MINE (Jason MCcann Story) [CO...

By Lishaagocrayy

1.4M 32.7K 11.6K

Andrea is a junior in high school, which she absolutly hates! What happens when the criminal Jason MCcann bom... More

MINE (Jason MCcan Story)
TWO: Abusive Much?
THREE: These Hoes Be Actin Up
FOUR: Faded
FIVE: Oh Sh*t pt.1
FIVE: Oh Sh^t pt.2
SIX: Gimme Kiss:p
SEVEN: Change Of Heart
NINE: Lovebirds <3333
TEN: Coming Together
ELEVEN: No Sleep
THIRTEEN: Saxton !!!
FOURTEEN: Control Yourself
SIXTEEN: Kitten.....
EIGHTEEN: Goin' Ham-nation
NINETEEN: Ready To Go..
TWENTY: Bye Jason,
TWENTY-ONE: She doesn't want you ....
TWENTY-THREE: Talk To Me, part 2
TWENTY-FIVE: Torture....
TWENTY-SIX: I Want A Million..
TWENTY-EIGHT: Put Me Out Of My Misery...
THIRTY: Part one- Ana,
THIRTY: Part 2-Don't Wake Me Up
THIRTY-ONE: Back to Normal....and then there's Saxton,
THIRTY-TWO: Punishment or Pleasure, how about both?
Next Chapter, private?(for ch.32,)
THIRTY-THREE: Adam's way
THIRTY-FOUR: Change Is A' Comin
THIRTY-FIVE: Move out and Move on
FORTY: Motherless Child
FINALE: What Now..?


22.2K 570 272
By Lishaagocrayy



:-)  :-) :-)



Drea POV

My eyes fluttered open,

The sun was shining through my window directly in my face,

"Ughh..." I moaned covering my face with my hand,

Jason was sleep behind me lightly snoring,

I turned to him,

"Jason get up" I said poking his face,

He didn't flinch,

"Jasonnnn" I dragged out,

I straddled him and bent bent down so I was closer to his face,

"Wake up you loser" I said opening his eyelids,

He jumped up and I laughed,

"That's not very kind " he said sitting up with me still on his lap,

"Good morning my love" I said kissing his nose,

He smiled and puckered his lips,

I covered my mouth,

"I don't think kissing is appropriate first thing in the morning, " I said smelling my breath,

He moved my hands away,

"Give me a kiss little girl," he said,

"I'm not little your thingy is" I said back,

"You wanna find out," he smirked,

I raised an eyebrow,


A knock interrupted us,

"Andrea, sweetie are you awake," my mom said from behind the door,

" Yea I'll be out in a sec!" I said getting off him,

"Ok," she said retreating,

I went to my bathroom and did my hygiene,

" put on a shirt, that's inappropriate," I said to him brushing my teeth,

"Whatever you say babygirl,"

I finished and saw Jason reach for my tooth brush,

"What are you doing," I said,

"About to brush my teeth," he said nonchalantly,

"Get your own I don't want your man juice on my brush" I said,

"Your so cute when you do that" he said and pecked my lips,

"yea I know now hurry up!" I ordered,

I went into my closet everything was the same,

I slipped on a cute romper and put a bow in the side of my hair,

When I looked, Jason was using my purple tooth brush,

"MCcan! Are you serious I just said not to use it! "

He looked down at me and chuckled,

I imagined it was funny, a girl 5'3 yelling at a guy almost 6 foot,

"You look great babe," he kissed my cheek,

"thanks, come on my mom wants to talk to us" I said opening the door,
















"well, I hope you two are hungry," my mom smiled,

"I am very hungry," Jason said,

Hungry.....I'm famished!...all we eat is take out!

When I saw the food my eyes widened,

Pancakes, waffles, sausage, bacon, eggs, french toast, juice, everything I've always wanted....

"Oh my goodness.." I said

I hurriedly sat down and reached for the bacon but Jason snatched it from me,

"Nooo! " I whined,

"Stop being rude I'm a guest" he said biting a piece of bacon,

"she's my mom! Jerk!" I yelled,

He bit another piece and I snatched it from his teeth and ate it,

His mouth opened slightly,

I heard my mom laughing at us,

We continued piling food on our plate,

"You two are so cute," she sighed

I stopped chewing and looked at Jason,

He looked confused,

"What are you talking about..." I said,

"You two think I don't know what's going on and it's so obvious,"she sighed,

"There's nothing going on, " Jason said,

"  weren't you in her room last night" she asked,

He stayed silent,

My eyes widened,

I knew she heard him,

"Mom, I have to say something" I said,

Might as well get this over with,

"What is it," she said,

" Well, for starters, his name is Jason not Drew"

She looked at him,

"Why would you lie about your name," she asked confused,

"I'm Jason MCcan," he announced,

I rolled my eyes,

So dramatic..

"Who," my mom said,

I burst out laughing,

"She played you!" I said,

He squeezed my thigh under the table and I stopped,

" mom, he's famous, for.... bombings, " I said,

Her eyes widened,

"so.....You...You blew up the school," she said incredulously,

"Yes.." He replied,

I'm guessing reality hit her,













"You Bastard! You killed all those innocent Children!" She yelled,

This is going down hill,

"no no no no, " she said hyperventilating,

"Andrea Dominique, you will NOT have anything to do with this...Scrub," she said sternly,

Part of me wanted to laugh at her calling him a scrub, but the moment was too serious,

"Mom he regrets it," I said,

"No I don't," he said nonchalantly,

"Shut up!" I whisper yelled,

"Mom I wasn't happy here " I said slowly,

"He makes you happy," she said in disgust,

I flinched at her tone,

"Yes I do, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me" he squeezed my hand,

" not anymore! this is crazy! Andrea I don't approve of this, your not going to be with him" She said,

"We're leaving" Jason said angrily,

"Get in the car" he ordered,

I was going to listen to Jason and just go to the car but.....It didn't happen,

"where are you going" my mom said,

"with Jason," I said,

"No the hell your not, sit down, now" she said angrily,

"Let's go," he grabbed my arm,

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER OR I'M CALLING THE POLICE!!"she yelled snatching me away,

I sat down,

I guess I would be staying, if Jason got in trouble then so would the rest of the guys,

I'm not going to risk it,

"if you know as much about me as you say you do,

you would know that I take my possessions very seriously," he said,

"Possession, you've lost your damn marbles if you thought for a second! That you would tell me what you did and I would let her be with you!" She said,

I looked back and forth at them both,

My mom was looking at me like"you better stay in that seat"

Jason was like"I'm going to blow up this house if you don't get in that car"

" I'm not going to choose one of you" I said sadly,

" No, your not, I'm choosing for you," my mom said,

"Drea," he said hurt, when I didn't get up,

"I'm sorry," I said,

He must've knew what I was doing, he turned me to him,

"You know I would never leave you," he said moving a strand of hair behind my ear,

I nodded quietly,

"1:30, " he whispered pecking my lips,

"What," I said confused,

"1:30," he repeated,

He hugged me tightly,

"I love you" I said in his chest,

"I love you too," he kissed me all over my face,

"okayyyy" I smiled and kissed his forehead,












He left and closed the door,

I wanted so badly to get up and run after him, but I couldn't,

My mom came and sat next to me,














"What happened," she said,

I sighed and released everything from start to end,

"We're going to get a restraining order, " she said,

"No,No mom I want to be with him" I said defensively,

"Your going to get over him sooner or later," she said ,

"I love him.."

"You don't know anything about love, your teenagers," she said,

I was getting angry,

"He's not like him! He's not going to get me pregnant and leave!" I screamed at her,

She slapped me,

"Don't you ever say anything like that again" she snarled,

"What if I do," I said not phased by my stinging face,

"You better go to your room," she said,

"Whatever you say" I said stomping up the stairs,

I didn't bother checking my face,

I felt empty and lonely without Jason,

I guess this is how he felt..

"1:30" I repeated what he said, trying to make sense of it,



I feel like a horrible person for this horrible chapter,-_-

I was sick so that's why I haven't updated,

If you don't understand something just ask me I wrote this stupidly lol

I'm sorry you guys:(

Sorry for errors......

Comment & Vote plzzz:) <333

Peace love and m&m's B-)

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