Anna Day And The Thunder Pack...

By TasteTheRainbow1

420 20 3

Anna Day is a rogue and runs into the Thunder pack territory The thunder pack just happens to be the stronges... More

Anna Day And The Thunder Pack Alpha
Chapter 3

Anna Day And The Thunder Pack Alpha

243 4 0
By TasteTheRainbow1

Well this is my new story 'Anna Day And The Thunder Pack Alpha'

I haven't fully decided where I'm going with this story yet but I'll think it all through later tonight.

Well you know what to do if you like it and if you don't like it don't read it:) Enjoy...

Chapter 1- New Start.

Anna's POV:

I was running as fast as my four legs could carry me, my paws thudding on the ground beneath me. I knew I had to get away from here. Your probably all confused now so let me explain, my name's Anna and I'm a werewolf but not a normal one, I'm a rogue bit I like to call myself a loner, I have strong Alpha genes because my parents were both Alphas. They were murdered about a year ago along with the rest of the pack and since that day I have regretted not being there. It happened one night when I was on holiday in Australia visiting another pack. I'm 17 just finishing my last year in high school. My wolf is a beautiful snow white with my normal bright blue eyes that stood out.

Currently I am running from a wolf who has just found me on his territory, he smells like a beta but I knew that he was much stronger than me. If we got into a fight I knew that I won't win but maybe I could out run him. People may say I'm stupid for not joining a new pack but that is just me. Many rogues choose to be rogues or they have been kicked out of their pack. Even if I did want to join a pack most wouldn't allow me to because I am a rogue. But I'm not like that my pack was in war with another pack, I was on holiday at the time so I couldn't help. Our pack lost and I am the only survivor. The wolf was faster than me, it was only a couple of feet behind and it's catching up. I smelt the border about half a mile north from here, if I got over it I was safe.


The wolf jumped on top of me growling and snapping at me. I'm going to die I thought to myself, the wolf on top of me was dirty brown with green eyes which I didn't dare to look into because then that'd make him angry and I don't want to die no matter how bad my life is. He jumped off me. I stood up and he was shaking. Next thing I know was he was standing in front of me, naked. He had a six pack with perfectly tanned skin. He was in the middle of putting on a pair of jeans when he looked at me.

"Change" he ordered using his beta tone. This must be a strong pack, I could tell by the strength in his voice. What have I gotten myself into? The alpha is going to be a lot stronger than his beta and he probably won't hesitate to kill me. I can't change in front of him. He would see me naked. I shook my big head saying no with pleading eyes. He looked shocked that I disobeyed him. He handed me a top. "Go behind a tree and change, come straight back, if you run i will just hunt you down again and I won't be as nice next time. You have 30 seconds hurry up." he growled out. He was pissed. I ran behind the tree and slipped the top on.

When I came back out I pressed my back against a tree so that no-one could sneak up on me, not that they'd be able to anyway with my hearing abilities. When the beta looked at me I realised that we were around the same age. I heard branches snap all around me. The beta walked forward with an evil smile on his face. Boys surrounded us. "Look what we have here boys a little rogue." they all laughed. "I wonder what alpha would do to her" oh shit. I may be scared but I'm not going to show it. "hahaha" I laughed sarcastically "You really think I'm scared or you and your alpha?... hahah" Crap did I just say that? He started walking towards me while I leaned back against the tree. He slapped me with all his power across the face and then punched me in the stomach. I felt tears roll down my cheek. He big hands gripped my arms and he started to drag me away. I felt bruises rising on my arms where he was holding me so tight.

Finally I was pulled towards a large mansion. The beta pushed me inside and told me to be quite. The group of boys had stopped talking and had now split up and gone in different directions. I was left with the monster. We walked up the stairs and the beta knocked on the door at the top. "WHAT?" A voice boomed obviously an alpha and the strongest I've heard. The door swung open and I cringed away from it. "aha the rogue, in you come then sweetheart." he said his tone thick with mock niceness. He took a step back and I slowly walked in. "Go away" The alpha growled at the beta "Sorry sir" The beta apologized then I heard the door shut.

"Sit" The alpha ordered and I did as I was told. He sat on the other side of the desk. "Look at me" I automatically looked up and once our eyes connected I knew we were mated. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE? DID ONE OF MY PACK DO THAT?" I cringed away again as he stood up and started shaking with anger. "erm yes" he walked towards me and stroked my cheek, A tear fell down my face at the pain it caused. "Sorry" he told me. I nodded. "Who was it?" "I don't know his name, he's beta" shock crossed his face. "DAN GET HERE NOW!"

I heard him running up the stairs Then the door burst open. "Yes alpha? Do you want me to get rid of it?" The alpha growled a loud and threatening growl which had me leaning back in my chair cowering against my seat. "Why did you hit her?" the alpha asked tying to keep his wolf under control. "b..because she was disrespecting us" Dan explained. "AND WHAT RIGHT DOES THAT GIVE YOU TO TOUCH MY MATE?" The alpha shouted "Liam I'm so sorry man I had no idea she would be your mate, I'm so sorry I would of never laid a hand on her if I knew. Please accept my apologies." hmm Liam it suits him, he is a lot more handsome than Dan with bigger muscles and i think I can see a 8 pack under his white shirt. He looks about 2 years older than me with dark brown hair and deep blue eyes with perfectly toned and tanned skin. The next thing he said shocked me the most "You will be punished for this and the punishment will most likely be death." oh no. He can't. Not because of me.

"Can we just forget about it all and just move on? please?" I begged. They both looked at me and when Liam started to walk over I thought he was going to be angry so i stood up and took a couple of steps back. He came closer and closer. I closed my eyes as I was waiting for him to hit me, but he didn't he pulled me into his side and hugged me. "Ok, since my mate wants no more violence, you may go and if this happens again you will be dead. Now leave." I heard him let put a breath of relief then walked out the door.

"So what's your name?" He asked as soon as he was sure Dan was gone. "Anna" I whispered but I was sure he could still hear me. "Well I kind of have to ask you a few questions so take a seat and we'll get back to business." "OK" By now I was shaking with fear, I have trespassed and now I'm going to die. "Calm down nothing is going to happen to you now" Maybe splashing some cold water on my face would help me relax a bit. "Can I use you bathroom please?" He nodded and stood up as if to take me there. I looked at him a bit confused. "I'll take you there so no-one attacks you on your way."

Liam held the door open for me. Then when we were walking he took my hand. Sparks went up my arm and it was the nicest feeling ever. He indicated with his hand that it was the door we were standing by. Walking in I locked the door behind me and started to splashing water on my face. It was a really nice bathroom with a massive bath and a shower on the opposite side of the room, the toilet in the middle with the sink. Everything was so clean and tidy.

I need to get this over with. I opened the door and hit Liam in the back of the head because he was standing in front of it. Giggles took over and I couldn't stop them, it was just how shocked his face was. A smirk spread across his face and he picked me up in bridal style. My giggles automatically stopped and I tried to wriggle free but Liam was too strong.

He walked into a massive room with a king-sized bed in the middle. He sat on the bed and sat me on his lap. "Ok lets make this quick, what were you doing on my land?" I tried to think of a way to answer without telling him who I was.

"I was running"

"Who from?" He has me, I have to tell him.

"Alpha Star." He was one of the cruel alphas but not as cruel as the Thunder pack, even though I haven't met anyone from that pack.

He laughed. "Were you in his pack?"

"No, he killed my whole pack, but me." I was on the verge of tears and I felt him give me a reassuring squeeze.

"What rank were you in your old pack?"

"Future Alpha"

"Your parents were alphas of the Day Pack?" I just nodded.

"Well now your apart of my pack, the Thunder pack." I gulped. This cannot be happening. They are ment to be the meanest and most ruthless pack going and the strongest and their still getting stronger. I tried to slide off Liam but he held me a bit tighter to him.

"You are my mate, nobody will hurt you. Not everything you hear is true, we may be the strongest and the most ruthless but were not mean to each other."

Not edited so if there are any mistaked, sorry:) TasteTheRainbow1 <3

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