In One's Heart of Hearts

By Wonderstuck

405 22 10


Would you watch me walk away. Without a fight?
i try to tell you no, but my body keeps on telling you yes.
Superheroes and Beer
A-a-a bug
The Plan.
it all falls apart
Bratz the movie
The End

Grocery shopping with my brother.

26 2 1
By Wonderstuck

One week later Michelle was sitting at the dinner table. She was smiling and talking with her aunt and uncle, she had finally gotten to meet them, and she had been totally over the top excited for the last week. Her phone beeped and she smiled, she knew who it was from.

"Not to be rude, but are you done soon? I’m bored, you know Zac and Demi are gone, I can’t reach Ian and I have nothing to do. I want to pick you up right this moment... I want you ;-) "

She let out a giggle, making the adults shoot her a look, she ignored them and replied.

"Sorry Aid, not yet I’m not sure when tho, but I'll text you when I know. <3"

"Michelle Anderson! Put down the phone right this instant, we have guests. No need to send messages with Demi. You can go over there later" Her mother said with a stern look. "Sorry mom" Michelle said as she put her phone on 'silent mode' before putting in back down in her pocket. She knew she would in fact get more texts from Aiden, he had been texting her all day.

She was helping her mom to clean up after dinner when she felt her phone vibrate. She put the plates down and got up her phone, ignored her mom's look.

"You know, If you were here right now I would walk up to you, place my hands so I was cupping your face before leaning down and kissing you softly. I would run my tongue over you bottom lip begging for entrance and slip my tongue into your mouth, massage my tongue with yours. I'd put your hands behind my neck before placing mine on your waist, pulling you closer. Pushing up your shirt.. "

She swallowed hard, reading the message again. She was a little turned on picturing the whole scene in her head. She knew It was dangerous when Aiden got bored; he would always do something crazy. Like now.. She didn't know how to respond, and didn’t figure it out before the screen light up again with a new message.

"I would push you down on the couch, and take of your shirt. Slowly unbuttoning mine before throwing it somewhere. I would have gotten in-between your legs, our tongues still massaging each other. My hands would wander from your bare stomach up to your breasts, cupping them as I traced butterfly-kisses down your neck, all the way down to your waistline"

She didn't know what to do right now, she was in fact turned on. "Baby girl are you alright? You look a little, well I don't know. Out of it "her mother said while giving her a worried look. "Yes mom, I’m fine" She answered after clearing her throat and put her phone back down I her pocket "Are you sure, I can make you some hot chocolate and put on a movie for you in bed" Michelle rolled her eyes but her mother didn't notice. She wasn’t a baby anymore, and didn’t want to be treated as one! If she only knew what she and Aiden did behind closed doors..  "No mom, really, I’m fine" She faked a smile. "Okay then." Her mother said

"So Michelle, do you have a boyfriend?" her aunt asked. She couldn't help but blush. "Nooo" her aunt laughed. "I’m not so sure about that one Michelle, maybe I should ask in a different way.. Do you like someone?" She turned her head away so they wouldn't see her smile. She giggled. "Nope, sorry. I don't." she said still hiding her face. "Aww honey, you will find someone someday. And he'll be sweet, kind and treat you right. And he will give you your first kiss" She rolled her eyes at that one, first kiss? Aiden had given her way more than that. She felt uncomfortable, as all eye were on her and she didn’t know how to get out of it, she was about to pick up her phone when her dad said "Well Michelle, it’s kind of late, if you're going over at Demi's I suggest you go soon before it gets to dark." while smiling at her. “But remember, you are sleeping at home tomorrow” She got up and hugged her dad "Thanks dad, and yes I know. I'll just grab some things" She ran upstairs and got her already packed bag and ran back downstairs. "Bye, nice meeting you" She said smiling at her aunt and uncle and gave all of them a hug and ran down to the bus stop. Texting Aiden to tell him she was done.


She got into his car. He smiled and perked her on the lips. She deepened it wrapping her arms around his neck. He pulled away, and she made a face. "We have to get to the store before its closing baby" He said stroking her cheek. "But you sent me those messages, it's not fair!" she pouted. He softly laughed "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it" she crossed her arms, “you’re not playing fair” he pulled away from the bus stop “I didn’t know there were rules” She put her right hand on his thigh and slowly moving it towards his crotch. “What are you doing?” she didn’t answer, she moved her hand and rubbed on him through his jeans. He shot her a look and grabbed her hand, not taking at away “not now” she continued to move her hand and opened the button and the sipper, skipping her hand down, inside his underwear “I thought we had no rules?” she smirked and worked his shaft up and down. “as much as I’m enjoying this, we’re almost there. We can continue this after we’ve been to the grocery store, if you still want to?” she sighed, “fine” and tucked him back inside his pants. “im not going to try to zip up your pants while you are sitting, or ever for that matter. I wouldn’t want to zip—“ she got interrupted. “okay, I got it. Don’t need that mental picture.” He said shaking his head as he drove into the parking lot of the grocery store, he parked the car. "do you need anything, or do you want to come with me?" He asked. She unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car "Nice clothes by the way honey" He said as he locked the car and noticed that she was wearing black tights and a white top with Elmo’s face printed on it. Along with black converse "Safe clothes" she explained with an eye roll. He walked up to her and put his arm around her shoulder pulling her closer, smiling down at her as they walked into the grocery store he  took a cart. "Elle, we need bread and milk." She nodded and went to find it. "Bring some juice too" he added as she walked down a different aisle, she nodded and disappeared. He got the rest of the things he needed, which was allot since he hadn’t been grocery shopping for a while. The cart was almost full before he went and found her. She put the bread, milk and juice into the cart. "Go and find something you want and meet me at the counter. He said with a smile, knowing what she would get. She smiled and walked away again. He was putting the items on the rolling hoop when Michelle came up to him "can I have this one?" She asked and handed him a red lollipop. He smiled and nodded "Thanks" she smiled at him. "Aww that's so sweet, I never see and brother and sister here together anymore. A least not in the age you're in" The cashier said smiling at them. Michelle shoot her daggers and a ugly glare, she was insulted. Aiden didn't really know how to respond so he put his arm around Michelle’s shoulder again and smiled a little "yeah" . Michelle looked at him in shock, before anger took over and pushed Aiden's arm away and left the store. "Did I say something wrong?" The cashier asked when Michelle had stormed out. "No, it's okay. She just had a long day" after he had paid he grabbed a paper-bag’s with the items and put them back into the cart before heading out to his car. He sat the cart behind the car before unlocking it. Michelle got in the back seat and slammed the door. He sighed and put the paper-bags in the trunk and returned the cart as well before getting in the drives seat. "Why are you suddenly sitting in the back?" He looked at her in the review mirror. "Isn’t that what little sisters do?" she spat. "Oh my god Michelle, stop being such a child. You've been in a sick mood lately and I’m so tired of it so just stop it okay?" She didn't answer. "God damn it can you at least answer me?" She looked at him with teary eyes. "How would you feel if people saw you with your girlfriend and thought you was her little brother? And she just answered, ' uh yeah' a tear fell. "What was I supposed to say Elle, uhm sorry she's not my sister she my girlfriend? I can go to jail for being with you, don't you understand that?!"

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