The Fifth

De LaughingNerd1

17 5 4

"You are the one bread to cure the human's of these sick people, to help them fight a battle they didn't know... Mais

Chapter 1


14 5 4
De LaughingNerd1

The water moved. It did not shift nor shimmer; it moved. It silently tickled along the wall as if harbouring its own mind and soul. It silently transitioned from the base of the bricks, to the blades of dead grass that yearned for a drink. My gaze followed the water as if it were a snake slithering its way through grass. The water found its way to the tip of my shoe.


Goose bumps ran up and down my body when I heard the muffled noise. It sounded like a small splash, almost like a rock falling into a shallow pond. Just a simple worded plonk.

Chills rippled along my body as the muffled noise filled the silence. It was like hearing a small splash from afar, as if a rock had stumbled into a shallow pond; a simple worded plonk.

But that's impossible? My heart started racing.

I'm going crazy and delusional. That is my conclusion, I'm simply imagining the sound of water talking to me. Yep, because water does not do that. Water is a lifeless mass that has no emotion, and so it can move by itself and speak?

Ha, no.

How did this feel real? The moonlight shifted along its surface, and the soft evening breeze shuffled through the grass that surrounded it. I wouldn't be able to imagine that kind of detail, could I? Without hesitation, I pinched my skin. But nothing changed, the water was still moving.

This was really happening.

The feeling of cold water covered my entire body, interrupting any thought. I froze, watching the cool water cover me as if it were a suit of armour.

This couldn't be possible! I shook my head, jaw hanging in shock.

In an instant it jumped off me, turning into a bubble like form on the grass. A complete reflection of a fifteen-year-old girl. I gulped as a small smile started tugging at my lips.

"Awesome aye!" Avon could barely contain his excitement, shifting his weight constantly while a toothy grin plastered his face. His blonde hair appeared grey in the night, the wind gently pushing it to the side as if it too were celebrating with him. If this weren't so crazy, I would've joined him.

"It's...impossible," I gulped, beyond bewitched. He chuckled before walking behind the water, his shape disjointed through the liquid. I couldn't help but notice the excited glint in his blue eyes; in a way, it made me jealous.

Even then, the excited glint that shone in his blue eyes sparked a little jealousy.

Flashing a signature smile, he opened the mettle bottle that hung on his belt. Like it was nothing Avon clicked his fingers and the water returned to its home, leaving no evidence of what just happened.

I chuckled. I was watching my best friend control water, moving it along walls, the grass and then just command it back into his water bottle! And to see  pride and bewilderment glow from him was truly outstanding.

"H-how long have you been able to do this?" I asked taking a step towards him, eyeing the bottle. He shrugged, placing his hands into his pockets. No matter what he wore, he would always look like too small for his clothes.

"It took me a while to figure out that it was me- you know accidentally setting off fountains- and then I dropped my the good ol' drink bottle here and the water just started mo- well, you know," he replied, his gaze low as he gripped the bottle tightly. "Learning how to control it took about a...week maybe."

He looked up with a sheepish grin. "The feeling I got when I touched the water was-is...incredible," He continued, "it's like this was just... You know?" He paused, seeing I didn't understand.

"Here," He quickly shifted, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the ground. Gripping the bottle once, he poured the water into the dirt. The water made its way through the grains of sand, passing the roots of the grass.

He stared, clearly awaiting some kind of reaction. I could tell Avon desperately wanted me to feel the same "awesome" connection he could. The twitch in the corner of his lips and that glint in his eyes said it all. He wanted to share this feeling that made him so happy.

So I tried, I tried really hard to feel it. I closed my eyes and anxiously waited for a tingle or a spark, anything out of the ordinary.

"You know it spoke to me too," Avon whispered into the cold air, his green eyes searching for my reaction. I gave half my attention whilst desperately trying to find something.

"At first it said, "friend"."

And just like that that I felt the zap from the water that was rising from the earth. Sending tingling sensations all through my hand. I pulled it back immediately, thinking it would stop. It didn't.

It continued to travel through my body, finding every bone, every muscle and every vein. Becoming a part of me, acting like it was blood; I needed it to survive. It was exhilarating and scary at the same time. It was almost like I had been handed so much power, power to do something great or something wicked. He was right; it was incredible... it was spine chilling. The good spine chilling that is.

"You can feel it too," He said, his eyes shining like the stars. I nodded quickly, my heart still pounding hard against my chest. It is possible!

I raised my hand to find the water clinging to me. I rolled it through my fingers. Watching as the liquid stuck to my hand like goo. "Wow," I whispered before Avon took the water from my fingers and placed it into the water bottle.

"Do you still think it's impossible?" He asked jumping up and running into the house, dragging me with him...


I opened the door still feeling the buzz. I still couldn't believe it. I had to try more, to test my limits and control it. It was extraordinary and hypnotizing. I found myself craving the feeling; it really was a drug. I sprinted into my yard.

I closed my eyes, smelling the crisp summer air. I took a slow deep breath. I imagined the water coming from the earth, passing the dirt and slightly grey grass. Without any effort, I saw the water form before me taking the exact shape of my body.

Avon didn't do this.

I let out a small laugh. I did it! I actually did it! I did a quiet victory dance, quietly whispering, "I did it!" a billion times. I composed my self quickly as I looked at the water. I knew the sprinklers were on before I came, so that is probably where the water came from.

Feeling a light bulb light up on top of my head, I walked to the right. To my amazement; so did the water. I jumped, the water copied. I did a series of moves; dropping down to do the worm, then acting like a Scottish-man in his kilt and walking up and down my backyard like a gangster. I didn't care if I looked like an idiot at that moment. All I could think about was how cool it was to have water copy my every movement.

I waved my hand signaling for the water to disappear. It did, straight into the earth it went. I quickly took my sneakers off and chucked them next to the wall. I wanted to see if I could feel the water with my feet. I moved from the pavement onto the grass.

This time, instead of feeling a zap from the water, I felt a zap from the soil. I could feel the worms wiggling in the earth, the footprints of people that once rotted across the grass. Dad, Mom Avon... I could even feel my footsteps. It was like watching a movie. I could see their unique style of walking, mom with her chin high in the air, Dad's tight business walk and Avon's relaxed posture.

It was so clear. I tried to feel more. It was almost as if I was physically running my hands along the grass.

But now, I could feel more; I could see more too. I felt the water in the earth the dead strands of grass and the flowers still blooming. I could feel it all. I dropped to my knees finding a patch of dead grass. "Grow," I whispered placing my hand over the patch. To my surprise it did. Strands of green quickly sprouted through my fingers, a tickling sensation filling the spots it touched.

"Not everyone can do that Abigail," I jumped at the sound of my father's voice. I quickly stood and brushed my hands rid of any dirt. Dad's eyes widened when he saw the new green patch. "Incredible," He said finding his way to the grass. I watched, confused. "How did you do this?" He asked unable to take his eyes off the patch. "I just said grow- and it grew," I answered kneeling next to him.

"There has never been a Guide or a Fifth that has been able to that," He looked me in the eyes, his voice low. "What's a Guide?" I asked my eyebrows furrowed. I felt like a child finding out who Santa is. He nodded to the house and we took a seat opposite of each other in the dining room.

The light shining on my Dad's features showing his wrinkles and showing my red cheeks.

He slowed, before taking in a deep breath. "Abigail, you are special, you always have been. But in this case you are unlike any of you friends. You have powers, in a way they are. You see you can manipulate elements so that they do what you ask them too. But these 'powers' are dangerous and you have to learn how to control these abilities or can hurt people you are not supposed to. You see Abigail, you are a fifth, and your purpose is to kill."

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