My Best friend's Brother

By JCoolie

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Michelle and Kylie are bestfriends. Nights spent at Kylies house painting nails and doing hair is one of Mich... More

My Best friends Brother
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14 (The Update)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17- But I love you
Chapter 18

Chapter 13 (This is an update!)

7.1K 183 31
By JCoolie

Michelle's POV:

Kylie picked me up from the hospital and brought me to her house. I was glad I didn't have Meniere's, but I would have to hold back on the dancing and soccer for awhile. Nick was so adorable at the hospital. He didn't want to leave last night but the doctor made him.

"Michelle!" Nick yelled as I walked into their house. He wrapped me in his arms. When we embraced I snuggled my head into his neck. I breathed in and just enjoyed his minty aftershave. Doesn't sound yummy, but it is.

"Ew, what the heck Michelle....?" Kylie said flopping onto her couch. I quickly shoved Nick away and sat next to Kylie. Blushing I replied,

"Sorry I'm just in a hugging mood."

"Okay well sadly I must go and help Bryan with this thing so I'll see you later." Kylie said walking out the door. I frowned. Okay, cool... If she had been in the hospital and just got out I would've spent the whole day with her.

"Now that we're alone..." Nick mumbled pulling me close to his chest. I smiled embracing his warmth. It's weird how I can know him for so long and feel nothing but this past month I randomly grew strong feelings for him. It never crossed my mind until recently how much I actually liked him. It's like I'm living some lame T.V drama. "By the way, everyone loved the dance. You were amazing baby girl." He whispered in my ear. I smiled and turned my head so I could kiss him softly.

"Did we win?" I asked looking into his big brown eyes. He gave me a smirk before saying,

"Of course we won. We were the best!" Nick kissed me again and I instantly tangled my hands in his brown, soft hair. I don't think I'll ever get used to his kisses. They were amazing!

For the rest of the day Nick and I decided that we'd cuddle on the couch and watch a bunch of movies. Kylie came back around ten and lucky for Nick and I we were in the kitchen cleaning up some spilled popcorn, not making out on the couch like we had been doing earlier.

"Michelle... I really need to talk to you." Kylie whispered looking scared out of her mind.

"Are you okay Kylie?" Nick asked looking at her. She nodded before turning around and heading towards her room. I followed her worriedly. Could she know about Nick and I?

"What's up?" I asked as she sat on her bed. Kylie pulled something out of  her pocket and held it out to me. I walked over to her and took what was in her hand. "Kylie.... No..." I whispered looking down at the object. Kylie suddenly burst into tears clinging onto me as she sobbed.

"I'm so scared." She whispered through her tears. I rubbed her back soothingly.

"These things aren't always right." I mumbled hoping this one was wrong. She sat up, looked me in the eyes, and said,

"Michelle, I'm late. I'm pregnant." And then she started crying again. I don't blame her though. Her life is going to totally change now if she keeps the baby. We were quiet for awhile before I asked,

"Did you have sex with Bryan?" She wiped her cheeks before shaking her head slowly. I let out a long sigh. Great, so the baby was defiantly Mitch's. She let out a long sigh, laying back on the bed placing her hands on her stomach.

"Now what?" She said still on the verge of crying. I laid back with her thinking of what to do. Kylie wasn't some slut. But everyone would call her that as soon as she started to show. Kylie can't even afford a baby! She's really in deep shit this time and I don't know if she can dig herself out of this hole she's in.

"You should probably start by telling Mitch and Bryan." I suggested looking over at her. Her eyes widened before she shook her head.

"NO! I don't care if this baby comes out looking just like Mitch, it's Bryan's baby." Kylie replied. I stared at her with wide eyes. She was really going to lie to Bryan about this? Have that kid grow up his/her life thinking that Bryan's it's Dad when really it could be Mitch?

"Kylie, no. You need to tell both of them and what happened. You have to live with the consequences of your actions." I said trying to talk some sense into her.

"I will... I guess... Eventually. Just, just don't tell Nick. Not yet Michelle." She pleaded. I opened my mouth to respond but nothing came out. Lie to my boyfriend to keep my best friend or betray my best friend to keep my boyfriend? Oh boy.


The weeks passed normally. I went to school. Then to dance. Then to Kylie's. And then had secret dates with Nick at night time. Everything was completely normal. No pregnancy problems, it's almost like she wasn't even pregnant. There also wasn't any problems with Aden either. No problems at all, until today that is. I rounded the corner of the hallway after dance when I saw Kylie and Mitch having a heated conversation. I turned back around and hide behind the corner eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Look, that baby isn't just yours! It's mine too. I'm the Dad Kylie, and I'm prepared to take full action in being there for it. We're in the same boat. You think I'm looking forward to telling my best friend I impregnated his girlfriend? You think that I'm excited to tell my Dad and Mom that I'm going to be a daddy at seventeen!? No. I'm not." Mitch snapped. So she told Mitch? Good. Now she needs to tell Bryan.

"You're not going to tell Bryan anything. This is his baby Mitch!" Kylie shouted back at him. I frowned. Kylie was being idiotic! Mitch was standing before her telling her he takes full responsibility for his child and she's blowing him off. Most guys would say 'Screw you, you slut' and not even care.

"You just told me you never had sex with him Kylie. He's not going to think he's the father of our kid, when you two didn't even have sex." Mitch replied. I nodded to myself. He's totally right and Kylie is being a bitch about this. I feel bad for saying that but she's just being so stupid!

"I did it with him last night Mitch... I'm just waiting to tell him now." Kylie said. WHAT!? She had sex with Bryan last night!? What the hell is she thinking!? She going to pin the baby on Bryan now?

"You're ridiculous. I didn't think you were a slut, but damn! When that baby comes out, Kylie, I am taking you to court. You can't take my kid away from me." And with that I could hear Mitch walking away.

"Mitch! Wait!" I heard her yell. I assumed Mitch turned around because Kylie started talking again. "Look, just, ugh! I'll tell him okay? I'll tell him that I screwed up and screwed his best friend and got pregnant. Okay? I'll tell him, just give me a couple days. I'm scared Mitch, I'm really scared."Mitch sighed.

"Kylie, I'm here for you and that baby. I promise to be the best Dad, okay? Let me know when you have a doctors appointment, because, I'd, um, I'd really like to go." Mitch said seeming very vulnerable. Kylie said something else that I didn't really catch and then started to walk my way. I turned the corner and when she saw me she said,

"I told him." I smiled and gave her a hug.

"Everything will be okay."

Short yes. But an update. And I know what will come for this story in the future so yay. So read on!

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