The Crucible: Fractured Souls

By inkflamewriter

636 24 20

"Would you like to play a game?" A single forum post on a website dedicated to the Fear known as Slenderman... More

September 13th, 2011: Would you like to play a game?
September 26th, 2011: Plans And A Disappearance

September 28th, 2011: Where is Dante?

68 3 2
By inkflamewriter

The first unfinished chapter I wanted to post. This is one of three scenes that will later be combined into one. Please excuse the swearing, this is why I labeled it PG-13, just to be safe. Enjoy!


September 28th, 2011

   Where is Dante?

Late in the afternoon, SERCH burst into the chat room for the first time, rather angrily. "Where the fuck is Dante?" When he was greeted by silence, he tried again. "Hello? What the fuck, am I talking to myself?" Finally, Pryex spoke up, saying "Well, he isn't here and we have bigger things to worry about." This only served to make SERCH even more angry. He glared at Pryex. "You can worry about what ever the fuck you want to worry about. All I want is to know if you people know where my fucking cousin is!" He started to pace, getting more impatient by the second. 

Shayde, who had been sitting quietly in a corner, decided to speak up, looking at Pryex for assurance that it was alright. "I don't know where he is now, but I know where he may be heading. Last I heard, anyway, which was a few days back." He paused, debating whether to say more. "Well? Where is the dumb fuck going?" SERCH demanded. Shayde sighed and relented. "The plans D made with RED. They were talking about the Empty City. D seemed determined to save RED, but what plans they made, I don't know. The City may have been involved, though, unless D got his ass in more trouble beforehand."

Devarin walked into the room as Kirsten nodded her head, confirming Shayde's words. He spoke up immediately. "Did you guys see Pseudo's Tumblr post?" Everyone looked up the post and stared at it in shock. There was a picture of Pseudomuse, lying on the floor in front of his open front door. Another person was holding a beer in front of the camera, but all you could see was his hand. The caption at the bottom was in binary, which Devarin quickly translated as "'sthatbeerioweyou.cheers!" 

SERCH broke the silence. "Look, I got a fucking call about three hours ago from Dante, waking me up. The shit apologized for all this stupid shit we fought over in the past, and then went on to call other members of the family. The last thing I heard from him was him telling he loved me like a brother." He paused, and Devarin interrupted "I'm sorry, who are you?" He ignored the question and continued. "I come to the fuck's house, and he's not here! The jeep is here. The lights are on. But ain't no one here! Now, where the fuck is my cousin, Dante?"

As soon as she was sure he was done, Kirsten turned to Devarin. "This is Coal Niccals. He's Dante's cousin." SERCH took a deep breath and smiled at her. "Thank you, sweet thing." Devarin nodded his understanding. Shayde spoke up once more. "Hell, I told you SERCH, the only thing we know is that he may be going to the Empty City, to sort shit out with RED." SERCH turned to Shayde, looking frustrated. "What the holy fuck is the empty city? You keep saying it, but I don't understand your fucking words!" Shayde looked back at him calmly. "Okay, you're CPIRA right? Look it up in your files." SERCH just stared at him blankly until he explained about the City. He sighed and repeated, "What the fuck has he gotten himself into?" After a few moments, Kirsten showed everyone a post on Dante's Tumblr that she had just found, entitled Signals. 

"If you are reading this, than that means I wasn’t at my computer to stop this from posting as was scheduled by the queue option. Which means only one thing: The signal that RED and I discussed has been posted on Pseudo’s Tumblr, and I have successfully entered The Empty City. I set this to queue after RED and I had our talk. This will be stopped before I get offline every morning. Unless the above event takes place. RED told me that RedRage wants to taunted me. The moment he decides to take Pseudomuse into The Empty City, he will post a picture. The only way for me to know that the photo is the correct one is this: it will have something referencing me and RED’s time together in New York. I will have little over an hour at that point to get into The Empty City, find the location described by RED and attack RedRage. This is a double mission for me. One mission is to save RED, and the other is to save Pseudo. I don’t know if we’ll survive. Though, me and RED both promised that whomever survived would post an account as to what happened for everyone to see. To ensure our loved ones knew we did our best to help someone. In case I don’t come back, I feel I need to say some things to specific people:

Kirsten, I’m sorry. I lied. I didn’t go to sleep. I was up all night. RED had told me the date he suspected everything to happen. This was it. I told CRUX I was going to sleep as well. I was getting things ready. Setting this up to post in case I was able to get into The Empty City. I would have only been able to stop this if I failed getting in. I made a rash decision and I don’t regret it. You’re wonderful. Smart and intelligent, and I hope you have a fine life. Sorry, again, if I don’t survive. CRUX… you’re a bastard. I don’t like you, and I don’t trust you. Though, right now, I’d have to say that if I die - I’ll surely miss you. To everyone else: I love you. You’re all such wonderful people, and the closest things I have to friends. Good-bye, and good night."

She looked away. "That confirms it, then." Shayde stared for a moment at what he had just read. "Damn D...." Suddenly, everyone heard an explosion of swearing. "Not again, this can't happen again. That fucking idiot!" Kirsten looked over at SERCH in confusion. "What do you mean by 'again'?" He looked at her with an expression that was an odd combination of anger and worry. The he said simply, "It's none of your goddamn business" and walked out.

Shayde sighed. "Well, he seemed and alright person, considering the circumstances." Kirsten nodded and looked away. "Yeah, he did."

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