Ross Is My Life (✔)


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Love <3 at first sight. Ross meets this girl and falls in love with her. She felt the same way also. What wou... More

Going to a Concert
Arriving at the Concert
Meeting R5
A Text from Ross
Hanging Out
Telling the Truth
What happened?
Who texted?
What's Going On?
The Next Day
Can you please tell me?
Please Don't be Mad at Me?
Happy Birthday
It's Her
I'm Sorry and I love You
What just happened?
At the Concert
What should I Do?
Best/Worst Day Ever
The Perfect Day/The Date
The Very Next Day
The Party
What Have You Done!?
I Want U Bad
Best Friend Day
How Could You!?
What Can I Do & Who's that?
Thank You
What the Hell?
Authors note
New Stories

Where's Ross?

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Chapter 24 - Where's Ross?

*the next day*


(Tina's POV)

Gosh am I tired. Yesterday was an awesome day. Where am I? I looked around and realized I was in Riker's room. Huh? Wat I doing here? I got up and ran out of his room. Wat was it doing in there? I can't remember. Then I walked towards Ross's room. He looked so cute in his sleep. I then waked in and laid next to him. He saw/heard me and grabbed me right away. He didn't let go so I could go anywhere. I'm stuck here (joking). I soon fell asleep still wondering wat I was doing in Riker's room.

*later in the morning*

I woke up to loud music. I went to check it out. When I got up I didn't see Ross. Where is he? I stepped out his room and into the hallway. I heard the noise coming from Riker's room. I went to go and see. When I came in he saw and walked towards me. Then out of no where....he kissed me.

"Riker stop. Wat was that?! I can't believe you did that again!" I snapped at him. "Wat are you talking about?" Riker asked confused. "Why are you kissing me. And why was I in your room earlier?" I questioned. "I had a great time." he said making me confused. "Wh-what did you?!" I said backing away from him slowly. "Let's just say that you won't be with Ross for I don't know a very long time." he said evilly.

I started to get very frustrated and curious. Wat happens to Ross? Is he okay? And wat did Riker mean by Ross not being with me for a long time. OMG! Did Riker kill Ross. He couldn't have. He's is brother. Where is he? I decided to go downstairs and check. I saw Ratliff, Rocky, Jen, Rydel, and Ryland but no Ross.

"Hey." Rydel and Jen said at the same time. "Hey. Have you guys seen Ross?" I asked them right away. "He left a while ago and he looked really mad." Rocky said. "No." I mumbled. "What's wrong?" they all asked. "Ask Riker he knows." I said pissed off. "Wait what?" Jen said. "I don't know. Riker told me that Ross and I won't be together anymore and I didn't knew what he mean but that." I said looking confused. "Wat happened?" Ratliff wondered. "I don't know. I don't remember. All I know was that I woke up in Riker's room and that I left...." I was cut of my Rocky. "Woah woah woah woah. U wat now!" he Saadi quickly. "I woke up in Rikers room. I don't low how." I said trying to explain slowly. "How? wat the jack flap? Riker is up to no good. I think it's time we tell her." Rocky said as he looked at everyone. "Guys?" I said looking scared and confused. "What's going on?" "Well Riker...he always gets wat he wants..." they said. "So..." I said. "And because of that you lost Ross." They continued but didn't finish just yet. "Wait what!!!!" I yelled. "You're telling me Ross and I broke up." "Yup." He saw you guys kissing again."What! How's that possible? I would never kiss Riker." "Well he did kiss you and you did kiss him." "Wat no. No no no !!!!!!!" I said a little pissed off. "How could Riker do that to me. To his own brother?!" I asked. "The only problem is....we don't know where Ross went or gone." Rydel said. "We tried calling him but he didn't answer."

In the moment I hated myself more then I hated Riker. Yeah. I said it. I HATE RIKER!!! He as the one who caused all this. We

Wouldn't even be in this situation if it wasn't for him. Oh how I wish I could kick, slap, punch him, but I can't. He'll just grab me and kiss me. Wat happened to the Riker I know? Wjere did he go? More importantly where is Ross???! I can't last a minute without thinking a bout him. He was all I could think about. He was the only reason why I smiled everyday. I know we had our ups and downs, but it doesn't matter...I'll always love him. I would never cheat on him. I would never leave him. I would never stop loving him.

(Ross POV)

I woke up that morning seeing Tina next to me. I kissed her cheek and got up and left. I was seriously mad at her. She and Riker kissed. Again. I actually thought she loves me, but I guess I was wrong. She loves Riker, not me. Right now I feel so empty. So lonely. So heartbroken. Losing the girl of my dreams. The girl I love. The girl I treasure. She's my world and I lost her. How could this had ever happen? I wish there was a time machine.

I left the house and ran away. I thought I needed sometime alone. I decided to check my phone and I had A LOT of text messages and calls from Ratliff, Jen, Rocky, Rydel, Ryland, and most importantly Tina. I decided to see

Tina's first. I wanted to know wat she's say.

Tina: Ross!!! Where r u?! I miss u. Please come back. Please let me explain everything.

I love you xxxx call me

Ross please answer. Please call me. I just want to know if you r okay.

Love you xxxx

Where r u? please come back. I miss u. I miss ur hugs. Kisses. And ur love. Please come home. I can explain.

Love you xxxxxx

I read all her texts and it made me tear up. Every time she texted me, she putted love you at the end. I guess she still loves me, but that's not enough. She has to prove to me how much she loves me and cares for me. She has to be honest and truthful. I hope she wins me over. I can't bare to lose her. Like I said...she's my world. My love. My completion.

(Tina's POV)

I texted him so many times hoping he'll answer. I decided to call him. I crossed my fingers and I hope to die...i waited it to ring then...He picked up.

"Ross! I'm sure glad to hear your voice again." I said immediately. "Are you okay?" I asked him. "Yeah." that was all he said. "Where are you? I've been so worried sick. I need you Ross. I need your hugs and love. I miss your kisses. I miss waking up next to u." I said trying not to cry.

I know I sound like we haven't seen each other's for years because it felt like it. I just miss him so much.

"I just called so you and everybody wouldn't freak out. And just so you know...i'm not coming back yet. Until I figure everything out." he said. "But...." I said but was cut off. "Tina, I'm sorry but I can't come back. I'm hurting so much and you can't even see it. I think it's better if I stay away for a couple of days..." he said but couldn't finish. "Ross, no. Please. No. Please come back. I need you. I love you!!!" I shouted.

Rydel, Ratliff, Rocky, Jen, and Ryland looked at me.

"Ross please. Tell me where you are?"

I heard him a deep breath.

"I'm visiting an old friend. I'm in New York." He said. "What!!! You-You're thousands and thousands miles away from here. "I know." "I'm sorry. but I have to go. Tell everyone I said hi and that I won't be coming back soon." He said and hung up. "Ross! ROSS!!!" I yelled at the phone but he already hung up.

Everybody started staring at me and worried.

"Tina are you okay?" Jen asked as she say next to me. "I just got off the phone with Ross." "Wat really?! wat did he say? where is he?" they all question. "He's fine. He said that he isn't coming back just yet. He needs sometime alone and...he's in New York." I said letting out my tears. "He's in New York!!!!" they all shouted. "Wat the heck is he doing there?" "he's visiting an old friend." I said sniffing. "Who?" Jen asked. "idk." I said still upset.

I lost the guy I love. The guy who treats me like I'm worth something. Like I'm special. Like I was the only girl who existed in the world. He completes me. He's my world. Wat will I do? I know! I'll go after him. I'll find him and tell him how much he meant to me. I then went to go to the airport without letting anyone know and bought a plan ticket to New York. I soon waited for the lady to call me flight. When she did I head straight in. I just could to wait to see Ross. The plain started to take off and I was listening to music. Soon we arrived at New York. It took a day to get here but it was worth it. Good thing I brought money with me just in case. Then my phone buzzed. It was a text from Jen.

Jen: Where r u?! I didn't see you all day yesterday and the morning!!! please call me and let me

Know if your okay.

I didn't answer because you know Jen. Conversations with her is very long. I decided to go and search for Ross. I couldn't find him anywhere. So I thought about him and where/wat he would do/go. Got it! I will go the museum. The last time we went on tour we came here and explored this place. We went to the museum and he kept on saying how amazing it was. So I and there and searched around. Then...i found him. He was looking at a statute. It said 'if you love someone set them free and if they come back it was meant to be' that was a quote from Jacob W. (Not really. Just thought if that name) I started walking towards him but he didn't notice me. He was still staring at the statue. I stood next to him staring at it too. Still. He didn't notice me. Then I started to speak up.

"Excuse me, but have you seen Ross Lynch?" I pretended not knowing him.

He turned around and saw me. He jumped into my arms and hanged on to me tight. I couldn't believe he was in my arms and I was in his.

"Tina, wat are you doing here?!" he asked looking quite thrilled to see me. "I couldn't handle being away from you. Ross...I'm so..." I was stopped by him giving me a kiss.

I missed that so much. I'm so glad I came.

"I love you Ross." I stated. "You came all the way hear just to say that?" he asked almost tearing up. "Yes. I wanted to prove to you that I love you. I alway had and always will. Your my world. Your the one who completes me. Not seeing you or hugging you, kissing you, is like not seeing the sun. And that's horrible. I wouldn't want to live that life. I love my life right now. Being with you and loving you." I told Ross.

All he could do was kiss me and hug me.

"I love you too Tina. And I'm really sorry for leaving you." he said between kisses.

We soon let got and exited the museum hand in hand. I didn't want to let go.

"How did you know I was here?" he asked me. "Let's just say I know you very well." I replied.

He laughed which made me laugh. I miss his smile. His laugh. His hugs. His kisses. I miss everything about him.

"Will you please come home with me?" I asked him. "If course I will." he answered and gave me a kiss.

All I could do was smile. I'm just glad he is mine. Back together. In love with each other. And together. I hate to see him sad and broken. I'd do anything to make him happy and I did. His smile is the best about him. Us being back together was the most happiest thing ever. Losing him would be like losing life. See...he means A LOT to me. I just want him to know that.

Hope u guys like

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