My Twilight! (ON HOLD)

By RileyBrooks

735K 14.7K 4.7K

An incident changes Bella Swan's life forever, forcing her to uproot her life in sunny Phoenix and move away... More

Chapter 2!
Chapter 3!
Chapter 4!
Chapter 5!
Chapter 6!
Chapter 7!
Chapter 9!
Chapter 10!
Chapter 11!
Chapter 12!
Chapter 13!
Chapter 14!
Chapter 15!
Chapter 16!
Chapter 17!
Chapter 18!
Chapter 19!
Chapter 20!
Chapter 21!
Chapter 22!
Chapter 23!
Chapter 24!
Chapter 25!
Chapter 26!
Chapter 27~

Chapter 8!

33.7K 615 223
By RileyBrooks

I hope you like this chapter. I am sorry I haven't updated lately, I have been really busy with Christmas just around the corner.


Bella P.O.V-

The rest of school passed quickly and I ran out of my gym class to find Edward leaning against the wall of the gym. He smiled at me as I walked over to him slowly. He reached out to me and grabbed my face in his hands, leaning down and kissing me softly. He leaned back after a second or two of this and grabbed my hand, leading me out of school and to his car where I saw Emmett and Rosalie standing next to his car waiting for us. As soon as Rosalie saw us, she skipped towards us, smiling brilliantly. As soon as she reached us she grabbed my arm and started dragging me towards the car quickly.

"Come on Bella, we need to get you ready for your big date with Edward tonight," She said enthusiastically.

"You are not helping me get ready!" I told her exasperatedly, "I already know what I am wearing."

I jumped in the car quickly while Rosalie was processing that information. She and Emmett got in the back while Edward jumped in the driver's seat.

"I can still help you do your hair and make up," Rosalie said defiantly.

I sighed reluctantly, "Fine!" I said, looking over at Edward.

Edward was smirking at my uncomfortableness (is that even a word?) so I hit him on the arm, making his smirk turn into a full grin. I mumbled profanities when Edward pulled up to my house and Rosalie got out of the car. I sighed as I kissed Edward goodbye and got out of the car to face Rosalie. I turned and waved as Edward accelerated his car and took off around the corner. I walked up to my house and unlocked the door. I gestured with my hand for her to enter and closed the door once we were both inside. I walked up to my room quietly, I was giving Rosalie the silent treatment for annoying me so much. She must have finally got annoyed with me so she grabbed my shoulders and forced me to look at her.

"Why are you giving me the silent treatment? Is it because I forced you into letting me stay with you? Come on! Stop being such a child!" she yelled at me exasperatedly.

I flinched away from her before replying, "I just don't want to make too big-a-deal of this. Also, I have been warned to stay away from Edward," I admitted quietly.

I heard Rosalie's intake of breath before she started firing questions at me, "What!? Who told you to stay away from Edward? When did this happen?"

"Well, this morning, the principal asked me to join him in his office and told me that over the weekend some kids had graffitied all over the gym walls," I saw Rosalie giving me a questioning look and I gave her a silencing look before I continued. "All of them said, 'Bella! Keep your filthy hands off of him!' I told Edward and he muttered something about a Tanya and that she has a crush on him and all that. He told me to stay away from her but I don't even know her. Do you?" I asked her.

I saw her stiffen as she heard my words, " Are you sure he said Tanya? What colour was the writing?" she asked, firing questions at me, faster then I could blink.

"Yeah, I am sure he said Tanya. The writing was blood-red. Why?" I asked confused, why did the colour matter.

"That is Tanya's colour," She said, she saw my confused look and started to explain it to me, "Tanya has bullied all of Edward's previous girlfriends, which was only three in six years, anyway, every time Edward went out with someone, Tanya would suddenly appear and start bullying the poor girl," She said, "Your the only one of Edward's girlfriends that I like, by-the-way," she said smiling at me tightly.

"I am , uh... not Edward's girlfriend. We are just really good friends," I told her, looking at my clock, "Oh my god! I only have half an hour to get ready, quick help me," I asked Rosalie frantically, causing her to laugh at me.

I glared at her and showed her where all my make up and hair stuff was before running into the shower. I took the world's shortest shower and jumped out to blow dry my hair. I tousled it up a bit and added hairspray. I liked the messy tousled look. I remembered, too late that I hadn't brought any clothes in here with me. I wrapped my towel around my body tightly before peeking around the door.

"Um... Rosalie, I didn't bring any clothes in here with me. Could you please close your eyes?" I asked Rosalie nicely.

She looked up at me from where she was playing with my make up and looked at my hair with satisfaction, "Keep your hair like that. Okay, I am closing my eyes now, tell me when I can look again," she told me sincerely.

I quickly ran out of the bathroom and grabbed panties and a matching bra. I quickly pulled them on then slid my long, black ripped skinny jeans and my white see-through tank top over top. I pulled a short, cropped dark blue, off-the-shoulder top on over my tank top. Lastly, I slipped on my wedged black, two inch high ankle-length boots.

"Okay, you can look now," I said, posing as Rosalie opened her eyes.

"Oh my god! You look hot!" Rosalie said enviously.

"No I don't," I argued back, "Now, what are we going to do for my make up, oh wise one," I laughed, bowing slightly.                                                                                                                                          

Rosalie giggled and sat me down on the edge of my bed, "I am going to be giving you a black, smokey eye with dark blue hints to go with your top, black mascara, some foundation, blush and light pink lipstick," Rosalie told me, dabbing some foundation on my face.

I sighed and closed my eyes, knowing better than to argue with Rosalie, "So, where is Alice? Why isn't she helping you get me all dressed up for the date?" I asked Rosalie, opening my eyes.

"She and Jasper are having a 'special' night if you know what I mean," Rosalie told me cheekily, winking at me.

I shuddered, "I did not need to know that Rose!" I yelped.

She cracked up laughing so I glared at her, effectively shutting her up. I closed my eyes again and relaxed, waiting for her to finish.

"Okay honey, you are all done and it looks like Edward is here," Rosalie told me, her voice getting quieter as she walked over to the window, "Oh! He got you roses!" she said, adoringly.

I got up off of my bed and joined her at the window. Edward was getting out of his car with a bouquet of blood-red roses in his hand. He ran a hand through his hair and swallowed loudly before walking up to the door. I quickly turned and checked myself out in the mirror. I couldn't believe it was me standing in front of the mirror. I turned to Rosalie with my mouth gaping, she chuckled at my expression.

Downstairs, Edward finally knocked on the front door. I turned to Rosalie and she walked downstairs in front of me to oped the door. I waited until I heard them greeting each other until I walked down the stairs quietly.

Edward glanced at me when I descended the stairs and his jaw dropped, I dont know why, I didnt look that pretty. He held his flowers out and I flinched. He noticed this and frowned, Rosalie must have too because she grabbed the flowers that I still hadn't grabbed and took them into the kitchen. I smiled apologetically at Edward and yelled out goodbye to Rosalie. She quickly ran back into the room and Edward held out his keys to her. I was driving to the movies and dinner then Rosalie and Emmett would come and pick Edward up afterwards.

We walked out to my car quietly, I couldn't talk, the blood-red roses reminded me of the threats I had been getting. I had found a note in my locker after lunch and it was the same colour and held the same type of threat. It said, 'Stay away from my boyfriend or I will hang you!' I hadn't told anyone yet but it was kind of creepy.

I stepped into my car and waited until Edward did the same before I started the car and reversed down the driveway and onto the road quickly. I wanted to get to the movies before Edward started questioning me about what had happened in the house. Unfortunately I had no such luck because a couple minutes into the drive, Edward opened his mouth and started talking.

"What is wrong Bella? Are you allergic to roses? Do you not like the colour re... Oh! Bella, I am so sorry, I forgot about the vandalising this morning," Edward choked out.

"It is alright Edward. But, I was talking to Rosalie about it and she said that Tanya only targets your girlfriends, so I was wondering why she was messing with me? We are just friends," I asked him confused.

He stiffened, "Uh... Well, Bella, I don't think that friends go around kissing each other. I thought you were my girlfriend," Edward mumbled the last part.

"What!" I shrieked, turning to face Edward. He shrunk from my glare but started smirking once he thought I wasn't watching. I tightened my hands around the steering wheel and pushed my foot down on the gas pedal harder.

"Why are you so anxious about all of this Tanya business. You weren't concerned about it this morning," Edward asked curiously.

"Um... Well... N-nothing happened. Why would you think that?" I said lamely.

He laughed, "Isn't it kind of obvious," he chuckled at me.

"Fine. Well, um.. after lunch when I was at my locker. I found a-a note in my locker and it said, 'Stay away from my boyfriend or I will kill you!' It was nothing, it just shook me up a bit," I told Edward reluctantly yet sincerely. I looked over at him to see him clenching his teeth.

"It is alright Bella, I will protect you. I won't let anything hurt you ever," Edward told me sincerely, "Do you trust me?"

"I, uh... yes, I guess I do. What about you? Do you trust me?" I fired back in return.

"Of course I do," He said without hesitation, causing me to smile.

"We are here," I told him as I drove up to the place where we would be dining that night. We had decided on the restaurant, Cobber Smith. It was one of the better places to dine in Seattle. We got out quickly and Edward steered me towards the front desk with a hand at the small of my back.

We walked up to the desk and a bored looking 18 year old looked up at us, her eyes widened as she took in Edward. She smiled flirtily at him and batted her big, fake eyelashes.

"Hi, is it a table for two or are you meeting people here, do you have a reservation?" she asked him, leaning forward and pulling her top down a bit.

"Just a table for two please," He asked the girl nicely.

"Okay, just this way Mr..." she said, walking off to the busiest part of the restaurant swaying her hips a lot. She led us to a table and I was about to sit down when Edward answered her.

"Edward. Can we please get seats somewhere more... private?" He asked politely, not even looking at her.

"Uh, sure," She said, smiling at Edward.

She led us off to another area in the restaurant which was, this time, a lot quieter with less people, "Is this more to your liking?" she asked.

"Yes, this is good thank you," He said, pulling my seat out for me before walking around the table for his own.

"Your server will be out in a minute," the girl said, winking at Edward before walking off.

"So..." I started but got cut off when our server came out of the kitchen doors. I watched as she walked towards us, swaying her hips in a seductive manner.

"Hi, my name is Jamie and I will be your server tonight," she told Edward, turning her back to me. "Here is your menu, have you chosen what you would like to drink yet?" She asked Edward, completely ignoring me.

"Bella?" Edward asked me.

"I will have a, coke?" I said, but it sounded more like a question.

He chuckled, turning back to the server, "Make that two cokes please," He said before looking back at me and making the server scowl at me viciously. She walked away unsatisfied as Edward didn't glance her way once.

I smiled to myself at the girl's antics. If only they knew what he really was, I thought to myself.

"Why are you smiling at me like that?" Edward asked, alarmed.

I grinned full-out at his alarm, "No reason, it's just... Haven't you noticed all of the beautiful girls throwing themselves at you this whole time?" I asked in genuine curiosity.

"What girls?" He asked confused.

I laughed, but stopped as our server came out with our drinks in her hands. She walked up to our table, smiling seductively at Edward. I rolled my eyes when she got to our table and excluded me again.

"Here are your drinks. Have you decided what you want to eat yet?" Jamie asked Edward, twirling a strand of hair around her finger.

"Yes we have, thank you. Bella?" Edward asked me, watching me cautiously.

This was a test, to see if I would pick something big to eat. Hm... I scanned the menu quickly, "Can I please have a chicken schnitzel with plain gravy and salad," I asked politely, looking at Edward.

"And I will have a, uh... I will have the same as Bella," He told the waiter nervously.

"Would you like anything else with that?" She asked him suggestively.

I rolled my eyes and grinned at Edward while taking sips of my coke. Jamie glared at me fiercely and I started laughing and choking on my coke. Jamie muttered out a bad word at me quietly before walking off. I kept laughing and eventually Edward joined in as well. We stopped laughing when a very disgruntled Jamie walked up quickly with our meals. She gave them to us and walked off just as quickly. I smelt my tea and started digging in to get it over with as quick as possible. I saw Edward looking at his tea with a slightly disgusted look on his face before he grabbed a chip and tentatively put it in his mouth.


We finished in no time and Edward signalled to the waiter to bring the check to our table so we could go. She bought it over immediately and Edward pulled his wallet out and slipped a bill in before rising gracefully. I rose as well and grabbed my jumper. We walked away from our table and I quickly turned around to wave bye to Jamie. She glared at me and I laughed at her before catching up to Edward and grabbing his hand, entwining my fingers with his. He chuckled and led me out of the restaurant in silence.

By now I had figured out that this date was sort of like a big test. So far I had passed the first test, eating a big meal in the resturant without hesitation. Even though it did disgust me a little bit. Ew! I thought to myself.

I came back from my thoughts as I heard Edward clear his throat amusingly. I looked over at him and saw that we had reached the car and he had the passenger-side door open for me.

"Are we going to the movies or are we going to spend the rest of our night standing here?" He asked teasingly.

I smiled, "I was just wondering why you opened the passenger door for me? I thought I was driving?" I asked back cheekily, "Or do you just want the chance to drive my awesome car?"

He sighed dramatically, "You caught me, I just want a chance to drive your 'amazing' car!" Edward told me.

I laughed, "In that case, go ahead," I told him, pulling the keys out of my pocket and throwing them towards him. I watched as his hand shot out to grab them quickly and smiled before sliding into the car. I watched as Edward walked around the front and slid in next to me. I zoned out as he started the car and instead of talking decided to turn the radio on. It came on, on my favourite station, 107.1 and fortunately my favourite song at the time was on. I started singing along to it loudly in my bell-like, silky voice. Not long into the song I noticed Edward kept on sneaking glances at me. I turned to face him fully to confront him about it.

"Why do you keep on sneaking looks at me?" I asked self-consciously.

He laughed, "You have an amazing voice, have you ever considered going on singing shows or entering in talent quests or anything?" He asked me, politely.

"No, I haven't," I answered quickly.

"Oh... Well you should," He told me, put aback by my forward, defensive tone.

"No thank you!" I snapped at him, leaning forwards and turning the radio up as another one of my favourite songs came on. Edward frowned at me slightly before turning back to face the road. I sighed but ignored him.

"We are here, Bella" Edward's voice cut through my mind and brought me back from my thoughts.

"Okay," I replied, getting out of the car.

Edward grabbed me and pulled me towards the cinema gently. We walked in and all of the guys in the cinema turned to look at me. I smiled at them flirtatiously and walked up to the counter with Edward.

"Hi," I said to the teenage boy at the counter. He looked up at me in shock before his look turned to one of admiration. His eyes roamed up and down my body hungrily before Edward cleared his throat angrily.

"Can you stop staring at my girlfriend like that," He said, exasperatedly, glaring at the boy until he shrunk back in fear. I grinned.

"Can we please have two adult tickets to see Vampire Mayhem," Edward said in a tight voice.

"Uh, sure," The boy said nervously, getting us our tickets and ringing up the total at the cashier, "That will be... 14 dollars."

Edward passed a twenty to the guy and led me away towards the drink stand. We got our drinks and walked into the cinema that our movie was showing in. We walked in just as the movie was starting and we found seats in the middle of the cinema.


"That movie was ah-may-zing!" I yelled at Edward as we got in the car after the movie, "It was kind of scary but I loved it! Imagine if vampires actually did exist? That would be amazing!" I said, passing the second test easily.

Edward started frowning and I tried to read his mind but I found it blocked to me. I frowned, he must take a certain tea to block his mind. He certainly is paranoid.

Edward pulled out of the parking lot, still frowning slightly. He turned onto the road back to Forks and soon enough we were out of Seattle and on an old road halfway back to Forks. There were no other cars or houses around and no signs of civilisation anywhere. The silence was finally getting to me so I turned in my seat to face Edward.

"Edward?" I asked, waiting for him to look at me before continuing, "What is wrong? You have seemed off ever since the movie," I asked him worriedly.

He was about to reply when I saw a sleek silver Jaguar speeding towards us in our lane, "Edward! Look out!" I screeched, pointing towards the car in front of us.

He turned to face the front and swerved the car into the other lane so we passed the car unharmed. I heard the noises of tyres screeching and turned to look out the back window of my car and saw the car speeding towards us again. They caught up to us and came up beside us, keeping us on the wrong side of the road. Edward tried speeding up and slowing down but the other car copied his movements exactly, leaving us trapped. The car started moving towards us slightly, forcing us off the road. Keeping up with the human facade, I started screaming out in terror. The other car kept turning towards us and suddenly bumped into the side of the car harshly, pushing us off the road and making us spin out of control. Our car headed straight towards a tree and Edward stomped on the breaks hard. The car slowed slightly but not enough and we crashed head-first into a tree. My head slammed forwards onto the dashboard and I didn't have an airbag there. Still with my human facade, I cried out in pain and used my powers to put cuts and bruises all over my face. I heard Edward yelling out my name and I raised my head slightly to see the Jaguar speeding off gracefully, I turned my head to the side and saw Edward ripping my door open. He pulled me out and sat me on the grass.

"Are you alright, Bella? Did you see what the person in the other car looked like?" He asked me worriedly.

"I am fine, thank you Edward. What about you? All I saw was strawberry blond hair," I told him helpfully.

His face paled, "What is wrong? Are you alright?" I asked quickly, concerned.

He recovered quickly, "Nothing is wrong. I am fine. It was your side of the front that hit the tree, not mine. Anyway, I had an airbag," He said, pointing towards the airbag that was protruding from the steering wheel.

"Come on, let me clean your cuts up," Edward said, pulling his shirt off.

I gaped at his abs and six pack. He has a nice body, I thought appreciatively. Edward cleaned up my wounds and in the end we both had a reasonable amount of blood on our faces, tousled hair and our clothes were wrinkled up.

Suddenly I started laughing. I saw Edward looking at me worriedly but I ignored him, laughing harder still, "This has been the strangest date ever! I am never going to forget this date!" I laughed.

A couple seconds later, Edward joined in, and we laughed together for a little while before Edward held his hand out to me, "Come on, we had better get going," He said gently, "The car will be alright to drive, it just has a dent and some broken lights. You can get them fixed tomorrow, I will pay."

I shook my head, "No way. My car, I pay," I said, getting in the car with him.

Edward reversed the car and started driving back to Forks slowly. He held my hand on his thigh while I sang along to the songs on the radio.


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