Hating the player- One shot c...

By Sky-burst

319 16 3

Dedicated to xThePineappleGirlx This is my ending of the book. As I loved the ending written by xThePineapple... More


319 16 3
By Sky-burst

It has been five years ago that Melody didn't wake up anymore. I knew I had to let go, even though she was the person who made me smile and I finally thought I'd be happy with.
And I was happy, I really was. I've never thought that I'd ever get the chance to be happy again. However the time I could spent with her made me happy. And I only could leave her go because I knew she was happy with me too.
It took me time to get along with the pain but I knew it wouldn't bring her back even if the pain destroyed me. And I knew that she wanted me to move on.

So I tried to fix my life and the first thing I did was getting better at school. I studied medicine and now I spent my life with cancer research. The only thing I can do about her death is trying to rescue others from this pain.
This was the only way for me to show that her death wasn't meaningless.

Moreover, I knew I needed the help the others who loved Melody just like me. They lost their daughter, sister and best friend. She was the only thing we all had in common. Nevertheless, she was wrested from our life by this horrible disease. Now we hold together, every Sunday we are meeting for brunch. If someone needs help, we call each other. The time which was left in high-school I spent with Jess. Than and I started to play squash, we got very close. He wanted to hold on to the nicknames they had so he calls me Son. Maria and Ting Tong got closer too and I could call both somehow my mothers since both take care of me.

Today it's the wedding of Jess and Jackson. They finally got together and have been happy. First, I thought he's going to play with Jess and I got upset. I threatened him if he's going to hurt her feelings, I would kill him, even though he was my best friend Jess was like a sister to me. But then it turned out that they were perfect for each other. Jess was beautiful in her white dress. She wanted Than and me to get her to her future husband. Her father first protested but then he said he was okay with it.
Over the years I tried to teach Than and Jess Spanish. However they where awful students. While we were heading to Jackson, Than said: "Es un bocadillo maravilloso. [It's a wonderful Spanish sandwich.]" giggled and asked: "Isn't marriage called una cola[...a dick]?" "Sois estupidos, es una boda maravillosa! [You guys are stupid! It's a wonderful marriage!]", I mumbled furious. They just had a laughter as respond.
For dessert we had Ting Tongs well-known cupcakes. Jess didn't want a marriage cake she said cupcakes are better than cakes. But I knew she did this for me. Every time we have cupcakes it reminds me of my cupcake, Melody. Sure she never left my mind but still.

The whole party was beautiful and I just thought how it would be with Melody. However, I would never get the chance to marry my dream girl, my soulmate, my one and only. Nonetheless, I was happy since I got to knew her.

I looked up to the sky. The night was full of stars. Somewhere up there is Melody's star. I believe in that, whenever someone dies there will be another star up in the sky. Just like my parents are up there in form of a star. They are always there even though they aren't always visible.

This is the story of Melody. Melody's and mine. Finally I wrote it down even if Melody thought she wasn't worth a story. But she was. This is the story of a girl who lost the battle against the cancer. She was a normal girl and she was happy. She was a case nobody things of. All of the people think about the horrible things like terrorism. But nobody remembers the normal cases. The cases of which so many people suffer in the world.

The story doesn't have the normal happy endings. We had to move on and make the best of our lives. The pain hurt us but the battle wasn't lost. We didn't leave it to destroy us. Now we're here and look up together to the sky.

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