Your gonna miss me when I'm g...

By sophie_29091

33.4K 522 46

There is a life threatening accident after regionals and it might be too late to undo mistakes. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 3

1.3K 22 1
By sophie_29091

I just want to thank everybody that has supported my decision to rewrite this story. I hope that it is better than before. Please review as I really like knowing what you think of my stories and your opinions mean a lot to me. Anyways, here's the next instalment...

The taxi slowed by the cross roads. Beca idly stared out of the window to her left. After everything, she was tired. Not just physically, but mentally. She was tired of trying. Just when she had started to reconsider moving straight to LA she was brought back to reality and realised that she had to go. There was nothing for her here.

The lights changed to green and the cab slowly began again. Beca watched as the truck that had been approaching from the left never slowed down. Beca's mind was slow to react when she realised what was happening. She never got time to even warn the cab driver.

The truck smashed into the left side of the taxi. Beca's side. She could smell the engine fumes from the truck as she felt the car crumple against her body. The car door folded around her left leg and arm, crushing them. Beca would have cried out in pain but her chest contracted painfully as too much pressure was placed on her torso and she felt the sickening crunch of her ribs breaking. The car window shattered and exploded into the car. Beca felt the shards cut her face and body through her Bella's uniform.

As the truck hit the taxi, the car crumpled around it before spinning off to the left. The cab flipped several times. Beca, in her fury, hadn't put on her seatbelt and was thrown around the inside of the cab, smashing her head the window opposite. Instantly she blacked out, unaware of the cab flipping into the ditch in the side of the road and landing on its roof with her sprawled there, bleeding and broken. The wheels of the cab were still spinning as the truck skidded to stop, finally coming to a standstill in the middle of the road.


The Bellas were approaching the crossroads when they saw the remnants of a car accident. A yellow cab bumper and glass were strewn across the road. To the right, there was a truck stopped askew.

Fat Amy slowed the bus to a stop. Aubrey got out and walked over to the truck with Chloe. They found the driver's door open and no sign of the driver.

"Hit and run?" Chloe asked.

Aubrey had a bad feeling inside. Where was the other car? She shook her head in confusion at the redhead.

"There's a car here!" Stacey yelled. They looked back and saw the leggy brunette pointing into a ditch. Chloe, being the med-student walked in front. When the two captains got to the scene, they could see the damage.

The cab was on its roof, the wheels still turning. The windows were smashed and the left side of the cab was crumpled. Aubrey had her phone out in a second. She rang 911 whilst Chloe, Amy and Cynthia-Rose cautiously entered the ditch. The approached the driver's side and looked in. he had been strapped in and was upside-down. His eyes were wide open and his breathing was coming out in short bursts.

"The emergency teams will be here in five minutes" Aubrey said, approaching them.

Chloe knocked gently on the window to alert the man of her presence. His eyes flew to her. She saw as relief flooded his features.

"There's a girl in the back!" he yelled. Other than the shock, he had managed to escape the worst of the impact.

Chloe and Aubrey moved to the back doors of the cab. The window was broken and the two captains looked in and saw a small figure lying there.

"What do we do?" Aubrey asked. She wasn't studying medicine like Chloe, preferring to read law instead.

"I'm not sure." Chloe answered honestly. "If we mover her, then we might be causing her more damage, but we need to know whether or not she is alive or not."

"Bring her out, but slowly." Cynthia-Rose decided.

The girls nodded and Aubrey, being the tallest, slowly brought the girl out from the car. She was still face down so Aubrey gently turned her over.

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