baby babbles

بواسطة bubblycosmotae

170K 2.5K 192

Just some 1D kids fanfics / one-shots. Fics found on tumblr and credits, rights, and all belongs to the owne... المزيد

I. Baby Isa [Ziam]
II. Ella [Ziall]
III. Losing Annabelle [Ziall]
IV. Thea's First Day [Lirry]
V. Baby Chase [Zianourry]
VI. You'll Always Have Us [Zianourry]
VII. Finally [Zianourry]
VIII. Ohana Means Family [Zianourry]
IX. Time out Paul [Zianourry]
X. Baby's First Christmas [Zianourry]
XI. Can't You See Me || Zianourry
XII. Big Fight [Zianourry]
XIII. Baby's Bad Day [Zianourry]
XIV. The Best Christmas Gift [Zianourry]
XV. Play? [Zianourry]
XVI. Water Fears [Zianourry]
XVII. My Daddy! [Zianourry]
XVIII. Santa Bully [Zianourry]
XIX. Little Niall Horan [Zianourry]
XX. Ni's Nightmares [Zianourry]
XXI. Adopting Niall [Zianourry]
XXIII. Syrup Monster [Zianourry]
XXIV. The Zoo [Zianourry]
XXV. Candy Canes [Zianourry]
XXVI. Finding Santa [Zianourry]
XXVII. Coloring On The Walls [Zianourry]
XXVIII. That's Crap [Zianourry]
XXIX. Little Louis [Zianourry]
XXX. Mistletoe and Santa [Zianourry]
XXXI. End Of The World [Zianourry]
XXXII. Thunder [Zianourry]
XXXIII. Bullied [Zianourry]

XXII. Two Is Better Than One [Zianourry]

3.9K 46 4
بواسطة bubblycosmotae

Harry was a little worried about how today might go they were taking their sons to the orphanage to meet the little girl they were thinking about adopting and the little boys needed to get adjusted to her before they took her home.

Niall and Louis were two and three years old and the little girl they wanted to adopt was two and a half and boy was she insistent about that last half but she was honestly the most adorable little girl Harry, Liam and Zayn had ever seen.

"Ok, now she's a little smaller than you two but she's older than you Niall, so be really nice to her ok?" Liam instructed as he helped the little toddlers out of the car. Three year old Louis looked at his father sweeping his light brown hair to the side of his face.

"Otay Daddy," He seemed uninterested though he wanted to meet this new little girl and tell her off because she wasn't about to steal his daddies attention.

"Louis, I mean it be nice," Zayn's voice was a little more firm and Louis visibly deflated a little bit telling Zayn he'd been right in assuming that Louis had some ulterior motive to his good attitude all day.

"But, but! I don't wanna share Papa!" Louis stomped his feet and The small blonde two year old looked at him confused as he hugged his tiger a little closer to his body reaching up for Liam's hand. Liam gladly leaned down and scooped up the two year old.

"Enough, You are going to be nice or you are going to get a time out when we get home got it?" Harry bent down looking at Louis and the feathery haired little boy stomped his foot for a moment before huffing and holding his hand out for his baba to take.

Together they walked into the orphanage and Niall and Louis didn't know what to think there were so many other kids. Some bigger then they were but lots that were the same age or smaller and they all seemed so sad.

"come on," The darkest haired father nudged the little boy into another room where there was a cute dark haired little girl playing in the corner.

She was playing with another lighter brown haired girl they both seemed pretty content on playing with each other until they spotted the fathers. The girl with the light brown hair couldn't have been more than two years old maybe. She was a lot smaller than the girl with the dark brown hair. The light haired girl looked new as well.

"Gabbie?" Harry questioned and both of them turned to look at him. The Gabbie he'd been referring to smiled at him brightly but wrapped her arms around the smaller lighter haired girl tightly.

"Sorry," The receptionist walked in looking apologetically at the boys.

"This little one came in about a week ago and I can't get them separated, Gabby it's time to go," The little lighter haired girl shook her head sniffling.

"Dat's not Gabby dat's kitten!" The sassy little Gabbie stood up. She had dangerously dark beautiful brown eyes and it was clear that she had some kind of bond with this new little girl. Louis and Niall both looked intrigued as they watched the two little girls.

"Gabrielle Rose, That's enough you need to give me Kitten," The receptionist tried again but the darker haired female refused. The tired old reecptionest stepped forward and began to pry the littler girl out of her hands.

"Wait, wait don't," Liam insisted and the receptionist stopped immediately.

"Let them be, if she's that attached to the little...kitten or whatever just let them be," He looked to his husbands who nodded in agreement.

"NO leave kitten," The dark haired girl insisted and Louis tilted his head to the side he already liked the way the girl stood her ground she seemed pretty awesome.

"Ok, we won't make you leave her, Lou, Nialler why don't you guys go play with them daddy and I Have some stuff to talk about," Liam mumbled looking towards his husbands. They both nodded setting the kids down and ushering them towards the pair of Gabbie's. They stepped out of the room leaving the four kids alone.

"I'm Lou I'm twree years old!" Louis announced as he picked up the purple crayon that was sitting on the ground.
"I wuve puwple!" He gasped as he looked at the pretty purple picture Gabbie had made.

"I pwincess," She pointed to her self " and I wuv puwple too!" She giggled as she sat back down pulling the other toddler girl into her lap. The smaller toddler girl curled up in her lap sucking her thumb.

"Me, Ni!" The blonde boy giggled as they introduced them selves to each other and each began to pick up a crayon and color. The smaller toddler even climbing out of her best friend's arms and sitting next to her to help Niall color his picture.

"Pwetty," The soft brown haired girl added as she colored blue on her new friends picture. They all seemed rather content helping each other color. Louis and Gabbie were curled up working on the same sheet of paper and coloring with the same color crayon.

"Yous pwetty," Louis giggled as he poked the dark haired girl's cheek and the little girl's face turned bright pink and she giggled and cuddled closer to the older boy. Soon enough the fathers walked back into the room.

"Lou, Niall can you come here really quick?" Niall pouted but slowly stood up. Louis frowned as he stood up walking over with the picture the two of them had created. Leaving the two toddler girls to color together. Harry bent down to their size and smiled.

"What do you think of bringing home both girls?" Louis and Niall's eyes lit up.

"Pwease daddy pwease!" The turned to Zayn and Liam who just let out a soft laugh and nodded. Zayn exited to go talk to the receptionist to get the papers for the other little girl.

"I wike Kitten baba," Louis told Harry before dancing back over to Princess and Kitten as he identified them since they were both called Gabbie.

"You get to tome home wiff us!" Niall cried as he came back an excited smile on his face and Princess' face lit up but the smaller girl looked worried like she wasn't going to go with but when Niall nodded towards her too she got excited.

Both Gabbie's had been taken from a pretty rough home so when thy made friends they refused to leave each other's side. But Gabbie had told her kitten all about these nice people and the girl were excited to be able to go home with them.


They'd had all the kids for a week so far and it was time to go to an interview and they had no baby sitter so they'd be getting all the kiddos together and going for the interview. They weren't to worried about Kitten (They'd taken to calling her that as well) But Princess and the other two they knew would be a bit of trouble seeing as they didn't really like to sit still for to long.

"Princess come put your shoes on please!" Liam shouted and the little girl came bouncing down the stairs Louis and Niall trailing behind her their shirts only half on them. He let out a small laugh as he walked over straightening the boy's shirts.

"come on you guys need shoes too," He hummed and sat all three toddlers down and began to work on putting their shoes on.

"Daddy Can I has 'nana?" Princess asked pouting out her bottom lip and pointing to the banana's that were resting on the table. Liam looked like he was thinking as Louis raised his hand.

"I wants one too!" Louis shouted and Liam looked towards him scolding him slightly for shouting. Niall giggled and clapped his hands insisting that he wanted one as well. Harry wandered into the room Kitten resting on his hip half asleep.

"Why don't you all split one for now ok? We'll go to nandos after the interview," The minute Nando's left his mouth the three toddlers cheered.

"NANDO'S!!!!" Princess got up jumping up and down and throwing her arms around Liam in a 'thank you' gesture. Louis and Niall watched before mimicking her actions and doing the exact same thing.

"Alright we ready?" Zayn hummed as he walked into the room looking at his adorable children. Princess was standing their her little hands occupied.

Louis had one of her hands in his and Niall had the other between his hands and they looked up innocently, Princess had lopsided pig tails in her hair and one was wrapped in a purple scrunchie the other was wrapped in a green scrunchy courtesy of Niall and Louis.

"Weady!" Niall declared as he began to lead the way to the car Princess gladly trailing behind and letting the boy lead her.

She'd never felt so loved in her whole life. She had three daddies and two brothers and a sister! It was the best in the world and she stopped and told everyone that.

"I WANNA SIT IN DA MIDDLE!" Princess announced as they reached the car. She knew if she didn't sit in the middle Niall and Lou would argue over who got to sit next to her and Since kitten was asleep against Harry's shoulder she didn't have to worry about her kitten needing her.

"Alright love," Zayn scooped up Niall putting him in first and then strapping Princess in and then strapping Louis in on the other side as Harry strapped Kitten in next to Niall. Niall and Louis both reached out and grabbed the little girl's hands as quick as they could.

"Music papa! Music!" Louis cried as he looked out the window, the car started and Liam leaned over and clicked on one of their cd's because that was Louis' favorite music and lately that was Princess' favorite too and whatever the older two liked Niall was bound to fall in love with. They listened to it the whole way to the interview the kids in the backseat dancing quietly as to not wake up the sleeping kitten.

Once they got there the side walk was lined with photographers. Harry groaned inwardly. It was never pretty because Niall hated crowds and Louis got sassy with the photographers.

"Alright, come on kiddos," He sighed as he got out getting the sleeping one out first he carried her inside with the body guard. Leaving Zayn and Liam to get the other three kids inside.

"Alright I'm carrying Nialler can you get the other two?" Liam asked as he slipped Niall out of his car seat and Niall immediately hid against Liam's shoulder letting out a small fuss. Zayn just nodded his head shooing Liam inside.

"Ok you two, Let's go," Zayn unbuckled them both and grabbed a hand each and set them on the ground. He began to walk through the mob when some one stepped to close and Niall began to scream and cry and that just had Princess fired up.

"'TUSE ME!" She shouted and all the photographers looked at her and she walked over and stomped on one of their feet and Louis mimicked her and all Zayn could do was snicker as they continued to step on everyone's feet as they headed inside and scolding them for hurting their little brother.

"Good job Princess," Zayn high fived her and Louis once they were inside the building. The interview was going great until the kids started to get hungry. Princess had been contently coloring until her stomach let out a loud growl. She whined and got up and tugged On Harry's shirt.

"Baba I'm hungry" She whined.

"How much longer?" Louis whined and Niall just whined to join in on the fun meanwhile Kitten was fussy as well. Harry sighed and reached into the diaper bag pulling out a few sippy cups and handing them to each kid.

"a few more minutes babes ok?" He assured them Princess snatched her cup and went and stood staring at the lady asking questions as she drank from her sippy cup. Louis wandered over and plopped himself right next to her staring at the lady.

"Tuse me," Louis asked politely, "We hungry you done?" He sassed and Zayn, liam and Harry were sitting in the back doing their very best not to bust out laughing at the little ones tone.

"yes, We hungry, Finish please," Princess instructed and the interviewer looked some where between insulted and amused but quickly began to finish her questions not wanting it to get ugly with the toddlers behavior. After finishing the interview they all filed out to the car this time Niall getting stuck next to kitten who wanted to be next to Princess and princess insisted that she sit next to her.

"Alright Nanados!" Liam announced as they pulled up and all of them piled out and went inside ordering food was a little chaotic as Princess shouted everything she wanted which was half of the menu and Niall followed her lead pointing and shouting by the time they finished ordering and got their food they had at least four tray fulls.

"ok eat slow," Harry instructed as they sat down and Princess and Niall began to scooped the food eagerly into their mouths while Kitten and Louis ate a bite more slow with human bites It was funny to watch them because at times when Kitten would pick at her food princess would reach over and feed her for a few minutes before Louis began to feed Princess and they were all trading off and Liam would be lying if he said that wasn't the cutest thing he'd ever seen.

But the time they were done Princess was dozing in and out and Louis was rubbing his belly looking miserable and Niall was out cold on his tray. Kitten was still happy but she looked like she could go back to sleep so they piled back out to the car. Arriving at home Harry realized all the kids were asleep in the back and he couldn't help but laugh. He scooped up Kitten and Princess while Liam and Zayn grabbed Niall and Louis and carried them all upstairs.

He laid down princess who immediately sat up and grabbed for the other girl whom Harry set down right after. He watched as the two girls curled into each other and went back to sleep content in eachothers arms.

Liam laid down Louis and handed him his stuffed kitten and covered him up while Zayn tucked Niall in and they met in the hall way looking back in the room and letting out a small laugh.

"we really do have the best kids," Liam mused as he smirked at his husbands who quickly agreed. They couldn't be more happy with the situation they were in.

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