Camp Rock 2: Our Time is Here...

By StrangeLover

4.5K 31 12


Camp Rock 2: Our Time is Here || Session One
Camp Rock 2: Our Time is Here || Session Three

Camp Rock 2: Our Time is Here ||Session Two||

1K 7 3
By StrangeLover

Authors Note: I just spent about an hour or two making a video for this series. I'm pleased with the way it came out :) The end of the video is pretty much a cliff hanger, and I've got a lot of twists and turns for you guys, so hopefully you're ready for them when they arrive!

Session Two:

I was up and ready by dawn. We lived pretty far from Camp Rock, and the drive there was, if possible, longer. Stuffing the final things I decided I would need last minute into my duffle bag, I brought everything downstairs. I was wearing a Punk Manic Tee with some faded gray jeans, along with white converse. My dad was already outside, turning on the truck while my mom was in the kitchen, serving my father and herself some coffee. "Taylor, you could wait until later to eat, right?" She asked, looking over at me as I walked into the kitchen. I shrugged and headed to the pantry.

"Yeah, sure," I replied, grabbing a box of pop tarts. "Just as long as I have these." I grinned over at her, shaking the box a bit. Within ten minutes, everything was packed. The ride there was pretty good.

I had my pop tarts and iPod that I MADE my dad connect to the radio.

"You believe and you doubt

You're confused, you got it all figured out

Everything that you always wish- OHMYGOD! WE'RE HERE!" I stopped singing Jordin Sparks' 'One Step at a Time' as I squealed, pressing my face up against the window. "Taylor! You're going to dirty the window. I just cleaned it yesterday." I pulled myself back and took a deep breath, grinning.

"Sorry, daddy." He grumbled but said nothing more. I looked over to see him grinning. I knew he was happy for me to be here. Singing was my thing. Dancing was just luck, and acting was a plus. When he stopped the truck, I opened the door and jumped out, taking a deep breath, inhaling the wonderful smell of nature. I looked around eagerly while walking towards the truck's trunk. "Go on," my mother said, eyeing me with a grin. "I know you're looking for them. Tell Mitchie and Caitlyn I said 'hi'," my mother finished.

"But my bags," I said, nodding towards them as my dad opened the trunk. He waved me off. "We'll get you settled in. Go have fun, baby girl." I smiled up at both of them and hugged them tightly.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said as I kissed their cheeks farewell and ran into the crowd. I looked around, frowning. I didn't see Mitchie or Caitlyn anywhere.

"Oh my god, do you see what she's wearing?" I stopped in my tracks, the voice sending a chill down my back. Slowly, I turned to see Tess scowling over my outfit. I clenched my fists as I bit down on my tongue and turned. I didn't care what Tess had to say, I didn't care. I continued to search the crowd, worried my two friends bailed.

"Tay!" A voice called out five minutes later. I grinned and turned to see Caitlyn waving wildly with a bright smile, and Mitchie following suit right beside her. My grin widened as I made my way to them, and in all my excitement, I ran into someone. "Oh my gosh!" I heard Caitlyn and Mitchie run towards me and the person I ran into.

"I'm so sorry. I should've seen where I was going," I apologized as the other person stood up, and then held their hand out for me.

"Don't worry about it." I looked up to see a smiling Shane Gray. I blushed lightly and took his hand and he helped me up, then I dusted myself off. "Hey," he continued, "You're Mitchie's friend, right?" I nodded and smiled, holding my hand out.

"Taylor. Taylor Kane or TK." He smiled and took my hand, shaking it as he introduced himself. As our hands parted, Mitchie and Caitlyn reached us.

"Are you two okay?" Mitchie asked, worried eyes flickering between Shane and I. I chuckled sheepishly and nodded.

"We're fine, Mitchie. I was just being 'unaware of my surroundings.'" Shane nodded as Caitlyn giggled.

"And how are you a good dancer if you're so uncoordinated?" She asked, grinning. I returned her grin and hugged her tightly. "Yeah, I missed you too." I turned to Mitchie and pulled her into the hug. "I missed you too!" We squealed as we hugged, jumping up and down before calming. "Can you believe it?" I asked. "Second session!"

Before either of my friends could answer, two more people joined our group.

"So this is where you went." One of them said, sounding amused. We all turned to look at Nate who looked between Shane and Mitchie with a mischievous grin. Shane's cheeks flushed a bit as he turned to Nate, nodding. "Anyway," Nate continued, "I don't think we've ever been properly introduced." He held his hand out to Mitchie. "I'm Nate." He smiled. Mitchie took his hand and shook it, smiling brightly as her brown hair rustled in the wind.

"Mitchie." They released hands and he turned to Caitlyn and introduced himself, and then turned to me, smiling.

"Taylor or TK." I held out my hand and he took it, giving it a good shake.

"Well, it's nice to meet you all, and I hope that we have a great time this session."

"I'm Jason." The third member of Connect 3 finally said, stepping forward. We all introduced ourselves, just as Dee walked onto the stage.

"Hello campers! How are ya?!" she asked cheerily into the microphone she was holding. She earned cheers in return and smiled happily. "Ah-ah-ah. For those who were here last session, how do we greet in Camp Rock?" She asked, grinning.

"Hi Dee~" The camp sung and she clapped.

"Thank you! Now, before I let you all go, there are some things I'd like to talk to you all about." She glanced around at the crowd before continuing. "We've decided to try some new things this year. First off, there still will be a Final Jam at the end of camp." The crowd clapped and whooped. "Probably the most exciting thing -beside Final Jam, of course- will be a dance." The crowd whispered excitedly. "A 'masquerade ball' to be exact," she corrected herself, smiling, "Along with new courses like dance, acting and, by request, birdhouse making." Everyone chuckled as Jason pumped his fists into the air and shouted, 'Finally!'

My heart did a summersault as I turned to Caitlyn and grinned. Yes! A class for dancing! "Now you can all go and get settled in!" Dee exclaimed. Mitchie, Caitlyn, and I squealed as we grabbed the other's hands and jumped up and down again before Shane cleared his throat, causing us to look at him.

"Well, I guess we better get going." He looked at Mitchie, then at Caitlyn and me with a smile. "We'll see you guys later?" Caitlyn and I nodded, as I tapped Mitchie's shoulder. "We'll see you back at the cabin." She blushed and nodded as I took Caitlyn's hand and ran, giggling. Mitchie and Shane were just too cute together.

Once we reached the cabin our things were settled in, we walked in to wait for Mitchie before doing anything for the day. "Whoa," Caitlyn said, her brows pulling together once she stepped foot in the cabin.


"Someone's bag's are here. I thought we had this cabin to ourselves." I shrugged, looking down at the bags that belonged to no one in our trio.

"Maybe the cabins got packed." Caitlyn groaned.

"Let's just hope it's not a Tess clone." I grinned and crossed my heart.


"So, have you been working on anything lately?" Caitlyn asked as she plopped down on her bed. I nodded and sat down on the bed across from hers.

"Actually, I've been writing a new song." She raised a curious brow. "You'll have to wait until one of the Jam's." She frowned, but then grinned.

"Well, it better be a really good song if you're going to make me wait so long." I laughed and winked.

"'Course it will be! That is, if you'll help set a beat and all that." Her face lit up and she nodded.

"You bet I will!"

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