Looney Lovegood ||Supernatura...

By GeekFanfiction1

160K 5.2K 313

"Your saying there's a whole witch community?" "Yep" "Sammy, hold me" Sixteen years after the war against Vol... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 10

7.5K 284 35
By GeekFanfiction1

Sam blinks, feel the coke run down his forehead and through the valley between his nose and his eye, giving the image that he was crying. Dean found this hilarious.

"Coke," Samuel said bitterly, grabbing his chuckling brothers napkin, wanting to keep his in case anymore spit of soda manage to magically fly his way. He wouldn't be surprised if it did, of course, manage to happen.

"Why is it so," Luna stops trying to find the right words, "So-"

"Your telling me that you never had a nice can of soda before?"

"Well, when you put it like that," the Brit crossed her arms, placing them on the sticky table and pouts her lips.

Dean couldn't help it, she seemed so innocent. One look at her and I looks as though she had never had a drop of alcohol. Yet with the amount of drinks she had piled up the day that he had met her, he could beg a differ.

He knew had to play the game that the demon was playing. It couldn't expect anything out of the ordinary, and both the brothers knew that.

It seemed so casual as the Winchesters and Luna talk as they eat together at the restaurant. Laughs and chuckling, snorting and lame jokes where passed around the three, so Luna was confused to why the hell she was walking outside with the brothers only for them to knock her out and for her to wake up with her hands tied to a large pole in the middle of no where.


The brothers where staring at her as she finally stirred. As she opened her eyes, they widened, seeing the Devils trap, and the fact that her hands seemed to be tied. Yet what pissed her of even more was seeing the Winchester brothers stare down at her.

It wasn't easy to make Luna angry, but at the moment, she wanted blood.

Luckily, her wand just happened to be placed in her boot today. Sadly, she couldn't get to it without being too obvious.

"What are you?" Dean asked casually as though it was a typical Tuesday. To bad it was Saturday.

The blue eyed girls eyes widen at this as she began to thrash around. They wanted to know about the wizard world? How did they know about it in the first place? Does this count as I dire emergency to us magic in front of muggles? Great holly spirit of Dumbledore, help me now.

"I have no clue what you are talking about," Luna plays stupid. If these muggles knew, how was there minds not erased by the American ministry?

"Don't be coy with us you demon scum."

"What a demon?" The blue eyed girl responded immediately as though it was instinct. She was always fascinated by new words and creatures, and as soon as someone happened to mention anything to the woman and she had never heard of, she had to ask. She gets it from both her parents.

Dean was impressed from how long the demon managed to hold her story together. He hopes that his brother had not been wrong about her most likely being a demon, not a angel. If they had been dealing with a angel the whole time, would it had just gotten loose by this point, and smite them?

Something smelt fishy, and it was not because the three adults are currently in a old sardine factory.

Or maybe it is.


Having asked the blonde more questions and only getting confused answers such as, 'The apoca- what?' and, 'Who would name there child Crowley?' That had earned a laugh from Dean before being elbowed by his brown eyed companion.

Having forgotten there tools in the Impala, Dean had gone outside to get them, while Sam watched the prisoner only to be caught up in his own thoughts.

Luna, having slid her feet backwards and moved her hands downwards in the most uncomfortable of positions, she had managed to grab her wand, before saying a quiet spell to loosen her restraints, waiting for the other brother to walk in.

"Got it," Dean slams the duffle bag down on the small, rusty metal table. This having snapped Sam out of his mind, and nodding his head at his Dean whom continued his speech, yet this time directed towards Luna, "You have one last chance to tell us everything you know."

Taking her silence as a no, he turns towards the tools, yet snaps back to the blonde, having heard her restraints snap. "Stop," Luna says, her voice shaking as she points her wand at them, standing up slowly, "I don't want to hurt you."

"What the hell are you going to do with a stick?"

792 words

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