In One's Heart of Hearts

By Wonderstuck

405 22 10


Would you watch me walk away. Without a fight?
i try to tell you no, but my body keeps on telling you yes.
A-a-a bug
Grocery shopping with my brother.
The Plan.
it all falls apart
Bratz the movie
The End

Superheroes and Beer

36 2 1
By Wonderstuck

Michelle and Demi were sitting on the couch in Zac's apartment watching a chick flick. The boys were downstairs in the garage working on the cars. Demi looked over at Michelle and giggled, she was so into the movie that she was about to fall out of the couch. "BOOO!" Demi screamed and pushed Michelle out of the couch. "OW, what the fuck?" Michelle said looking up at Demi from the floor. "sorry I couldn't resist" she said smiling a sweet smile. Michelle got up from the floor" that is kind of the idea of watching a movie, WATCHING IT!" Michelle said as she pushed Demi lightly. They looked at each other and smiled. "So what took you so guys long to get here?" Demi suddenly asked after pausing the movie "huh, what do you mean?" Michelle asked, she knew they used more time than usual, but she didn’t think it was long enough to being noticed. "it took you forever to get here earlier Demi added. "Oh, Aiden misunderstood something I said, and took it as a challenge" Michelle explained simply. “What did you say?” Demi asked curious, “I simply told him to concentrate on where he was driving and not on me changing in the back seat, and before I knew it I was in the front seat with his hands in-between my legs. He took my comment as a challenge, since he was sure that I meant he could only do one thing at once, but I’m not complaining" Michelle said with a grin. “Damn, that is so hot!" Demi exclaimed, she was about to say something ells but was interrupted "What is 'sooo hot' ?" The girls turned around to see Zac standing in the hallway. Demi's face light up "Oh nothing, just something Aiden did earlier" She said with a sweet smile "Oh that, Aiden told me about that." He said smiling at Michelle before he turned his attention to Demi " so you thought that was hot?" He asked. Demi let out a giggle and nodded slowly yes. Zac smirked " we'll see what I can do about that when I drive you home later" he said and winked and walked into the kitchen. Demi's face fell and talked a little louder "home, why? I thought I could stay here.." She heard him opening the fridge. "Im sorry Dems, not tonight. Aiden is staying over tonight" he half yelled from the kitchen with a weird voice. She figured he was talking with his head inside the fridge. If she still had been in the mood she would have laughed at it, but not now. "I don't see the problem Zacy, its not like he's gonna sleep in your bed anyways." She said as she sank down in the couch with the blanket covering her. "Huh?" Zac said as he was standing in the doorway. She didn't look at him "what did you say, I couldn't hear it" he said looking over at her. " I said I don't see the problem Zac, its not like he's gonna sleep in your bed anyways." She said looking at him, she could not see the problem. Zac walked over and kneeled down in front of her. "Demi, we wanted to have a girl free evening, working on the cars and have a few beers."

Michelle got up from the couch, taking this as her que to leave them alone, so they could talk and walked downstairs and opened the door to the garage and smiled when she saw Aiden standing there with his back facing her working on his car, shirtless. His back glistened in sweat, like someone had rubbed him in in oil, "what took you so long, I just thought you were getting beer, anyways?"  He asked not turning around, just holding one of his hands backwards waiting for the beer. Michelle walked over and entwined her fingers in his. He turned around and she smiled "Hi" she said sweetly "im sorry the beer-delivery- guy is upstairs talking with his girlfriend." She said not being able to resist looking at his abs. He pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her. "And what are they talking about" he asked while rubbing her back. "Just about your boys night and about her and I apparently have to sleep at her house tonight" she answered resting her head on his bare chest. "I'm sorry Elle, I promise to pick you up tomorrow morning," he told her as he kissed the top of her head. "Ok" she said a little hurt, she was hoping to get him to change his mind. She really wanted to be with him, just the two of them tonight. "You and Demi can stay at my apartment tonight, if you want" he said trying to make the situation better. He felt a little bit bad for ditching her for Zac, but he needed some guys only time "Ok" Michelle answered again with no emotion. "Hey, look at me Elle" he said making her look up at him. "I’m sorry I didn't tell you this before, but I didn't know until a few minutes ago. Now I’m trying to make the best out of it and you act like a 10 year old. Grow up okay?" Michelle got out of his grip " I'm sorry, but I wanted it to just be the two of us today, and to be honest I don't care it wasn't the important thing, anyways. It’s just that Zac came up and was all smiley and said 'you guys are going home tonight, you can't stay here' and I just thought thanks of telling me I had to go home before that ass did!" she said mad. "THANKS A LOT!" She added before turning around leaving the basement. Aiden sighed, he knew her good enough to know that she wasn’t really mad at him, but at the family cancelation earlier, she had been so excited. Michelle ran upstairs to find Demi and Zac making out on the couch. She ran past them and into the hallway, took her shoes on and walked outside and got into the car Aiden had, that actually worked and slammed the door. She pulled the seat back down so she was almost lying down before locking the doors. “Ugh! And now I was a bitch to him too, could this day get any worse. He probably thinks I’m a freaking hormonal tween.  A few minutes later someone tapped on the front door window, she looked up and saw Demi standing there, Michelle sat up and leaned over and opened the door. Demi got in and closed the door. "they are such assholes sometimes, I mean he could have told me earlier that he wanted to have a night in the garage with Aiden and beers. I wouldn't have come over, I would've stayed home and called you over instead "Demi said "and he thinks he can make everything good again with a hot make out session" she added annoyed. "That is not the case" she said as she kicked off her shoes and brought her legs up in the seat crossing them. Michelle did the same thing. " I totally agree, if zac had figured this out earlier we would have watched the stupid movie at you place and not out here in the middle of nowhere." Michelle said looking at her best friend. “I was a total bitch to Aiden, and now I don’t know what to say to him. I didn’t mean to, I just feel like everything goes wrong today, I was snappy towards mom, the family dinner got cancelled, and I was whining like a kid for a stupid thing.” They just sat there for a while, until it started to get cold in the car. "are we supposed to just sit here a die?" Demi asked "where are our charming princes?" she said looking over at Michelle who was resting her head on the window. "They’re inside drinking beer” Michelle answered rolling her eyes. "Damn it, now we have to stay here, none of them can drive us home, and they won’t even let us touch the beer." Demi said as she threw her head back in frustration. "all they seem to care about today are fixing their baby's" Michelle said as she pulled her knees up under her. Demi laughed. “they did fix their baby’s alright” Michelle laughed too “good too! I want a cold beer, so bad right now” she added. Demi opened her door, “come on, let’s go and get some!” Michelle looked at Demi "I don't know Dem. I don’t want to piss Aiden more off than he probably already is” Demi smiled “go talk to him, say sorry and kidnap his bottle on your way upstairs. I’ll take care of Zac.” They both got out of the car and walked back inside. As they walked past the kitchen, Michelle saw the crate of beer standing on the kitchen floor and grabbed Demi’s arm.

A few minutes later Demi and Michelle walked down in the basement. “Aiden?” Michelle said first, he was sitting on the hood of the car, with a beer bottle in one hand and his phone in the other. He looked up as he heard his name. “Can we talk?” he patted spot beside him and Michelle walked over and sat down beside him. In the corner of her eye she saw that Demi had done the same she moved closer and rested her head on Aiden’s shoulder. “im sorry I was such a cry baby, I guess I’m just in a bad mood. I was being childish and I’m sorry” Aiden sat down his bottle of beer on the roof of the car and put his arm around Michelle. “It’s okay baby, I know today didn’t go as you hoped, but it will come another day when you’ll get to meet your family” he said softly and kissed her temporal.  She moved her head and looked up at him, he smiled down at her and kissed her, she kissed him back instantly and moves so she was straddling him, he hands gripped her waist as she managed to grab his bottle of beer from the roof of the car, she smiled, and pulled away for a second before kissing him again, softly. “what was that for? If it was the start of an apology, I like it” Aiden said with a smile. “are you coming Elle?” Demi said, Michelle turned her head a saw Demi standing on the bottom step of the staircase with one hand behind her back. “oh, yeah sorry” Michelle said and removed herself from Aiden’s lap, hiding his beer bottle out of sight. As she walked backwards towards Demi she blew Aiden a kiss and gave him a wink before turning around and running upstairs with Demi. “okay then” Zac said looking at Aiden. “I did not expect that one; I was positive that they would be sulking and in a bad mood, not come down here and make-up”  Zac just laughed “I know what you mean, how did we both end up dating girls six years older, and to top it off, best friends?” he added. “it’s a good thing, I mean, if we hadn’t met them, we wouldn’t have met either.” Aiden laughed at what he just said. “oh my, I’m getting sappy.” He turned around to grab his beer but it wasn’t where he left it. He got down from the hood and looked around the car. “what are you looking for?” Zac asked just standing there looking at his friend. “My beer” Zac reached for his bottle which he had put down on the counter, that one was gone too. “DEMI! DID YOU TAKE MY BEER?” He yelled as he realized she had to have taken it. But he got no answer. Aiden laughed “so they had a secret agenda, coming down here. “I’ll go and grab us some new ones, a half bottle of beer each won’t do any harm.” Aiden said amused and walked upstairs and into the kitchen, he looked around. “HEY, ZAC WHERE DID YOU PUT YOUR CRATE?!” he looked in the fridge and in the cabinet beside it. “ON THE FLOOR BY THE TRASHCAN!” he heard Zac yell from downstairs. Aiden turned around and looked where it was supposed to be but it was nothing there. “ITS NOT THERE!” Zac ran upstairs and saw for himself. “DEMI!” No answer, he walked into the living room, empty, bathroom, empty, bedroom, empty. “Where are they?”

Michelle sat in the backseat in Aiden’s car with Demi and the crate of beer in the middle of them. “cheers” Demi giggled and clinked their bottles before taking a sip. Demi leaned forward and twisted the key in the ignition, so the radio came on, handing Michelle the iPod which was connected to the auxiliary cable.  Demi rolled down the window on her side a little bit to get in some fresh air. Michelle hit shuffle and ‘Superhero’ with Cher Lloyd blasted though the speakers, both girls began singing as loud as they could, while sipping their beers. They could the song by heart, “oh!” Demi opened her door and got out and Michelle did the same, they rested their feet in the seat and held on to the roof of Aiden’s car for balance and they faced each other. “I can’t fly-y-y! I’m no superhero!” they sang to each other smiling! Michelle sat her beer on the roof “want to be my Lois Lane?” Demi nodded “DUH!”  The rap part came and they knew every word, “No rush hour, no traffic. No Jet Lie, just Jackie. You Actin’ like you stay behind, go re-up up on your classes! You old fake, ole wanna be superman! Give Clark Kent back his glasses man! I hit you with the judo kick so fast, you looked back like ‘what happened!’” they sang and danced together.

Zac and Aiden stood by the front door, just looking at their girlfriends. As the song ended the girls laughed, and got back inside the car. As Aiden walked to the driver’s side and turned the music down.  Zac walked over to Demi “Hey” She smiled sweetly at him “Hi” he just looked at her “can I have my beer back?” she smiled “sure” Zac leaned into the car hovering over Demi, she took advantage and kissed his neck. Zac  took out two bottles  of the crate and handed them to Demi. “hold these” he grabbed the crate next and lifted t out of the car careful not to bump it into Demi. He took a step back smiling and closed the door with his foot, walking back to the house with Aiden, leaving the girls there. “he just ignored me!”  

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