The Last Time | Noah Foster FF

By Lilynoelle20

11.7K 152 13

Savannah has not been to Lakewood since the murders started. Her father took her out because he used to be fr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Tumblr Page
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Scream renewed or cancelled
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 7

382 6 1
By Lilynoelle20

             I looked over at Audrey and she was smiling with thumbs up and I knew that she was right. I hugged Noah he smiled into the crook of my neck then let me go and looked at me. I got a text and broke our gaze to see who it was, 'Where is daddy when you need him' I looked up and saw that they were all looking at the text, Jake pulled me close. "He's fine he is actually safe my dad was literally just talking to him." "Wait the killer did this last time to us he used voices we were familiar with to trick us." "Why though" "To make us think we were safe but really we were in danger." I looked down at the ground to look at me feet. "But people died instead, no one is going to make the summer and he said that it is because I want to know the truth. People are dying and it's my fault." Audrey looked up and made a small smile. "When was the last time you talked to Emma." "That is weird that they both say the same things" Noah said looking directly at me. "I wanna go home" Jake grabbed my hand and Noah grabbed the other and then grabbed Audrey's. "We walked into this together we will walk out together." Naoh said as we left the mall.

            Once we got home I saw that the door was open and a picture of my mom was on the counter. It was my mom and dad on their first date, I remember the picture anywhere but the thing was it was left on my mother's grave. My dad left it there because they had two one was my mother's and the other was my father's. My father's was still planted on the wall above the tv beside the picture of all of us together. I clasped my hand over my mouth as tears spilled out. I picked up the picture and blood was on the back. A letter fell off the back I held it up read it and dropped it. 'This was a good picture to bad they're all dead'. Jake picked it up and read it and handed it to the other two. "Savannah are you okay?" I turned around and began walking Audrey grabbed my hand and tried to get me to stop. "Where are you going?" "To find this sick creep who killed my parents." I left if Emma could figure out all this stuff so could I and the first place I had to go was to my grandmothers.

            Once I got there I walked in and closed the door behind me and then I locked it. I shut my phone off and sat it beside the door, they couldn't stop me from doing what I needed to do. I pulled one of my grandmother's filing cabinets open and pulled out all of the folders and sat down. If I wanted to figure anything out I had to read it all every last thing no matter what it showed. 'Rick's School Records.' I opened it up and started reading, he got suspended five times, all for fighting. He failed all of his classes and dropped out senior year. I picked up another 'Rick's Record' inside was a huge stack of papers stapled together. I pulled them out and began reading.

            Rick claims that someone is always following him and is out to get him. Girlfriend claims that he is always saying that they want to kill him and he think that she is cheating on him with this person. She also says that they can't go to places without him covering his face and saying that he needs disguises so that he doesn't die. Friend named Maggie claims that he is not crazy that her and other named Brandon have seen this person following him.

        Girlfriend talked with his mother and told her that he needed help so patient now sees us frequently because it is getting worse.

Wife says that he wants to give up child for adoption because she doesn't want her to die.

Who was following my dad? Why did he want to give me up for adoption and why did my mom swear he was crazy? Now that I know what happens in Lakewood I actually believe my dad so what was my mom hiding? I picked up another file and saw that this one was for a divorce. My mother was leaving my dad because he was crazy and wanted to give me up because she didn't want me and thought that I would be crazy with my dad. Why didn't my mom want me?

            I looked up from the file with tears in my eyes they were streaming down my face. I heard a knock on the door and then a voice. "Come on Sav let me in I hear you crying tell me what is going on. What did you find out?" After waiting a few minutes he spoke again "Please Savannah let me in I want to talk to you I want to know what you found out. Please just let me help you." I stood up my legs shaking so bad I could barely make it to the door. When I got there I unlocked the door and opened it. As soon as I did I left my body fall on him I let him hold me I was sad and scared. I was now all alone I had no one to be a parent for me anymore no one was there for me when I needed them. "What's wrong what did you find out?" Noah said stroking my face. "My parents were getting a divorce and my mom was putting me up for adoption. She said that my dad was crazy and she didn't want a child." "Savannah you don't know the circumstances..." "I don't really my dad was put into mental care and my mom was leaving him because he was crazy and I don't know the circumstances but I do." I stood up and wiped my face. "I have more research to do" I walked back through the door and closed it locking it behind me.

             After about two hours of reading more I stood up, grabbed my phone and walked out, and right past a puffy red eyed Noah. I walked all the way to Jake's I knocked once, twice, and then I fell into his arms. I told him everything and he never stopped listening or told me that I didn't know what was going on. "He is probably still there I walked right past him and didn't listen to him. I left him there to cry but he never left me to cry. Uggh I hate my life I never do the right things and apparently I never did..." "Stop that you always do things right, you just needed time to let things settle and get past the upsetness. You're perfect just the way you are I could never trade you for another cousin because I already have the best one ever." He said with his hands making them into a heart at the end. "Now what are you going to do after our little pep talk." "I'm going to find Noah and I know exactly where...' Noah was telling me a few days ago about he was starting this thing called 'The Morgue' it was going to be a podcast about the Lakewood six. I told him that it sounded great and that he should totally do it well he wanted Auds to be the first one. "...Audrey just posted on Snapchat a picture of her with Noah so that is where he is." "Go get him"

            After walking what felt like forever I was finally there I walked up the stairs and rang the doorbell. I ran it again and again and again but there was no answer. I looked up at his window there they were they were up there in his room. I knocked on the door several times no one answered. I couldn't climb his house there was no place to climb and get up there so I picked up a rock and started throwing them. He eventually came to the window and smiled when he saw it was me. If I had a boombox or wait my phone I looked up a song laughed and then put it in the air: And if you feel you're sinking, I will jump right over into cold, cold water for you. And although time may take us into different places. I will still be patient with you. And I hope you know I won't let go, I'll be your lifeline tonight, I won't let go, I'll be your lifeline tonight.

            He opened the window and laughed. "Of course you would come here playing that song by the Biebs." I laughed. "So like are you going to come down these stairs and let me in or am I going to have to break it down." "I'm coming i'm coming please don't break my door." After a couple of minutes he was opening the door and holding it wide open. "Come on in to my humble abode." I laughed and walked in running up the stairs after him and into his room.  

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