Contrary - Zarry

By FluffyPieCaKe

8.9K 589 253

"I can't give you the life that you have ... I can't give you all the things that he can" More



1.3K 77 37
By FluffyPieCaKe

Alone in the dark, hole in my heart, turn on the radio
And the words fall out, but they got no place to go


Riding the subway is probably taking the same time that he'd spend in traffic anyway so he doesn't really care. He sold his car to pay for his mother's treatment and he doesn't regret it. It's not like it was a fancy car anyway, but it'd get him to any place that he'd like to go to and he didn't ask for more.

Now though, he'd occasionally get rides from his friends or simply take the bus or subway, whichever suits best.

His phone starts ringing and he picks it up sliding off the subway and into the street.

"Harry!" he puts the phone away from his ears. His friend is always so loud in such an early morning and he isn't up to it.

He slowly brings the phone back to his ears, "Morning to you too, Lou"

"Is that how you treat me nowadays? I'm very disappointed. I was about to tell you some good news but you already ruined my day, Styles! Guess I have to tell you the bad news first!"

"I'm friends with you, what's worse than that, that I can hear?"

"Ha ha. You're lucky you even have me as one" True though, he wouldn't argue. "Anyway ... Guess what?"

"Your work place got on fire so you don't have to go today, that's why you're annoying me right now?"

"No ... I wish though, that place was horrible ..."


"Yeah! I got fired!" Harry holds his laughter and bites on his lips. Louis is always the type to cause trouble, harmless ones though, but he does get in trouble and the fact that his boss couldn't take it anymore is fair enough considering he has to put up with The Tomlinson.

"Sorry" he still says it though, because Louis is a good friend, and being without a job sucks. He doesn't own that much savings considering that he comes from the same class as Harry.

"Nah ... I'm going to look for a new one soon, hopefully a place that would appreciate me" Harry chuckles, "But yeah, that's not why I'm calling you"

"Is it going to take a lot of time? I'm at the company now, Lou" he says opening the door and greeting the receptionist with a smile getting into the elevator.


"Then we'll talk later, I have the rest of the day free so just pick up whatever place you'd like to meet"

"Okay, okay. Talk to you later"

"Bye" he hangs up and heads to his desk. "Lots of paper work to do today" He sighs.


"You what?!"

Louis grinned, "Everything is set up! My friend works there and gave me a special discount"

"She's going to hug you till she squeezes you" Harry grins as well.

"Anything for my friends!"

"So, what about you? What about your job?"

"I applied for some fancy restaurant on the other side of the city, you know, where the upper-class bitches are"

"You would survive there?"

"Gotta do what you gotta do to earn your living" Louis shrugs.


"I need to buy this"

"You said that nearly at everything here" Harry whispered.

"Yeah, well. Obviously it's too expensive, I mean who cares about all of those programs that it has? It's just a washing machine!"

"Apparently you do" Harry mumbled.

"Shut up. Let's head to the other section" Harry is being grabbed by the arm but with a smile on his face.

His sister was getting married soon, and they needed to buy the necessities. They managed to buy a house, her husband owns a car too, everything is almost settled. Louis got them a discount for the honeymoon hotel they're staying at, and Harry was giving up his savings as well for them. But she was his sister, he'd do anything for her.

His sister starts to look around and Harry notices a man struggling with one of the washers, apparently trying to get it to shut down or something. There is no one around to help the poor guy so Harry sighs and walks towards the man. He simply pushes a few buttons then unplugs it.

"I don't think anyone noticed, so you're good" Harry smiles.

The man releases a sigh of relief, "Thanks" he smiles back at Harry. He's wearing a hoodie that's covering his hair, but some manages to fall on the side of his face. The sleeves go past his knuckles but the size isn't too big on him. He's wearing glasses but Harry could make his big hazel eyes behind them. "My friend left me here to do something and I honestly have no idea how to operate this thing ... I don't have it in my house so ..." he trails awkwardly and coughs.

"It's okay" Harry says slowly. The guy doesn't seem to be from this part of the city. Something about him seems ... just not from here.

The guy looks back at Harry and smiles, "I'm Zayn by the way" he extends his hands and Harry shakes it.

"Harry!" his name is being shouted by his sister before he gets a chance to reply, "Oh! I didn't know you were with someone, a friend?" she looks at Zayn who shrugs.

"Hopefully?" he smiles making Harry chuckles softly.

"We just met" he tells his sister.

A man runs to Zayn's side, "Okay, all is done, let's go"

Zayn turns and waves as he goes away, "Been a pleasure to meet you!"

"Stop staring" his sister whispers making Harry roll his eyes.

"You're done?" he asks instead.

"Yeah, I guess I'm going to take this one" she points at one of them and Harry nods.


Subway isn't bad. It's just a bit crowded and standing there for a long ride is going to be a pain in the ass. He thinks of plugging his earphones when he spots a familiar face. He walks between the people and slides next to him.

"Hey" The guy looks up and he doesn't have his glasses this time allowing Harry to see his eyes clearly. His eyelashes caught his gaze though, they were very long, Harry thinks he's one of those people that put make-up and that he's having probably a mascara on.

Zayn smiles widely, "Hey"

"What stop do you get off at?"

"The end of the line"

Harry raises his eyebrows, "You live there?"

"No, but I'm meeting a friend there"

Harry nods, "Well, we still have a plenty of time then" he smiles and Zayn narrows his eyes at him but shakes his head with a smile afterwards.

"Yeah" he says quietly.

They keep talking through the whole ride, and Harry asked for his number which he gave but didn't have Harry's back. He didn't pick his phone out of his pockets saying that it's already out of power. He also got to know that he doesn't have any sort of social media claiming that it's just a waste of time, and that he didn't like it, but promised to text Harry back.

He knew that he's living at another part of the city which he didn't say exactly where but Harry didn't push him further, giving him his privacy. He also learned that he has a flat mate, and he works at a hardware store that he also didn't mention a name for it and Harry completely understood, he might be embarrassed, even if he didn't look like it. He was more nervous if Harry would put a word to Zayn's responses.

He was also single, which Harry did take a note of. His family lived far from him and he'd occasionally visit them. He also learned that Zayn likes this part of the city more than his own, and that he had many friends here to visit.

They eventually got off, and Zayn took a different route bidding him goodbye.


Harry did try to focus on his work instead of texting Zayn. He was funny, smart, cute, and yes, Harry did check him out so yeah, it brought a smile on his face every day, so why not?

He's glad that Zayn doesn't text him too late or too early. He told him that his job starts at 8 am and ends at 2 pm and he likes to keep his time to his work, so he doesn't text nor call. He also seems to sleep at almost 11 pm or midnight because that's when his texts stop.

He'd occasionally put Harry on hold for too long then apologizes that something happened with his flat mate or something like that. Harry didn't really think much about it.


Zayn seems to enjoy just walking around the city streets with no specific place to go, so Harry just accompanied him. He'd told him about himself, what he does for a living, even talked about his family hoping that Zayn would open up more but he didn't.

They pass a silver Nissan GTR and Harry low whistles, "That's a beauty" then there's you, but he doesn't say it.

Zayn only gives it a quick glance and a nod then continue walking like it doesn't matter.

"Not your type?" Harry asks.

"Not exactly ... It's a nice ride but it just ... I dunno ... too fancy"

Harry looks at him, "You don't like fancy stuff?"

"Not really ... What can you do with all of it? I mean, yeah they're nice and all, but it's just ... It doesn't really matter ... like, theses stuff just doesn't make you happy. I don't get why people are so interested in them"

Zayn turns to face Harry when he stops, and with his face in the street's dim light, he still shines bright in Harry's eyes. He really wants to make a brave move and ask him out or something but even if Zayn doesn't belong to the fancy class, he still looks like a gem reserved inside a glass box with a 'Do not touch' sign on it.

He is different -Harry noticed- from all those people he'd met before. In a good way. But Harry doesn't make a move, it'd be too early and he'd like to keep Zayn for as long as possible. And even though if Harry would flirt sometimes and Zayn would flirt back, it'd be for a short moment and then Zayn would be back to his normal self acting like it's a usual thing. So Harry doesn't make a move. He smiles and continue walking with Zayn till it's that time that he's going again.


Zayn met Harry's sister. She was sweet and funny and he liked her. It somehow ended up with her dragging him to a wedding dress' store.

She kept trying on some stuff, and to her surprise, Zayn was actually an expert. He'd help her pick up the right dress that suits her body type and he'd suggest to go to another store when nothing catches his eyes.

They end up in some brand store, and Zayn picks up a very beautiful dress that got her swooning on her spot. She soon noticed the price tag though and dropped it.

"Zayn, that's too expensive!" she whisper shouted, making sure the staff didn't hear her.

"So? Just try it on" he whispers back with a smile.

"Then what? I'm not going to buy it and they obviously know that" she glances at the staff member smiling at them almost forcing that smile out for the job.

"They can't force us out of the store for no reason. Just try it on, it'd be really good on you"

She sighs taking the dress and walking towards the dressing room.

The dress was fabulous she wanted to steal it. She stood there admiring the dress for a while, and Zayn praised how good she looked in it which made her sadder that she can't have it.

"Ugh! Life is so unfair!" She whined.

"True" Zayn agreed quietly.

She sighed, "Can you like ... take a picture of me in that? At least I'd have a memory" she chuckled.

Zayn did so, with her posing for the photos as if they were for her wedding day.

They didn't buy the dress with a lame excuse to the staff that she simply didn't feel comfortable in it.


"Guess what?"

Harry's sister gave Zayn a puzzled look with the package in hand, "What? You're moving in with Harry?"

Zayn furrowed his brows, "Um ..." he started blushing, "No" he said quietly biting on his lips. "Anyway" he shakes his head, "Remember that dress you tried on that day and you really liked?"

"Which one? I liked too many dresses" she chuckled but soon turned to a gasp once Zayn pulled the dress out of the package along with matching shoes, "Zayn! ... How did you! ... I can't! That was too expensive!"

"Calm down, my friend started working there just a few days ago and something happened at the store and ended up in this" he flipped the dress to reveal a small cut that isn't even visible and can be fixed with no traces, "The manager got upset, saying his clients wouldn't like something ripped, and that he'd lose his reputation so he threw it away. Mt friend got it and she handed it to me once I told her about you, the shoes are a gift for your wedding, and I won't accept no for an answer!"

"OH MY GOD!!" She screamed and hugged him tightly until he's begging for air, "I love you I love you I love you" she pressed a kiss to his cheek and Zayn chuckled pulling away.

"I've never said it so ... Congratulations. I hope you have a happy life"

"Oh my gosh" she started crying, "No wonder Harry is so hooked on you" Zayn blushes at that and clears his throat awkwardly. Then after calming her down, she thanked him again and they parted ways.


"When's the wedding?"

"First, don't talk with your mouth full. Second, I don't even know if he's feeling the same way" Harry sighed.

"Oh come on, Harry!"

"Just drop it. I don't want to ruin what we have at the moment, which is pretty nice, so just drop it"

His sister rolls his eyes at him, "By the way, where the hell is Louis? I haven't seen him in like ... two weeks. He isn't being his annoying self which is scaring me a bit"

Harry laughs, "He's doing fine, just got a new job is all"

"That restaurant?" His sister asked, completely astonished.

"Yeah, doubt he'd make his first month, but he seems fine. Mature even, if I had to say"

"Seeing all those classy people must drive him insane ... twice a day"

Harry chuckles, "He'd be fine"

"Anyway, make sure to ask Zayn for a dance at my wedding. I want to see some cute pictures when I look back at the album. Saying it now because I may not see any of you on that day"

"Dumping us already?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"I've got eyes for my husband only" she flutters her eyelashes, "But I'm serious!" she says sternly, "I honestly want to see you happy, and he makes you happy" she smiled softly at him, and Harry smiles back.

"Yeah ... He does"


Now, I'm searching for trust, in a city of rust
A city of vampires
Tonight, Elvis is dead, and everyone's spread
And love is a satire

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