Wish (may be changed later)

By Youngappreticerabbit

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Wish (may be changed later)

Chapter 1: Wish

23 2 2
By Youngappreticerabbit

Here is the first chapter! I hope you like it! Please comment and let me know if its any good! Love, Yushi

Copyright 2011


Chapter One-Wish

As I said, I wasn't always like this. So I should probably start this story from the beginning. Before I got dropped in an alternate universe and such.

I'd gotten up early for school, like always because it takes me at least an hour and a half to get ready in the morning. I get distracted looking at the sunrise and daydreaming. Though when you dream in the morning you normally fall asleep. So it's pretty much the same as normal dreaming. But then again that might just be me. I'm tired all the time. After waking up with my face in the cereal bowl at least three times, I knew I was going to be late if I didn't hurry. I pulled on my coat to keep me warm in the cold,winter breezes. With any luck, it would start snowing. Maybe they would cancel school. Then I could go sledding! Oh, snow would be great! Snowball fights, hot chocolate, snowmen.......I shook my head. I was letting my imagination get ahead of me again.

I ran all the way to the bus stop. The creaking yellow monster had already left and was driving away.

"No!", I screamed and began sprinting after it, waving my arms like a madwoman. The teenagers near the back window were pointing at me and laughing. I felt like such a loser. Houses flew by. Sometimes people looked out their windows to laugh at me. I must of looked hilarious. I started to run out of momentum. I was tired and began to slow. The raucous laughter of the teenagers must have alerted the bus driver and he stopped the beast. I climbed up the stairs, exhausted and out of breath. I flopped onto one of the few empty seats. It would be filled soon so I moved my book bag onto my lap. My book bag! I left it at home! All my homework! I hit my head on the seat in front of me.

"Hey you! I can feel you punching my back! I'm not stupid!", yelled the person in the seat in front of me.

I resisted the urge to answer with Yes, you are. Instead I rolled my eyes.


"Don't roll you eyes at me! I'm warning ya'! Touch me one more time and I'll beat you to a pulp."

So of course, since I had such a horrible start to my day it could only get better right? Wrong. Basically my day sucked.

1. I failed a history test, because I forgot to study. I swear she didn't even tell us we were having a test!

2. The bully from the bus wound up beating me up because I "stole" the last ham and cheese sandwich from the lunch line.

And 3. No one talked to me all day. Again.


I sat on my bed holding a ice pack over my eye. Stupid school. Stupid bully. Stupid bus. I felt sad and upset. I didn't belong here. This wasn't just a bad day. Stuff like this happened everyday. I walked to my window. The driveway was empty. Dad was still at work, Mom was at some yoga class or something. I turned to the sky. It always made me feel better, as if it provided a way to escape all the crappy things that happened that day. Just looking at the stars made me feel free.

A wind picked up outside. It felt wonderful and tickled my face. My hair whipped against my face. Now that I think about it, it's kind of weird that a strong wind would suddenly pick up like that. But I didn't think of it then. Instead, the wind reminded me of my childhood dream. I had always wanted to fly. I remember when I was little and I played house with my cousins. There would be a Mom, Dad, and their daughter with wings. Pictures of me with wings drawn in crayons used to fill my room. By age ten, my parents became upset with this "foolish nonsense about flying" and locked it all away. But they couldn't lock away how I felt.

I still secretly harbored that dream. Now don't get me wrong. I knew it couldn't happen, I'm fifteen now. I still think about flying though. I dream about it all the time. Every time my mom starts talking about one of the flights she flew that day I think about it. Of course, flying in a plane isn't the same thing. Nothing could compare to how I imagined flying. Nothing. It was perfect.

I stared at the stars. Oh, little stars why can't you solve my problems? They didn't answer, and twinkled at me silently. I needed answers. Why does't anyone like me here? I wondered it constantly. Sure, it sucked moving in the middle of the school year but in books and movies there was always that one person who cared about the new girl. Newsflash, that does't happen in real life.

Suddenly, a shooting star raced across the night sky. I could hear the Disney song, If You Wish Apon A Star, playing in my head. It was stupid. It was childish. But I closed my eyes, clasped my hands together, kneeled down and wished. Please, Please, Please let me fly. With wings. And then because I'd had such a bad day and was so upset about the move I added and let me leave this place. Guess I should have specified which place.

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