I Scream Boy |-/ Joshler

By spookyangelo

102K 7.8K 16K

Josh has worked at the local ice cream shop for as long as anyone can remember. Tyler wants to know just how... More

Maraschino Cherries
Yellow Like A Banana Split
With Sprinkles On Top?
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream
My Favorite Flavor Is Crazy
Sugar Cone Lips
Forest Fudge
Candy Leaves
Raspberry Syrup
Sweet, Sweet Secrets
Ice Cream Surprise
Peach Rose Sherbet
Sour Candy
Swedish Chocolate
Sweet Chili Pepper
Banana Split Decision
Carefree Creme Fraîche
White Chocolate Wedding

Rose Cone

4K 346 462
By spookyangelo

A/N: Just a lil bit of fluff to hold you over cause I'm working rn

Josh crouched low, dark eyes squinted as he focused on the man on the back porch. Flanked by two tall trees, he was observing the man.

The trees spoke to him in a low whisper, the Elfdarian language sliding into his ears like a harmony.

"Yes, this is all to keep him safe for the kingdom. You will have your prince, just give me a little more time." He replied in the same language, his tone low and slightly annoyed.

"You say that every time." Came a reply as the soft crackle of branches followed. Emerging from a tree in a blossom of peach and cream colored flower, his most loyal subject stood behind him.

Josh rolled his eyes but didn't look away from the hunter on the porch.

"Because that's all I need. Time to make this bastard vanish." 

The man, Tyler's father, heard the whispers and rose quickly to his feet, gun pointed at the tree line. His breath grew quick and shallow as he steeled himself to face what could possibly come from the forest.

"He's looking this way..." The flower warned.

"Hush, child. He can hear us."

Everything around Josh quieted. The trees no longer spoke in urgency and the flower assumed a position that made it look as if she was a simple plant.

Grunting, Tyler's father sat back down and rested his gun in his lap.

"I have to get back to my prince. I suggest you take your leave as well. Gå. Skogen behöver tenderar att."

He shooed them away, and they melted into the background with quiet shudders of their branches. Except the flower.

"Blomma?" He questioned, quirking a brow at her as she followed him deep back into the forest.

"I want to see your prince." She said simply. Darting from tree to tree as Josh walked between them, she kept her eyes on the forest prince.

"He's asleep at the house. I only left to watch the hunter for a short while, I must get back to him and I can't risk you waking him up."

"Please? The others tell me he is stunning, of beauty only heard in tales."

The flower fell to the forest floor and took a defiant stance in front of him, her hands clasped together at her breast.

Josh felt himself give in at the pleading eyes she was giving him. He sighed.

"Very well. But be quiet and only observe from the outside."

Letting out an overly excited squeal, she dashed back to the treetops and continued on their path back to the house.  

Before he went in, he told her, "Once you've have your fill, leave quietly. I wish to be alone in complete silence with him."

She bowed her head, an ecstatic grin on her face. "Of course."

He went in, sneaking through the house carefully and into the bedroom. Tyler was spread out, stomach down, and hugging a pillow close to his face.

Josh's heart melted at the sight. It was serene, just absolutely gorgeous.

He shed his shirt and crawled back in bed, his arms immediately winding around Tyler protectively. He had seen why his father instilled fear in Tyler's heart and now he knew he had to protect him with all he had.

Peeking over Tyler's shoulder, Josh saw the flower peering through the bleary old window with love in her eyes.

Making a hand gesture, spreading them out side by side as she smiled at them, a rose bloomed from her palms. Red like rubies. She sent a vine creeping through the small crack in the window and it grew in the space between the bed and the window.

The rose popped up at the end of the vine, which was right at the edge of the bed. Except it was different this time.

It was pitch black, dripping blood.

Josh gasped, stirring Tyler slightly in his sleep. He hushed him back to sleep and shot the flower a cold glare.

"I did not do that, my prince!" She said quietly, a look of shock crossing her face.

Sneering at the sight of the rose, he reached over Tyler slowly and let his fingertip barely brush the petals.

It didn't turn red this time, but a pure white. And it leaned towards the two of them, like a flower normally would to sunlight. 

Josh knew it turned black because of him, but changed to white with the love of Tyler running through his veins.

Settling back and holding Tyler close to him, Josh fell asleep. The rose remained all night, watching over them as it bloomed fuller and fuller.

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