The Violent.《Z.M》

By The_Monster_MK

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"You will keep struggling but at the end you will always be in my firm hold." All right reserved 2016©The_Mon... More

Chapter 1. South Part ?
Chapter 2 . Surprise !
Chapter 3. of course I know you.
Chapter 4. Going to be sold soon.
Chapter 5. Mother Natural decided to come.
Chapter 6. take a look.
Chapter 7. A soul should be set free.
Chapter 8. Blood.
Chapter 9. His Violent side.
Chapter 10. Good girls are bad girls.
Chapter 11. Nice shoes.
Chapter 12. Hateful thoughts.
Chapter 13. Unknown Past.
Chapter 14. Rough.
Chapter 15. It's Liam.
Chapter 16. Smoke.
Chapter 17. When Hell freezes over.
Chapter 18. Blind.
Chapter 19. Panic.
Chapter 20. Remember me?
Chapter 21. Even salt looks like sugar.
Chapter 22. Missed me?
Chapter 23. Welcome back.
Chapter 24. I need you.
Chapter 25. Eager enough.
Chapter 26. Him.
Chapter 27. What a coincidence.
Chapter 28. Courage.
Chapter 29. Numb.
T R A I L E R.
Am actually alive
Chapter 31. Fool's paradise.
Chapter 32. Vexed.
Chapter 33. Lost.
Chapter 34. Cigarettes.
Chapter 35. Comfortable silence.

Chapter 30. Hitched.

2.7K 137 78
By The_Monster_MK

Every body gets high sometimes you know, what else we could do when we're feeling low?


Anna's P.O.V.

Darkness, silence, emptiness.

That's what made me feel comfortable.

Loudness, laughing, staring.

That's what made me feel so upset and uncomfortable.

I look to the place where Angelica should be sitting but she is not there, i search the crowdy room finally spotting her.

She is serving all of those bastards.

Somehow the mansion is crowded by over sixty men and their slaves.

Some of them are making out with their slaves and the other just squeezing anything that can be squeezed, filthy creatures.

Zayn's body that was found in the heart of the woods was taken by the government, we didn't even bury him, they told us that they're 'investigating' the body which was weird, so weird and suspicious.

I sigh and look around.

I catch an eye or two staring at me, studying me, examining my body.

I glare at them but then stare at the floor.

Two weeks of break downs, screaming and yelling.

Of course i didn't believe all of this shit on the television or even the government or anybody.

He is still alive out there i know.

Oh stop it now, he died, move on.

No he is alive.

No, he is not! Get over it.

I have hope.

Hope is nothing but a feeling.

I will always have hope.

You hoped the world to be a better place, you hoped to get out of this hell hole, you hoped you hadn't fell in love, you hoped alot. What makes you think this time your hope will come true?

I screw my eyes shut, balling my fists.

Sometimes i just hate my own mind.

"You alright Anna?"

I quickly open my eyes and stare at Angelica.

She looks okay, she didn't cry when she knew zayn was dead, not a fucking tear slipped from her eyes.

I shake my head, tearing up.

"I don't think i can stay here anymore, i am suffocating from all this smoke and the smell of the drinks, i need to get out." I whisper shaking.

A tightening feeling starts to grow in my lungs.

She looks at me worriedly and then nodded her head, giving me the permission to go out.

I storm off, pushing bodies in my way, some cursing at me calling me a bitch and some others calling me something in different language.

When i got out, i sigh in relief.

We're having an auction.

And what is the object that every man wants in that room?


I am on sale.


Angelica isn't on sale and it confuses me alot, like that's unfair, don't get me wrong, i love her and she's like my best friend but why? Isn't it weird?

I sigh.

Turns out if your master died, got into jail, some other man gets to buy you to be his slave.

There are so many men in there from different countries, they just came here to buy a slave.

You should be proud by that.

Proud? I lost my respect in this world and i fucking lost my master- who seems the better of them all- and you tell me i should be proud? You can proud my ass.

I sigh out loud and looked at the forest infront of me, it's almost midnight and the auction will get started in a minute or a two but all i just think is to run.

Run deep in this forest, get lost. Maybe eaten by some random animal and get rid of this life.

I will admit Zayn was the only chance for me to survive the whole slave thing, he didn't touch me by force- well he did but you know what i mean- he was gentle.

"You shouldn't be here all alone, miss." A rough but sweet voice came from behind me, pulling me away from my thoughts.


I turn sharply to find a good looking guy with grey hair and very shiny blue eyes.

"None of your business." I spit harshly, not really in the mood to talk with anyone.

Oh please don't be rude.

"So it is true, Annabelle Ray Hudson, nineteen years old, very tall with slim body, long and tall dark brown hair with a cheeky attitude and dirty mouth, oh how i like that." He smirks walking closer.

I frown at him leaning my head to the side, does the whole world know who i am? Great.

"Oh and a virgin." I widen my eyes, who is this bastard?

"Who are you to talk to me like that?! And hey, i don't have a dirty mouth so watch it." I point my forefinger at him, raising both of my brows.

"I am your soon to be master and yes you do have a dirty mouth, might benefit us when things gets hot." He wiggle his eyebrow and i gasp.

Oh god. My subconscious faint.

I snort and shake my head.

Okay Anna, just ignore him.

I turn away and started to walk back to the mansion but a hand grips my wrist harshly preventing me, i almost whimper from the tightness of the grip.

"It's rude to walk away from your master, baby girl." He whispers against my ear.

B-baby what? My subconscious faints again.

"And it's rude to grab a lady's hand that way." I whisper back, sucking a deep breath.

"A lady? You're just a slave not a lady." He scoffs.

I snap my wrist out of his hand and stare at his so terribly beautiful face.

If his attitude was just as beautiful as his face...

"I will only answer that question with one way, master." I smile at him before kicking my leg right up into his sensitive spot, i am sure he won't be able to have sëx in weeks.

He groans in pain, kneeling infront me, his eyes looked at my face, pain written all over it.

I lean a little so our faces are inches away.

I narrow my eyes, "Hmm, what is your name?" I ask.

Really? My subconscious remark.

Don't blame me, i am a curious person by nature.

"What? Do... Do you think tha-"

"Oh forget it and whatever the hell your name is, if you ever thought of getting in back there and by there i mean the auction, i am going to chop it off sweetheart." I say interrupting him.

Where did this confidence came from?

I smile innocently at him and wink.

His face pales and his jaw dropped, he looked at me like i am an alien with two heads.

I stand up straight and wave at him.

"Goodbye gentlemen." I say sarcastically.

Swaying my hips and flipping my hair over my shoulder, i walk back in the damn auction.

No one is going to buy me, again.

• • •

"One million dollars, one millio-"

"Three million and a half." Another bidder yells and i roll my eyes, yeah i said no one will buy me and i was so confident but in a world where the men have more power than the women, what could i say?

I am currently sitting on a chair, which is seated on a stage, infront of all those...well men.

I block out the rest of the auction and stare at the gentleman i just kicked his dick out there.

He catches my eyes and smirk, i narrow my eyes at him.

Don't you dare...

"Five million dollars." He yells, still looking at me.

That bastard.

Some gasps, oh my gods and sighs runs all over the auction.

"Five million! Any one wants to bid for six million? Anyone? Okay, On the count three, one...two...three, sold to Lucky blue smith."

So his name is lucky?

I am sure he won't be lucky when i chop his dick off.

I quickly stand up and climbed down the two steps of the stage.

Ten feet away stands my so-called new master.

He motion with his head for me to follow him and i scoff.

Even they are selling the mansion and by they i mean the government, i don't know why the government has the upper hand of everything, like where is that Henry bale?

'I am your master, oblige to my orders and follow me.' He mouths.

'Now.' He adds before exiting the place.

I glare at his back and groan.

I push my way through the crowdy place, all eyes on me, It's like i am celebrity or something.

I finally-after avoiding some bidder's hands- got out of the room.

I looked around but i couldn't find him, walking down the hall i exited the mansion and trust me i don't even know why i did that.

I shudder at the cold whether, it wasn't that cold thirty minutes ago, maybe i shouldn't have wore this red dress.

I must admit it's a beautiful long sleeveless dress, fits me but so thin that i can feel the cold hitting my covered stomach.

"Cold isn't it?"

I snap my head to him and narrow my eyes.

Lucky narrows his eyes too, copying my moves.

"I think you can't chop it off without a sharp weapon." He mumbles still narrowing his eyes, i almost laugh, almost.

I shake my head and stare at the driveway, i frown.

His cars are sold, his cloths, everything.

I miss him.

I find myself thinking of him all the time, two weeks- four days, sixteen hours and fifty eight seconds passed.

Yes i do miss him.

Since when did you get so whipped?

"Earth to Annabelle, hello." A hand waves infront of me and i slap it away.

"Ow! Careful tiger." He chuckles.

"I told you not to buy me." I say, glaring at him.

"Why, i already did." He shrugs.

"I told you not to buy me." I repeat, raising my voice a little bit.

"And i already did." He said raising his voice too.

"I'll let you know something master, i am not an easy girl when you beat her she becomes weak and oblige to your orders."

Woah woah, wait, i remember zayn beating yo-

Shut up! I interrupt her.

"I know that's why i bought you." He smirks.

"Not because i am a virgin?"

"There are so many slaves- oh excuse me- girls that are virgins not only you in this world."

"Then what makes me so special?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You were my enemy's slave." He says a bit too loud.

"Wait, Zayn is your enemy?" I ask.

"You mean was, yeah he was number one on my enemies list." He says looking behind me, at the mansion.

"How do you know Zayn? And why was he your enemy?" I ask curiously.

"You do ask alot of questions but sorry i won't answer any of them." He says this time looking at my way.

I don't know why he was standing eight feet away from me as he was afraid of something.

"Why?" I ask dumbly.

"Cause i don't want to and oh i forgot something!" He quickly say before marching towards me very fast.

"What ar-"

I was cut off when his lips harshly pressed to mine.

My subconscious faint again.

I was paralysed from his move that i couldn't even do anything but let him kiss me,

i found myself comparing between his kiss and zayn's kiss.

His is sweet and so soft and he is being so careful but zayn's kiss is rough and full of electricity.

I choose the rough one. My subconscious say.

He pulled away and i look at his blue-electric eyes still paralysed.

Wake up woman, it's just a kiss.

He stares at me for a minute.

"Just play dumb and act like you enjoy my kiss." He whispers against my lips.

My eyes widen.

"W-what? Why?!"

"We are being watched." He whispers, staring at my lips in a way that could make me collapse on my knees anytime soon.

Control your hormones, you need to f.ucking control your hormones woman!

"I-what?" I manage to get out.

"We are being watched." He repeated and i frown.

"No, no don't make them feel anything suspicious!" He whisper again.

"What do you want me to do?" I ask confused.

"Kiss me."



"Just kiss me woman." He said.

I found the strength and courage to push my lips against his, slipping my arms around his neck and pulling his body closer.

We pulled away from each other after thirty seconds or more.

He was very uncomfortable as much as i was when we were kissing but still his kiss was sweet and elegant.

He looked over to a window checking something.

"Finally." He says while sighing in relief.

"Trust me this is the most disgusting experience i have ever been put through." He says while wiping his mouth and scrunching up his nose.

I lean my head to the side confused by all the situation.

He noticed my confusion.

"Mind telling me what the heck was going on?" I raise a questioning brow while crossing my arms over my chest.

"There's alot to explain but all i am going to reveal to you now is i don't like girls and i am not zayn's enemy." He say, looking around for abit.

I stare at him bewildered.

"Don't stare at me like that and move your feet, let's get out of here." He says turning around and quickly pacing to the parking lot.

I stayed glued to my place until he spoke again.

"Move your legs woman! Don't make me carry you."

I shake my head and quickly followed him.

My head is a mess, something is just not right.

Could it be..?

He stopped suddenly infront of his car i think and face me.

"Zayn is alive." He says confirming my thoughts before climbing into the car.

My breaths hitched.


A/N: before making some lame ass excuse...


Like phew, thank you so much!

I apologise for updating once a decade:/ my life is so busy right now.

But i promise i'll update regularly.


Vote if you liked this chapter! Comment your thoughts while reading, i love reading your comments.

P.S:zayn is alive, i told you i am not harsh.


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