House of Anubis: Wadjet's War...

By KurtDestin

732 40 19

Completed? [✖️] #77 under House of Anubis (Since 8/14/16) #1 under House of Anubis: Wadjet's Warning (Since 8... More

I. House of a New Beginning
III. House of the First Mystery
IV: House of the Ring
V. House of the Book
VI. House of the New Osirian
VII. House of Sides
VIII. House of Mara
IX. House of Sibuna/House of Joy
X. House of Sands
XI. House of War: Part 1
XII. House of War: Part 2

II. House of Worry/House of Warnings

78 4 2
By KurtDestin

House of Anubis: Wadjet's Warning
By KurtDestin

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II: House of Worry/House of Warnings

Since it was summer, Trudy went back home to her family that next morning. Nina, Joy, Patricia, Amber, KT, Jerome, Alfie, and Mick were granted permission to stay in the house for the rest of the summer.

It was the beginning of June and Nina had woken up. After she'd gotten dressed, she hurried downstairs and into the kitchen to find Joy cooking eggs for Jerome, Alfie, and Mick who were having a eat off.

"Alfie, you know I'm the clear egg-eating champ." Mick boasted.

"Yeah, against toddlers!" Jerome laughed.

"Good one, Jerome!" Alfie's face lit up.

"Of course you're on his side." Mick smirked "But this contest is between Alfie and I. So how about you shut your mouth and start counting."

"He got you good, Jerome!" Alfie chuckled.

"Look who it is! Miss Martin." Jerome said trying to mimic Victor.

"Why are you making Joy cook for you?" Nina crossed her arms "She's your girlfriend, not your slave."

"Oh, this isn't for free." Joy smirked.

"Yeah. Every egg they eat costs two dollars. Whichever one of these idiots loses has to pay Joy, the other walks out with a stomach full of eggs."

"Sounds like something that you and Alfie would come up with." Nina sighed and Patricia entered the room.


"Not now, Patricia! I'm in a competition with Alfie." Mick said shoving a hard-fried egg in his mouth.

"Hey, Joy, meet me in my room when you're done feeding these pigs." Patricia frowned and left the room.

Nina followed and before she could go up the stairs, the doorbell rang. This time, she wasn't even excited. Her faith in Fabian showing up became slimmer everyday. Nina opened the door to reveal Eddie.

"Eddie!" Nina smiled and hugged him.

"Hey Nina." Eddie smiled and set his bag down.

"Weasel?" Patricia gasped.

"Yacker!" Eddie's eyes widened.

"Why are you here?"

"Same reason as you, I'm going to college." Eddie smirked.

"Can we talk?" Patricia asked.

"Sure." Eddie nodded and he went away with Patricia.

Once they had left, Nina sunk down against the door in sadness. She no longer had any hope of Fabian coming.

~ § § § § § ~

The night had fully grown now and there was still no side of Mara, Willow, or Fabian. Nina, Patricia, KT, Joy, and Amber all sat in KT's room talking about Amber's time in America.

"So I was in class and we were talking about the color pink when this girl comes in the classroom with 7 inch heels and falls right on her face!"

"Seriously?" KT laughed.

"Who studies colors?" Patricia asked rhetorically.

"Hey girls, I'm going to go downstairs and get some juice." Nina smiled faintly and left the room.

As she walked down the stairs, she heard someone talking outside. It was Jerome and Alfie. Nina thought about ignoring them, but couldn't resist the urge and began listening in on their conversation.

"Dude, I'm really worried now . . ." Alfie sighed.

"Look, Willow is going to call you back. It's no big deal! Stop overthinking it!"

"She hasn't answered me since we all had dinner!"

"That was a few days ago, give it time."

"I'm not so sure that I should do that. I heard Joy talking with KT and she says that Mara hasn't been responding either. I assume Fabian hasn't contacted the others as well. I'm scared." Alfie whined.

The mention of Fabian's name sent a wave of worry through Nina's body. Her heart was hurting. Her mind wasn't focused on anything other than Fabian.

Nina walked into the kitchen in silence. She poured her glass of juice and walked back up the stairs.

~ § § § § § ~

Joy and Patricia sat in Nina's room while Nina was making the three of them breakfast. Nina had been quiet ever since she had listened to Jerome and Alfie's conversation the night before, but she wasn't going to focus on Fabian anymore. It was time for her to focus on Nina. She walked in with breakfast and the three of them began eating.

"Thanks Nina." Joy grinned.

"Anytime." Nina took a bite of the egg she had made.

"So what do you two want to talk about?" Patricia asked.

"Have you seen Fabian lately?" Nina blurted.

"Uh-Yeah. A few days ago, why?" Joy said awkwardly.

"I . . . I was just wondering. Sorry for asking."

"Okay, spill." Patricia smirked.

"Spill what? There's nothing to spill."

"Tell us, Nina." Joy added.

"Fine . . . Last night, I heard Jerome and Alfie talking when I went to go get my juice. They said that Fabian has been missing since they'd eaten dinner. So has Mara! And then some girl named Willow."

"Dinner?" Patricia questioned.

"You were with Eddie and Mr. Sweet. The rest of us had dinner together. Including Mara, Willow, and Fabian."

"So where are they now?" Nina questioned.

They all knew something wasn't right. The question was, what could they do about it?

"I don't know." Joy said slowly "I'll call Mara."

She dialed Mara's number and the call went straight to voicemail.

"She didn't answer." Joy bit her lip.

"Okay . . . Try Willow." Patricia offered.

The phone call went to voicemail again.

"Voicemail again." Joy sighed.

"Please, call Fabian." Nina begged.

"Okay . . ." Joy sighed and called him.

Once again, it went to voicemail, but Joy wasn't going to have Nina feeling worried.

"Hey Fabian!" Joy said happily "Where are you? Oh cool. Wait, Mara and Willow are there too? Okay. Call you later. Bye!"

"He's with Mara and Willow?" Nina said hopefully.

"Yeah. They're fine." Joy smiled falsely.

"That makes me feel way better! I'm going to go see what Amber's up to." Nina smiled and walked out of the room.

"Well, at least Fabian and the others are okay." Patricia grinned.

"Can I tell you a secret?"

"What did you do?" Patricia sighed "Did you cheat on Jerome?"

"What? No!"

"Well, what is it?"

Joy took a deep breath and spoke "Fabian didn't answer my call . . . I think something really is wrong."

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It was night again and Mick was chatting with KT on the stairs.

"So you left Anubis House right before I came here?"

"Yeah. I had been there for years." Mick sighed.

"So you were there though it all?" KT asked pushing a strand of hair out of her face.

"Basically. That's how it seemed to work out. After I left Anubis, it felt like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest. Yet at the same time, something was missing. Now that I'm back with these people, I see that it wasn't Anubis House I was missing, it was the people in it."

"I see what you mean. Since I moved here, it feels like I was meant to be here. Like now I have some sort of purpose." KT smiled "I was actually told to come here."

"I'm glad you did." Mick smiled.

KT smiled back and they looked at each other. Before either of them could say anything, KT was wiped out on the ground with Alfie on top of her.

"KT!" Mick yelled. He helped her up and asked "Are you okay?"

"Besides Alfie knocking me off the stairs, yes I'm fine."

Jerome ran down the stairs and walked Alfie to his room.

"That was weird . . ." Mick sighed.

"Yeah, it was." KT laughed.

The two of them resumed talking and hoped that Alfie would stay in his room for the rest of the night.

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Eddie had asked Nina to meet him in his room that night. He was ready to tell her about what happened to the Osirian. Eddie heard a knock on his door and opened it to see Patricia.

"What are you doing here, Yacker?" Eddie yawned.

"Aw. Are you tired, Weasel?" Patricia said sarcastically.

"Look, I need to go to bed. Can we talk tomorrow."

"Only if you pay my price."

"Which is?" Eddie smirked.

"Take a wild guess, Weasel."

Patricia leaned in closer to Eddie and soon enough, they met in a kiss. It lasted until a quiet gasp was heard and they broke away from the kiss.

"Nina?" Patricia questioned.

"Sorry, wrong room." Nina sighed and turned around.

"It's fine. I was just leaving anyways."

After Patricia walked off, Nina closed the door to Eddie's room and it was just the two of them.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

"It's about me being the Osirian."

"Look, I know I shouldn't be here because of you, but I'm going to finish this summer through—"

"Nina, I have a confession to make about that . . ."


"Before graduation, an incident happened . . ."

Eddie explained everything that had happened since she'd left Anubis House. She had missed so much in so little time.

"S-So the Osirian is . . . dead?"

"Yes. I had to kill the Osirian in order to save everyone. I'm sorry, Nina." Eddie sighed.

"Don't be. You did what you had to do to save the world."

"Thanks for understanding." Eddie said and hugged Nina.

Although Nina may not have an Osirian anymore, she definitely has one thing. A friend.

~ § § § § § ~

Nina woke up from a nightmare. It was of the time when she discovered the Osirian was Eddie. Knowing that the Osirian was no more brought a form of peace to Nina. She didn't have to worry about anything bad happening again.

She went downstairs and entered the kitchen. After grabbing a glass of water, she went back upstairs and entered her room. Shutting the door, Nina faced her bed to see a woman in gold standing before her. It was a Goddess.

"Agh!" Nina squealed.

"Nina . . . Nina Martin . . ."

"W-Who are you?" Nina stuttered. She hadn't dealt with anything like this since high school. It was shocking.

"My name is Wadjet . . . I am the Goddess of Protection. I came to warn you, Chosen One . . ."

"Wadjet? I haven't h-heard of you." Nina spoke in confusion.

"I don't have much time . . . You must save everything before it is too late . . ."

"What do you mean?"

"If you don't do as I ask, they will kill you. They will destroy everything and everyone you love . . . I can only protect you for so long, Chosen One. You and the Osirian must stop them before they destroy you. Do as I ask, or your life and your friends' lives will end . . . Along with the world . . ." Wadjet spoke and disappeared.

Nina stood in shock. She was back in another mystery. And this time, the stakes were higher then ever before. Especially now that there was no Osirian . . .

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Authors Note:
Hey guys! Welcome back to House of Anubis: Wadjet's Warning. Here are your chapter questions:
1. Where are Willow, Mara, and Fabian?
2. Do you think Joy should've lied to Nina?
3. Are you glad that Eddie's back?
4. Are there any ships you guys want in this story?
5. What was Wadjet trying to tell Nina?
Comment your answers below!

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