simple questions.

"What's your favourite colour?"

"What's the best holiday you've been on?"

"When was your first kiss?"

"What's your favourite flavour of ice cream?"

I'm sat here, daydreaming about eating strawberry ice cream. I'll definitely have to get some later.

"Harry?" The interviewer asks me, bringing me straight out of my fantasy.

"Sorry?" I ask, stomach hungry.

"What's your favourite smell?" She asks.

"Oh," I breathe, running my hand through my hair. I show a small bit of panic before hiding it. It had changed, until very recently it had been bread. I had to half lie. Louis would notice. "Yeah, I smelt a good perfume once. It smelt like - like flowers. And maybe vanilla. Very sweet. Warm. Alluring."

By the end, I'm rambling, daydreaming about it. It's really nice. So so nice.

I jump, hearing the boys laugh at me except Louis.

"What?" I frown, offended.

"Perfume extraordinaire here," Liam points his thumb at me. "Good description."

I look away, embarrassed. I shouldn't have said anything.

"And you, Louis?" She asks, moving onto the small Omega at the end.

"Clean sheets," He blushes, and Niall looks quickly at him, like he's a freak. "Yeah, I like - fresh linen."

That's not a bad one really. I liked sheets. His chest flutters with huge want, throwing me off. Sheets aren't that good.

"Okay, thank you boys," She finishes. "You're free."

We leave, and I watch Louis, shoulders slumped. He's so extremely tired. What's wrong with him? It's not even the evening yet.

He makes it to our car, struggling to stay awake the whole journey back. He keeps thinking about how he hates being an Omega, and it's so strange. He always thinks that. It couldn't be that bad.

"Louis," Zayn says. "We're here."

He's struggling to keep his eyes open, getting out the car.

"Wow, you're tired," Zayn says, watching him walk up the small steps to the hotel. "You have a bad nights sleep?"

"No, it's because he's an Omega," Niall points out, and I feel how Louis gets annoyed at him for even mentioning it. "He sleeps all the time. Haven't you noticed?"

I have, but I just thought he liked sleeping. He always thinks how he enjoys it.

"No," Zayn says. "I just thought he liked time alone in his room."

"He sleeps after any activity he does," Niall says like Zayn is stupid. "After practice and after the gig. After anything strenuous. That's why he leaves."

He blushes, confused that Niall would even notice that.

I flinch, remember how he fell asleep so easily after I'd had sex. It was almost instantaneous, and it had always confused me until now. It all made sense.

Watching him struggle to walk, and lean against the wall in the lift the whole way up to our floor, I worry. Why hadn't he slept today if it was so great a thing that he slept? That he naturally needed it?

I get a huge need to help him, but there's no way I could. Not with how we reacted to each others scents. I couldn't do that again.

He gets into his hotel room, and closes us out. I get to my room, almost turning back when I feel how he hurts his arm, a sharp pain, but then he's asleep and the pain is gone.

What happened?

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