I'm Straight, So Why Do I Wan...

By myheartscontent

7.9K 181 49

Zander Chase has been friends with a girl named Chris for a few years but not once has he been told anything... More

I'm Straight, So Why Do I Want To Kiss You So Badly? (BoyxBoy)-ON HOLD!!!

7.9K 181 49
By myheartscontent


I stepped into my best friend's backyard following the sounds of laughter. I smiled when i saw Christina running away from a guy who was trying to catch her and the football she held clutched to her chest.

She made a quick turn trying to throw him off but he easily plucked her up, lifting her off her feet, making her squeal with laughter.

"Liam put me down!" she cried, her face turning red from laughing so hard.

I stepped forward, catching her eyes. "Zander!" she called waving at me like a maniac. Liam turned to look at me, his dark eyes meeting mine. He was very good looking, with dark brown almost red hair that was styled messily on top of his head.

From what i could see by the way his white shirt fit his chest i knew that he was well built and toned just right for his body type, muscular but also lean. he stood at about 6'3" only 2 inches taller than me.

I had to admit there was something about him that made me slightly uneasy. I just had to find out whether it was a good type of uneasy.

"Hey Chris!" I smiled, turning my attention back to the red head in the guys arms. She easily slipped out of his hold and bolted over to me, jumping onto me, her legs wrapping around my waist and her arms circling around my neck in a tight embrace.

I laughed hugging her tight. "How you doin squirt?" i murmured, kissing the side of her head affectionately.

"Better now that the two most important guys in my life are here" she laughed, dropping her legs and moving to stand by my side.

"Who's this midget? You’re boyfriend?" Liam chuckled, sauntering over to us, the football in his hands.

I turned to look at him and shook my head. "Nah, I’m just a friend" I smiled.

"My BEST friend" Chris added jabbing me in the side. Liam and i both chuckled. "I'm Zander, and you?" I asked, reaching out for a handshake.

"Liam, Chris's older brother." he nodded, taking my hand and giving me a firm shake. I felt sharp tingles shoot up my arm from where we touched. I ignored it and smiled.

"Older or younger?" I frowned, letting his hand go. He chuckled, tossing the pigskin from side to side. "Older by a year."

"Cool. Are you going to be attending Bishop?" i asked. Liam and Chris both started laughing. "What?" I frowned looking at the two of them.

"I’ve been attending Bishop for the past four years, i just took an extended summer" Liam chuckled. I felt heat flood my cheeks. "Oh." I mumbled embarrassed.

Chris laughed nudging me in the arm. "It’s okay Liam you can't be a speed boat and a genius at the same time." she giggled.

"Oh hardy har har" I grumbled ruffling her hair. "Speed boat?" Liam frowned. "I'm on the swim team, Chris thinks that I’m the fastest swimmer on the team so she calls me speed boat" I chuckled. I grunted in pain when Chris’s hand connected with my stomach. “He’s just being modest. Speed boat is the fastest swimmer on the swim team. They don’t give gold medals to the guys that come in second last.” She muttered shooting me an annoyed look.

“Unless they changed the rules of the game and now everything is backwards. Where winning is losing and loosing is really winning.” She laughed grinning widely up at her brother before turning her head and sticking her tongue out at me. I reached over and ruffled her hair knowing how much she hates it when I do that. “Very funny Chris” I chuckled when she batted my hand away and tried in vain to smoother her hair back down to its original position.

"Nice, I never actually would have pegged you for a swimmer" he smiled. "What about you? Do you play on any of the school teams?" I asked curiously.

"I'm the captain of the football team. Michael’s was standing in for me while I was gone." I nodded in understanding.

Chris suddenly clapped her hands together. "Zander you wanna play some ball with Liam and I?" she asked looking at me hopefully.

"I don't really play" I chuckled. Liam tossed the ball to me without warning I managed to catch it at the last second. "Don't be afraid pretty boy, I won't hurt your pride..too much" he winked, turning on his heel and sauntering over to the opposite end of their backyard.

"It’s not my pride that I’m worried about!" I called after him. Chris giggled from beside me. "You know what to do right?" she asked. I nodded. "I know how to play football squirt" I grumbled making her laugh and put her hands up in surrender.

"Okay okay I’m just making sure" she smiled. I handed her the ball and waited for her to pass it to me.

"Ready!? Hut! Hut!" she shouted, running forward along with me. Zander came running forward heading straight for Chris. She smiled and when he was close enough to her, she threw the ball over to me. I caught the ball and sprinted off, laughing when I slipped past Liam.

Not a second later I felt hands grab onto my shoulders and yank me to the ground. I rolled landing underneath Liam, his hands somehow ending up wrapped around my wrists with my hands pinned above my head and his legs straddling me.

"Not so fast on dry land are you?" he chuckled, his eyes burning into mine. i rolled my eyes at him, moving to get up when i realized he was still holding me down.

"Can I get up now or should I just stay right here?" I chuckled. Liam stared into my eyes like there was nothing else in the world except me. I shivered at the intensity behind his stare and became very aware of the rise and fall of his muscular chest pressed to mine and the weight of his body sitting on opposite sides of my waist, not to mention the very hard bulge digging into my hipbone.

I was momentarily caught off guard by the feeling of him pressed so intimately against me but before I could actually confirm if it was what I thought it was he shifted his hips so that they were hovering right over me, no longer touching. Though he didn’t make any move to get off of me entirely. A look of...lust? seemed to burn in his gaze as his eyes travelled over my face noting every little line and spot on my face, but as soon as I had seen it, it had disappeared, and he was gone.

I let out a heavy breath, one I hadn't realized I had been holding. "Nice try speed boat" Chris laughed, looping her arm around her brother’s waist. I sat up nodding as I got up off the ground, brushing off my black shirt and dark blue jeans.

After a few more rounds of me ending up on the ground we headed in to their house for refreshments. My clothes were covered in dirt and grass stains from how many times I had been tackled.

Chris passed me a glass of Ice tea before she looked at me. "Here give me your clothes, your mom will kill me if I send you home looking like you went through world war 3" she giggled, motioning for me to give her my shirt.

I chuckled, placing my glass down and lifting my shirt over my head before I stepped out of my jeans emptying the pockets of my wallet, keys and phone.

"Here give me yours too" Chris turned to her brother. He rolled his eyes before he too pulled his clothes off leaving the two of us in nothing but our boxers.

"Do you want a shirt?" Liam asked, moving to leave. "Uh...sure" I nodded, watching as he left, his back muscles rippling as he walked.

For some odd reason I felt my eyes drifting farther south to the sway of his hips and the curve of his ass. I had to say Liam looked really attractive from all angles. I almost bit my lip as I stared at the thin fabric of his boxers cupping and molding to his backside as he took every step.

When I realized what I had been doing I jerked backwards mentally slapping myself when I realized that my heart was racing within my chest after practically eye screwing Chris’s brother as he walked away. I shook my head, raising my glass and finishing off the last drop of my drink. Must be something in this drink Chris gave me. I wonder if she spiked it or something?

Not a few minutes later Liam came back down from his room a shirt and jogging shorts already on and another pair in hand.

"Here" He breathed throwing me the shirt and shorts. I caught them with ease, nodding my thanks before I turned around, putting my back to him.

I stepped into the shorts first before I rolled the soft fabric of the shirt in my hands, pulling it over my head. I suddenly felt hands on my back and automatically stiffened at the contact.

"Where did you get this?" Liam whispered his voice incredibly soft. I sighed, my eyes closing as i felt his fingers dance over the light pink scar that stretched from the center of my back to my right hip.

Tiny little sparks of electricity ran up and down my back where his fingers drew over. "Boating accident" I murmured, beginning to feel a little uncomfortable with Liam standing so close behind me. I pulled the shirt on fully, letting it slip down over my back covering my scars from view.

One by one I felt Liam's hands slip from my back, his slight hesitation made me believe that he was reluctant to do just that. "How did it happen?" he murmured, his voice sounding a little off.

I turned to face him, my eyes meeting his. The expression he wore was hard to read but his eyes, his eyes said everything he felt. I felt my body tingle slightly as the look of concern and sadness swirling in their depths.

"I was at the beach with my dad when it happened. I was only 11" I started, surprised that I was telling someone other than Chris my story. " My dad and I had this little competition where we would wade out into deep water where we could dive and challenge each other to see how far we could go before we had to come back up for air." I sighed running a hand through my hair as I thought back.

"He always said to me that if he would win he would buy me an ice cream." i smiled crossing my arms over my chest.

"And what would happen if you lost?" Liam prodded, listening curiously. "He'd still take me out for ice cream" I murmured, looking down at my feet.

"My dad could dive 20 ft on a single breath. I was never able to go that far, but that day I had managed to swim 2 ft deeper than him. It felt so good to win that time. To get an ice cream not because my dad loved me, but because I had earned it, and on my own terms as well." I smiled thinking back on that day that my life changed forever.

"As I was coming up for air a boat just happened to be passing over head." I added my smile dropping off of my face. I faintly heard Liam suck in a sharp intake of air.

"I didn't see it and before I knew it, I was under it. I never even had a chance to avoid the propellers. I don't really remember the pain or what happened afterwards. I just remember waking up in hospital a month later." I sighed, shrugging lightly.

"Does it ever hurt you when you...over exert yourself?" he asked his voice filled with pain.

I let out a chuckle shaking my head. "The doctors said I'd never be able to swim, let alone walk ever again. Look at me now" I said motioning to my two legs, ignoring his question.

"What are you guys talking about?" Chris sighed, walking back into the kitchen. "Nothing in particular" I breathed glad for the change of subject.

"Cool, you guys wanna play Xbox?" she smiled. I shrugged glancing at Liam. His eyes were still trained on me his brow furrowed in concentration.

"Liam? Liam!" Chris called slapping her brother in the chest. He jumped, breaking out of his stupor. "Mmm?" he murmured looking down at Chris.

"I asked if you wanted to play Xbox with Zander and I?" she laughed shaking her head.

"Oh. Yeah sure, not like I have anything better to do." he smiled.

"Sweet! I call the blue controller!" she shouted, turning and bolting it to the gaming room.

"I call the red controller!" Liam and I both shouted at the same time. We looked at each other in surprise before we both jumped forward and ran, both of us trying to get to the gaming room first.

I laughed when I bumped into Liam in the narrow hallway. "I'm gonna get there first!" I taunted pushing myself faster.

"You wish tadpole!" Liam chuckled, speeding up as well. We both ran into the room at the same time, Liam's arms grabbing hold of me and dragging me to the ground.

I burst out laughing when I ended up on top of him, and easily reached forward grabbing the red controller that was just a foot in front of where we had landed on the ground. Chris was busy looking through the mountain of games that they had stalked in a cabinet ignoring the two of us.

"WINNER!" I crooned, holding the controller above my head in celebration. Suddenly I was rolled to the side, Liam rolling on top of me, his body once again pinning mine to the ground. "Cheater!" I chuckled trying to keep Liam's hands off the controller.

"We’ll see about that!" He murmured with a smile, his voice incredibly husky. He grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head before he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine.

I froze, my whole body going rigid when Liam kissed me. I had never kissed a guy before so this was an obvious first. But from the experience I had with other girls, Liam definitely knew what he was doing.

His lips felt as though they were burning me, making me squirm for more. Slowly I felt my eyes fall closed, my lips shyly beginning to move along with his. A soft growl escaped his mouth in appreciation, his warm breath washing over me and making me release a shaky breath as his lips closed over mine again.

“Have you guys stopped bickering like a bunch of old ladies or do I have to get my cane and beat some sense into the two of you?” I heard Chris call.

The sound of her voice seemed to knock some sense into me. I shoved Liam off of me and got up quickly my cheeks burning a bright red at getting caught.

But when I looked up at Chris she had her back to us, her eyes trained on the T.V. as she set up the Xbox.

I felt a sense of relief wash over me but that didn’t make me feel any better about the fact that I had just kissed her brother…and liked it.

I could still feel the weight of his gaze burning into my back making me feel anxious and hot at the same time.

Suddenly the room felt too small, too confined. I needed to get out there and fast. “C-Chris I gotta go” I breathed, trying to appear nonchalant.

She turned around, her eyes filling with sadness and her lip slipping out into a pout. “But I thought you could stay!” she whined, making me smile.

“Change of plans squirt. I’ll kick your ass another time” I smiled winking at her playfully. She rolled her eyes. “Puh-lease! I could beat you with my eyes closed and my arms tied behind my back” she boasted, raising her chin up in a defiant manner.

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. “Yeah, whatever you say squirt. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I smiled. I was glad that I had managed to keep my eyes from straying back to Liam, but at the moment I had no choice.

I glanced at him and felt my cheeks heat automatically just remembering the feel of his lips pressed to mine.

“Liam.” I nodded as a goodbye, keeping my gaze from meeting his before turning to leave. I didn’t know if I could manage anything else if I stayed in that room any longer.

As I exited their house I mentally slapped myself as my mind continued to replay the kiss Liam and I had shared. “What are you doing Zander?!” I murmured under my breath shaking my head as if that alone would erase my memories.

Deep down, I knew that something was going to happen soon that would change my life forever, and I had a feeling that Liam was going to be a big part of that change; I just didn’t know it yet.


Hey guys! This is a new story that I’ve started and I just wanted to see what you guys thought of it! So if you like or wish to just comment you can






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