Unexpected Outcomes

By Vegvisir

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Assassin Creed Syndicate Female reader insert fanfic Based loosely on one of the missions within the game. More

Unexpected Outcomes
Several weeks later
Lambeth Asylum
A cold December night
A night at the theatre
The Train Hideout
Evie's angry
A surprise Visitor
Into the blinding darkness
Until Tomorrow
You surprise me Jacob
Excuse the mess
Don't be ludicrous
Jacob will Understand
The girl's not stupid Jacob
Forgive me?
Lets go and finish this

A hell of a day

2K 51 30
By Vegvisir

St James' Cemetery,  London 

Placing her slight hands upon the aged, crumbling brickwork, Evie took a moment at the walls of the cemetery of St James'. It was dead of night by the time she'd finally completed the journey from the hideout there, and the threateningly cold Autumn drizzle that had plagued her journey was already beginning to soak the shoulders of her thick assassin robes chilling her slight frame underneath.

She took a deepened ragged breath in, desperate to gain some much needed composure and clarity,  but Jacobs heated and angry words as shed left the train, still rang loudly in her ears pulling and jabbing at her conscious uncomfortably eventually making her huff out a long elongated sigh

She couldn't pretend that the prospect of undertaking such a mission on her own didn't perturb her, because it did, it scared and chilled her to her very core. There was a part of her that said no, screamed at her to end this stupid plan and turn back to the hideout abandoning the whole damn thing, but with Jacob now somewhat 'incapacitated' she knew it fell to be her to finish what had been started. She needed to end this whole bloody thing by what ever means necessary, if only for your sake and closing the final chapter in the book once and for all.

Upon introspection, this whole matter had unwittingly run much deeper than first anticipated, this was no longer a question of getting one over on Starrick, with those around her whom she loved splintering quickly away from her, this had become a question of hot revenge. Pure and simple.

The blustering Autumn winds whipped tirelessly through the still of the  cemetery, bringing with it the quietened rustle of the sycamore leaves as they danced and bowed in the wind overhead. Evie lifted her face into the sharp wind, her nose crinkling somewhat in protest to the weather that battered and buffered against her pale juvenile skin.

With a squint she glanced off through the rain toward the far side of the cemetery. In the distance, the soft lights, shouts and distant chug of the nearby barges continuing their tireless work along the artery of the Thames reminded her how close they were to the river. 'Starrick's no fool, A likely and cunning  hideout for distributing contraband being so close to the Thames' she admitted silently to herself 'the makings of a perfect crime!'

With a shaken, pensive breath, she glanced around the cemetery trying to gain some kind of bearing or marker to the map she'd tossed onto Jacobs desk earlier that night. Her mind was a wash with each twist and turn of the matrix of tunnels in the map she thought she'd memorised.  she muttered a silent curse to herself that she should have been so stupid to have left them behind.

"The Forbes vault? " she murmured quietly to herself, her eyes falling upon a rather grand looking memorial as she  stepped gingerly through the cemetery.   "a large marbled vault with cherubs carved around its entrance" she whispered as she stepped up to the hefty looking iron worked gates that guarded the door. "Now..... if the plans are correct" she whispered as her slight fingers wrapped around the iron bars of the gate giving it a firm push. "This!" She strained "should be the entrance I'm looking for"

A smug and knowing smile tugged at her rosebud lips as the door gave with not much persuasion at all. It gave an ear piercing groan under protest of its sudden movement, the loud shriek of the hinges eventually ebbing off being lost amongst the roar of the trees that continued to gust noisily overhead.

With one last glance around, Evie tentatively stepped into the darkness of the vault. The neon glint from the full moon outside bounced from the small brass plates that adorned the walls, each of them displaying the names and dates of previous members of the Forbes line that laid there. There was an unspoken and imposing air of respect the place demanded, like the sudden tingle that seems to consume and hush you when you enter an empty church. Evie's skin goosebumped, It was a cold and eerie place to be and the judgmental glances of the statues that glared down at her reminded her constantly that she had no place to be there.

Once her eyes accustomed to the darkness within, they were drawn to a dirtied and dim light that bounced and twinkled against the grimed ceramic tiles set at the furthest end of the vault, a light that suggested steps to a further subterranean crypt. It was just as the plans had said and the lantern light emitting from within suggested that someone was working down there already.

She pulled the vaults metal gate to and wasted no time stepping silently across the leaf littered marbled floor of the vault. Her step was light and agile,  the slightest of touches glancing  the greased grime of the tiles as she ran her finger tips along the wall as she went. With a ragged breath she descended, disappearing into the foreboding darkness below.


Twist upon turn through the network of tunnels she went. The countless passageways and catacombs that branched away like veins that nestled under the capitals skin reminded her to be cautious, one wrong turn and she'd be hopelessly lost. Instinctively, she followed the distant soft hue of lantern light that progressively  got brighter as she continued  suggesting she was indeed on the right track.

Eventually, her journey brought her to a gentle recess where the tunnel opened up into a large vaulted ceilinged room before her. The gentle warm flicker from several oil lanterns provided just enough light to see that the room was stacked high with long wooden crates, each one painted with the blighters insignia proudly on its side.

Evie peered cautiously in, the sight of a lone Templar sat writing at a desk, apparently oblivious to her presence pulled a confident smile upon her lips, 'one Templar? This will be easier than I first thought' she mused silently to herself.

"Good evening Miss Frye" The voice growled somewhat knowingly from the desk. The deep and gravelly voice cut through the silence and echoed menacingly within the closed cavernous walls.

Evie took a swift step back disappearing into the shadows once again, her breath hitching and her eyes closing in quick realisation of who it was sat working before her. Crawford Starrick

"Oh come now Miss Frye...... Aren't we a little too old to play hide come seek?" The Grandmaster asked coldly. Evie cautiously peered from the shadows, she noted his eyes never lifted from the paper he'd been working from, he spoke as if some animal instinct told him she was there.

She sighed quietly before she straightened and stepped from the shadows and into the flicker of the lantern light

"Ahhh there you are" he hummed condescendingly as his cold greying eyes finally lifted and fixed onto the female assassin. "I can't say I'm surprised to see you here Miss Frye, in fact after Phillips finally admitted his little faux pas of allowing my plans to fall into your hands, I'm a little surprised you didn't come sooner"

His lips tugged into the slightest suggestion of a self gratified smile.

"Finally admitted his faux pas?" She scoffed at his confidence "I can imagine the means of persuasion you used Starrick"

He took a deepened breath in, seemingly relishing in Evie's disgust as he recalled the chemists demise to himself "hmmm, it's a shame that business partnership had to end so abruptly Miss Frye....Phillips would have been greatly beneficial to the funding of the order. Accidents truly are a tragedy when they happen  aren't they?" He sneered smugly as he slowly opened the top drawer of his desk, his willowy fingers dipping inside and slowly placing an ornate gold and silver revolver upon the desks surface before him. "Sadly we had to let Mr Phillips.......go"

"You're abhorrent Starrick, do you know that?" She hissed as her face turned in disgust at the sight of the pistol before him "Are you really so crass as to deem innocent lives so worthless, to extinguish them with such whim?" Evie asked as she began to step slowly but very defiantly towards his seated form.

Starrick paused a moment as he thought over Evies words,  his lips tugged into a wide malevolent smile and an amused hum emanated from deep within his chest "How's your brother doing these days Miss Frye?" He asked quite coldly "he was lost in the bottom of a liquor bottle the last I heard......did he choose not to come with you tonight or was he merely incapable?"

"Whatever the reason maybe for my brothers absence this evening Mr Starrick" Evie spat angrily "is really no business of yours. Regardless of what state my brother may or may not find himself in,  he will be a far better man than you could ever wish to be!" She hissed vermantly as her nose crinkled slightly

He scoffed loudly at her conviction before he pushed the chair away from the desk and stood up. The chairs legs scraping nosily across the vaults floor as his immaculately dressed form towered somewhat imposingly before her.

"Come now Miss Frye" he growled with a lopsided sneer, "let us just gain some prospective once more shall we?. I personally own a good portion of the cities businesses, countless people all working..... just for me, bringing me the finest in food and drink.... Dressing me in the finest of foreign silks and fabrics, footmen to see to my each and every whim but yet you consider your runt of a sibling a better person?" He snarled as if wrestling slightly with the heated vexation that tugged annoyingly at his gut "Your brother is weak Miss Frye, he stupidly allowed himself to become involved with someone emotionally. I merely found his weakness and dealt with it"

"In the only way you see fit!" Evie spat resentfully

"Hmmm!" He smiled in concurrence "indeed" he added coldly as he began to step out from his desk and across the tiled floor toward the wooden crates. His booted step echoed loudly in the quietude of the vault shattering the damp and musty silence that hung heavily. "It's merely survival of the fittest Miss Frye, you should know that ....Pity though" he said eventually as his piercing eyes began to cursorily inspect the crates. "She seemed quite a sweet sweet flower, so beautiful to look at and quite delicate to the touch but so easily crushed within ones fingers"

He placed his hands behind his back, his eyes greedily flicking around the countless crates and boxes that were stacked close by. With a deepened confident breath, he turned quite suddenly to face Evie.

"This time tomorrow all of these crates of doctored tobacco will be empty, their contents safely distributed amongst the cities streets and thousands of pounds of tax free money en route to fund further Templar endeavours.... and the best part of it of all Miss Frye?" He paused " is that you won't be around to interfere with any of it"

Her brows furrowed slightly

"I wouldn't be so sure of that Starrick" she insisted much to his delight

"Oh Miss Frye I admire your conviction, I always have, and for a very short time there, you and your brother posed quite the threat to my empire" he seemingly flared his nostrils in defiance as his beady eyes raked judgmentally over her "but your  brother in his current state, no longer poses much of a threat to me and once you die, he'll be absolutely good for nothing..... The last of the Frye line, drowning himself in liquor and sitting amongst his own excrement within the walls of the asylum.  it's really quite tragic isn't it!"

Evie took a deepened and ragged breath in as her blood boiled within her veins "one of us will die tonight Starrick but I wouldn't be so sure that it will be me" she hissed angrily as her body straightened in pure defiance.

"Sweet" Starrick hissed quite arrogantly through the smuggest of smiles "you see that door at the back of us Miss Frye?" He asked

Evie glanced momentarily over his shoulder taking note of the door to which he referred, it was set at the far end of the vault and secured tightly with thick wrought iron bars.

"That very door leads to a tunnel and then out to a small and yet discreet quay on the banks of The Thames. Shortly, Miss Frye, that door will be unlocked by a number of my men who hold the only keys in existence, they will then proceed to empty this vault onto an awaiting barge outside......your dead body will be amongst the crates they remove Miss Frye"

Starrick's demeanour suddenly changed, his hands lifting as he began to step swiftly towards Evie's slender frame. "It's your time now Miss Frye" he growled. "Come now...... Please don't make this any harder than it needs to be" Her eyes widened in quick realisation of what was happening and without further thought, she darted backwards  into the darkened shadows amongst the stacked crates.

"Oh come now Miss Frye" Starrick blindly shouted across the large vault "let us not play games anymore hm?"

Evie watched on in silence from the cover the crate was granting . Her gaze flicked through the slightest of gaps as Starrick's legs stepped to and then fro, pacing around like some caged wild animal before her

"Your pursuit really is quite futile Miss Frye" he cawed loudly into the darkness, the acoustics of the low tiled ceiling sent Starrick's voice echoing menacingly throughout the shadows within the chambers. Her breathing hitched slightly as his malevolent tones  surrounded her.

"You know Miss Frye, in some ways I have the utmost respect for the both of you" he shouted blinded as he began to step back toward the desk he'd been working from "you've managed to eliminate some of my best Templars along the way. It makes me wonder what indeed would have been possible if we could have somehow joined forces......, a force to be reckoned with don't you think Miss Frye hm?" His voice continued to carry through the vault as Evie watched him pick his revolver up once more and slowly begin to reload it. "The assassins have no place in here London Miss Frye, perhaps now you can see this"

"ID RATHER DIE THAN HAVE ANY PART OF THE SICK GAME YOU PLAY STARRICK!" Evie cawed loudly before she scampered silently from her hiding place to another crate further down.

Upon hearing Evie's voice, Starrick turned quickly and shot his revolver directly hitting the crate she'd been taking refuge behind. The loud crack of the shot clapped through the silence making Evie jump 

"AS YOU WISH MISS FRYE!" He yelled furiously as his angry blood shot eyes scoured the darkened shadows for the assassin "then die knowing that your fathers life's work was all for nothing!" He shot blindly across the vault once more, the bullet hit a nearby crate splintering it loudly. With a voiceless wince Evie flinched at the proximity of his shot."There's no place in this world for your mediocrity Miss Frye....you've bitten off too much this time, you can't expect to play with the men and not expect to get hurt"

There was a quietened rustle from a rat that sat nearby in the shadows as it decided to preen and wash itself. Without thought, Starrick quickly turned a whole one eighty on his heels and fired. The accuracy of his shot sent bloodied parts of vermin splattering messily against the grime of the ceramic tiles before they trickled slowly down.

Evie took a ragged breath in as she thought about her next move. 'Five shots in the average revolver' she mused to herself 'five shots.... Three of which Starrick had just wasted' All she had to do was to waste two more and he'd have to reload... To reload took time, time and more importantly distraction was exactly what she needed to make her move.

Her eyes cast down to the litter on the floor where she'd stooped spotting  a small stone that lay nearby. Without hesitation she fumbled in the darkness before picking it up within her slight fingers and while Starrick's back was still turned, she tossed it purposely wide of him.

It landed with a quietened thump upon the dirtied floor not far from Starrick's feet and as expected he swung quickly round and discharged his penultimate round at the ground, making the dirtied floor rise into a plume of dust.

There was a heavy silence between them after the resonance of the shot eventually dissipated. Still well hidden from sight, Evie fought hard to quieten her adrenaline fuelled laboured breaths from Starrick's keen ear.

He began to laugh, quietly at first, his deep malevolent repugnant tones filled the quietude before they eventually got louder and slightly more manic sounding.

"Oh Miss Frye" he managed as he tried to contain his mirth "I do like a good game of cat and mouse" he growled as his eyes continued to scout through the dim light of vault. Evie glanced the nearby wall, his shadow flickered and grew menacingly as the flame in the nearby lantern danced in a distant breeze that blew gently in. "You, the small weak vermin that you are, just waiting to be caught." He said as he began to stride slowly through the quietude toward a nearby stack of crates. "Do you know how a cat hunts its prey Miss Frye?" He called loudly out before he pushed the large stack of crates tumbling noisily to the ground.

Evie watched as the boxes and their contents spilled messily on the ground.

"It hunts it out..... "He growled as he began to step slowly toward the next stack, his deliberate footstep shattering the quietude "then when it's prey is found.... It simply plays with it for a while, padding it this way then that." He said as he moved "it takes pleasure in its kill Miss Frye" his voice hitched in effort before he pushed the second stack of crates quickly over

Evie took advantage of the crash and ran from her cover across the vault toward a second consignment of crates.  Starrick heard her slight step and turned taking his final shot into the darkness.  The bullet landed inches from Evie's foot as she crouched down safely taking a moments refuge in the darkened shadows.

With a moments rest, she evaluated the chance that Starrick's pistol must have been empty by now. Deciding hastily that it was a risk she was willing to take, Evie seized her opportunity and pushed herself from the safe cover the crates had granted, her fingers instinctively reaching and drawing the large kukri that sat housed at her waist.

Teeth clenched she launched an attack toward the grandmaster, a ragged battle cry spilling from her lips that was as much primitive growl as anything else.

"Bastard!" She spat angrily as she ran, her blade drawn and ready to drop upon his broad shoulders. She was hungry for his kill, so much so, the need spiked painfully within her veins fuelling her anger and urging her forward.  He turned swiftly to the sound of her approaching charge, his arm lifting and knocking the large blade clean from her fingers.

The commanding block made Evie yelp as she saw the flash of the blade leave her fingers, the weapon falling to the floor with a resonate clang. Without chance to think, Starrick stepped over to her now floundering form and swiped his long arm around her, grasping Evie tightly with a vice like squeeze.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to resist an attack Miss Frye!" He growled through clenched teeth as his other hand lifted and clamped on tightly around the front of her throat, his long spindly fingers spanning the width of her neck with ease. "I'll grant you one thing..... You're predictable" he hissed angrily.

Evie struggled against his force, her arms extending desperately trying to grasp onto the grandmasters torso.  In a desperate bid to rid herself of his grip, she engaged her hidden blade hoping she'd be able to catch him with it. Her plan to fight back, enraged him and so he lifted her slightly to her toes, her reach becoming way too short as she flayed her arms and gargled loudly.

"DO YOU REALLY THINK YOU STOOD A FIGHTING CHANCE AGAINST ME?!" He boomed furiously, his temper finally snapping. With a maddened gruff, he walked her quickly backwards slamming her weakening form commandingly into a stack of crates. His brute force enough to floor a man twice Evie's size.

Her body hit the precariously stacked chests with a loud and sickening thud, knocking the wind clean from her body. Starrick's grip tightened on her, his piercing gaze unfocusing, consumed on delivering Evie's demise.

"For far too long I have put up with your pathetic little games that the two of you play.... Well it stops, IT STOPS NOW!" He snarled angrily

The grandmasters teeth clenched tight and his breathing quickened as he shoved her back once again against the crates. His brutal force sending an already teetering oil lamp that sat ontop the crate, smashing onto its side.

Her eyes widened as Starrick's long and slender fingers tightened even more around her delicate neck, choking her steadily.

"This isn't the end Starrick" she gasped, her words strained and stolen as his tightening grip began to squeeze the life from her body. She blinked, her clenching eyes sending small tears rolling down her cheeks as she fought frantically for each breath.

Starrick's head tilted as his eyes fed on her failing form , he hummed happily as he watched her struggle,  amused and somewhat stimulated by the sight of his own dominance. He could see the panic that nestled deep within her soul, the fighting spirit that she held ebbing quietly away, and it pleased him greatly.

"There" he husked lowly "they say death is a beautiful thing Miss Frye...try not to fight it"

From the corner of his maddening eyes, he glimpsed her hands drop, fumbling for her cane sword in one last ditched attempt to save her own life.

"Ah ah ah Miss Frye, no you don't " he growled as he realised what it was she was doing. With vexed purse of his thin wiry lips, his free hand dropped snatching the cane from her loosened grip and hurled it angrily across the room.

Her eyes clenched tightly closed once more, the cane sword had been her last possible chance to fight back. she literally had nothing more to give. Resigning herself quickly to the fact her death was imminent, her eyes flitted momentarily to the blackened flames that now jumped from the top of the crates above her head. She preyed that the fire would be fierce enough to remove all trace of her remains. The thought of Jacob having to see her corpse in his current state would probably finish him off.

Starrick slowly but very surely began to squeeze the life from Evie's body, her limbs becoming heavy and her face a deepened red. Her fingers clawed frantically at his vice like grip,  fumbling frantically trying to loosen his hold. But it was hopeless

She knew her impending fate, she understood that her end was closer than it had ever been before and the sound of distant steps fast approaching from the tunnel Starrick mentioned earlier only confirmed this.

"Ah Miss Frye" he growled as the keys jangled loudly into the lock "it's time to say goodbye!" He gave a sneer as both hands encased her slight neck and began to squeeze tightly.  She gasped loudly, preparing herself to die as the life began to drain quickly from her heavy limbs.

"Get your fucking hands from my sister" came a growl as the door quickly swung open with a loud kick and a deafening squeak.

Evie's blood shot, desperate eyes glanced over Starrick's shoulder to see Jacob stood, his tall and barrelled frame filling the doorframe somewhat  intimidatingly.  What happened next happened so quickly it was like a far off distant blur.  She watched as her brother dipped within his coat and with a quick flick of his wrist, he threw a knife across the vault, it's blade embedding itself deep within Starrick's side.

The grandmasters hands instinctively dropped from Evie's throat and clutched at the deep wound to his side, causing her to collapse quickly and rather unceremoniously to her knees. Her body completely spent and weakened as she drew loudly for each laboured breath.

Starrick snarled angrily, his form straightening bolt upright as the pain from Jacobs blade began to tear unforgivingly through his flesh. He gave a loud and ragged yell through clenched teeth, his hand yanking the small throwing knife quickly from his soft flesh before discarding it to the floor with a growl.

"Well well well" Starrick grumbled indignantly as he turned to see Jacob kicking the door firmly closed behind him and securing it. "You've managed to sober yourself up long enough to dress then I see Frye!"  his words were hitched as his hands clutched firmly at the wound that now seeped quickly with blood.

"You wouldn't think I'd miss out on the fun of seeing you die do you Starrick?" He husked as he began to step slowly from the door, his booted step scuffing noisily across the floor as he went.

"I take by your presence Mr Frye, that my cargo barge has been compromised?" Starrick snarled angrily, his eyes closely watching Jacob as he made his approach

"You employ monkeys Starrick, they' what do you expect... Made it quite an easy task. I was more than a little disappointed to be honest, I'd rather hoped for a bit of a fight" he smirked churlishly as his hands dipped inside his coat. As they lifted he pulled out the plans Evie had dropped on his desk earlier that night. " Your barge is, as we speak,  floating aimlessly down the Thames......all your men on board?.. dead"  he growled tossing the plans into the nearby flames that had taken hold amidst the crates, spreading quite surely.

Evie managed to push herself shakily to her feet, her breathing deep and deliberate as her hands clasped tightly at her neck. Jacobs eyes flicked worriedly to her unsteady form, Starrick had come closer than ever to killing her, never had he'd seen his sister so weakened and vulnerable before.

The Grandmaster observed his caring glance and he began to chuckle lowly, amused by his concern. "So it seems I have found your Achilles heel Frye, the compassion you show for those you love is really quite endearing" he scoffed. His teeth clenched as he hissed loudly, a wave of pain emanating from the knife wound that he continued to hold so tightly.

Evie wheezed loudly, her breath still weakened, made worse from the thick black acrid smoke that had began to kick from the fire taking hold amidst the crates of doctored tobacco.

"Evie, get out of here" Jacob suddenly ordered across the vault

Her head lifted, her flushed face aghast at his suggestion "what?" She coughed, her voice stolen and weak. "I'm not going anywhere Jacob"

"This is between you and me Starrick, let my sister go" Jacob growled from under his darkened brow, his eyes firmly fixed on the grandmaster.

"Now why would I want to do that Mr Frye hm?, two of the most notorious assassins together for the killing and you're asking me to let one go?" He shuffled slightly as he readjusted his hold upon his wound, his blood soaked fingers tightening in an attempt to stem the bleeding. "You underestimate  the Templars Mr Frye, even if i were to die tonight..... You don't think there wouldn't  be someone just as ruthless, with just as much conviction to our cause?  Waiting to fill my shoes?"

"That might be so Starrick" Jacob growled " but this, now, this isn't about the Templars for me.... This is personal. You've taken something away from me Starrick and I want to make you pay for that.... Just you and me, let's have this out"

He smiled a wide smile that was a much as a sneer as anything "ahhh yes of course, that floozy back at Somerset house.... I must say Mr Frye I was very surprised when I heard you'd taken her death as badly as you did. Quite heart warming.... One could even be mistaken for thinking you loved the cheap and nasty little whore"

Jacobs breathing quickened as he fought to control his temper from bursting violently from his veins. The sound of Starrick insulting you made him still deeply protective.

"Jacob!" Spluttered Evie sensing his anger rising. "Don't let him do this.... It's what he wants" she gasped before she burst into a coughing fit, the smoke becoming thicker as the fire began to take hold.

Starrick was silent as he thought on Jacobs suggestion. With the slightest measure of distain pulling at his lips, he lifted his hand and dismissively shooed Evie away.

"Jacob!" She implored, her eyes wide as she sought some kind of ratification from her brother.

He slowly glanced over through the thickening smoke and gave his sister a slow but definite nod, the corners of his lips suggesting the slightest of comforting smiles to alleviate her uneasiness. "It's alright Evie.... Go"

She wore the same aghast expression as she slowly steadied herself on her feet. Doing only as her brother wished, she tentatively began to back step toward the exit.

Both men were silent, as they watched Evie reluctantly leave, her light and staggered  step eventually being drowned out by the occasional hiss and crackle from the flames as they grew higher around them.

"Alone at last Mr Frye"  Starrick coughed as his hand dipped inside of his woollen coat "just the two of us.... As you wished". As he pulled his hand free from the lining of his coat, Jacob spotted the large decorative dagger that he held within his blood covered fingers."So that's what all this is about hm?" He gruffed before giving a slight cough as the thickening air began to stick in his throat "the how ironic to kill you with the same blade as her Mr Frye"

Jacob couldn't help the deep pang of grief for you as his eyes fell to the blade that hung loosely within Starrick's fingers. He stared a moment, trying to imagine your final agonising moments as the glow from the nearby flames glinted brightly from its sharp and deadly tip.

"That's right Mr Frye, glorious isn't it?" He said noting Jacobs thoughtful stare,  he held it aloft and began to turn it slowly within his fingers "a blade so sharp it allowed me to deliver my fatal blow to your friend without much initial blood.... Perfect for such a public killing, so clean... No one would have suspected, until it was too late of course " he sneered "I, however don't intend to be quite so precise nor so careful with you" he said

Jacob didn't reply, with a deepened breath, he merely flicked his wrist commandingly, engaging his hidden blade with a loud and resonate 'snick'.

A wide smile crept across Starrick's thin lips in anticipation as Jacob stepped purposely toward him, the grit and determination apparent on his face.

"It's a pity your little friend isn't around to see the conviction you still hold for her, I think she'd be quite touched" he hissed before swiping his long arm quickly round and toward Jacob. He ducked his attack, the quiet swoosh of the blade missing the top of his head by mere inches. Jacob straightened quickly and without giving a seconds chance, countered with a succession of quick swipes toward Starrick's torso

The grandmaster scooted quickly sideways, a breathy smile spreading across his lips  "ah ah Mr Frye....you're going to have to be quicker than that I'm afraid"

Jacob scowled angrily from the shadow of his brow, the need to spill Starrick's blood consuming him blindly and heating his blood almost til it boiled within his veins.

He took a deepened breath and thought upon his next move, his mouth sneering angrily as he remembered what his father had taught him in training 'As soon as you lose your temper son, you've lost the battle....retain your composure and you'll win the war' Normally he'd have scoffed at such bullshit his father had taught him, but some how that had always struck a chord and stayed with him, it's meaning resonating loudly in Jacobs ears.

"You will tire Starrick, I am not the one already wounded" he growled as he calmed slightly, his eyes casting down to the wound in his torso that still seeped blood.

In a quickened attempt to catch him off guard, Starrick lunged forward with a guttural growl, his blade aimed firmly for the assassins chest. With swift realisation, Jacob pitched quickly backwards missing Starrick's attempts before lifting his booted foot delivering a firm and definite shove to his flank.

Starrick stumbled clumsily across the floor from Jacobs force, landing heavily on his hands and knees a short distance away.

With a quick turn, Jacobs eyes nervously flicked to the crates housed across the floor of the vault. The fire was spreading quickly now and spewing thick acrid smoke into the subterranean vault. He knew he had to be quick, they didn't have long at all.

The Grandmaster pushed himself quickly to his feet, the indignity of his fall igniting his own anger. He turned, his small beady eyes squinted as his breathing began to quicken. With a cough Starrick strode quickly forward, his attentions very firmly fixed upon killing Jacob

"I Will NOT.....ALLOW.... YOU.... TO..... WIN!" He bellowed, each word becoming louder as he seemingly wound himself more and more up. With a adjustment on his grip, he strode forward stabbing and flaying the blade wildly as his rage engulfed him. Jacobs eyes widened, startled at his sudden violent outburst. He dodged and ducked each blow, stepping backwards with each fierce attempt. Starrick's teeth clenched, a primitive growl spilling from his throat as he gave one last lunge forward,

His haste caught Jacob off guard and the tip of his blade caught Jacobs stomach. He let out a ragged cry in agony as he felt the blade deeply score his flesh.

Starrick paused a moment as he caught his breath, a sick and satisfied smile creeping across his face as he watched Jacob double forward, his hand clutching his stomach tightly, the blood already beginning to soak through his waistcoat.

The pain he endured at that very moment ignited something primitive inside Jacob, something he couldn't explain. It took just a split second to happen, the anger that had coursed through his veins was quickly replaced by a heated resentment and Jacob did the only thing he knew how to.... Fight

He dropped his hand from his stomach and stomped purposely forward showering Starrick in a quick onslaught of punches one after another. The gang leaders barrage of aggression sent the taller grandmaster stumbling clumsily backwards, his nose exploding with blood under each sickeningly commanding stroke.

With a ragged yell, Jacob landed one last maniacal punch square onto Starrick sending his dazed form tumbling to the ground. Jacob paused to catch breath,  leaning forward, his one hand rested upon his knee as his other clutched tightly to his wound. He watched on with angry distain as he fought to slow his breathing.

Starrick lay writhing in agony on the ground, his face an unidentifiable mess. He lifted a hand to where his nose had been, a bloodied mess of snot and cartilage now in its place.

With a satisfied sigh, Jacob straightened and stepped very slowly and very deliberately over to where Starrick lay sprawled upon the ground.

"It's over" Jacob husked as he gazed down upon his pathetic form, his nose crumpling in disgust

Starrick slid his beaten and hooded eyes open and focused on Jacob towering above him "it's never over Mr Frye" he hissed a whisper through his bloodied swollen mouth.

Jacob shook his head pitifully as he caught the beginnings of a laugh within his nose "you're pathetic do you know that?" Without giving him chance to reply, he dropped quickly down and grasped Starrick's jaw tightly within his hand turning it until his face was looking at him "take a good look at me Starrick and know that mine will be the last face you will ever see" he hissed angrily "I'm want you to see the hatred  in my eyes that I have for you, just as [y/n] must have seen in yours"

He pushed Starrick's face forcefully away from his grip and straightened. "Pathetic!"  He Coughed painfully, his hand clutching tightly at the deep wound as the thick smoke began to kick at his lungs.

Slowly and deliberately he began to step wearily from Starrick's dazed form. Somewhat confused, the grandmaster lifted his beaten head best he could to see Jacob making his way slowly toward the exit.

"What's wrong Frye? Couldn't you finish the job?" He wheezed through his bloodied features trying his best to utter a laugh. "Are you so weak that you can't even kill me hm?.... I thought it's what you always wanted?"

Jacob continued to scuff painfully toward the door, his body failing him as the blood pumped quickly from his stomach coating his fingers.

"FRYE!" Starrick boomed "do not deny me!"

Jacob hauled himself slowly up the few stone steps toward the iron barred door of the vault, one foot and then painfully the other trailed.

"I'm not denying you Starrick" he replied raggedly "I want your death to be slow and painful....... I want you to know about your final moments" he mustered as he reached the final step and turned around leaning breathlessly on the door jam

Starrick shuffled his beaten form up, his weary head wobbling dazedly as he slowly began to come to a little. "You think a few punches to my face and a snick to my side will kill me Frye?," he suggested a gentle laugh "forgive me, but out of the two of us, you appear to be the worse off... A deep wound like that....without the right help I'd say you've got a couple of hours tops?"

Jacob slumped against the door jam, his eyes casting down to his fingers that were now covered in his thick blood. "That maybe so Starrick"he said weakly "but you seem to forget one thing"

With his free hand, Jacob dipped his fingers inside of his coat and rummaged a second time through the lining. When they emerged, he held a small set of weathered iron keys, the keys to the vault... The only keys

The smile quickly dropped from Starrick's face as he shakily got to his feet, the flames around him now becoming uncontrollable. He took a few staggered steps toward the exit as Jacob swung the heavy barred door round with a lowly groan and then a loud slam.

"I reckon you've got about ten minutes before all of those crates go up" he husked as his fingers twisted the key within the lock, securing it with a loud and definite clunk.

"So this is what my demise has come to is it? A rather sad and foresaken dissolution for a grandmaster wouldn't you say Mr Frye?" 

Jacob gasped for breath as he attempted to gain some composure, his hand grasped tightly at the bars of the door as his head rested momentarily against his arm.

"It's nothing more than you deserve you bastard!" Jacob husked before he pulled the keys from the lock and lifted his heavy head "die in the knowledge that the Templars have ruled their last in London" he coughed painfully, the thick veil of smoke now descending upon the vault.

"Then I would rather die a vengeful death at your hands than wither slowly away as you will Mr Frye..... Constantly reminiscent about your lost love... THE LOVE I DEPRIVED YOU OF" he called as Jacob pushed himself from the door and began to stagger away. As he did,  he heard a definite 'whoosh' as a couple more of the crates exploded into flames. "ILL MAKE SURE I SEND HER YOUR LOVE MR FRYE"

Jacob scuffed to a slight halt, as he listened to Starrick's last desperate bid at indignation, his face stoic and emotionless before he pushed forward continuing on his painful journey back to the surface, the sound of Starrick's laughter ringing in his ears as he went.


Evie waited apprehensively at the entrance to the vault, by now she was fretful and uptight at the arrival of no news from within. Unwittingly she paced  this way, then that, trying to gauge the length of time it had been since she left her brother alone. Upon turning, her eyes widened to see a very definite plume of smoke drifting from the inside of the tomb.

She gasped in horror, her brain imagining the worse as she ran quickly back inside, her eyes desperately seeking something through the blackness

"JACOB!" She cried desperately, her frantic tones echoing loudly within the marbled walls of the tomb before they drifted away to nothing.

No reply came, only the sound of a definite and spent shuffle emerging through the blinding darkness. Her breathing hitched, her heart thumping nervously within the constraints of her chest... unsure if it was her brother approaching or Starrick.

"Jacob?" She called again as she saw the suggestion of a rather forlorn silhouette approaching painfully slowly, it's form haunched and its arm resting against the wall as he paused from their exhausting journey "Jacob?"

He lifted his sweat filmed face, the death like pallor and darkening eyes clear to see through the failing light.

"My god Jacob...... What has he done to you!" She shrieked as she ran to meet him. Hooking his arm firmly around her shoulder she straightening, taking his weight. "My god look at you!" She strained as her hand fell to where he clutched so tightly at his now blood soaked clothing

Jacobs head lifted, the slightest suggestion of a weak smile tugging at his pale lips "it's done Evie" he husked "it's over... All of it"

She paused her step a moment before tentatively nodding thoughtfully "and Starrick? " she asked


"I see" She said before taking a ragged breath in and beginning to walk him slowly out toward the cemetery once more "and you Jacob?"

"I thought I was going to die in there Evie" he croaked painfully, his face crumpling "I thought I wanted to die in there too"

Evie's face fell

"Ive been pretty lost lately haven't I? I'm sorry. You were right though, it needed to be done.... I needed to do that for [y/n]'s sake......hopefully she can rest peacefully now eh?.....god I miss her Evie"

Evie gave an understanding nod, she was so incredibly proud of him  "I know you do brother....... She would be incredibly proud of you Jacob....... As am I, Come now, let's get you back to the train and seen to..... It's been one hell of a day!"

A/N well that's it, but if a long one... I'm sorry.  But if you're still reading by now and you've not all died of boredom.... Thank you, you're awesome x x

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