Too Much Too Soon

By Miss_Hoodnificent

250K 4.9K 946

Here is a short little story that I felt like writing(: Kira is a 16 year old girl who can't complain about... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Part 2

Chapter 4

14.7K 455 18
By Miss_Hoodnificent

Too Much Too Soon: Chapter 4

~2 Months Later~
~Kira P.O.V.~

I've been hanging out with Joey almost every single day for the past two months, He comes to work with me and stays right by the counter keeping me company. Drives me to and from work, walks with me where ever I go and he even sneaks into my room just to be with me till I fall asleep in his arms. My parents don't know any of this and neither does my sister.

I absolutely love it.

Just being around him gives me butterflies and my heart feels all warm and fuzzy. Whenever he touches me, It's like a shock of electricity followed by nervousness and of course he makes me feel so shy.

Of course his friends are really cool too, Simone took an instant liking to one of them and mad flirts with him but she already has herself a boyfriend. Also our other friend, Jackie, came back from her vacation with her parents and she's just as much involved with Joey and His friend as Simone and I.

Right now it was about 7 in the evening and I had an early shift so I was able to come home earlier than usual. I was sitting at my computer finishing editing a group picture we all had taken a few days ago. I heard soft knocks on my door so I got up and opened it

"Hey Kira, We're going to your sisters soccer game. We'll be back in about 3 hours. Are you sure you don't want to go?" My Mom asked

"Okay Mom, and Yes I'm sure I don't want to go. I'll probably have Simone and Jackie over in a little while just to hang out." I said

"Alright, clean up when you're done. Love you." She kissed my forehead and walked back towards the stairs. I closed my door and walked back over to computer. I looked at the picture some more and remembered feeling such safety and comfort when I was wrapped in his arms. You could say I liked him a little bit, but not enough for anything more than a friendship.

I heard my parents car pull out of the driveway and I immediately grabbed my phone off the charger.

*Text Convo*
Me: Hey you :P
Joey: ah shit, it be my wifeeeeeyyyyy :*
Joey: marry me?
Me: Of course :*
Joey: damn really? Well then lets skip the actual wedding n get to the honeymoon (;
Me: No; Not really silly
Joey: </3
Me: awh :/
Joey: Ima need a hug to make me feel better
Me: Come over and you can get your hug
Joey: Im on my damn way rite now
Me: Haha of course you are :P
*End Of Text Convo*

Because Joey was literally a hop, skip, and a jump away he gets here in less than 5 minutes most of the time. That is if he was at home and not at his, I think he called it a trap? or something like that. I put my phone in my pocket and closed the picture on my computer. I already had that jittery feeling just because I knew he was on his way over to my house

I walked downstairs and walked over to the couch. I took a seat and patiently waited for Joey to come over.

~A Few Minutes Later~

I heard knocks on the front door and as if instantly my heart was beating like as if someone just injected me with heroine. I took a deep breath, shook that feeling off and opened the door. He was in a black wife beater, red, white, and black basketball shorts, bred 11's, snapback, and a simple chain. He always looked so good every time I saw him. You know when you have those days where you just look terrible? He never has those days.

"Kira, my eyes are up here" He said in a high pitched voice that made me blush instantly

"I'm sorry, it's just-"

"I'm so sexy, you just want a piece of me, or all of me, depending on how much you want of me" He bit his lip and I couldn't be anymore turned on than I was now. I hate how he does that to me.

"Yeah that's why" I rolled my eyes and stepped aside for him to walk in. He stepped in as I closed the door behind him. "Where did you park your car?" I asked out of curiosity

"Around the corner, like usual. Why?"

"Just making sure you didn't park in the drive way. If my parents saw your car, I'd be dead in an instant." He laughed but grabbed my hands

"Where's my hug like you said?" He said looking down at me with glossy eyes. I let go of his hands and wrapped my arms around his neck. As if on cue, he wrapped his arms tight around my waist and gave me such a warm embrace. It was hugs like this that brought me a feeling of such safety and comfort. I could literally live in his arms if he let me. I tried to pull away but he only held me tighter.

"You got your hug. You can let me go now." I said in between soft laughs

"I'm not done. You broke my heart by not marrying me" He growled huskily in my ear, that sent chills running down my spine. I've never him growl like that before, but I really did like it.

He pulled away slightly and looked me directly in my eyes. His hazel eyes only drew me into him more. He took one of his hands off my waist and implanted it under my chin. He brought his face closer to mine till once again our lips met. At first he gave me these small taunting kisses that only irritated me but he soon caught on to my irritation and calmed it by giving me a deep kiss that once again made me melt. A kiss from him made me forget about everything, and this was every time he kissed me.

This time he did something different. He picked me up and motioned for me to wrap my legs around him. Without even second guessing it, I did exactly as he motioned for me to do. I felt him start to walk up the stairs but I didn't even care, I only care for those lips of his. He was slightly more aggressive than he usually was and I was just as aggressive if not more than him. I dug my nails into his soft little tight curls scraping down the back of his neck to the top of his shoulders, making him moan softly against my lips. I let out a slight giggle before feeling the blankets under me.

He was hovering over me with each of his hands supporting him on either side of me. I felt his breathing pick up and I could feel his heart pulsating. He finally pulled my bottom lip as he pulled away to take a deep breath. My room was filled with the sound of our heavy breathing. He brought his mouth down to my ear.

"Kira, you don't know how bad I want you right this second." He said in between breaths. I liked hearing his voice struggle in between desperate grasps for air but I was stopped dead short in all my thoughts. I didn't know what to say to that, it was like my brain was taken over by his lust and was paralyzed. My brain was screaming, 'You know you want him too, just do it' but my gut was saying 'Don't do it, that's a terrible idea' I was torn by two feelings.

"I want you too Joey, but-"

"But what?" He said as he began to plant soft kisses along my neck. I was trying to hold in my moans but was failing terribly. I could feel him leaving hickies all along my neck and along the top of my chest.

"Joooeyyy" I said trailing out his name. I felt that infamous smirk of his appear on his face. "Stooop," He stopped instantly and looked down at me with eyes I've never seen before. They were filled with so much lust, he looked like a completely different person. They had this wild look to them that just overwhelmed me with suspicions of what he was capable of doing.

"What's wrong?" He asked without breaking eye contact

"I want you, but I'm not ready for you." I said looking away. My guilty conscious wouldn't have never let it go if I actually went through with sleeping with Joey.

"I understand. You're worth waiting for." He kissed my lips one last time before rolling over on his back and pulling me on his chest.

"Awh, I'm worth waiting for?" I asked as I played with his chain. He grabbed my hands and intertwined his fingers with mine, forcing my gaze back to his eyes

"Yes you are, but Kira?"


"Be all mines" How he said that was just so cute

"Joey..I don't kno-"

"Yes or No. If you say No that isn't going to prevent me from not trying to get you to be mines" He kissed my knuckles gently after he said that

"How long would you chase after me?"

"However long I needed to, just to get you to be mine. At first I wanted you just for sex to get back at one of my exes but you were more genuine than that. I didn't want to mess with you anymore but after getting to know you all this time, it only made me want you more, just because you're not the typical girl I find and is just already head over heels for me before she even had the chance to know my name" He laughed a little

"Awh, that's so sweet-"

"I answered your question. Now you answer mine. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes. Yes Joey I will. Slip up once and I'm gone" I was attacked by more kisses but he kissed me everywhere except from where I wanted his lips the most. I caught his lips and was more than satisfied.

"You said you're not ready, yet you're being the biggest tease ever" He said against my lips

"I don't mean to be" I said bashfully as I pulled away

"You're just the cutest thing ever, you know that?" He said as he twirled the ends of my hair with his finger

"I know"

"I'm spendin the night here with you"

"really? that's not going to work cause of my parents. If they catch you, we're both dead" I got off his chest and fixed my shirt. He sat up and just looked at me

"So? I don't give a fuck" He laughed

"You don't but I do" I put my hair up in a messy bun and sat next to him on my bed

"just let loose and relax" He kicked off his shoes and laid back pulling me down with him. He pulled the blankets over us before wrapping his arms tight around me and resting his head on the crook of my neck. I closed my eyes and only heard his once rapid heart beat, that was now so slow it was incredibly soothing. "See was that so hard?" With him by me, I could let loose and actually be a normal 16 year old. When he's gone, I'm uptight and so focused on making sure everything was kept in line.

"Yeah I guess" I said with a yawn

"You're tired already? We didn't even do anything" He laughed

"I know but I'm sleepy" I snuggled right up next to him and instantly feel asleep wrapped in his arms.

~Joey P.O.V.~
~In The Morning~

I woke up before she did and just listened to her soft snores. She was still clung to me and it was just so cute. I don't even know what it is, but there is just something about here that just kept me wanting to always be around her. When I was away from her, she was always on my mind. I always wondered what she was doing, who she was with, when I would see her, when I would next hear her voice or read her next text.

She was ordinary but yet so different and I don't know what made me just so drawn to her. I heard her parents come home last night but they never came upstairs to check on Kira, which I was lucky for cause I didn't know what I would have done if they came up.

It was now around 9 o'clock and I heard people shuffling around downstairs; then dead silence followed by the slam of the front door. I felt Kira start to stir around under the covers. I watched as her eyes gently fluttered open.

"You're still here?" She asked with a yawn

"I told you I was spending the night." I smirked at her and kissed her temple. Her cheeks turned a rosey pink and she buried her face in my chest. It's the little things like that just drive me crazy for her. "What do you want to do today?"

"I have work at noon, you?"

"You got work huh? I got work too" I laughed

"Looks like we aren't hanging out today" She stuck her tongue out at me

"Uh, yes we are. When we're done with our work, you and me are going out on an official date."

"Alright, I'm up for it" She said before I kissed her once before getting up

"Good, I'll be back to pick you up, you can drive to work right?" I asked

"Yup, I'm good"

"Aight good, I'll see you later" I slipped on my shoes and kissed her again before I walked out of her room and down the stairs till I got out the door and jogged around the corner to my car. I sent a quick text to the guys tellin em to meet me at our trap before I pulled out and headed in the direction of the trap. I wanted to get the job done early so I had time to figure out what our first date should be.

I shook that to the back of my head as I pulled into the trap. I stepped out and walked up to the doors. I dapped the guys who stood there and they willingly stepped aside for me walk in.

I walked in and saw all the guys already there. They were sitting around passing around a blunt and playing cards at one of the tables.

"We going or not? I got shit to do today" I laughed

"Let's roll out" Ace said as he stood up. The rest of them followed him out. We grabbed our guns and wrapped our bandanas tight around our faces so you were only able to see our eyes.

~30 Minutes Later~

"Pull the trigger! We got to go, cops are here!" Marcel yelled at me as he stood by the door. I looked from him back to the guy who turned our deal sour. I watched that last moment where all the fear they had just filled them up. His face went pale and his eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head. Without hesitation I pulled the trigger and watched the bullet raced out of the gun right through the guy's neck. He fell back to the ground as blood started to pour out and surround his now lifeless body.

This was the killer side of me.

I had no problem stealing life from someone. If it was valuable enough, it wouldn't have ended up at the end of my gun. Having that sense of control of life or death is a feeling that can't be explained. When I was a killer I put aside all feelings and emotions. My mind was clear and whatever needed to happen was bound to happen. I showed no remorse every time I cocked the gun. The second the bandana covers my identity, it's like a cloak that shields me from being seen.

I loved it.

We rushed out of the building through the side door and sped off back to the trap. Another kill, another 50 stacks in my pocket. That was the life I lived by, and I couldn't be more proud of it.

"That was almost too easy" Ace smacked against his lips

"They didn't even see it coming. That's always the best." I smirked as I kept my eyes steady on the road.

"We need more jobs like that, instead of having to bust larger traps. When there's only 15 of em, it's almost too easy.-"

"Cops don't needa show up so early too, That ruins the fun of it" Marcel said as he cut Ace off. "So Joey, what were you doin last night?" He asked as he looked into the rear view mirror

"I was with Kira, where else would I be? She's mines now anyways" I pulled down the bandana and smiled

"ah shit, you got yourself a lil girlfriend huh? My lil Joey's growing up" He said as he rubbed the top of my head

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up, but she's wifey material"

"Talkin along the lines of wifing her up? Damn she got you whipped and it ain't even been 12 hours" Ace said with a roaring laugh that shook the car

"Where should I take her for our first date? and I'm being serious as fuck, no funny shit"

"Take her out to some fancy ass restaurant, like the new one that opened up on Washington" Marcel said "I took my girlfriend there 2 nights ago and she loved it there, I'm sure Kira will too" He shrugged his shoulders.

"Alright, Ima take her there, when she gets off of work" That actually seemed like a sketch plan for a date. It's ordinary but not, much like her.

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