My Brain is Jackin'

By wreka_stow

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Just a group of short stories as my brain wonders, and I write other things than what I am supposed to be wor... More

My Brain is Jackin'
Lemon Crush
Eye No How 2 Undress Me
Alphabet Street (H is 4 Punks) Chp. 1

Girl Se7en

578 43 30
By wreka_stow

(Just a quick short story inspired by our man's tantalizing voice and the movie Girl 6)

"Ohhh yes baby, Ohhh yes." A females voice screamed lustfully as I opened the door and began walking down the hall.

"That feels so good, deeper... deeper." Thirty1 looks up as I walk past her small cubical. Her mouth screams in passion, but her steely blue eyes say I am "Bored as Hell".

"Keep it there, keep going." Again another voice calls as I make it to my desk to get ready for the night shift. I liked the night shift unlike many of the other workers at the agency. Lonely men looking for company at night, total freaks of nature in the daytime. Who would call in the middle of the day... aren't you supposed to be working? Lord, how many times had I been on a call and been interrupted by someone knocking on their office door. Swiftly I'd hear the click and then the line go. On your own time not your bosses dime, sir.

"I know you like that don't you." I smiled at 8TEight and his voice disappeared as I made it to my chair. Three grey cubicle walls separated us, well all of us really. Not much privacy for our line of work, but it was all role play, all fantasy. Over the years it had become routine, you had the calls you didn't like and the calls you didn't mind so much. But a voice on the other end was a lot safer for this kind of paycheck than many of the other jobs out there. A verbal blow job easier and less messy than a real one, even for the casting call of a lifetime. I had a bit more self respect than that.

Rolling in my chair to face my computer I logged in, putting on my headset.

Username: Se7en

Password: RBeret

"Good evening, baby." I whispered as if the lovely face on the screen would say it back to me.

Suddenly the name PurplePleaser popped up on the monitor. Somehow he always knew the exact the time I drug my ass into work. The little green box displaying the nickname I gave him covered a pair of hazel eyes that plastered the wallpaper of the PC. My stomach fluttered slightly at the thought of his voice, always so soft and smooth. Deep, longing, almost lyrical as he comes. He was one of my favorites, nothing too nasty. Some spanking, lots of virgin play, handcuffs... slight bondage nothing crazy. He loved to talk though, wanted me to explain every damn thing as it happened, what it looked like, what it felt like, how it tasted, once even how it smelled. His calls always lasting well over the designated limit. But it was nice not having to deal with a lot of the other super freaks that called in. So I usually kept him on the line as long as I could, letting the callers bounce to the other workers. Honestly they hated it, but I really couldn't care less. I could listen to that voice all day, all night. At the end he was so courteous always saying Thank You, Se7en, and then hanging up. No one ever gets a thank you in this line of work. But hell they where paying $9.95 a minute and I guess every second counts.

Pressing the Y key, I speak softly seductively into the mic. "Hi, my name is Se7en and I'll take you to heaven."

"I know you will." I heard him smile as his voice lifted from the receiver.

"How can I pleasure you this evening."

"Well I want to try something different."

Fuck here we go... I ain't gonna do that mooing shit again. A caller the week before had some damn barnyard fantasy and I honestly couldn't disconnect that line fast enough.

"I want to be your pleasure." He paused. "This time I want to make you come." His voice deepened as he lingered on that last word and I felt a slight tingle between my thighs. That voice gets me every time!

"I do, every time like clockwork, baby." How the hell is this different? Damn at least it wasn't giant baby play, God I hated that shit.

"No..." He paused as if choosing his words carefully. "You're very convincing Se7en, but I do know the difference."


"You definitely get the job done." He spoke as if this was a consolation prize for his last statement. "But I'd like to return the favor."

"Really? OK I'm game, let's see what you got." I was intrigued but not entirely sold on the concept, also a little pissed that my acting wasn't as solid as I thought it was. If he wanted to play I'd play... I'll show him an Oscar worthy performance, fuck you Meg Ryan.

"Shall we begin?"

"Yes." I said coyly.

"First off, what do you look like?" His voice was soft and deep as he asked quietly.

"Whatever you want me to look like, Daddy." I replied into my headset. Sometimes I was blonde, sometimes a redhead, for him though it had always seemed to be dark hair.

"No, you see I didn't ask that." His voice a little less smooth, sparking with of annoyance. "You." He reaffirmed. "What do you look like."

"Hmmmm..." I hesitated. No one has ever been interested in what I actually looked like. Taking a little longer to respond than he wanted, he cleared his throat on the other end. Impatient much?

Apparently he grew tired of waiting and decided to probe for answers. "What color is your hair?"

"Brown." I say looking at my reflection in the desktop mirror.

"Mama come on give me something a little more descriptive, you're so good at that."

I smiled thinking of the long foreplay session we had the week before. He wanted to know everything, every small detail as I painted the picture for him.

"Alright." I sighed giving into temptation. "My hair is a warm rich brown. Worn short today in a pixie cut, it makes me feel feisty. Plus the breeze as it kisses my bare neck makes me smile. My skin is a smooth hazelnut cream..."

"That's nice. I like that." His deep voice slips in a slight moan. This longing tone gives me encouragement to move forward. At least he likes what he hears so far. "What about your eyes?" He continued.

Staring into the mirror again I try to form my words correctly. No more food descriptions. They are dark but pleasant. A spark hides in these deep pools and I've always loved that.

"So deep and dark you could get lost in them. When I smile there is a twinkle hiding behind the shadows. I'm not sure what it means yet, but one day I'll unlock that secret."

"Wonderful." Again he gave that longing tone and I could hear him shift the phone to his other ear. He was in it for the long hall. "What do you want me to look like?"

"I've got someone in mind." I move the mouse over the handsome face on my wallpaper. The little arrow caressing his features. Strong jawline, thick brows shading the loveliest pair of large eyes rimmed with thick liner and dark lashes. And those lips... lord those lips.



"What does he look like? Is he tall?"

A sudden laugh escapes me and I try to stifle it, so we can continue. "Not necessarily, but what is height anyway. If you got the goods does it really matter?" His response was a short knowing chuckle, as if those words hit home.

"What color are his eyes?"

"Hmmmm... I guess you could say hazel, there's a little green that peeks through often, sometimes with an amber sparkle. Very mysterious, unable to pinpoint at times, beautiful..."

"His lips?"

"Heavenly" Somehow he actually accepted this vague response. I was surprised as I heard him huff a smile on the other end of the line.

"His voice?"

"When he speaks, deep, smooth... I guess similar to yours." During many sessions with customers I often used the face I was describing, to get me through. I honestly couldn't count how many times I have given that man head... in my mind. My imagination was the best way to make it through the evening without getting too bored, callers always know when your bored. The worst thing is a dead line.

"What about when he doesn't use his speaking voice?"

"Oh honey when he sings it's like magic." Again he responded with that knowing chuckle.

"What's your favorite position?" Lord this man is killing me. We were about to hit the 30 minute time limit, and we haven't even started yet. Oh well, y'all getting the creepy callers tonight.

"Surprise me." I request. The anticipation was getting to me, no more questions. I could already feel the red begin to creep up my neck.

Again he asked deeply. "Shall we begin?"

"Yes." I whisper apprehensively this time my voice a little more hesitant, a little less playful, unsure of exactly what to expect.

"Close your eyes, and be with me." He whispers softly almost too low too make out, but he continues... and I lean in eyes closed as if he's right in front of me.

"Think of me between your thighs. Open them wide baby, I'm gonna need room." He growls and I think of that face, that voice immediately, as he guides me through to that hidden spot, that sparkle in my eyes. Reaching down and gently kissing the exposed skin of the nape neck. His tongue leaving soft sweet trails as if the kisses were not enough to remember... hands, skin, lips all a blur as I listen to him, getting lost in a world of my own pleasure. The call seeming to last a lifetime as my body shivers under his thoughts.

"Ohh God, Prince!" I moaned loudly without a care by body rubbing subconsciously on the end of my desk chair as he tauntingly brought me to the edge and beyond. My shaking voice escaping the small cubical and drifting throughout the office. Heads turned to my direction and I ducked behind the three walls that separated us in the small space.

Ending our session with gusto, my body still reeling, I pant softly. He says quietly, "Thank You, Se7en." I could hear him chuckling slightly on the other end of the line. Usually he would hang up as soon as this salutation was given, but he stayed on the line listening to my shallow breaths steady as I blew deeply into the mic next to my lips. My body still a buzz with the memory of his voice in my ear. Finally I heard the click of the receiver and I threw down my headset.

Grabbing my coat I screamed as I ran to the door. "Lunch!"

Stepping back to my desk after a well needed cool down I spied a beautiful bouquet of purple roses, blocking the face on the computer that had caused so much commotion. Picking up the card it simply said...


Ur welcome... U know he doesn't use that name anymore. I'll come for U next week. Until then think of me...

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