My Twilight! (ON HOLD)

By RileyBrooks

735K 14.7K 4.7K

An incident changes Bella Swan's life forever, forcing her to uproot her life in sunny Phoenix and move away... More

Chapter 2!
Chapter 3!
Chapter 4!
Chapter 5!
Chapter 6!
Chapter 7!
Chapter 8!
Chapter 9!
Chapter 10!
Chapter 11!
Chapter 12!
Chapter 13!
Chapter 14!
Chapter 15!
Chapter 16!
Chapter 17!
Chapter 18!
Chapter 19!
Chapter 20!
Chapter 21!
Chapter 22!
Chapter 24!
Chapter 25!
Chapter 26!
Chapter 27~

Chapter 23!

15.6K 493 147
By RileyBrooks

Here it is! :)


Bella P.O.V~


We had found nothing in the meadow but I wasn't stupid. I knew the reason they wanted me to go to the meadow was to get me out of the house. It was so they could interrogate Tanya as they wish without me getting in the way. I was going with it because I did not want them knowing what I was yet.

Esme sniffed as we opened the front door, "I hope he is okay," She said quietly, shutting the door behind us.

"He will be okay," Rosalie replied, walking through with me into the living room where Tanya was sitting on the couch with Emmett right next to her.

Everyone had rather sombre faces which made my heart sink and all hope that we would find Edward sunk. They all looked at us, or, specifically, me. I frowned at them all before looking over at Tanya cautiously. Had she told them that I was like them? I am so screwed if she has.

After no one spoke I had to ask, "What is wrong?" Rosalie and Esme looked confused. Their gazes moved around the room.

"We have to tell her, Carlisle!" Alice spoke up suddenly, standing upright from where she was leaning against the wall and ignoring the deadly glare Carlisle shot at her at her words.

"Tell me what?" I asked, confused. I could just read their minds and find out myself but we had moved past that stage. I trusted them and they trusted me. We were friends now and I feel like it would be a breach of privacy if I read their minds like that.

They ignored my question as Carlisle replied, "We can't Alice! I already told you that! We discussed this!"

"It isn't right Carlisle. Em and Jas agree with me too and I am sure once Esme and Rose hear about it, they will agree with me too. We have kept this secret for too long. Now it involves her, it is putting her in danger! We need to tell her!" Alice reasoned.

Carlisle sighed, "Let's vote. Who thinks we should tell Bella?” He said. "Emmett, you first."

"I believe it is time to tell Bella. Now that she’s involved and in danger," Emmett agreed with Alice, smiling at me.

I still had no idea what was going on. What danger am I in? I will wait until they all vote, if they tell me I will be happy but if they don't, then I will have to read their minds and find out.

"Jasper," Carlisle said through gritted teeth, clearly sensing that he was going to lose.

"I am sorry Carlisle but if it involves Bella..." He trailed off looking over at me.

"Yep okay. Rosalie?"

"I don't know what is going on but if whatever you found out, involves Bella and she is in danger, than I think it is right to tell her. She has a right to know."

"Okay, Esme."

"I am sorry, honey but the others are right. I know you are just trying to protect Bella but the only way to protect her is to let her in on what is going on," Esme said, moving closer to Carlisle to comfort him. "Now enlighten us with what you’ve found out about Bella and my son?"

Carlisle sighed and dropped his head before looking over at me apologetically. "You might want to take a seat for this Bella."

I nodded and took my place on the couch opposite everyone else. "Okay, I am ready. Tell me what it is please."

"Bella dear... My family and I are all vampires," Carlisle said sombrely.

I didn't know how to react, what to say. For the first time in my vampire life, I am not prepared for something. I always imagined what I would say. However, now the time was here, I was clueless.

I didn't know what to do so I just simply said, "My ex-boyfriend is a vampire."

They all looked at me shocked. "You know about vampires? Who is your ex-boyfriend?" Alice asked me.

"Yes I do. I found out a couple of years ago. I was going out with this guy, Jason Vermont. He was the perfect boyfriend for the first couple of months though my friend warned me about him. She never liked him and told me that he was no-good and it would only end with me hurt or dead in a ditch somewhere. I just wrote her off and ignored her, said she was jealous because I had the perfect man and she didn't. His perfect façade disappeared when we went to a party one night and he tried to force himself on me. Fortunately my friend stopped him and dragged me outside and down all these streets before she pulled me into an alley. She explained everything; From what she and Jason were to how she knew Jason. She knew what he did to his prey, he dates them until they give themselves to him and then he drains them of blood. Seemingly it heightens the pleasure for him, making the blood taste better. She gave me a glass vial and told me to drink it, said it would mask my scent and heartbeat and everything so he wouldn't be able to find me. She then got me to hide behind some dumpsters and told me how he was going to kill her but I couldn't let him know I was there. She said it was her duty, that she lived to protect me. It was weird... and then he appeared in the alleyway and he ripped her to pieces, he was going to look for me but something scared him off." I spoke, staring ahead blankly, my mind in the past.

"Bella... Jason Vermont is in Forks. He’s the one that kidnapped Edward. He contacted Tanya and told her he wanted you because... well, because you are the human descendant of a half human and half vampire hybrid. It was destined hundreds of years ago that you will have a vast amount of power. You’ll be the most powerful vampire in the world. That is why he wants you. He wants to change you into a vampire. No vampire will ever be as powerful as you, not even any children you have. You will still be able to have children if you are turned into a vampire because you will have a power that allows you to," Carlisle said.

My mind blanked. Jason has found me. Jason is here. Jason wants me back. Jason has Edward. What if he hurts him? What if he kills him? I got brought out of my daze by a stinging pain. I looked up in shock at Rosalie whose hand was in the air. She had slapped me.

"What the hell did you do that for?" I yelled, getting to my feet and struggling to hold in my anger. The urge to crouch down and snarl at her was strong. I didn’t though because it would reveal what I am to them.

"You need to cut out of it, Bella!" Rosalie replied in equal volume.

"No Rosalie! You just don't get it! None of you do! You don't know Jason! I have never met anyone like him! When he wants something he won't stop. It won't matter if he has to kill hundreds of vampires to get me. He will do whatever it takes to get me back. I should know! I have spent the last two years running from him! Always looking behind me, scared of my own shadow, afraid that one day he will find me and take me back with him! Edward is in so much danger, there is a chance of him making it out of this alive! Of any of us making it out alive now that he knows you are involved with me! He will rip you all to pieces if you try to stand in his way! And I won't let you, none of you will risk your lives to help me. I will go meet with Jason and I will make him give Edward back to you! I will trade places with him. Edward is the most important thing right now!"

Everyone looked shocked at my outburst. It was silent until Alice stepped forwards and gripped my shoulders in her hands. "Bella. You are family, we aren't going to let you go into the lion's den with the intention of not coming back. It will kill Edward if you do that. Not to mention we also aren't going to allow you to go alone!"

"Edward wont care! I heard him myself remember! If you don't let me go in alone, you will never see Edward alive again," I said angrily. Why aren't they getting it? They can get Edward back if they let me go. Why would they even care? Surely Edward is more important to them than I am? I thought.

"That is where you are wrong Bella! Edward does care about you! He cares about you so much that he would lie about his feelings for you just to get rid of Tanya! What you heard the other day, that was staged. We knew Tanya was listening, we were trying to send her away forever! He lied about his feelings for you so Tanya would lose interest in you and stop threatening your life!" Alice replied angrily. "My brother is so in love with you he would die for you without a seconds hesitation! Our whole family would do anything for you! Whether you like it or not, you are now family okay? Family helps each other! We will find a way to get past Jason and save everyone. We just need to put our heads together! After all, it is now seven vampires against one. It cant be that hard to kill him."

I laughed bitterly. "You just don't get it. A whole army of vampires couldn't bring Jason down! He has  connections everywhere. Standing against him will be the worst decision you guys will ever make," I shouted.

"Well that is our decision to make, isn't it?" Carlisle said, stepping forwards with a reassuring smile on his face.

I frowned, knowing that nothing I could say would change their minds. "Fine then, you guys can do what you want to help... but there is one condition. You have to include me in and tell me everything that you find out." I said.

Carlisle scoffed. "Bella, you are human! It is a lot easier for you to get hurt than any of us. We can not involve you in everything because some things are just too dangerous. If Jason was to get his filthy fangs in you he could turn you into a killing machine that does his every bidding. We can't risk that happening, If Tanya is right, then changing you will change the fate of the vampire AND human world."

I sighed as I finally decided I needed to stop putting off the inevitable. I was going to have to tell them of my true identity. They already entrusted me with their secret identities and it was only fair that I should be able to do the same. They are like my family now and there are no secrets in family. "Well... there is actually something I need to tell you about this whole situation with Jason and him wanting to turn me into a vampire..." I said, trailing off quietly. I caught all of their attention immediately.

Carlisle stiffened as a worrying thought obviously hit him. “What is it, Bella? What aren’t you telling us?” He asked slowly… cautiously.

I hesitated for a slight second, only resulting in the Cullen’s growing more agitated. “Well…” I started slowly, “just like you, I haven’t been entirely honest about what I am. The – the truth is… Jason already got to me. As he killed my friend; I couldn’t stay silent, I couldn’t just sit there and watch him take the life from her without a fight. He – he said to me, that if I revealed myself to him, he would let her live… Stupidly, I believed him, so I... I jumped out of my hiding spot but as soon as he spotted me, he decapitated her and grabbed me and bit me but something… someone scared him off. I was able to crawl away and hide for three days while my body went through the transformation…” I paused and looked up at the Cullen’s who were all staring at me with looks ranging from horror to concern. “It’s too late. I am already a vampire..."

Their reactions were bad. Emmett and Jasper muttered curse words that I would rather not mention, under their breathes, Alice ran her hands down her face and questioned herself of how she didn't see what I was while Esme and Rosalie just stood there staring ahead blankly, their faces frozen in a horrified mask. Carlisles was by far the greatest; he cursed before rounding on me angrily.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Carlisle burst out, his face a horrified mask.

"After my past I didn't trust anyone. When I first met you I didn't know if you would be just like Jason or if you would help me so I hid my identity from you. Then I got close to you, I consider you all the family I don't have anymore and I was going to tell you but I heard Edward saying all that stuff about it only being a ploy that he was dating me and you shattered my trust again," I said, looking down sadly.

Esme looked at me with pity, "It is alright darling," She murmured, moving over to me and soothingly rubbing her hand on my back. "We know now so we can work out what to do from here. First, are there any more secrets we should know about?"

I smiled at her appreciatively, "No... that was my only secret. Even I didn't know about being the most powerful vampire in the world. I just thought that every vampire had the same powers as I."

Carlisle's eyes widened, "Oh that's right! Please can you tell us of the extent of your powers so far? They may come in handy with the battle against Jason!" He said excitedly.

I sighed, sitting down; this would take a while, I thought before voicing my thoughts to the Cullen's so they could get comfortable. They did so but before I could start talking about my powers, my phone rang. Everyone's heads immediately snapped towards me as I reached into my pocket and pulled it out.

'*Edward Calling*' was flashing on the screen of my phone, causing me to gasp as I quickly slid my finger across the bottom of the screen to answer. I knew everyone was confused by my happy actions, wondering who the caller was.

"Edward?" I yelped into the phone and brought it up to my ear. The Cullen's were all immediately surrounding me, eager to know what was happening though I didn't doubt that they could hear fine.

There was silence and I frowned, Edward would have spoken by now. I was about to ask again when a low laugh came through the speakers. I shivered with dread, I never thought I would hear that laugh again.

I stood up, "Jason." I stated firmly, my fist clenching around my phone tightly.

He responded by yet again another low chuckle before saying, "I am surprised you remembered my voice Bella though I am sure that stupid blonde vampire has cracked and told you everything by now. I know you know I have taken your vampire boyfriend. I am also sure that you know what I want. If you want to see him alive you are going to have to cooperate with my demands. If you try anything, you will be the cause of his death."

I grit my teeth together, "What have you done to him?" I yelled through the phone, losing my composure.

"Nothing that will leave him permanently injured. In fact, he’s here right now. Do you want to talk to him?" Came Jason's taunting reply before a spine-chilling scream and the sound of something thrashing around was heard. Tears pricked at my eyes as Edward screamed again and again because of whatever they were doing to him.

"Stop it!" I yelled, "Just leave him alone! He hasn't done anything to you! I will meet you anywhere, just please don't hurt him. It is me you want isn't it? Now tell me when and where. Anytime, anyplace; just tell me and I will be there!"

Jason's only reply was a laugh but Edward's screams of pain had stopped, thank god. "Now that is a lie, he has touched you has he not? Did I not once tell you that I was the only one who is allowed to touch you? You belong to me, you know that yet you still fell for him. Now he has to pay the consequences," He hissed angrily. There was a thud and then Edward yelped in pain once again and I knew Jason had done something to him in anger again.

 It made my blood boil and I knew then that I would do anything to get Edward away from Jason and to make him pay for ever laying a hand on Edward. I took a deep breath before answering again, "Okay, just stop hurting him. Name a place and time and I will be there," I pleaded with him.

"Good," He stated. "You will be coming alone too. I will ring you again later with a time and place... Oh! And by the way... the view from his bedroom really is to 'die' for," Jason said mischievously before hanging up on me.

My mouth fell open as I put together what he was insinuating by saying that to me. The others obviously came to the same conclusion as I did because Carlisle started moving towards the front door. "He's at our house." He stated angrily, leaving the room and heading towards the front door. Obviously intending to leave and confront Jason.

I ran after him quickly, "No!" I yelled as I caught up. "You cant just barge in there and demand him to give Edward back! It doesn't work like that with Jason! He will kill you. You heard what he said, he wants to meet with me alone. If I take anyone else, Edward is as good as dead," I added, placing my hands on Carlisle's chest to stop him.

"If what you are saying is true than you are also as good as dead if you go in there alone! You won't be able to fend for yourself against him! Even if you are the most powerful vampire in the world!" Carlisle shouted back angrily. Letting my hands on his chest stop him as he didn't want to hurt me.

"That is why we need to think strategically." I replied, removing my hands once I was sure he wouldn't try and take off again. "Calm down and come back into the living room so we can form a plan of action."

He sighed, defeated, "I guess you're right. It wouldn't be too good to go in now, all guns blazing if we don't have a plan," he admitted, before turning and walking back into the living room with the rest of us.

Once we were all once again seated, Carlisle leaned forwards with his hands clasped together on his lap. "Well?" He asked. "What is your plan?"

I frowned, sparing a brief glance at Tanya before looking back towards Carlisle. "I am not sure we should be discussing this with her around," I said, gesturing to Tanya.

"Good idea." Carlisle replied. "We will take her to a friend of ours over in Seattle and when we are back we will discuss your plan!... But if Jason rings, don't do anything stupid. Ring and tell us right away okay?" He said seriously, staring right at me intensely.

"Yes! I will! Just hurry so you can get back and we can start planning to get Edward back," I replied, pushing them all towards the door. My mind already going haywire.

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