I Knew I Loved You

By BubblySoccer

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Celebrating their tenth anniversary together, Manuel and Charlene are faced with increasing hints from their... More

Chapter One: Happy Anniversary
Chapter Two: Elise's Concerns
Chapter Three: Fertility Doctor
Chapter Four: The Horrible Accident
Chapter Five: Difficult News
Chapter Six: An Unexpected Offer
Chapter Seven: Home Sweet Home
Chapter Eight: Germany vs Ukraine
Chapter Nine: Returning to Work
Chapter Ten: Making Plans
Chapter Twelve: Exploring Paris
Chapter Thirteen: Starting to Bond
Chapter Fourteen: A Lovely Morning
Chapter Fifteen: Sharing the News
Chapter Sixteen: Dinner with the In-Laws
Chapter Seventeen: Grammy and Nana
Chapter Eighteen: Home Alone
Chapter Nineteen: Police Investigation
Chapter Twenty: Recovery
Chapter Twenty-One: The Struggle
Chapter Twenty-Two: Stronger Together
Chapter Twenty-Three: Unexpected News

Chapter Eleven: Arriving in France

1.7K 56 18
By BubblySoccer

Charlene took a deep breath relieved to get through the airport without much of a fuss, she had been worried about flying with Abigail but it had gone better than she had expected. 

Flying had been an entirely new experience for Abigail who had been a little queasy during take off but after that she had been completely fine. 

The little girl had kept close to Charlene's side and had kept her head down a little frightened when people had approached them asking for Charlene's picture and autograph which had been politely declined. 

Charlene had done her best to keep things as calm as she could, she didn't want to be hounded by press but that was unavoidable wherever they were; she was looking forward to seeing her husband again for the first time in weeks. 

"We could go sightseeing," Charlene suggested hoping to make this a normal holiday for Abigail, the little girl had confessed that she had never left Germany despite having lived all over the country with her mother in her short life.

Abigail had been excited to take her first holiday and Charlene wanted to make the best of it; she wanted nothing more than to relax with everything that had happened in the last month. 

"Really?" Abigail gushed looking up at Charlene with a smile lighting up her face at the idea of getting to see a country that she had never been to before. 

She had been given a special passport that would allow her to travel without her parents or relatives and she was excited about being here; her eyes taking in everything as they walked through the airport. 

They would be catching a taxi to the hotel where they would be staying and Abigail was very aware that people seemed to be watching them; she made sure that she stuck close to Charlene as they walked through the airport. 

It had been a shame that Manuel hadn't been able to slip away from training, his request to collect them from the airport had been refused and Charlene had assured him that she would be fine. 


Charlene was relieved when they finally reached their hotel room after checking in, she was exhausted and the idea of taking a nap was very appealing; even Abigail looked like she could do with a couple of hours sleep. 

It had been a long trip to get to this point and they had left the house rather early this morning with Michael dropping them off at the airport. 

Opening the hotel room door, Charlene stepped inside and yawned wanting to just relax before she started to think about Manuel visiting them. 

Manuel had training and he had told Charlene that he would come by later on since he hadn't been able to come and get them from the airport; he had a match tomorrow and Joachim Löw wanted him to be focused on that. 

It was a privilege that Charlene had been allowed to stay at the same hotel as the team, no unneeded distractions were welcome nor wanted at the hotel for the tournament. 

"How about we take a nap?" Charlene suggested making sure that their suitcases were inside before she shut the door and locked it; she looked down at Abigail who looked dead on her feet. 

The trip to the hotel had been exciting to the little girl who had spent the ride planning out their sightseeing trip; she was looking forward to it and Charlene was sure that she would fall asleep no problem. 

Abigail rubbed her eyes and nodded her head, she was tired and it had been exciting to think about all the things that they could do while they were in France.

Charlene smiled before showing Abigail into the bedroom that would be hers, she was glad they'd been able to get a comfortable room like this on such short notice especially with the Euros keeping the hotels packed. 

Manuel had done everything in his power to ensure that they would be comfortable while they were in France; he was still annoyed with how the press were reacting when it came to getting pictures of Abigail. 

Once Abigail was settled, Charlene returned to her own room and settled down to sleep for a couple of hours; it had been a busy day so far and she wanted nothing more than to get some rest while she had the chance to do so before things picked up again.


"I have missed you Liebling," Manuel greeted wrapping his arms around Charlene, he had thought he wouldn't see her until he returned home from the Euros with hopeful a trophy on his arm. 

It had been a while since they had seen one another, a fact that had been made harder with what was happening right now; Manuel was a little nervous about meeting the little girl at the centre of all of this. 

His parents had called to tell him how much they adored Abigail and it had left Manuel feeling a little left out; he hadn't been able to really meet the little girl since he had been in France when she had come to stay with them. 

Charlene kissed Manuel, she was happy to be reunited with her husband and she doubted that him traveling for work would ever get any easier than it was now. 

Abigail was silent as she watched Charlene with her husband, her head titled slightly in confusion and she could never recall her mother being this way with anyone in her life even the men that she invited into the bedroom. 

"Manuel... this is Abigail," Charlene said introducing her husband to the little girl, she stepped out of the way so that they could see one another. 

Abigail had been practically hiding behind the skirt of her blue jersey dress and Charlene was hopeful that Manuel would be okay with this; he had been a little off since their results had come in and he seemed to be doing better now. 

"It's nice to meet you Abigail," Manuel greeted crouching down to speak with her, he didn't want to frighten her and he hoped that she wouldn't dislike him. 

He couldn't imagine how strange this was for her and Manuel wanted nothing more than to focus on making this as easy as he could for her; they had no idea how long Abigail would be with them for. 

Abigail stared at Manuel, she wasn't sure what to make of him and she wanted to cuddle into Charlene's side; he was so big and it scared her a little since even her daddy hadn't been that big. 

She had seen pictures of him all around Charlene's home but it was strange meeting him in person; she took a step closer to Charlene wanting her comfort at that moment. 

Manuel swallowed sensing that Abigail was nervous about him, he didn't blame her and he just hoped that she would warm to him; there was only so much change that one person could take at a time. 

Charlene watched them closely, she could see that Abigail was shy and she often a reassuring smile when the little girl peered up at her. 

Their meeting had taken place in the hotel room away from prying eyes, especially unfriendly ones that could do more harm than good. 

"Shall we have something to eat?" Charlene suggested gently knowing that standing here wasn't going to change things, she was just sure that they would all settle in during dinner. 

Manuel nodded his head, he felt a little unsure about this but he wasn't going to give up; he had always been good with children and he guessed that Abigail was just shy. 

"Yes please," Abigail said taking Charlene's hand, she peered up at Manuel as he stood to his full height and she cuddled closer to the brunette; she wasn't sure what to make of him since he seemed like a giant to her. 

Manuel carefully laced his fingers with Charlene's free hand, he had them a table sorted away from prying eyes and he had a feeling that Abigail might open up more when she got to know him a little better. 

It had been Charlene doing all of the childcare since Abigail had arrived in their lives and Manuel was certain that he would have his moment to bond with the little girl that his wife so very clearly loved. 

Perhaps if this went well then, they could look into fostering other children when the time was right, with the hopes of adopting later. 

Manuel was open to all avenues that might lead him and Charlene to being parents, he wasn't going to give up just because they had hit a bump in the road. 

Heading downstairs to lunch, Charlene did her best to encourage conversation between Abigail and Manuel; her heart warming slightly at the look that her husband gave the little girl. 

He might not have realised it yet but Charlene was certain that he would become as attached to Abigail as she was. 

The three of them would have a lovely time together and out of the sight of the press, they could truly bond as a family without anyone trying to disturb them.

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