Falling for Them

By ScaryPasta666

184K 4.6K 1.1K

A world were werewolves and vampires are open about what they are, and for the most part .. They're excepted... More

Fangs and Fur
Heated Greetings
Telling All
The Other Family
My baby

The Beginning

27.7K 735 350
By ScaryPasta666


( third-person POV )

October 31st

Heavy panting comes from a small cabin, deep within the woods.
A new mother rests after five hours of labor, her new infant asleep on her chest.

Her husband across the room, head in his hands.
Her eyes saddened as her husband stays distant from his son, heart aching as he begins shouting.

" Heidi, IT has wings! "

His temper- his fear getting the better of him, his wife begins to cry.

"What do we do with the thing, we can't keep him"

he spits out, his words dripping with venom.
The mother- his wife Heidi, takes a shakey breathe before she speaks.

"What do you mean we can't keep him? He- he's our son! We care for him!"

As his parents argue he begins to wake, small blank feathered wings flutter.

And just as soon as they began to argue- they calm.

Caring for the strange infant is what they do, the mother more so than the father.

As the boy grows alongside his parents, they guide him on a path of good- a path of peace.

As he was taught new skills he also grew strong, his wings giving him flight which gave him his name.


His mother and father did their best to teach him but tried to keep him hidden.

They would say people wouldn't understand him, they will fear his wings- think of him as a monster for his soft pink hair and sky blue eyes.

Magic- it's not excepted so easily in this world of man and beast.

But at the age of five, he became restless, his desire for the outdoors- for freedom growing stronger.

One day- while his father was out hunting, he chose that he had had enough.
Slipping out the front door- he stayed clear of the back yard, where his mother was hanging laundry.

He stretched his arms up to the sky- wings spreading to the fullest, a smile on his pale flesh as the sun warms him up.
Just as he is ready to lift off the ground- a deep guttural growl startles him, he spins around only getting a glimpse at the animal before it is tackled.

His mother stands- shotgun in her hands pointing it at the large white wolf.
Her eyes blood red as she stares down the white wolf.

"Go inside Halo! Go, now!"

His dark wings lift him off the ground before he dives into the home, his heart pounding in his chest.
After shutting the door he slips under his bed, tucking his wings up so he isn't seen.

Blood-curdling screams echo- alongside gunfire and growls, tears begin to blur his vision as he holds back his cries.


He whispers, tears now running down his round cheeks.

A silent gasp escapes as his hands cover his mouth- the large paws making the wood creek, claws scraping as a low growl escapes.
As he grows closer to the bed Halo begins to shake, but what he sees next has him stunned.

The wolf drops his mother's head right beside the bed, her red eyes open as a tear runs down her cheek.
A puddle begins to run out from under the bed, Halo quivering in his wet clothes as he stares into his mother's eyes.

"Heidi- you, you killed my mate! You've gone to far this time!"

His father transforms- a large black wolf in his place before Halo could move his father pounced on the other wolf- crushing the small bed under them.

Halo gasps, his scream stuck in his throat.
He shakily drags himself out from under the bed, wings limp as blood soaks his feathers.
He stands- knees shaking when he turns he sees the red soaked fur of the white wolf with his father's body hanging from his mouth.

Falling to his knees, his hands burning the wooden floor as he cries.
He lets out the loudest scream, fire swallowing his body, and soon taking over the house.

Howls of pain leave the murderer, Halo opens his eyes to see him running into the woods- fire still burning his body.

Hours pass before the fire stops, nothing but stone and ash in its wake.
Halo lays there, body curled up as his tears begin to stop running out.

When he sees all of the damage he has done- a heart broke cry leaves him, his home- his family.


He searches the rubble- hoping to find something- anything, but all he finds is a large safe.
The safe was untouched by the fire, and it was not locked at all.

Inside lays a backpack- clothes, money, photos, and a list of banks- all left to him.

He clings to the bag, his bare body covered in black ash and blood.

"I'm alone"

-------- 11 years later --------

First day of school.

- halo POV -

Damn hair

Grumbling- I again try to fix my hair, and it still defies me.

Sighing I throw my brush in the sink, pink fluff covering my eyes.
I drag my self to the kitchen, the beeping of the microwave signaling my slice of heaven is warmed.

Apple pie- the best damn thing on this planet, and the only sweet dish I can fix.
As I begin to dig into breakfast my watch beeps, almost time to leave.

I make quick work of my breakfast before washing my dishes, rolling my shoulders- cracking them and my neck.

I slip on my black sneakers, my light blue jeans falling just over the tops.

I sling my bag over my shoulder before giving a dash of fish food to my black goldfish, slipping into the hall of the apartments I lock my door.

Running down the stairs I unlock my bike from the bike rack, straddling it as I push open the door.


Chatter takes over in waves- eyes watching me as I chain my bike, I grip the bottom of my sweatshirt as I fight the feeling to hide.

Confidence, chin up.

I take a deep breath before walking through the groups of people, not of them hiding the fact they are staring.
Slowly I make my way to the office, the papers in my hand already filled out for beginning school.

I wait- the woman at the front desk busy with a slender, tall, and very pale male.
I clear my throat- they obviously would not notice me otherwise, I hand the woman my papers and wait.

I glance to my side, catching very familiar ruby eyes on me.
Looking back to the old- plump woman I speak up, her smile easing the butterflies in my stomach.

"May I have my schedule?"

She laughs, shaking her head before handing me a paper.

"I'm sorry dear, I'd forget my head if it wasn't attached!"

I thank her before turning to leave, bumping into the male who hasn't stopped staring at me.

Before I shut the door to the office I glance back, his eyes staying on me.

"It's rude to stare"

Then I head off to find my class, thankfully this school is small- much like the little town it's in.

I walk into the class, checking in with the teacher to make sure I'm in the class I need to be.

"Yes, the new student- class! Well all who are here at the moment, this is our new student- introduce your self"

I nod- gripping the strap of my bag, I turn to the class before I speak.


"Hey- I'm Halo Legacy, uh- so I'm weird, queer, and I hate beer, uh that was stupid- I'm gotta just sit down now"

I trail to a low mutter before finding a seat in the back, as I was searching for a seat I noticed grey eyes watching me.

Is every guy here this rude?

People laughed and snickered, my cheeks warm from the embarrassment of that intro.
Soon the older man began to speak- but was cut off, the door swinging open as the guy from the office rushes in.

"Sorry- yell at me later, continue boring us!"

He laughs out as he sits, our teacher grumbles before going on.
His red eyes look to me with a smile, I just try to focus on what is being taught.

Them- focus on them.

No, I need to learn, go away!

I need to focus, not deal with this stupid voice in my head.

As the bell rings I can't help but jump, warm, and cold hands rest on me as two sets of rude eyes look down at me.


What do they want?


Chapter one edited, please enjoy.

I did my best to improve this chapter if any chapters go missing it is due to me editing them.

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